LA :: Volume #7

#674: Lin Ying

This is Nangong Family Desolate God Howling Moon Bow, before is Nangong Howling Moon is very long, makes me give you, it should be you very much long time ago.” Long Wei said, the making way body, hint makes Feng Xiao take. “这是南宫家荒神啸月弓,是南宫啸月很久之前让我交给你的,它很早就应该已经属于你了。”龙威说完,让开身体,示意让风逍自己去拿。 The Feng Xiao trend goes, the right hand grasps on bowing, under raises is entirely still unexpectedly. His eyebrow concentrates, Chaos Power wells up to the right hand, catches it easily in the hands, after reading several, has put in Monster Refining Pot. Until now, he does not know that Adoptive Father initially made him collect these ten Divine Armament to make anything. 风逍走向前去,右手抓在弓身上,一提之下竟纹丝不动。他眉毛一凝,混沌之力涌至右手,将它轻易抓在手间,翻看几眼后放入了炼妖壶。直到现在为止,他还是不知道义父当初让他收集这十件神兵做什么。 A white fine small box put out by Long Wei, opens places in front of Feng Xiao: This is Seven-colored Glass Belt, she knows your requirement this.” Long Wei vision complex visits him to say. 一个白色的精致小盒子被龙威拿出,打开放在风逍面前:“这是七彩琉璃带,她知道你需要这个。”龙威目光复杂的看着他说道。 The Chu Yingying more than 20 years to the personal weapon of body, China Ten Great Divine Weapon have not been situated tenth Seven-colored Glass Belt. Feng Xiao takes up it, enters to handle gently like the silk wadding, similarly by his as if Monster Refining Pot. 楚颖颖20多年未曾离身的贴身武器,华夏十大神兵排行第十的七彩琉璃带风逍将它拿起,入手轻如丝绵,同样被他仿佛炼妖壶之中。 China Ten Great Divine Weapon, he had its nine. But last in Beiming Aristocratic Family. 华夏十大神兵,他已有其九。而最后一件在北冥世家 You won the World Martial Battle Grand Competition championship, simultaneously makes China raise the eyebrow to set up the prestige in front of the entire world, I really very gratified...... You will certainly ask my Duanmu Aristocratic Family matter today.” Long Wei said. “你获得了世界武斗大会的冠军,同时让华夏在全世界面前扬眉立威,我真的很欣慰……你今天来一定会问我端木世家的事吧。”龙威说道。 Feng Xiao nodded, initially according to you, regardless of the competition victory or defeat, you will tell me the Duanmu Family hiding place. Although I can know actually very much long time ago, but I hope what I obtain after is I tries hard , the answer of getting. Now, you can tell me.” 风逍点了点头,“据你当初所说,无论比赛胜败,你都会告诉我端木家的藏身地。虽然我其实可以很早就知道,但我更希望我得到的是我努力之后得到的答案。现在,你可以告诉我了。” Also was a smaller white box took by him, before Feng Xiao came to here, he has prepared all. Here had written plainly Duanmu Mansion site, I have drawn the detailed road map. There is really an inconceivable place, no wonder could not find by your ability. If were not initially Duanmu Family Eldest Daughter Duanmu Yiren left to be looked up the clues by me, I was impossible to look up easily.” 又是一个更小的白色盒子被他拿了出来,在风逍来这里之前,他已经准备好了一切。“这里写明了端木山庄的所在地,我已经画好了详细的路线图。那里真的是一个不可思议的地方,也难怪以你的能力都找不到。如果不是当初端木家长女端木伊人出走被我查到了蛛丝马迹,我也不可能轻易查到。” Feng Xiao received, has not opened immediately, but is in the careful hand. The corners of the mouth reveal mean sneering. 风逍接过,没有马上打开,而是小心的手里。嘴角露出一丝阴狠的冷笑。 Finally has waited till this day...... Duanmu Aristocratic Family, pray heartily. 终于等到了这一天……端木世家,尽情的祈祷吧。 When you prepare to go to there.” Long Wei realized that other source suddenly fresh baleful aura, in secret sighed. “你准备什么时候去那里。”龙威察觉到了他方才骤生的煞气,暗中叹息。 Tomorrow!” Feng Xiao any has not hesitated, categorical coldly said. “明天!”风逍没有任何迟疑,斩钉截铁的冷声道 dōng dōng the knock resounds, by the gate loudspeaker broadcasts the shade sound: Officer......” 