LA :: Volume #7

#677: portable is bringing Small Black Tortoise

Your treason and heresy, the ungrateful domestic animal, lets loose Kuang'er quickly! Really the heaven made me become blindly your father!” Ximen Ye two blood red, big mouth panting heavily. He has practiced the person in martial arts after all, suddenly will pull his person to shake completely, bellows to plunge Yang Aotian. Yang Aotian vision one cold, the right foot welcomed him to kick superficially, separated to empty him tramples to fly 56 meters far, fell down cannot crawl again, several guards startled helped up him. “你个大逆不道,忘恩负义的畜生,快放开狂儿!真是老天瞎眼让我成了你父亲!”西门野两眼血红,大口的喘着粗气。他毕竟是练过武功的人,忽然将拉扯住他的人全部震开,大吼一声扑向杨傲天杨傲天目光一冷,右脚迎着他轻描淡写的踢出,隔空将他踹飞56米远,倒在地上再也爬不起来,几个守卫惊慌的将他扶起。 Father...... Do you also match to be called as the father? Cruel shakes own daughter both legs, and also dares to say the father the person who the wife and children expel the main house gate!? Expelled since us from you main house gate that day, my family member on only remaining Mother and Ruoruo, but you, anything was not!” A Yang Aotian face satire visits him, is similar to is looking at base and low ants. “父亲……你也配称作父亲?一个残忍的把自己女儿双腿震断,并将妻子儿女赶出家门的人也敢自称父亲!?从你将我们赶出家门的那一天起,我的亲人就只剩下妈妈若若,而你,什么都不是!”杨傲天一脸讽刺的看着他,如同在看一个卑微的蝼蚁。 Ximen Ye struggles the standing body, anger is shouting to clear the way: „The girl has the hate to the Kuang'er heart, truncated the Kuang'er three fingers to make him lifelong disabled, I destroyed her both legs to be light.” 西门野挣扎着站直身体,怒喝道:“那丫头对狂儿心有怨恨,削断了狂儿三根手指让他成为终身残废,我毁她双腿已经是轻的。” Sneering of Yang Aotian ridicule: You also say the father in vain, your this once worked as the Ruoruo several years of father's person not to understand her disposition really!! She an ant is not usually cruel enough to stamp, how with no reason at all chops the finger of Ximen Kuang, you are listening to me, that is because past this domestic animal wanted to rape his own Younger Sister...... Ximen Ye, you heard did not have, this was your good son!” 杨傲天讥讽的冷笑:“枉你还自称父亲,你这个曾经当了若若十几年父亲的人难道真的不了解她的性格吗!!她平时连一只蚂蚁都不忍心踩死,又怎么会无缘无故的去剁西门狂的手指,你给我听着,那是因为当年这个畜生想要强奸他的亲妹妹……西门野,你听到了没,这就是你的好儿子啊!” You talked nonsense! Kuang'er he, although short temper, but is impossible to make this matter! If is really this, how you can not say in the past!” Shaking all over of Ximen Ye air/Qi. “你胡说!狂儿他虽然脾气暴躁,但绝不可能做出这种事!如果真是这样,你们当年怎么会不说出口!”西门野气的全身发抖。 „Do you believe that was unimportant, we had not said in the past are because you because has abandoned the Ruoruo both legs rashly, our three people experienced suffering preemption in Ximen Family, to leave Ximen Family looks after Ruoruo, our enduring willingly humiliation has not disputed. What your this Patriarch works as is really sorrowful, these know person nobody who truth dares to tell the truth with you unexpectedly.” “你相不相信已经不重要了,我们当年没有说出来是因为你因为不由分说废了若若的双腿,我们母子三人在西门家受尽了排挤,为了离开西门家照顾若若,我们甘受屈辱没有辩驳。