LA :: Volume #7

#676: Difficult of Ximen

Difficult of Chapter 676 Ximen 第676章西门之难 Before reaching destination, Yang Aotian goes down from the vehicle finally, is bringing an indifferent trend front of black air/Qi and face slowly. Before Ximen Family, is an area very big lawn, the position that he passes through, the deep green green grass withered unexpectedly at an exceptional pace. When he just stepped into the Ximen Family territory he had been discovered that immediately two people welcomed to him. 在到达目的地之前,杨傲天终于从车上走下,带着一身黑气与一脸的冷漠缓缓的走向前方。西门家之前是一块面积很大的草坪,他经过的位置,原本碧绿的青草竟以惊人的速度枯萎。在他刚踏入西门家领地时他就已经被发现,立即有两个人迎向了他。 Ximen Kuang falls the thing that in the room can take up in the roaring sound unceasingly crazily. Regarding fully realizing Ximen Kuang hot tempered temperament servant, they early have been unalarmed by strange sights. But this is the fourth day that he goes crazy continuously. 西门狂不断在咆哮声中疯狂摔着房间里可以拿起的东西。对于深知西门狂暴躁脾气的下人来说,他们早已经见怪不怪。而这已经是他连续发狂的第四天。 He did not have in Rebirth World all, all vanishes into thin air completely. Was scoffed by all people, was scolded by father ruthlessly, including the servant looked when him indistinctly brings a little to take pleasure in others' misfortunes, but all these are because he hates goes all the way to the bone Yang Aotian. Since he has destroyed his entirety, since for these days, he had a dream to be able the dream to lift the fearful sickle every night to cut his throat to aura of death Yang Aotian, whenever at this time, he will awake with a start from the dream, the whole body is the cold sweat. 他在轮回世界的一切都没了,所有的全部都化为乌有。被所有人耻笑,被父亲狠狠责骂,连下人看他时都隐约带着那么一点幸灾乐祸,而这一切都是因为他恨之入骨杨傲天。自从他毁了他的全部,这几天以来,他每天晚上做梦都会梦到一身死气杨傲天举着可怕的镰刀切割着他的喉咙,每当此时,他都会从梦中被吓醒,全身都是冷汗。 Suffering on this Intelligence (mind/spirit) makes him several want crazily, he can only vent in a variety of ways. 这种精神上的折磨让他几欲疯狂,他只能以各种方式来发泄。 Bang! Door bonsai by his falling bitterly on the ground, the Ximen Kuang finally strength was also used up, sits pours in ground big mouth panting heavily. After being peaceful, he heard outside loud noise suddenly. 砰!房门口的盆栽也被他恨恨的摔在地上,西门狂终于力竭,坐倒在地上大口喘着粗气。安静下来后,他忽然听到了外面的喧闹声。 The gate was shoved open, person somewhat flustered rushing. Ximen Kuang eyes stares, roars: Found Yang Aotian not to have, I must be cut to pieces him!!” 门被推开,一个人有些慌张的闯了进来。西门狂眼睛一瞪,咆哮道:“找到杨傲天没,我要将他千刀万剐!!” That person of subconscious shaking the head, then hastily nods saying: We had still not found him...... However Yang Aotian he came, and......” 那人下意识的摇头,然后又连忙点头道:“我们一直没有找到他……但是杨傲天他自己来了,而且……” what!?” Ximen Kuang fierce jumps from the ground, then before rushing to oneself bed, puts out under a pillow spear/gun, crazy flushes away to out of the door. 什么!?”西门狂猛的从地上跳起,然后冲到自己床前拿出枕头下面的一把枪,疯狂的向门外冲去。 Before the gate, to the gate , a troop person gathers, a face panic-stricken looks at the whole face to be nervous and troubled Yang Aotian that he walks every time one step, they with drawing back one step. But Yang Aotian, has lain down several whole bodies by the person who the black air/Qi covers. They only noticed that Yang Aotian wields, these people straight dropping down in black air/Qi. 从门前,到门内,一大群人聚集在一起,一脸惊恐的看着满脸灰气的杨傲天,他每走一步,他们就会跟着退一步。而杨傲天的身后,已经躺了十几个全身被黑气笼罩的人。他们只看到杨傲天手一挥,这些人就在黑气中直挺挺的倒下。 Hands over Ximen Kuang, who blocks me, who dies.” The low and deep sound that his forging ahead gradually, in mouth makes makes their whole body brave the cold air/Qi from head to foot. “把西门狂交出来,谁拦我,谁死。”他一步一步的向前迈进,口中发出的低沉声音让他们从头到脚全身都直冒冷气。 Second Young Master...... Second Young Master turned into Monster.” Be responsible for looking saying that the steward sound of front door shivers. 