咚咚”的敲门声响起,门旁的扩音器上传来影的声音:“首长……” Comes in!” “进来!” The door was opened from outside by the shade, quickly has drawn then back. A black hair shawl, beautiful peerless, ice-cold such as the female of frost walked. Her upper body wears the black tight-fitting T-shirt, the twin peaks that blows up high almost must the cracking clothes, the lower part of the body for the black pencil trousers, on the foot be high with the sandals that the black inlays to drill. Feng Xiao at present one bright, although is still the whole body black, but puts on her of normal woman attire to compare at this time in Rebirth World Ninja black clothes, more several points made sense of beauty that one holds the breath. 门被影从外面打开,然后又快步退了出去。一个乌发披肩,美艳绝伦,冰冷如霜的女子走了进来。她上身穿着黑色紧身T恤,高高鼓起的双峰几乎要裂衣而出,下身为黑色铅笔裤,脚上是黑色镶钻的高跟凉鞋。风逍眼前一亮,虽然依然是全身黑色,但此时穿着正常女人装束的她相比在轮回世界一身忍者黑衣,更多了几分令人屏息的美感 Her ice-cold fosters since childhood, is still a face does not have the faintness of expression in front of Long Wei. She just wants to open the mouth speech express thanks, felt that Feng Xiao impolite gaze, she turns the head fiercely, both eyes project the ice-cold chill in the air. But other side still smiling visits her, the dissolute vision from her face, to her chest, arrives at her long leg again, the place that the vision stays lets the feeling that she has one type ruthlessly stroke unexpectedly. 她的冰冷是从小养成,在龙威面前依然是一脸没有表情的淡漠。她刚想开口说话表达谢意,感觉到风逍无礼的注视,她猛地转头,双目射出冰冷的寒意。而对方依然一脸微笑的看着她,放肆的目光从她的脸,到她的胸,再到她的长腿,目光停留的地方竟让她有一种被狠狠抚摸的感觉。 Her at present suddenly absent-minded, because his smiling makes her familiar unexpectedly. 她的眼前忽然恍惚了一下,因为他的笑竟让她那么的熟悉。 She has not seen the Asura true colors, in that month that because Feng Xiao and she is together always wears Asura Illusion, she also one time compels herself to lag behind the facial skin to have a look at his face, but was rejected by him, the reason is his long is too ugly, feared that accompanied his angel beautiful woman to run away in fear this daily. 她从来没有见过修罗的真面目,因为风逍和她相处的那一个月里从来都戴着修罗幻,她也有一次强逼自己拉下脸皮想要看看他的脸,但被他拒绝,理由是他长的太难看,怕把她这个天天陪着他的天仙美女吓跑了。 That time Feng Xiao naturally had own scruples. 那时的风逍自然有自己的顾忌。 Although can only see his lower half of the face, but such a long time short distance contact, she already secretly and observed his several times carefully. His chin, lip and also lower half of the face extraordinary fineness, but under union not only not to person supple feeling, instead is passing fine-looking, she silently had thought at that time, his appearance is not absolutely bad. 虽然只能看到他下半张脸,但那么长时间的近距离接触,她早已偷偷而且细致的观察了他好几次。他的下巴、嘴唇、还有下半张脸都出奇的精致,但结合之下不但没有给人柔的感觉,反而透着一股英挺,她当时就默默想过,他的长相绝对不差。 At this time, her first time sees his eyes, at that time a pair of moving heart and soul, was passing the pupil of monster different evil and charming indistinctly, dissolute vision that familiar. Downward...... From his bridge of the nose to his corners of the mouth, arrives at his chin again, that familiar feeling also unceasing enlargement...... gloomy and cold in her vision completely vanishes does not see, start condensation mist slowly. 此时,她第一次看到他的眼睛,那时一双动人心魄,隐约透着妖异邪魅的眸子,放肆的目光是那么的熟悉。往下……从他的鼻梁到他的嘴角,再到他的下巴,那种熟悉的感觉也不断的放大……她目光中的阴冷完全消失不见,慢慢的开始凝聚水雾。 You have recognized me to come probably, now hears my sound, can you believe firmly?” Feng Xiao said with a smile, receives the vision that wreaks havoc, transfers gently. “你好像已经认出我来啦,现在听到我的声音,你可以确信了吗?”风逍笑着说道,收起肆虐的目光,转为柔和。 In Blood Sakura both eyes presents the hazy water vapor finally, is in front of Long Wei, she jumps into the Feng Xiao bosom fiercely, body silent is shivering. If she cannot haunch that ice-cold strength before the bystander, she has cried, to release to save too long constraining loudly. Finally sees him once more, she does not hide oneself sentiment, not before him in pretend ice-cold, the time has made her understand that own heart, making her understand oneself wanted anything. 