LA :: Volume #4

#313: Star Chaser Sword Saint

Yes.” Maple Leaf Hao Ran steady oneself breath diligently, he realized finally anything is the true great strength. “是。”枫叶浩然努力的平稳自己的呼吸,他终于认识到了什么才是真正的强大。 He, was too formidable.” Perhaps was unable to describe a moment ago that moment him formidable, but Maple Leaf Hao Ran can only think of this kind of pale phrase. “他,太强大了。”或许强大已经无法形容刚才那一刻的他,但枫叶浩然只能想到这样一个苍白的字眼。 But if he knows that shook a moment ago day moves the place strikes is powerful enough to destroy north Heavenly Dragon Continent entire completely, does not know that will make what feelings. 但如果他知道刚才那撼天动地的一击完全足以摧毁天龙大陆的整个北方,不知会作何感想。 That Big Brother Asura? Where he went to a moment ago.” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan bewildered asking. “那修罗大哥呢?他刚才去哪里了。”枫叶狂澜一脸茫然的问道。 This Heaven Defying might, has the penalty of Heaven Defying inevitably, perhaps......” Maple Leaf Hao Ran lightly sighed, if the penalty returns to 0 levels, even deletes the number, he will not think excessively. “这种逆天的威力,必然有着逆天的惩罚,也许……”枫叶浩然轻叹一声,如果惩罚是回归0级,甚至是删号,他都丝毫不会觉得过分。 Can be...... Like this?” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan vision gloomy lowering the head, but is quick, his head fiercely lifts, in the vision disclosed with raw hate: I do not forgive Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, in vain I when also he is Big Brother, he unexpectedly......” “会是……这样吗?”枫叶狂澜目光暗淡的低下头,但很快,他的头又猛地抬起,目光中透露出凶狠:“我绝不原谅天煞风云,枉我还当他是大哥,他居然……” Whether should not know for the enemy and ourselves with the day ghost, but, this life this life, we cannot absolutely with Asura for the enemy.” “是否应该与天煞为敌我不知道,但,今生今世,我们绝对不能与修罗为敌。” Shock that life is not perhaps able to obliterate, lets Asura got in his mind invincibly the mark. 那或许一生都无法磨灭的震撼,让修罗在他的心中被打上了“不可战胜”的标记。 Right Big Brother.” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan thinks slightly, issue that asked him continuously have doubts: „Do you have to think that Big Brother Asura uses sword, is good to look familiar.” “对了大哥。”枫叶狂澜稍稍思索,问出了他一直在疑惑的问题:“你有没有觉得修罗大哥用的那把剑,好眼熟。” Maple Leaf Hao Ran nods: From my first time sees Asura to fighting Demon Wolf Gang that time on the media, I indistinctly have discovered. Regardless of the length, the shape, teaches Xuanyuan Sword that records to be quite similar to our ancestors, only had the ray to be dim. And...... Also calculates a moment ago the observation of short distance, I discovered the pattern on sword blade almost and exactly the same in record.” 枫叶浩然点点头:“从我第一次在媒体上看到修罗对战魔狼帮那次,我就已经隐约发现了。无论长度,形状,都和我们祖训上记载的轩辕剑极为相似,唯有光芒黯淡了一些而已。而且……刚才还算近距离的观察,我发现剑身上的花纹都几乎和记载中的一模一样。” Xuanyuan Sword is the belief of Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family, each of them will start firmly to carve Xuanyuan Sword all characteristics from the record at heart. Sees one in Xuanyuan similar the sword with record, they are unable not to pay attention. 轩辕剑轩辕世家的信仰,他们每个人从记事开始就会把轩辕剑的一切特征牢牢刻在心里。看到一把与记载中的轩辕相似的剑,他们无法不去关注。 If appears in the real world, no matter it is Xuanyuan, we certainly will also exhaust every means to take, but is a pity......” Maple Leaf Hao Ran face the color/look of regretting, because this is only almost does not have Rebirth World of point of intersection with the reality. “如果出现在现实世界,不管它是不是轩辕,我们也一定会用尽方法弄到手,但可惜……”枫叶浩然一脸的惋惜之色,因为这只是与现实几乎没有交点的轮回世界 We...... Walks. This map by complete destroying, not being had any ban, City's Return Scroll to use......” “我们……走吧。这个地图被完全的摧毁,没有了任何的禁制,回城卷已经可以用了……” .................. ……………… Somewhat dim space. 有些昏暗的空间。 Ding, congratulates Player Howling Sky Single Sword Level Up to Level 50, Movement Speed + 2, reaction + 2, Vitality + 20, Magic/MP + 10, 5 Attributes points can assign.” “叮,恭喜玩家啸天一剑等级升50级,移动速度+2,反应+2,体力+20,魔法+10,有5点属性点可以分配。” Ding, your homemade vigorous sword Profession, please is Profession name.” “叮,你自创疾剑型职业,请为职业命名。” Star Chaser Sword Saint.” Xiao Tian shuts eyes lightly, said indifferently. Star Chaser, became his inseparable partner, did not have him, does not have his present great strength. 