你这个家主当的真是悲哀,那些知道真相的人居然没有一个人敢和你说真话。” Ximen Ye fierce turning the head looked that usually treats to these in Ximen Kuang person, discovered that their vision such as the frightened general twinkle moves aside, nobody dares to look at each other with him. 西门野猛的转头看向那些平时待在西门狂身边的人,发现他们的目光如受惊一般闪烁躲闪,无人敢与他对视。 Hasn't Ximen Ye suspected really? Naturally does not have, although he is not liked Yang Xiruo that gives birth to by maidservant Yang Ru, but her delicate good Ximen Family clan is known to everybody up and down, how also to injure Ximen Kuang for no reason. But he desirably this issue is not being thought by himself in Evasion, the vision of these people make him understand, fact that since he has evaded real. 西门野真的没有怀疑过吗?自然没有,他虽然不喜欢由侍女杨茹生下的杨夕若,但她的柔弱善良西门家族上下无人不知,又怎么会无故伤西门狂。但他在刻意的回避着这个问题不让自己去想,那些人的目光让他明白,他一直以来逃避的事实都是真的。 Was stepped on by Yang Aotian stubbornly in Ximen Kuang of under foot almost did not have struggling, in the mouth to send out pitiful low to breathe heavily unceasingly: Saves me...... The father, saves me......” 杨傲天死死踩在脚下的西门狂已经几乎没有了挣扎,口中不断发出凄惨的低喘:“救我……老爸,救我……” Thump, during all people are shocked, Ximen Ye unexpectedly fierce kneeling down, a face entreated: Aotian, was my past shame to you, but the Kuang'er thousand faults, he after all was your Elder Brother, moreover you had destroyed him couple days ago in game all, made entire Ximen Family lose seriously, was this insufficient?” 扑通”一声,在所有人震惊之中,西门野竟然猛的跪下,一脸哀求道:“傲天,是我当年愧对你们,但就算狂儿千错万错,他毕竟是你的哥哥啊,而且你前几天毁了他在游戏里的一切,也让整个西门家损失惨重,这样还不够吗?” Suffices? Hahahaha......” Yang Aotian exudes the pitiful laughter, the complexion changes into the fearful fierceness instantaneously: You may know, he was expelled in us soon after makes the person kill my mother by car, you may know, he made the Nalan Family person get down Soul Absorbing Insect to Ruoruo, if were not she is rescued at the final moment, Ruoruo has also been killed dead! You may know, he brings people to dig up my mother's grave, then has sprinkled the bone ash, and me...... Kills while still alive!!” “够?哈哈哈哈……”杨傲天发出凄惨的笑声,脸色瞬间换成可怕的狰狞:“你可知道,他在我们被赶出不久之后让人用车撞死了我母亲,你可知道,他让纳兰家的人对若若下了吸魂蛊,如不是她在最后时刻被人所救,若若也已经被害死了!你可知道,他带人将我母亲的坟墓挖开,然后洒了骨灰,并将我……活活打死!!” Yang Aotian said one every time, the Ximen Ye complexion pale several points, the Ximen Family person also all has a big shock, this cruel incomparable Eldest Young Master, unexpectedly brutal to this degree. Ximen Ye is pointing at Yang Aotian with the hand, exclaimed sadly: You made false accusations, Kuang'er was absolutely impossible to make this inhuman matter!” 杨傲天每说一句,西门野的脸色就苍白几分,西门家人也无不大惊失色,这个残暴无比的大少爷,竟然惨无人道到这种程度。西门野用手指着杨傲天,悲吼道:“你血口喷人,狂儿绝对不可能做出这种灭绝人性的事!” Ximen Kuang both hands make an effort struggles, in the mouth exudes stuffily snort/hum as if to dispute. The Yang Aotian under foot makes an effort again, lets him is a blood spouts. Isn't willing to believe? You ask them, asks that actually their you favor the big outcome since childhood is a how good son!” 西门狂双手用力的挣扎起来,口中发出一声声闷哼似乎想要辩驳。杨傲天脚下再一用力,让他又是一口鲜血喷出。