血樱双目中终于出现朦朦水汽,当着龙威的面,她猛地扑入风逍怀中,身体无声的颤抖着。如果不是在外人面前她必须撑起那冰冷的坚强,她已经大声的哭出来,去释放积蓄了太久的压抑。终于再次见到他,她再也不去掩藏自己的感情,再也不在他面前假装冰冷,时间已经让她明白自己的心,让她明白了自己想要什么。 Long Wei puts aside the vision, the corners of the mouth show a light happy expression, said in a low voice: Originally...... So.” 龙威将目光移开,嘴角露出一丝淡淡的笑意,低声道:“原来……如此。” It seems like that oneself help a point that she helps right, because she can be One of us Long Family wife. 看来,自己帮她帮的一点都没错,因为她会是自家人——龙家媳妇。 Good good, thinks after the intimate words we go home, can be casual...... Here has others.” Feng Xiao in her ear with the sound that only then she can hear said. “好啦好啦,想亲热的话我们回家之后可以随便来……这里可是有别人的。”风逍在她耳边用只有她才可以听到的声音说道。 The waist was pinched ruthlessly, the Feng Xiao complexion twitched, has almost not shouted, begs for mercy with the look hastily. She cherishes from him leaves, the corners of the mouth revealed have wiped very beautifully very beautiful smiling. 腰部被狠狠的掐了一下,风逍脸色一抽搐,差点没喊出来,连忙用眼神讨饶。她从他怀中脱出,嘴角露出了一抹很美很美的笑。 Originally you will also smile Ah...... Un, smiles to look good, why before can that parsimonious not smile to me looks?” Feng Xiao smiling saying. “原来你也会笑啊……嗯,笑起来满好看的,以前为什么要那么吝啬不笑给我看呢?”风逍笑意盈盈的说道。 She has not spoken, thinks so him. 她没有说话,就这么看着他。 „, Tells me now your new name.” “那么,现在告诉我你的新名字。” Lin Ying.” She replied, the real world, was Rebirth World, she can be this name, Tokugawa Xue Ying (Yuki Sakura) child and Blood Sakura became the past. But she had not flushed to kill Tokugawa Ichifusa yesterday is also reports him to raise graciousness, later meets, he is oneself personal enemy. 林樱。”她回答道,无论是现实世界,还是轮回世界,她都会是这个名字,德川雪樱子和血樱已经成为了过去。而她昨天没有冲进去杀死德川一藤也算是报了他养育“之恩”,以后见面,他就是自己的仇人。 Lin Ying...... You know that your family member in the past before lost you, your name was also called Lin Ying. However this name many that Blood Sakura is more likable. I had said your this whole life can only become my woman, I do not like my woman am person of the bloodthirsty.” 林樱……你知道吗,你家人当年在把你丢失之前,你的名字也叫林樱。不过这个名字要比血樱让人喜欢的多。我说过你这辈子只能成为我一个人的女人,我可不喜欢我的女人是一个嗜血之人。” Lin Ying shakes the head gently: If you do not like, I later certainly do not kill people.” 林樱轻轻摇头:“如果你不喜欢的话,我以后一定不杀人了。” She said a complete sentence finally, although slightly somewhat stiff feeling, but said quite smooth. Feng Xiao then opens eyes saying: Originally your Chinese said is so good.” 她终于说了一个完整的句子,虽然稍微有些生硬的感觉,但说的相当流畅。风逍这才睁大眼睛说道:“原来你华夏语说的这么好。” I was trained to learn many languages, particularly Chinese.” Lin Ying said. “我被训练学会了很多语言,尤其是华夏语。”林樱说道。 Oh, so that's how it is.” Feng Xiao replied with a smile, the innermost feelings actually welled up baleful aura. Tokugawa makes her study Chinese, naturally is not the good intention to letting her facilitates to recognize the ancestor to return to the birth family, but is facilitates her to kill Chinese. ,原来如此。”风逍笑着回答,内心却涌上了一股煞气德川让她学华夏语,自然不是好心到让她方便认祖归宗,而是方便她杀华夏人 You ran over to grasp me a moment ago on own initiative, is explained that you have liked me...... Un, this was not your first time initiative hugs me probably, initially I in Japanese Emperor City , you were hugging me while cried, but also hugged that tightly, probably for fear that I ran was the same.” Feng Xiao brings back her chin with the hand, saying that ponders. “刚才你主动跑过来抱住我,是不是说明你已经喜欢上我了……嗯,这好像不是你第一次主动拥抱我了,当初我在东瀛天皇城的时,你就一边抱着我一边哭,还抱得那么紧,好像生怕我跑了一样。”风逍用手勾起她的下巴,玩味的说道。 