追星剑圣。”萧天轻闭双眼,淡然说道。追星,已经成为他不可分离的伙伴,没有了他,就没有他现在的强大。 Ding, you homemade flicker body Support Skill, please is Skills name.” “叮,你自创瞬身辅助技能,请为技能命名。” Flickers!” “瞬!” Ding, your homemade Single Target flickers to attack Skills, please is Skills name.” “叮,你自创单体瞬攻技能,请为技能命名。” Zero!” “零!” Ding, your homemade Single Target illness attacks Skills, please is Skills name.” “叮,你自创单体疾攻技能,请为技能命名。” Chaotic!” “乱!” Ding, your homemade Single Target flickers to attack unique skill Skills, please is Skills name.” “叮,你自创单体瞬攻绝招技能,请为技能命名。” Traceless!” Xiao Tian opens eyes slightly, the sword common ray flashes passes. Only then these two characters, reluctant load this Skills. “无痕!”萧天微微睁开眼睛,剑一般的光芒一闪即逝。只有这两个字,才勉强担的起这个技能 Ding! Skills traceless extremely formidable, the system forces to define that for life-long only may use nine times.” 叮!技能‘无痕’太过强大,系统强制限定为终生只可使用九次。” Curling the lip that a Xiao Tian face does not care about, languid snort/hum said: Nine times nine times, had zero and chaotic, is completely enough!” 萧天一脸不在意的撇撇嘴,懒洋洋的哼道:“九次就九次吧,有了‘零’与‘乱’,完全足够!” Xiao Tian yawned, face sloppy setting out, arrives is looking at sky lost Boundless Flame behind, lifts the hand racket his shoulder: I said the flame old man, you stood here to look at old long time/half of the day, did the space have the beautiful woman?” 萧天打了个呵欠,一脸散漫的起身,走到正看着天空出神的炎无际身后,抬起手拍拍他的肩膀:“我说炎老头,你都站这里看了老半天了,难道天上有美女?” Fuck! you understand P! A moment ago that vibration absolutely was not that anything earthquake that you said that but was formidable Strength!” Boundless Flame expression saying with deep veneration, saw expression that his face thinks otherwise, helpless shaking the head: Forget about it, does not explain with your Youngster, said that your matter, un, you then plan to make anything.” 靠!你懂个P!刚才那股震动绝对不是你说的那什么地震,而是一股强大的力量!”炎无际表情肃然的说道,看到他一脸不以为然的表情,无奈的摇摇头:“算了算了,跟你小子说不明白,还是说说你的事情吧,嗯,你接下来打算做什么。” Xiao Tian stretches out one right to refer, does not return has referred to behind, face the color/look of disdaining: That anything birds that look, you catch are only lying down there...... Oh, how these Gold BOSS more and more did not pass through has hit, I have not warmed up die that. However, Experience are many, now finally arrives at Level 50.” 萧天伸出一根右指,头也不回的指了指身后,一脸的不屑之色:“看吧,你抓来的那只什么鸟兽正躺那里呢……唉,这些黄金BOSS怎么越来越不经打了,我还没热身就死那了。不过嘛,经验蛮多,现在终于到50级了。” Oh?” Boundless Flame shot a look at his with half eyes, quick received the vision: Good, finally Profession Change became that any bird Profession that you pondered over all day...... Breaks this world the rule, through the ages, you should calculate on was the first person.” ?”炎无际拿半只眼睛瞥了他一下,又很快把目光收了回去:“不错,终于转职成你整天琢磨的那个什么鸟职业了……打破这个世界的规则,古往今来,你应该算的上是第一人了。” „Is this in other words, I am the Heavenly Dragon Continent first talented person, Wahahahaha!” Xiao Tian face suddenly/violently Shuang laughs. “这是不是就是说,我是天龙大陆第一人才,哇哈哈哈哈!”萧天一脸暴爽的大笑起来。 Talent...... A little.” Boundless Flame looked at one, Perception of Xiao Tian to sword has made his heart startled high, but the effort that these days he made, he watched. As if the intense faith have been supporting him. “天才呢……有点吧。”炎无际看了一眼,萧天对剑的悟性之高让他心惊,而这段时间来他所做的努力,他更是看在眼里。似乎一直有一股强烈的信念在支撑着他。 „, You now this strength, my casual small finger can stab to death!” Boundless Flame just praised half a word, on attack of being relentless in the past. “不过呢,就你现在这点实力,我随便一个小手指头就能戳死!”炎无际刚夸半句,就毫不留情的打击过去。 Che! a Xiao Tian face is not feeling well mumbled: Has practiced compared with me for more than 10,000 years, but also felt all right to say.” 切!萧天一脸不爽的嘟囔道:“比我多修炼了10000多年,还好意思说。” Was good, is not chatty with your this old fogy, I must leave, participates tomorrow's Martial Battle Grand Competition, there, will be the stage that my Xiao Tian will become world-famous!” Xiao Tian has trod forward two steps, looks at the sky, in the facial expression has obvious impatient. “好了,不跟你这个老家伙叽歪,我必须离开了,去参加明天的武斗大会,那里,将是我萧天扬名天下的舞台!”萧天向前踏了两步,看着天空,神情中有着明显的迫不及待。 