LA :: Volume #7

#675: Rips the grief of heart, crazy plan

(...... Substituted wrongly the release the ⊙ ﹏ ⊙ b perspiration) (……调错发布时间了⊙﹏⊙b汗) Lin Zeshang......” the vision of his pollution changes Long Wei, recognized him is the highest officer in China country's, the look did not have the slight change, said with the heavy old sound: This is a how evil name, because of this name, my daughter, when several months big left me, because of this name, my two talent son pitiful dying of my spousal, because of this name, I did not have a thing in the world......” 林泽商……”他浑浊的目光转向龙威,也认出了他就是华夏国的最高首长,眼神却没有丝毫的变化,用死沉苍老的声音说道:“这是一个多么罪恶的名字,因为这个名字,我的女儿在几个月大的时候就离开了我,因为这个名字,我的爱人和我两个天才儿子凄惨的死去,因为这个名字,我一无所有……” A miserable incomparable mood fills the air from this old person, making in all will of the people well up a serious feeling. Long Wei silent for a while, sighed: Is the country has not protected you, is the country does not do right by you.” 一股凄凉无比的情绪从这个苍老的人身上弥漫开来,让所有人心里都涌上一种沉重感。龙威沉默一会,叹了口气道:“是国家没有保护好你,也是国家对不住你。” Lunatic behind Xiao Tian eyes stares the big eldest child, almost cannot help shouting that makes noise...... Lin Zeshang, Lunatic unexpectedly is Lin Zeshang, that world-shaking, 12 times paralyze Japanese Stock market successively for over one week, plays with lose everything the United States country stock God, has played with entire one month the Australian great nation futures market discovered economical nuclear bomb!? 疯子身后的萧天眼睛瞪大老大,几乎忍不住要喊出声来……林泽商,疯子竟然是林泽商,那个震惊世界,先后12次将东瀛股市瘫痪一周以上,将美利国股神玩弄到倾家荡产,将澳大国期货市场玩弄了整整一个月才被人发现的“经济核弹”!? But his age...... 可是他的年龄…… He is!?” Hears his name, on the face of Blood Sakura shows the expression that was unable to believe. “他是!?”听到他的名字,血樱的脸上露出了不敢相信的表情。 He should be Your father Lin Zeshang, makes the entire world be afraid the person of shivering. You have a talent, but great father.” Feng Xiao patted her back to say. “他应该就是你的父亲——林泽商,一个让全世界都害怕到颤抖的人。你有一个天才而伟大的父亲。”风逍拍了拍她的后背说道。 No, is impossible, he...... How he can be my father.” She thinks that oneself father can be fine-looking gentle, making the person have the middle-aged person of sense of dependence, this is also she impression to the China father, but he seems completely is when sufficiently her Grandfather person, how also may be his father. “不,不可能,他……他怎么会是我的父亲。”她以为自己的父亲会是一个英挺慈祥,让人有依赖感的中年人,这也是她对华夏父亲的印象,而他看上去完全是一个足以当她爷爷的人,又怎么可能会是他的父亲。 Has met me to lead you to make the paternity test......” “过会我会带你们去做亲子鉴定……” No, does not use.” Lunatic shaking the head slowly, the vision falls on the body of Lin Ying once more: She...... She is my daughter...... My daughter, you knows that you and your Mother is resembling how? Saw you a moment ago, I almost thought and saw your Mother...... I and your Mother names to call Lin Ying to you, because on your right shoulder has a very small Sakura Flower shape tint birthmark......” “不,不用了。”疯子缓缓的摇头,目光再次落在林樱的身上:“她……她就是我的女儿……我的女儿,你知道你和你的妈妈是多么的相像吗?刚才看到了你,我几乎以为又看到了你的妈妈……我和你妈妈给你取名叫林樱,因为你右边的肩膀上有一个很小的樱花状浅色胎记……” The body of Lin Ying swayed fiercely, Feng Xiao has supported her body, her movement made those present again unsuspicious. 林樱的身体剧烈的摇晃了一下,风逍扶住了她的身体,她的这个动作让在场的人再无怀疑。 Lunatic slow and careful opening has hugged in that cardboard of chest front. This is cleaned some blanches, but spotless picture. Feng Xiao knows that this is the Lunatic only collection, almost will take every night silently looks very for a long time, but never makes others look, will not make other people move. 疯子缓慢而小心的翻开一直抱在胸前的那张纸板。这是一张被擦拭的有些发白,但一尘不染的照片。风逍知道这是疯子唯一的收藏品,几乎每天晚上都会拿出来默默的看很久,但却从来不让别人看,更不会让他人碰触。 