二少爷……二少爷变成怪物了。”一个负责看大门的管家声音颤抖的说道。 These person have not thought, his appearance, black air/Qi, hand wielding lets the terrifying means that the person drops down. Present he is not Monster is anything. 这些人没有一个不是这么想,他的模样,身上的黑气,手一挥让人倒下的恐怖手段。现在的他不是怪物又是什么。 Second Young Master, do not compel us, we......” a hand with middle-aged person gingerly saying of firearms, although Yang Aotian be relentless has killed several to approach his person, but they still do not have one person to dare to open fire. Because he, although had been expelled Ximen Family, but after all is the Patriarch biological son, once Ximen Second Young Master. 二少爷,不要逼我们,我们……”一个手拿枪械的中年人战战兢兢的说道,虽然杨傲天已经毫不留情的杀了十几个靠近他的人,但他们依然没有一人敢开枪。因为他虽然已经被逐出西门家,但毕竟是家主的亲生儿子,曾经的西门二少爷 Quick, shouted Patriarch quickly.” A Ximen Family person retreat while shouts. Without the order of Patriarch, who they do not dare to make the decision secretly. “快,快去喊家主。”一个西门家的人一边后退一边喊道。没有家主的命令,他们谁不敢私自做决定。 The aspect such is at a stalemate, nobody dares to approach Yang Aotian again, Yang Aotian has not made a move on own initiative, such gradually is approaching forward, on the aura of death heavy face is faint cold intent. He has waited till this day finally, he has ability to ask for the blood debt finally. 局面就这么僵持着,再没有人敢接近杨傲天,杨傲天也没有主动出手,就这么一步一步的向前逼近着,死气沉沉的脸上是淡漠的冷意。他终于等到了这一天,他终于有能力讨回血债。 Finally, as Patriarch came shouting, the crowd hastily making way path of feeling relieved, gloomy of Ximen Ye face, the footsteps in a hurry led two people to walk, has not approached loudly to drink to scold: Your this domestic animal, dares to come back unexpectedly......” 终于,随着一声“家主来了”的呼喊,如释重负的人群连忙让开道路,西门野一脸的阴沉,脚步匆匆的带着两个人走了过来,还未靠近就大声喝骂道:“你这个畜生,居然还敢回来……” When he sees clearly Yang Aotian, his sound stops stiffly, reveals a face with amazement. 当他看清楚杨傲天,他的声音硬生生停止,露出一脸骇然。 The Yang Aotian footsteps stop finally, because he saw finally this once was shouted several years of father's person by him. 杨傲天的脚步终于停止,因为他终于又看到了这个曾经被他喊了十几年父亲的人。 Hands over Ximen Kuang, otherwise, I kill till you to hand over him.” On the faint face presented mean killing intent, the appearance of Ximen Ye has made his innermost feelings produce the vicious tendencies, did not have the patience such to wait for again. “交出西门狂,否则,我就杀到你们把他交出来为止。”淡漠的脸上出现了阴狠的杀意,西门野的出现让他的内心产生了戾气,再也没有耐心这么等待下去。 Domestic animal, extremely arrogant!” Ximen Kuang gloomy expression said, suddenly saw Yang Aotian behind is lying down several corpses, the panic-stricken under innermost feelings are furious. Trigs to me him!” A Ximen Ye both hands move, follows in going forward that his behind two people unemotionally, the steady step, the sharp look, the serious imposing manner was proving all they absolutely are the experts, had the possibility very much once is the elite in special serviceman. An old steward said hastily: Do not approach Second Young Master, approaches him dead!” “畜生,狂妄!”西门狂阴着脸说道,忽然看到杨傲天身后躺着的十几具尸体,惊骇之下内心更是震怒。“把他给我制住!”西门野双手一招,跟在他身后的两个人面无表情的上前,稳健的步伐,锐利的眼神,沉重的气势无不证明着他们绝对是高手,很有可能曾经是特种军人中的精英。一个老管家连忙说道:“不要靠近二少爷,靠近他会死!” In two people of eyes reveals to disdain obviously, they also make a move, the body jumps unexpectedly suddenly more than two meters high, one on the left and other on the right grasps to Yang Aotian. Yang Aotian does not evade does not let, welcome their bodies to extend both hands. 二人的眼中明显露出不屑,他们同时出手,身体竟忽然跃起两米多高,一左一右向杨傲天抓来。杨傲天不避不让,迎着他们的身体伸出双手。 