The Lin Ying complexion is slightly red. Before she imagines diligently, is so cold the face, is unable to achieve, even had forgotten how should be able to achieve ice-cold heartless. Is stepping into the China earth like her moment, her innermost feelings lost actually during the stay in Japan that suddenly have become the indifference of custom, instead had found one type the warm feeling of calling the sense of belonging. 林樱脸色稍红。她努力的想像以前那样冷起脸来,却怎么也无法做到,甚至已经忘记了该怎样才能做到冰冷无情。就像她在踏进华夏大地的那一刻,她的内心忽然失却了在东瀛时那已成习惯的冷漠,反而找到了一种叫归属感的温暖感觉。 Has not waited till her reply, Feng Xiao approaches her the face, slowly, low voice saying: Since you have liked me, I decided...... Starting today, you were my woman, later can only with me, not probably rush about again, the words family discipline of not being obedient served.” 没有等到她的回答,风逍将脸靠近她,慢慢的,小声的说道:“既然你已经喜欢上了我,那我就决定……从今天起,你就是我的女人了,以后只能跟着我,不许再东奔西跑,不听话的话家法伺候。” Flirting with one another that between lovers among two people the dialogue such as meets again after a long separation. The Long Wei back was not saying a word to them, corners of the mouth only then light smiling. Although dried in the sun in one side, but he maintains the absolute peace is not disturbing them. His female friend is numerous, moreover is the world is all outstandingly beautiful, is all uncommon, is actually together is quite harmonious. His is the father only has gratified, 两人之间的对话如久别重逢的情侣间的打情骂俏。龙威背对着他们一言不发,嘴角只有淡淡的笑。虽然是被晾在一边,但他保持着绝对的安静不去打搅他们。他的红颜知己众多,而且无一不是人间绝色,个个不凡,却又相处的极为融洽。他这个做父亲的唯有欣慰, My father...... He really in?” Lin Ying both hands grasp his right arm, somewhat anxious saying. Father who now her dependence remaining Feng Xiao, also that from infancy to maturity has not only worn a mask. “我的生父……他真的在吗?”林樱双手抓回他的右臂,有些焦急的说道。现在她的依靠只剩下风逍,还有那个从小到大未曾蒙面的父亲。 He, moreover will immediately come.” Feng Xiao said with a slight smile, simultaneously the vision looked to the gate direction. “他在,而且马上就会来了。”风逍微笑着说道,同时目光看向了门的方向。 Immediately, dōng dōng two knocks resound once more, in the loudspeaker broadcasts the shade sound: Officer, is Xiao Family Eldest Young Master.” 马上,“咚咚”两声敲门声再次响起,扩音器里传来影的声音:“首长,是萧家大少爷。” Comes.” “进来吧。” The door was opened by the shade, first comes is not Xiao Tian, but is a thinness, the hair beard is gray, but also the rickets the dry old man of waist, his chest front is holding greatly big cardboard, that neat western-style clothing is presenting with his physique an extremely uncoordinated garish feeling. To see a good father image to the daughter, Lunatic unprecedented trim beard and hair, but also exchanged does not know western-style clothing how long has not worn. Where he cannot attend to here is, was just opened fiercely to push to rush the shade in the gate at that moment, the vision is taking a fast look around this room fast, then locking stubbornly on Lin Ying, vision and whole body fierce is shivering. 门被影打开,首先进来的不是萧天,而是一个骨瘦如柴,头发胡子花白,还佝偻着腰的干巴老头,他胸前抱着一张大大的纸板,那身整洁的西装与他的身板呈现着一种极不协调的扎眼感。为了给女儿看到一个好的父亲形象,疯子破天荒的修剪了胡子、头发,还换上了不知多久没穿过的西装。他根本顾不得这里是哪里,在门刚被打开那一刻就猛地将影挤开闯了进来,目光快速的扫视着这个房间,然后死死的锁定在林樱身上,目光、全身都剧烈的颤抖着。 On the Feng Xiao face reveals being astonished color/look, this is his first time sees Lunatic flustered so. Also no wonder, desperate two years later suddenly knew own also family member, that feeling ratio unexpectedly finds a way out also wants thrillingly extremely. 风逍脸上露出讶色,这是他第一次看到疯子如此的慌张。也难怪,绝望两年后忽然得知自己还有亲人,那种感觉比绝处逢生还要让人激动万分。 But his impolite vision makes the Lin Ying brow lock, in the vision had the chill in the air. Long Wei has turned around, asked with the sound: „, Are you Mr. Lin Zeshang?” 而他无礼的目光让林樱眉头锁起,目光中有了寒意。龙威转过身来,和声问道:“请问,你是林泽商先生吗?”
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