In the picture has four people, the leftmost is one seems 30 -year-old fine-looking men, on the calm face has the light happy expression, under the gold thread frame eyeglasses to cover one pair to release brilliant ray both eyes. The rightmost is one over 30 years old, on the face is leading the gentle happy expression young married woman, the facial features and facial features unexpectedly such as Lin Ying extraordinary similar. The middle is two young youngster, their vision clear, on the face wrote all over was self-confident and haughty. Feng Xiao understands finally, originally Lunatic has regarded, if the before collection of HP/Life were he encountered difficulty a family photo. 照片上有四人,最左边是一个看上去30来岁的英挺男子,沉稳的脸上带着淡淡的笑意,金丝边框眼镜下掩着一双释放着睿智光芒的双目。最右边是一个30多岁,脸上带着柔和笑意的少妇,脸型、五官竟如林樱出奇的相似。中间是两个只有十几岁的少年,他们的目光晶莹,脸上写满了自信与狂傲。风逍终于明白,原来疯子一直视若生命的收藏是他遇难前的一张全家福。 The finger that he uses to shiver aims at the rightmost that woman: She is my wife, is your Mother, in me, she is in the world the most perfect wife, if early knows today, I initially would rather die than to pursue her.” 他用颤抖的手指指向最右边的那个妇人:“她是我的妻子,也是你的妈妈,在我心里,她是世界上最完美的妻子,如果早知道今天,我当初宁死也不会去追求她。” That withered finger shiver has aimed at that two full of vigor and vitality youngster: He called Lin Xiaotian, two years ago he was only 17 years old, inherited my disposition, inherited my specialty, the goal that he set since childhood was to exceed me, has been going forward to this under my supervision at present, industry in people said, ten years, he was second Lin Zeshang. He called Lin Xiaoyu, two years ago was only 15 -and-a-halfyears old, he repelled the commerce, but his computer and economical Innate Skill made me exclaim in surprise, even has surpassed me of past similar age. They are my two sons, is your two Younger Brother, is my this whole life biggest proud...... Had these two talent sons, I even thought that this life not regretted......” 那根干枯的手指又颤抖的指向了那两个朝气蓬勃的少年:“他叫林笑天,两年前他只有17岁,继承了我的性格,也继承了我的专长,他从小立下的目标就是超越我,也一直在我的督促下向这个目前前进着,业内的人都说,不出十年,他就是第二个林泽商。他叫林笑宇,两年前只有15岁半,他排斥从商,但他的电脑与经济天赋让我惊叹,甚至超过了当年同样年龄的我。他们是我的两个儿子,是你的两个弟弟,也是我这辈子最大的骄傲……有了这两个天才儿子,我甚至觉得今生都无憾了……” But...... Two years ago that nightmare, I look the wife who helplessly I most love was shamed by them until death, helplessly looks most loves the son who by suffering of their blade blade until death...... At that time, my eyes has seeped out the blood, at present a blood red piece, my whole body each inch is suffered by them, but I have not made a sound, because I could not feel that the pain on body, the heart such as was already cut to pieces lets my pain generally numb...... “但是……两年前的那场噩梦,我眼睁睁的看着我最爱的妻子被他们羞辱至死,眼睁睁的看着最爱的儿子被他们一刀一刀的折磨至死……那时,我的眼睛渗出了血,眼前血红的一片,我全身上下每一寸都被他们折磨,但我没有发出一丝声响,因为我感觉不到身体上的痛,心早已如被千刀万剐一般让我痛的麻木…… They died, died, after dying, even has not left behind the complete body. They think that I also died, but I do not have, such hate, how I will be resigned dead, therefore I crawled from the hell gradually, struggles to live the present. Every night, that desperate and pitiful calling out resounds in the nightmare, making me be in deep sorrow...... I quite hate, I hate these crazed natives of Japan, why I hated me initially to go to Japan, hating me not to have ability to protect them...... My many time wished one could to kill me, Japan hated me, but why must kill my wife and children...... I hated me to implicate them, I hated Ah!! I to hate Ah!!!” “他们死了,都死了,死后甚至没有留下完整的身体。他们都以为我也已经死了,但我没有,这样的恨,我怎么会甘心死去,于是我从地狱里一步一步的爬了上来,挣扎着活到了现在。每天晚上,那一声声绝望和凄惨的嘶喊都在噩梦中响起,让我痛不欲生……我好恨,我恨那些丧心病狂的东瀛人,我恨我当初为什么要去东瀛,恨我自己没有能力保护他们……我多少次恨不得杀了我自己,东瀛恨我,但为什么要杀我妻儿……我恨我自己连累了他们,我恨啊!!