Their hands such as the eagle claw seized a shoulder of Yang Aotian generally separately, actually panic-stricken detecting to being similar to caught a hard fine iron, shakes points at pains. But the hand of Yang Aotian also grasped at the strange angle above their nape of the neck. 两人的手如鹰爪一般分别捉住了杨傲天的一只肩膀,却惊骇的发觉到如同抓到了一块坚硬的精铁,震得手指隐隐作痛。而杨傲天的手也以诡异的角度抓在了他们的脖颈之上。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” The resounding of two bone breaks, two people necks broke off stiffly, Yang Aotian stern-faced waving, casts off their corpses. 两声骨头断裂的脆响,两人脖子被硬生生折断,杨傲天一脸阴沉的挥手,将他们的尸体甩开。 Ximen Family people complexion deathly white retreat several steps, hand/subordinate consciousness has held down own neck, panic-stricken cannot send the cry. The Ximen Ye eye pupil shrinks fiercely, shivers is putting out a hand to point at Yang Aotian, a character said. 西门家的人大都脸色煞白的后退几步,手下意识的按住了自己的脖子,惊恐的连叫声都发不出来。西门野眼瞳猛缩,颤抖着伸出手来指着杨傲天,却一个字都说出来。 Go away, boils to me!!” “滚开,都给我滚开!!” Cruel bellowed to break died the general dreariness, Ximen Kuang crude pushing opens the crowd, then saw Yang Aotian, Yang Aotian also saw him, on the deathly stillness face revealed the terrifying suddenly the fierceness. 一声暴戾的大吼打破了死一般的沉寂,西门狂粗暴的挤开人群,然后一眼看到了杨傲天,杨傲天也看到了他,死寂的脸上忽然露出恐怖的狰狞。 Yang Aotian, I was worrying unable to find you, you delivered unexpectedly, what came was really good, Hehehehe......” Ximen Kuang gloomy smiling, then fierce holding up pistol. 杨傲天,我正愁找不到你,你竟然自己送上门来,来的真是太好了,嘿嘿嘿嘿……”西门狂阴森的笑着,然后猛的举起手枪。 Eldest Young Master!” Old steward subconscious shouting. 大少爷!”一个老管家下意识的喊道。 Kuang'er stops!” Ximen Ye that reaction comes also immediately shouted. 狂儿住手!”反应过来的西门野也立即大喊出声 Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 砰!砰!砰!砰! Four resounding sounds of gunfire, under so near distance, four bullets hit without exception completely on Yang Aotian, moreover completely in chest front strategic point. 四次响亮的枪声,如此近的距离之下,四颗子弹无一例外全部打在杨傲天身上,而且全部是在胸前要害。 Expression solidification/coagulation of Yang Aotian, but body has not dropped down. After the sound of gunfire falls, some scene people sighed to shake the head, some people of let out a long relaxed breath. 杨傲天的表情凝固,但身体并没有倒下。枪声落下后,现场有人叹息摇头,有人长长舒了一口气 Ximen Ye sighed one short: Kuang'er , he although did not attend to brothers affection destroying you in Rebirth all, but he after all was your Younger Brother, how you can kill with one's own hand your......” 西门野短叹一声:“狂儿,他虽然不顾兄弟情意毁了你在轮回的一切,但他毕竟是你弟弟啊,你怎么能手刃自己的……” Ping ping ping ping, the body of Yang Aotian has still not dropped down, four bullets drop from his body, falls exudes the clear sound in the marble ground, such as falls on their hearts, lets their panic-stricken desire certainly. 乒乒乒乒,杨傲天的身体依然没有倒下,四颗子弹从他的身上跌落下来,落在大理石地面上发出清脆的响声,又如落在他们心上,让他们惊骇欲绝。 The Ximen Kuang whole body has shaken two, stares in big eyes to reveal panic-stricken, he holds up the pistol once more, crazy to his face, the body is firing...... 西门狂全身抖了两下,瞪大的双眼中露出惊恐,他再次举起手枪,疯狂的向他的脸上,身上射击着…… peng peng peng...... 砰砰砰…… Ping ping ping...... 乒乒乒…… The Yang Aotian clothes were ejected holes, reveals yellow skin that has not damaged. What he has was Strength of God of death. This Strength takes the soul to exist as the carrier, and entrusts with body fearful ability. When he passes in and out two world, this Strength will also pass and out two world along with his soul. 杨傲天的衣服被击出一个又一个的孔洞,露出没有丝毫损伤的灰黄色皮肤。他拥有的是死亡之神的力量。这种力量是以灵魂为载体存在,并赋予身体可怕的能力。当他进出两个世界,这种力量也会随着他的灵魂进出两个世界。 Above Earth, presented true Death God. 地球之上,出现了一个真正的死神 The bullet fires off finally, the spear/gun in Ximen Kuang hand drops on the ground, the complexion becomes the extraordinary paleness, was similar to saw in the world the most fearful devil. But the person of presence was frightened two legs to tremble all...... Monster, true Monster, he does not fear the bullet unexpectedly...... No, this is the dream, certainly is the field laughable dream! 