LA :: Volume #7

#680: Rainbow Phoenix of day

Is strange bedfellows establishes the sentimental quickest way without doubt, to the man and woman, is the woman and woman. Before only belonged to the Feng Yao hut seven girls to lie down above at this time, although the bed was very big, but did not have the Feng Xiao position, therefore Feng Xiao can only the tearful eyes dance returned to oneself room to rest. 同床共枕无疑是建立感情最快的方式,无论是对男人与女人,还是女人与女人。以前只属于风瑶的小屋此时七个女孩躺在上面,虽然床真的很大,但也没有了风逍的位置,于是风逍只能泪眼婆娑的回到自己房间睡。 However what makes his psychology very balanced is, solemn Azure Dragon stands night watch on the sofa of living room. 不过让他心理很平衡的是,堂堂青龙在客厅的沙发上守夜。 Feng Xiao breaks off the finger then forget about it...... Bing Lan'er that Yao'er, Ruoruo, Rourou (soft), Yiyi, Yingying, Bing Xue'er and also decline to leave, after Bing'er has had the dinner, went home...... Seven large and small beautiful women, actually could not bump into...... It seems like tomorrow must clean good room as soon as possible, making them separate. Un, then went into action to be many on convenience, the person are many were not good to start. 风逍掰着手指头算了起来……瑶儿若若柔柔伊伊樱樱冰雪儿还有赖着不走的冰蓝儿,冰儿吃过晚饭后回家了……七个大大小小的美女,却一个都碰不到了……看来明天必须尽快整理好房间,让她们分开住。嗯,然后行动起来就方便多了,人多了不好下手。 also Nangong Family three Little Sister how, after yesterday them together XX, has not wept and wailed with the parents complains. also Little Fairy, Yao'er said her in accompanying that three Little Girl, because their delicate bodies devastate extremely, shrinking that has been incapable is not willing to get down on the bed...... Such they did not have the time to complain probably temporarily. 还有南宫家的三个小妹妹怎样了,昨天把她们一起XX了之后没哭着喊着和父母告状吧。还有小仙女,瑶儿说她在陪着那三个小丫头,因为她们娇弱的身体不胜摧残,一直都无力的缩在床上不肯下来……这样的她们好像也暂时没时间告状了。 Feng Xiao raises up the ear, wants to listen secretly the speaking voice of next door. 风逍竖起耳朵,想去偷听隔壁的说话声。 dōng dōng two knocks gently resound, afterward has resounded Feng Yao soft sound: Elder Brother, did you rest?” 咚咚”两声轻轻的敲门声响起,随后响起了风瑶柔柔的声音:“哥哥,你睡了吗?” Feng Xiao Intelligence (mind/spirit) inspires, at the maximum speed overruns to open the door, then hugs her, a foot door tramples, holds Feng Yao to leap on the bed directly. 风逍精神一振,以最快的速度冲过去打开房门,然后一把将她抱起,一脚把门踹上,抱着风瑶直接跃回床上。 My Yao'er sympathizes me, certainly is feared that I lonely is right?” A Feng Xiao face badly smiles, both hands very much dishonest practicing fraud, having made the breath of Feng Yao loud. “还是我的瑶儿体贴我,一定是怕我寂寞了对不对?”风逍一脸坏笑,双手已经很不老实的上下其手,让风瑶的呼吸跟着粗重起来。 This time Feng Yao just left bath obviously, the hair slightly wet, wears faint yellow as thin as a cicada's wing translucent fine gauze, in the gauze is empty, whole body snow-white jade skin and deep valley peaks and ridges float exquisite raised, only endures under the willow waist that grasps, slenderly such as weaves the luxuriant grass to be partly visible gracefully, under stroking of Feng Xiao both hands, her thin ski white skin float up presently wipes intoxicant bright red. 此时的风瑶明显刚刚出浴,头发微湿,身披一袭淡黄色薄如蝉翼的半透明轻纱,纱内空无一物,浑身玉|肌雪肤、幽谷峰峦玲珑浮凸,盈盈仅堪一握、纤细如织的柳腰下芳草萋萋若隐若现,在风逍双手的抚摸之下,她细滑雪白的肌肤上浮现一抹醉人的嫣红。 