“不愿意相信是吗?那你去问问他们,问问他们你究竟从小宠到大的究竟是一个多么好的儿子!” By the Yang Aotian finger/refers these at that time by the trusted aide who Ximen Kuang took away, facing the Ximen Ye blood red vision, shaking the head that they hurried, if this matter said that their fates will be quite without doubt pitiful. Their denied vigorously lets Ximen Ye ruddy complexion several points, but immediately, in them a person stands, clenches teeth saying: Second Young Master said completely real.” 杨傲天指到的正是那些当时被西门狂带去的心腹,面对西门野血红的目光,他们慌忙的摇头,这种事情如果说出来,他们的下场无疑会相当凄惨。他们的极力否认让西门野脸色红润几分,但马上,他们之中一个人站出,咬着牙说道:“二少爷说的全部是真的。” Small seven, you...... You dare to falsely accuse my Kuang'er.” Ximen Ye is pointing at him with the hand, ray that both eyes project the hatred. “小七,你……你敢诬陷我狂儿。”西门野用手指着他,双目射出怨毒的光芒。 Is called the young seven person bodies shrinks, but the look immediately becomes firm, he has not spoken, but puts out a model of somewhat obsolete cell phone, and opened an excerpt. 被称作小七的人身体一缩,但眼神马上变得坚定,他没有说话,而是拿出一款有些陈旧的手机,并打开了其中的一段录音。 „...... Has dug to me the grave of this cheap person, then pries open the coffin, I must come to dig the grave today to raise the ash!” “……把这个贱人的坟给我挖了,然后撬开棺木,我今天要来个掘坟扬灰!” „...... Hahahaha, Yang Aotian you came finally, today plays, if did not have you too to be senseless......” “……哈哈哈哈,杨傲天你终于来了,今天游戏如果没有了你就实在太无趣了……” „...... Is very painful, wants to kill me very much? Hahahaha! This is the fate that and I oppose!” “……是不是很痛苦,是不是很想杀了我?哈哈哈哈!这就是和我作对的下场!” „...... Calls me, hits......” “……给我打,往死里打……” „...... You have not eaten meal! I come personally......” “……你们都没吃饭吗!我亲自来……” Final of sound recording, is iron rod heavily wields hits the sound and Yang Aotian pain the stuffy hum/snort on physical body. 录音的最后,是铁棍重重挥打在肉体上的声音和杨傲天痛苦的闷哼声。 Ximen Ye such as was found time all strengths, weak sitting falls down, both eyes does not have the appearance again, seems not willing to believe the present fact. The Ximen Family domestic servant and guard occur simultaneously all alarmed and afraid, looked that has been full of some loathings and fears to the Ximen Kuang vision. He is not a person, but is a genuine domestic animal. 西门野如被抽空了所有力气,瘫软的坐倒在地上,双目再无神采,仿佛怎么也不愿相信眼前的事实。西门家的家仆和守卫无不是惊惧交加,看向西门狂的目光充满了厌恶和些许恐惧。他不是一个人,而是一个真正的畜生。 I am a person, did not have to be inferior to the domestic animal inhumanly. That time was compelled to do that matter by Eldest Young Master, since I for a long time almost daily have had the nightmare. Today can say, I have selected finally comfortably, how Patriarch punishes me to receive.” Small seven grip tightly that cell phone saying that the pale complexion starts restoration slowly to be normal. “我是人,还没有灭绝人性到畜生都不如。那次被大少爷逼着做了那件事,我这么长时间以来几乎天天做噩梦。今天能说出来,我心里总算是舒坦点了,家主怎么责罚我都受着。”小七紧握着那个手机说道,苍白的脸色开始慢慢的恢复正常。 