我恨啊!!!” such as the dark green ape to weep blood sadly miserably, the tears rolling fell finally, splash down the picture in his hands. Sentimental Lunatic that this originally lost has burst into tears, the tears knife gouging of each drop of lamentation and hatred their hearts, are letting their innermost feelings tear pain. 一声声悲呼凄凉如苍猿泣血,眼泪终于滚滚落下,溅落在他手中的照片上。这个原本已经失去的感情的疯子流泪了,每一滴悔恨与仇恨的眼泪都有一把刀子般剜着他们的心,让他们内心撕裂般的痛。 Xiao Tian clenches teeth tightly, the double fist in shivering is gripping tightly: „The domestic animal of this crowd of Japan, is simply inhuman!” 萧天紧咬着牙,双拳在颤抖中紧攥着:“这群东瀛的畜生,简直灭绝人性!” Both eyes of Lin Ying were been fuzzy by the mist, narration of Lunatic makes her grieved is almost unable to breathe, grabs the both hands nail of Feng Xiao arm almost to insert in his meat. You...... Are you really my father?” 林樱的双目已经被水雾模糊,疯子的讲述让她心痛的几乎无法呼吸,抓着风逍手臂的双手指甲都几乎嵌入他的肉中。“你……你真的是我的父亲吗?” Feng Xiao puts out a hand to cancel the tear stains on her face, said in a soft voice: „Is he your father, I think that your had the answer at heart. Saw, that was short on your family photo the leftmost is your father the two years ago appearances, that time he was the entire world economical nuclear bomb that was afraid, was a handsome man of recognition. After the hell walked one chapter, two years of he turned into this appearance, your conceivable in the two years what endures to him is how big suffering? If not revenging that is supporting him with the string stubbornly, he perhaps died. Although he completely has not arrived at the responsibility of raising to you, but he after all is your father, you now are his only family member, his requirement you.” 风逍伸出手来抹去她脸上的泪痕,轻声说道:“他是不是你的父亲,我想你的心里已经有了答案。看到了吗,那张少了你的全家福上最左边就是你父亲两年前的样子,那时的他是全世界的都害怕的经济核弹,也是一个公认的美男子。只是,在地狱里走了一回后,两年的时间他变成了这个样子,你可以想象的到他这两年来忍受的是多么大的折磨吗?如果不是报仇的那跟弦死死的支撑着他,他或许已经死了。他虽然没有对你尽到养育之责,但他毕竟是你的父亲,你现在是他唯一的亲人,他需要你。” Has patted the back of Lin Ying, gives smiling that she same has encouraged, Feng Xiao moved toward the entrance direction. 拍了拍林樱的后背,给了她一样鼓励的笑,风逍走向了门口的方向。 Where you go.” Lin Ying subconscious shouting. “你去哪里。”林樱下意识的喊道。 Compensates your opportunity to your father, the reason of also to him going on living. Crosses the meeting, I come back to meet you.” He is entraining Xiao Tian, opened door to walk, then closed the door gently. “给你父亲一个补偿你的机会,也给他活下去的理由。过会,我回来接你。”他拽着萧天,拉开房门走了出去,然后轻轻把门关上。 Eldest child!! Lunatic unexpectedly is that commercial Monster, this this......” just went out, Xiao Tian on startled calling out of exaggeration, the Lin Zeshang name makes him from shocking to the present wakes up. “老大!!疯子居然是那个商业怪物,这这这……”刚一出门,萧天就夸张的惊叫道,林泽商的名字让他到现在都没从震撼中醒来。 Do not make much ado about nothing, he does not want to make anybody know him, I had not said.” Feng Xiao unemotionally said. “别那么大惊小怪,他不想让任何人知道他,我也就没说。”风逍面无表情的说道 But, since he is that commercial Monster, in your two years, why initially he did not have enters the stock market to amass money with his fearful method directly...... Even if only gives him 1000, one year later he also has ability turning 10 billion.” Xiao Tian somewhat puzzled saying. “可是,既然他是那个商业怪物,又在你身边两年时间了,为什么当初他没直接进证券市场用他的可怕手段敛财呢……就算只给他1000块,一年后他也有能力给翻成10000000000。”萧天有些不解的说道。 Does not have the means that his technique is easy to expose his status, therefore he gave up. I had said with him at that time, one year later will have another world to open, therefore he said will immediately not have the dangerous world to found a business empire in that now, he has achieved perfectly, I help is also only some small busy.” “没办法,他的手法容易暴露他的身份,于是他放弃了。