Although Feng Xiao already saw Feng Yao that to make the beautiful woman who the person heart and soul shocks outstandingly beautiful, but gives even heard oneself heart peng peng the jumping sound in the soul tarnish at this time. So peerless beautiful woman pale makeup white clothing swings the person heart and soul, on this occasion the fine gauze shades the body, when the peaks and ridges deep valley is partly visible, where in addition just like the noble concubine leaves the bath indolent attractive peerless graceful bearing to be able not to call people blood boiling with excitement. A hand of Feng Xiao pinches to grasp her show breast in the hands, another has put in she tight closed powder legs forcefully, gently is rubbing. 风逍虽早已见惯风瑶那令人心魄震撼的倾城绝色,但此时在魂销色授下甚至听到了自己心脏“砰砰”的跳声。如此绝世佳人淡妆素裹已是荡人心魄,值此轻纱蔽体,峰峦幽谷若隐若现之际,再加上犹如贵妃出浴般娇慵诱人的绝世风姿哪能不叫人血脉贲张风逍的一只手将她的秀乳捏握在手间,另一只已经强行伸进了她紧紧闭合的粉腿之间,轻轻的搓揉着。 Elder Brother...... First does not want.” The Feng Yao respite is getting more and more loud, she has not rejected his infringement, only exudes the begging for mercy sound in the mouth: Elder Brother...... First listened to Yao'er to say...... Is again good?” 哥哥……先不要。”风瑶的喘息越来越粗重,她没有拒绝他的侵犯,只在口中发出求饶声:“哥哥……先听瑶儿说完……再来好不好?” Feng Yao Rourou (soft) begs for mercy instead to make the Feng Xiao movement even more wild, the snow color/look right breast had been rubbed to pinch to make a debut the tinted red mark by him, Feng Xiao the satisfactory feeling the moist feeling that begins to transmit, while said: Actually I have the matter to tell Yao'er......” 风瑶柔柔讨饶反而让风逍的动作愈加狂野起来,雪色的右乳已被他揉捏出道道浅色红痕,风逍一边满意的感受着手间传来的湿润感,一边说道:“其实我也有事要告诉瑶儿……” „Is Elder Brother the idea...... Had ten girls.” The clamped both legs that Feng Yao makes an effort, were not sent out moan by oneself diligently, the slippery feeling that there transmits makes her complexion more and more bright red. 哥哥是不是想法……已经有了十个女孩子了。”风瑶用力的夹|紧双腿,努力不让自己发出呻吟,那里传来的湿滑感让她的脸色越来越嫣红。 Eh...... Did Yao'er know?” Feng Xiao movement slightly slow, somewhat poverty-stricken saying. “额……瑶儿已经知道了吗?”风逍的动作稍缓,有些窘迫的说道。 Un...... This relates to Elder Brother matter for a lifetime, how I can not pay attention. Adoptive Father has said that only then contaminates ten Female Yin, Elder Brother may achieve the Chaos Secret Art Sixth Layer boundary, ability...... True wanted Yao'er, otherwise Elder Brother meets......” “嗯……这是关系到哥哥一辈子的事,我又怎么能不关注呢。义父说过,只有沾染十女之阴,哥哥才有可能达到混沌决第六层境界,也才能……真正的要了瑶儿,否则哥哥会……” Meets five in entirely burned dead. If before 25 years old , cannot achieve Chaos Secret Art Sixth Layer, I and Yao'er will lose the life.” Before remembering Feng Xiaoyao just before the end , said that the Feng Xiao innermost feelings still full were the doubts. He will never suspect the Feng Xiaoyao words, but he did not have clear(ly) to become aware implication for these years. “会五内俱焚而死。而如果25岁之前不能达到混沌决第六层,我和瑶儿都会失去性命。”想起风逍遥临终前所言,风逍内心依然满是疑惑。他从来不会怀疑风逍遥的话,只是这么多年以来他一直都没有明悟其中的涵义。 That Elder Brother...... To know that is why?” Feng Yao bites the fragrant lip, sound is trembling slightly, the body was completely weak. “那哥哥……想知道是为什么吗?”