I...... I did not intend to tell the lie, I did not dare, Eldest Young Master sent for killing two madames, harms Eldest Young Lady, went...... These we know, but we do not dare to say! Otherwise not only we must die, our family must die. Because my previous girlfriend had a liking for by Eldest Young Master, deceives deceitfully her, she could not bear the humiliation to commit suicide...... But my anything could not do, because I was impossible to fight Ximen Family!” One of Ximen Kuang trusted aides weeps bitterly was saying. “我……我不是有意说假话,我是不敢啊,大少爷派人去撞死二夫人,去害大小姐,去……这些我们都知道,但我们不敢说啊!不然不但我们要死,我们全家都要死。我的上一个女朋友因为被大少爷看上,将她骗奸,她受不了屈辱自尽了……可我什么都做不了,因为我不可能斗得过西门家啊!”一个西门狂的心腹之一痛哭着说道。 We did completely the misdemeanor with Eldest Young Master, although we do not think, but we did not have the means that otherwise we are impossible to feel better, the Eldest Young Master murder never blinked......” was a person is holding painful saying, received front two people infection, he has been ready for any sacrifice finally, hopes that Ximen Kuang died in light of this, making them extricate. “我们跟着大少爷做尽了坏事,虽然我们不想,但我们没有办法,否则我们不可能会好过,大少爷杀人是从来不眨眼的……”又是一个人抱着头痛苦的说道,受了前面两人的感染,他总算是豁出去了,更希望西门狂就此死去,让他们解脱。 Heard, you were the good son who you raised!” Yang Aotian has turned around, Ximen Kuang that is dragging the ground suffocate departs...... Nobody stops, including Ximen Ye. He such as screened out the soul, dispirited sitting down exhausted there. Has been busy the development of Ximen Family, he until today knows the eldest son who he loves is what kind of person. “听到了么,你这是你养的好儿子!”杨傲天转过身,拖着地上已经奄奄一息的西门狂离去……没有一个人阻拦,包括西门野。他如被抽走了魂魄,颓废的瘫坐在那里。一直忙着西门家的发展,他直到今天才知道他所宠爱的大儿子是怎样一个人。 When the Yang Aotian form disappears from his line of sight, he at present one black, faints on the ground, the domestic servants helps up him hastily, is at a loss looks at other side. 杨傲天的身影从他的视线里消失的时候,他眼前一黑,晕倒在地上,家仆们连忙把他扶起,然后六神无主的看着对方 First delivers Patriarch to return to the room, I shouted that Second Patriarch and Third Patriarch come back.” The old steward sighs woefully, today's accident comes was too sudden. But by the behavior of Ximen Kuang, even if implicates entire Ximen Family to encounter the scourge not to be overrated. “先送家主回房吧,我去喊二家主三家主回来。”老管家哀叹一声,今天的变故来的太突然了。但以西门狂之所为,纵然是连累整个西门家遭到天谴都不为过。 Above the upper air, was grabbed to float by Feng Xiao in airborne Xiao Tian lightly sighed: Aotian only killed several people to strike awe, then carried off Ximen Kuang, has not injured to entire Ximen Family, perhaps, he is worried you to bring anything to puzzle to the eldest child.” 高空之上,被风逍抓着浮在空中的萧天轻叹一声:“傲天只杀了十几个人扬威,然后带走西门狂,并没有伤到整个西门家,或许,他还是担心会给老大你带来什么困扰。” Feng Xiao shakes the head: No, that is because Death God did not represent not to have the human nature, he knows that all hatreds the roots were Ximen Kuang, but was not entire Ximen Aristocratic Family. If he is ruthless, he and Ximen Kuang what strange/different? Even if he became Death God, change friendly natural disposition. Heh, if I, I will certainly carry including the land for building Ximen Family.” 风逍摇摇头:“不,那是因为死神并不代表没有了人性,他知道一切仇恨的根源都是西门狂,而不是整个西门世家。如果他赶尽杀绝,那他与西门狂何异?即使他成为了死神,也改变不了善的本性。