子弹终于打完,西门狂手中的枪跌落在地上,脸色变得出奇的苍白,如同看到了世界上最可怕的恶魔。而在场之人无不是被吓得两腿打颤……怪物,真正的怪物,他居然不怕子弹……不,这是梦,一定是场可笑的梦! Generally Ximen Ye is shocked looks at this already the completely strange son. 西门野一般惊呆的看着这个已经完全陌生的儿子。 Yang Aotian makes a move finally, is bringing fierce smiling, his hand wields to the Ximen Kuang direction void. 杨傲天终于出手,带着狰狞的笑,他的手向西门狂的方向虚空一挥。 Similar to is divided by the overhead, Ximen Kuang lying of ruthlessly in a pitiful yell pours on, then such as ruthlessly generally was rolled by pulling to the position that Yang Aotian is, by his stepping on ruthlessly under foot. 如同被当头劈中,西门狂在一声惨叫中狠狠的趴倒在上,然后又如被狠狠的拉扯一般滚向杨傲天所在的位置,被他狠狠的踩在脚下。 You do what! to let loose Kuang'er quickly!” Ximen Ye has a big shock, strikes an attitude to plunge Yang Aotian, but held on by the house slave stubbornly. Yang Aotian sneers, the foot lifts slowly, then fierce falling. “你干什么!快放开狂儿!”西门野大惊失色,作势要扑向杨傲天,但被家奴死死拉住。杨傲天一声冷笑,脚缓缓抬起,然后猛的落下。 „” A resounding, Yang Aotian stepped on ruthlessly above the left hand wrist of Ximen Kuang, bringing Ximen Kuang to kill the pig miserable roar, a foot of this heavily, made his left hand arm disrupt sufficiently completely. “嚓”的一声脆响,杨傲天的狠狠踩在了西门狂的左手腕之上,带起西门狂杀猪般的惨吼声,这重重的一脚,足以让他的左手手骨全部碎裂。 Kuang'er!” This foot is similar to steps in the heart of Ximen Ye, he sends out sad Hu, roared loudly is exclaiming: You are also standing doing, is about to have killed this disobedient son...... Rescues Kuang'er Ah!! 狂儿!”这一脚如同踩在西门野的心上,他发出一声悲呼,咆哮着大吼道:“你们还站着干什么,快杀了这个逆子……救狂儿啊!! Yang Aotian is a foot falls, steps on above his arm, is enjoying the bone disruption and Ximen Kuang pitiful roar. Those who let Ximen Ye almost unable to believe that nobody tries to rescue Ximen Kuang unexpectedly forward. In perhaps them some people do not fear death, but some people clearly do not know absolutely brings death in vain must bring death, because Yang Aotian did not fear the bullet, they do rescue with what? This is not the age that flames of war rise from all directions, the house slave is also good, guards also well, they in Ximen Family nothing but to survive, several people will crack a joke with oneself HP/Life. Died these people on Yang Aotian has set the example to them. 杨傲天又是一脚落下,踩在他的手臂之上,享受着骨头碎裂与西门狂凄惨的吼声。让西门野差点不敢相信的是,竟没有一个人向前试图去救起西门狂。他们之中或许有的人不怕死,但绝对不会有人明知道是白白送死还要去送死,因为杨傲天连子弹都不怕,他们拿什么去救?这不是一个战火四起的年代,家奴也好,守卫也好,他们在西门家无非是为了生存,又有几个人会拿自己的生命开玩笑。死在杨傲天手上的那些人已经给他们做了榜样。 Your these waste!!” Rave that Ximen Ye clenches jaws. “你们这些废物!!”西门野咬牙切齿的狂吼。 An old steward has stood finally, entreated saying: Second Young Master, asking you to put Eldest Young Master, although before he, had to you are not, but he after all was your blood brother.” 一个老管家终于站了出来,哀求着说道:“二少爷,求你放了大少爷吧,他虽然以前对你有不是,但他毕竟是你亲兄弟啊。” Blood brother?” Yang Aotian turning the head slowly, stiff saying: That may really be good brothers Ah...... Too was really good ~~ “亲兄弟?”杨傲天缓缓的转过头,生硬的说道:“那可真是好兄弟啊……实在太好了~~” !” Also is a foot steps on, stamps above the left chest of Ximen Kuang, in the Ximen Kuang mouth spouts a blood, eyes protrudes, has not sent including the pitiful yell sound. Meanwhile, under the influence of Yang Aotian aura of death, his HP/Life by eliminating bit by bit, each spot of whole body is just liking the blade shears. “噗!”又是一脚踩下,跺在西门狂的左胸之上,西门狂口中喷出一股鲜血,眼睛凸出,连惨叫声都没有发出来。同时,在杨傲天死气的影响之下,他的生命在被一点一点的剥夺,全身上下的每一个部位都犹如刀割。
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