风瑶咬着香唇,声音微微发颤,身体已经完全酥软下来。 Why? The movement on Feng Xiao slows down finally, then stopped. 为什么?风逍手上的动作终于放缓,然后停了下来。 Enters step requirement ten Female Yin...... He can definitely Ac­cepts, but meets five in entirely burned with Yao'er intercourse before then. If this is not says by Feng Xiaoyao, he will regard a funniest joke these words absolutely. But before 25 years old , could not achieve Chaos Secret Art Sixth Layer they to be killed, this point he was bewildered. 进阶需要女之阴……他完全可以接受,但在这之前与瑶儿交|合会五内俱焚。如果这不是由风逍遥所言,他绝对会把这句话当成一个最好笑的笑话。而25岁之前达不到混沌决第六层他们就都会丧命,这一点他更是莫名其妙。 Wish promotion that but in order to promotes Chaos Secret Art, Feng Xiaoyao passed away still only then First Layer he goes all out. Feng Xiaoyao and he has said that Chaos is a world, must promote Chaos Secret Art, must first take in enough world spiritual energy, but first five also must have strong the enough state of mind, latter two distinguish a requirement harsh condition, one is ten Female Yin, another he had not said. Therefore he practices breathing exercises every day, frequently when Feng Yao goes to school goes out to practice the heart. But three years pass by, his Chaos Secret Art has still not had the little advance. 但为了能提升混沌决,风逍遥过世时依然只有第一层的他拼命的想要提升。风逍遥和他说过,混沌即天地,要提升混沌决,首先要吸纳足够的天地灵气,而前五层同时还要有足够强的心境,后两层则分别需要一个苛刻的条件,一个为十女之阴,另一个他没有说。于是他每天都练气,也会经常在风瑶上学期间外出练心。但三年过去,他的混沌决依然未有寸进。 Until Rebirth appears, his Chaos Secret Art breaks through from First Layer again and again, six months rushed to Fifth Layer. 直到轮回出现,他的混沌决第一层连连突破,半年的时间冲到了第五层 But in the dialogue of Eastern Emperor Liu Li during, he also finally understood reason that can break through rapidly. The present real world had been polluted seriously, the world spiritual energy also majority of becomes the world foul air, lets the accumulation of his Chaos Qi slowly. But in Rebirth World, then to pure world spiritual energy, because he has the relations of Chaos Body, but natural floods into his within the body, is gathering fast. Afterward, in the fights of China four Gods, has executed him who the God shot in life and death online, among the life and death because of Chaos Power saw the hope, obsession that however the after-birth lived. Then, his state of mind again and again breaks through under the life and death, hope and obsession, with already sufficient world spiritual energy-- is also Chaos Qi together makes his Chaos Secret Art climb to Fourth Layer from First Layer one after another. 而在与东皇琉璃的对话之中,他也终于明白了能飞速突破的原因。如今的现实世界已经被严重污染,天地灵气也大部分成为天地浊气,让他的混沌之气的聚集缓慢至极。而在轮回世界,那至纯的天地灵气因他具有混沌之体的关系而自然的涌入他体内,快速的聚集着。后来,在与华夏四神的战斗中,中了诛神弹的他在生死线上走了一回,生死之间因混沌之力而看到了希望,然后产生活过来的执念。就这样,他的心境在生死、希望、执念之下连连突破,与早已充足的天地灵气——也就是混沌之气一起让他的混沌决第一层接连升至第四层 Also is three months later, he falls into desperately because of the Feng Yao death, the state of mind also once more breaks through under the despair, his Chaos Secret Art promotes with Chaos Qi that these three months buy to the Fifth Layer boundary together. 又是三个月后,他因风瑶的死而陷入绝望,心境也在绝望之下再次突破,与这三个月来吸纳的混沌之气一起将他的混沌决提升到第五层的境界。 