嘿,如果是我,我一定会把西门家连地皮都端了。” The Xiao Tian side said excessively: On the other hand, tomorrow...... Eh? The eldest child, how your pocket has a turtle unexpectedly!?” 萧天侧过头说道:“话说回来,明天……?老大,你口袋怎么居然有一只乌龟!?” Xiao Tian extends the right hand, pinched the neck to carry the small turtle with the thumb and index finger directly. Feng Xiao stares obviously, is secretly depressed: How also to give to carry over it...... Before unexpectedly had not discovered. 萧天伸出右手,用拇指和食指直接将小乌龟捏着脖子拎了起来。风逍明显一愣,暗暗郁闷道:怎么把它也给带出了……之前居然一直没发现。 This only small turtle hatches in Monster Refining Pot, was thrown into Small Black Tortoise in pocket by Feng Xiao conveniently, no one has noted it actually together to be brought along with Feng Xiao. It that was raised may not have facing the Feng Xiao good nature, has not struggled, then the body trembled fiercely. 这只“小乌龟”正是在炼妖壶里孵化,然后被风逍顺手丢进口袋里的小玄武,谁都没有注意到它竟然随着风逍而被一起带了出来。被提起来的它可没有面对风逍的好脾气,没有挣扎,然后身体猛的颤动了一下。 Transmits from the hand vigorously, shakes the right hand wrist of Xiao Tian directly to be dislocated, the bone of thumb and index finger was shaken stiffly, Xiao Tian exudes one to shout miserably, after letting go, small turtle straight falling down. 一股大力从手上传来,震得萧天的右手腕直接脱臼,拇指和食指的骨头被硬生生震断,萧天发出一声惨呼,松手后小乌龟直直的掉了下去。 Looking fierce of Xiao Tian pain, Feng Xiao rapid hand according to arriving above his palm, quickly restores his right hand such as beginning. Xiao Tian scratches the cold sweat that was just sore, saying that has a lingering fear: That small turtle, what Monster is its its its it?” 萧天痛的龇牙咧嘴,风逍迅速将手按到他的手掌之上,很快将他的右手恢复如初。萧天擦擦刚刚疼出来的冷汗,心有余悸的说道:“那个小乌龟,它它它它是什么怪物?” Feng Xiao just about to speaks, suddenly under hears a huge trembling sound, will shake the eardrum to thunder in Feng Xiao and Xiao Tian of upper air. 风逍刚要说话,忽然下方传来一声巨大的震颤声,将远在高空的风逍萧天都震得耳膜轰鸣。 In the process that Small Black Tortoise this humble one falls has adjusted the posture quickly, when four feet toward below steady landing, the body of that Xiao Xiao (little) fell to the ground actually such as a giant shell fall to initiate fierce shivering of earth generally, the Feng Xiao upper air regarded, discovered that the ground presented the innumerable large and small fissures, to Small Black Tortoise near house, hall and garret completely collapsing, also part received or the light or heavy damage, only then less than 50% area escaped by luck. The manor of Ximen Family clan immediately randomly becomes a piece, everywhere was earthquake the call, several old stewards to the Ximen Family such quickly came in sad Hu scourge. 小玄武在下落的过程中已经很快的调整好了姿势,四脚朝下平平稳稳的落地,那小小的身体落地时却如一颗巨大的炮弹落下一般引发了大地的剧烈颤抖,风逍高空视下,发现地面出现无数大大小小的裂痕,离小玄武较近的房屋、大厅、阁楼全部被震塌,还有一部分受到了或轻或重的损伤,只有不到一半的面积幸免。西门家族的庄园顿时乱成一片,到处都是“地震了”的呼声,几个老管家则在悲呼对西门家的天谴这么快就来了。 Feng Xiao pats the forehead, whispered: „, I just casually will not say the sentence must entire carry Ximen Family, such quickly oneself fulfilled.” 风逍一拍额头,嘀咕道:“不会吧,我刚刚随便说了句要把西门家整个端了,这么快就自己应验了。”
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