我那时和他说过,一年后会有另一个世界开启,于是他立即说会在那个没有危险的世界建立一个商业帝国,如今,他完美的做到了,我帮的也只是一些小忙而已。” Initially spreads from the appraisal 10 million for the present that boss there blackmailed proliferates entire Heavenly Dragon Continent, related to various trades and occupations Swift Wind World has built the perfect foundation. 当初从鉴定铺老板那里敲诈来的10000000为如今遍布整个天龙大陆,涉及各行各业的“风行天下”打下了完美的基础。 However before Rebirth opening, in that year time, how he has been planning revenges.” “而轮回开启前那一年的时间里,他一直都在策划怎么报仇。” How does Lunatic want to renovate Japan?” Thinks that this issue, Xiao Tian is obviously excited, the name of economical nuclear bomb is not white call. 疯子想怎么整治东瀛?”想到这个问题,萧天明显兴奋起来,经济核弹的名字可不是白叫的。 First ambushes the Japanese coin, lets the Japanese economical chaos, then seizes the chance to control some big enterprises in Japanese country's, then...... Received for oneself has or carries out the malicious competition intentionally to play with these national enterprises mutually wounded is happy along with him.” Feng Xiao shrugs the arm to say. Is very crazy, only then Lunatic thinks, plan that also only then Lunatic dares to make. “先狙击东瀛币,让东瀛经济大乱,然后趁机控制住东瀛国的一些大企业,然后……是收为己有还是搞恶意竞争还是故意与那些国家企业玩两败俱伤就随他高兴了。”风逍耸了耸肩膀说道。一个很疯狂,也只有疯子才想的出,也只有疯子才敢做的计划。 This also...... Too crazy! Can a Lunatic person achieve really?” On the Xiao Tian mouth was saying crazily, but both hands the excited subconsciousness has rubbed. “这也……太疯狂了吧!疯子一个人真的能做到?”萧天嘴上说着疯狂,但双手已经兴奋的下意识搓动起来。 On the Feng Xiao forehead emits three heavy lines: You, when Lunatic is a superhuman, how he possibly completes such huge plan, when the time comes naturally must move by you...... Un, is not very crisp economical madman comes to the Japanese country, then makes them help the Lunatic action program in his own name.” 风逍额头上冒出三根黑线:“你当疯子是超人啊,他一个人怎么可能完成这么庞大的计划,到时候当然要靠你去搬一些……嗯,对东瀛国不是很爽的经济狂人来,然后让他们以个人名义帮助疯子实施计划。” Xiao Tian "Pa" hit a sound to refer, not slightly scruple racket oneself chest: Does not have the issue, this matter wraps on me, several hundred over a thousand I can make.” 萧天“啪”的打了一个响指,没有丝毫迟疑的拍拍自己胸膛:“没问题,这事包在我身上,几百个上千个我都能弄来。” „After this matter, said again, we go to Ximen Family to have a look now...... Un, has a look well.” “这事以后再说,我们现在去西门家看看……嗯,看看就好。” The industry of Ximen Family is found in the northern major provinces and cities, but its headquarters naturally in China country capital Jinghua City. 西门家的产业遍布北方各大省市,而它的总部自然是在华夏国首都京华市 Although very long has not stepped into Ximen Family, but Yang Aotian site carving of this family firmly at heart, does not dare to forget. 虽然已经很久没有踏入西门家,但杨傲天把这个家族的所在地牢牢的刻在心里,一刻都不敢忘记。 In order to arrival as soon as possible, Yang Aotian wanted a car(riage) to Xiao Tian, then at the maximum speed charges into sitting of Ximen Family in the place. Nobody stipulated that Death God cannot drive. 为了能尽快的到达,杨傲天萧天要了一辆车,然后以最快的速度冲向西门家的坐在地。没人规定死神不能开车。 The manor of Ximen Family clan is very big, compared with the size of previous ordinary village. As one of the north maximum four families, its financial resource and influence big of non- average man can imagine. But regarding these stations the person in pyramid peak, most precious is HP/Life, without life, has no way to enjoy these honor , wealth and high rank. Also therefore, Ximen Family everywhere has the dark pile, the guard of live ammunition patrol will proliferate, the expert who will invite will not be naturally few. 西门家族的庄园很大,比的上一个普通村庄的大小。作为北方最大的四个家族之一,它的财力、势力之大非常人所能想象。而对于这些站于金字塔顶端的人来说,最宝贵的莫过于生命,没有性命,也就没法去享受这些富贵荣华。也因此,西门家内部处处都有暗桩,真枪实弹巡逻的守卫遍布,请来的高手自然也不会少。
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