Only can say that humans affair difficult material, he pursued for several years to have achieved nothing desirably, the destiny let him in the harvest that within one year did not prepare time and time again. But meanwhile, he also has to sigh that Rebirth World-- is also Eastern Emperor's Bell entrusts with his world spiritual energy big astonishment. 只能说世事难料,他刻意追求了十几年而一无所获,命运却让他在一年之内毫无准备的收获了一次又一次。而同时,他也不得不感叹轮回世界——也就是东皇钟赋予他的天地灵气大的惊人。 But now, he had ten Female Yin, but Chaos Secret Art has not actually entered the step the sign. This can only explain, he is insufficient in the world spiritual energy that Rebirth World takes , the only and simple method frequently is in that world. 而如今,他有了十女之阴,而混沌决却没有进阶的迹象。这只能说明,他在轮回世界吸纳的天地灵气还不够,唯一而简单的方法就是经常处于那个世界。 Eastern Emperor Liu Li once had also suggested that Chaos Fifth Layer he reluctantly is the half God in human race, only then breaks through Fifth Layer, he is considered as is a true God. Then...... Arrives at final Seventh Layer? Exceeds the God unexpectedly? 东皇琉璃也曾暗示过,混沌第五层的他勉强算是人类中的半神,只有突破第五层,他才算得上是一个真神。那么……到达最终的第七层呢?难道竟是超越神? Yao'er, did you know reason?” Feng Xiao some asking of staring blankly. 瑶儿,你已经知道原因了吗?”风逍有些发怔的问道。 Un. Therefore Elder Brother listened to me to say first...... Is good?” The right chest that Feng Yao caressed to have been rubbed the hemp pain and rises by him lightly, then pulled out from own legs his hand gently, discovered that above his finger has spread completely the creamy clear liquid. “嗯。所以哥哥先听我说完……好不好?”风瑶轻抚了一下被他揉的又麻又痛又涨的右胸,然后轻轻将他的手从自己腿间抽出,发现他的手指之上已经涂满了滑腻晶莹的液体。 Feng Yao will not always reject Elder Brother anything, to make up this time to his gentle resistance, she has the courage, blushes to stretch out the fragrant tongue, liquid careful Rourou (soft) on his hand licks. This arouses to the extreme action lets dry separation entire heat radiating from body the explosion of almost, just about to cannot bear throw ruthlessly her, gently was actually put out the Feng Yao holding down body that he points at: Elder Brother, calling Wan'er to come out? I have said that when Elder Brother brings Wan'er to come back, I will tell a very long story to Elder Brother and Wan'er together, after Elder Brother and Wan'er listened to this story, knows before many, matter that will not know.” 风瑶从来都不会拒绝哥哥什么,为了弥补这次对他的轻柔抗拒,她鼓起勇气,红着脸伸出香舌,将他手上的液体细细柔柔的舔去。这一撩人到极点的举动让风选全身热的几乎爆炸,刚要忍不住将她狠狠扑到,却被轻轻吐出他手指的风瑶按住身体:“哥哥,叫婉儿出来好吗?我说过,等哥哥婉儿回来,我会给哥哥婉儿一起讲一个很长的故事,哥哥婉儿听了这个故事后,就会知道好多以前不知道的事。” The summon of requirement Feng Xiao, Xuanyuan Wan'er did not appear in golden light before the Feng Xiao bed together, she grabs the hand of Feng Yao excitedly, on the face is the fearful color/look that Feng Xiao cannot understand. Feng Yao except for in that time of deep sleep can see all that he sees, can see Wan'er, other times as if not exchange with Wan'er, why Wan'er will see her excitedly so...... Is because before them, is the people of Heaven Realm? Then, is Yao'er unexpectedly really Fairy Maiden of space? 需要风逍的呼唤,轩辕婉儿已经在一道金芒之中出现在风逍床前,她激动的抓住风瑶的手,脸上是风逍看不懂的惶惶之色。风瑶除了在沉睡的那段时间可以看到他所看到的一切,也就可以看到婉儿,其他时候似乎与婉儿并无交流,为什么婉儿见到她会如此的激动……是因为她们之前都是天界之人吗?那么,瑶儿竟然真的是天上的仙子吗? Wan'er, I know that you have many words to ask me, first do not speak, listening to me to say nothing of slowly is good.” Feng Yao Wan'er according to sitting in bedside, then reorganized by the clothes that Feng Xiao messes up. The gauze clothes that she wears at this time is too thin, the beautiful scenery between chest front pink two point or the leg is partly visible. 婉儿,我知道你有好多话要问我,先不要说话,听我慢慢说好不好。”风瑶婉儿按坐在床边,然后整理了一下自己被风逍弄乱的衣服。她此时穿的纱衣太薄,无论是胸前粉色的两点还是腿间的绝美风景都若隐若现。 Feng Yao has relaxed the mood, finally starts to narrate slowly: Chaos has bred the innumerable world, but the world of human beings and Heaven Realm are come by Chaos. Chaos has bred human race as well as myriad lives in the world of human beings, but similarly has also bred various immortals as well as immortals in Heaven Realm spirits.” 风瑶安定了一下情绪,终于开始缓缓讲述起来:“混沌孕育了无数的世界,而无论是人界与天界都是由混沌而来。混沌在人界孕育了人类以及万千生灵,而在天界也同样孕育了仙人以及各种仙灵。” Jade Pool Paradise is Heaven Realm is most beautiful, is the spiritual energy most sufficient place, when Jade Pool produces, Heaven Realm did not have the official formation, because that time Gods were scattered, cultivated the God to cultivate the mind voluntarily, but did not disturb mutually, without own responsibility, did not have the division of Level. This situation has continued innumerable years later, Heaven Realm forms finally officially, had first God King-- is also Jade Emperor. But on that day, Jade Pool Paradise color light everywhere, was approved by a Heaven Realm people for the auspicious omen, but color light everywhere has continued several days later, one, only then Strange Beast of feathers of seven color from Jade Pool is departing, they know originally is Jade Pool Paradise bred a spirit beast to the pure spiritual energy.” 瑶池仙境天界最美,也是灵气最充足的地方,当瑶池产生时,天界还没有正式的形成,因为那时的众神都是零零散散,自行修神修心而互不干扰,没有自己的职责,更没有等级之分。这种情形持续了无数年之后,天界终于正式形成,有了第一个神王——也就是玉帝。而就在那一天,瑶池仙境彩光漫天,被天界中人赞为祥瑞,而彩光漫天持续了十几天之后,一只有着七彩之羽的奇兽瑶池飞出,他们才知道原来是瑶池仙境的至纯灵气孕育出了一只灵兽。” However this Seven Colored Spirit Beast really is extremely only beautiful, the Gods wanted to subdue to give to then Jade Emperor it, therefore has actually offended it, it in sky lowered seven color flame unexpectedly, will offend its formidable God to burn down completely completely, its great strength made the Gods have a big shock. Until afterward Tathagata Bud­dha personally acted, said that it is Jade Pool Heavenly Spirit, to protect Jade Pool Paradise lives, has in the world strongest Seven Colored Karmic Fire, cannot offend.” “而这只七彩灵兽实在太过美丽,众神想要将它收服献给当时的玉帝,却因此而触犯了它,天空中的它竟然降下七彩火焰,将触犯它的强大天神们全部焚烧殆尽,它的强大让众神大惊失色。直到后来如来佛祖亲自出面,称其为瑶池天灵,为守护瑶池仙境而生,有着天地间最强的七彩业火,不可触犯。” Therefore Heaven Realm unmanned dares to offend it again, will only be exclaiming in surprise in the distant place its beauty and great strength, and names is Seven Colored Phoenix.” “于是天界再无人敢去触犯它,只会在远处惊叹着它的美丽与强大,并为之取名为七彩凤凰。” Fenghuang (Phoenix)? First Fenghuang (Phoenix) therefore lives, moreover multi-colored?” Feng Xiao said surprised. 凤凰?难道第一只凤凰就是因此而生,而且还是彩色的?”风逍惊讶道
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