If, I am really good to think can on Martial Battle Grand Competition with the eldest child carefree dripping hits one.” “如果可以,我真的好想能在武斗大会上和老大畅快淋漓的打一场。” Oh? What's wrong, is he goal that you must surmount?” Asking that Boundless Flame interested. ?怎么,他是你必须超越的目标?”炎无际饶有兴趣的问道。 Who he knows the eldest child in his mouth is. That is he could not completely understand, person who can also bring back his utmost interest. 他知道他口中的老大是谁。那是个他看不透,又能勾起他极大兴趣的人。 No!” Xiao Tian has turned round, facial expression unusual earnestness: I forever could not exceed him, I only want to show to him, I was qualified for his brothers!” “不!”萧天回过身来,神情少有的认真:“我永远也超越不了他,我只想向他证明,我有资格做他的兄弟!” Boundless Flame is startled, even more is interested, „the eldest child who you said that actually has what charm, can make your smelly Youngster such be dead set on like this.” 炎无际一怔,越发感兴趣起来,“你所说的老大,究竟有何魅力,能让你这样的臭小子都这么死心塌地。” Xiao Tian laughed heartily, an item of band of light faint trace is pitying from the beginning to take a look at the foot him, said with a chuckle: Flame old man, you should not have the friend.” 萧天哈哈大笑,目光带着丝丝怜悯将他从头打量到脚,嘿嘿笑道:“炎老头,你应该没有朋友吧。” Your fart!” reaction extraordinary fierce of Boundless Flame, has not jumped on the difference, who said that the father does not have the friend! Father's friend proliferates Heavenly Dragon Continent, in addition the steamed bun are more than you have eaten!” “你放屁!”炎无际反应出奇的剧烈,就差没跳起来,“谁说老子没有朋友!老子的朋友遍布天龙大陆,加起来比你吃过的馒头都多!” Che! Xiao Tian despises his with the thought that mumbled in secret: You have the P friend, that many that if your friend some you said that I accompany you these days you as for Le to become such. 切!萧天用意念鄙视他一番,暗中嘟囔道:你有个P朋友,要是你朋友有你说的那么多,我陪你这段时间你至于乐成那样么。 Good! Right that you said that your friend adds Youngster my sycophancy difficult, but......” in the Xiao Tian eye flood the strange ray, the expression also gradually receives frivolous, as if recalled anything: I and eldest child's sentiment, is not only the friend, does not leave not the abandoned life and death brothers, changes the junction of life brothers truly. Except for the brothers, he is in this world lets the person who I am willing to submit to only, even if crawls for a lifetime in his under foot, I am also willing!” “好!你老说的对,你老的朋友加起来小子我拍马难及,不过……”萧天的眼中泛起奇异的光芒,表情也逐渐收起轻狂,似乎回忆起了什么:“我和老大的感情,不仅是朋友,更是不离不弃的生死兄弟,真正换命之交的兄弟。除了兄弟,他更是这个世界上唯一让我甘愿臣服的人,就算一辈子匍匐在他的脚下,我也心甘情愿!” Boundless Flame vision surprise looked at his one eyes, at heart unexpectedly flood confusedness slightly. He suddenly discovered, such sentiment, he did not understand. Did not understand that is what experience makes him so be dead set on to that Asura successor. 炎无际目光诧异的看了他一眼,心里竟泛起微微的迷茫。他忽然发现,这样的感情,他不理解。更不理解是什么样的经历让他对那个修罗传人如此死心塌地。 A Xiao Tian face self-important racket his shoulder, said with a smile inexpensively: Flame old man, I must go back...... Hehe, actually you, although is very sometimes scary, but the temperament is good, such shouted that you you are not angry, ok, later I shouted you...... Master, is probably inappropriate, what you have not taught me, every day accompanies me to fight, such being the case, that was a friend to be good, how?” 萧天一脸老气横秋的拍拍他肩膀,贱笑道:“炎老头,我要回去了……嘿嘿,其实你老虽然有时候挺吓人,但是脾气还是不错的,这么喊你你都不生气,算了,以后我还是喊你……师傅么,好像不合适,你也没教我什么,每天陪我打架而已,既然如此,那就做个朋友好了,如何?” Friends? 朋友么? Acts alone for ten thousand years, how could he has the friend...... However, has the feeling of friend is good, although his young . Moreover the disposition also quite made one not be feeling well. The Boundless Flame innermost feelings had not the small tremor. 独行万年,他何曾有过朋友……不过,有朋友的感觉还是不错的,虽然他的年纪小了点,而且性格也相当令人不爽。炎无际的内心有了不小的颤动。 Walked, asked you restaurant that went to my eldest child to open to drink.” Xiao Tian beckons backward, to having the obviously luminous that direction walks, so long as left here, he can return to the city directly. “走了,有空请你去我老大开的酒楼喝酒去。”萧天向后招招手,向有明显光亮的那个方向走去,只要出了这里,他就可以直接回城。 wait a moment.” Boundless Flame made noise to stop by calling out him. 等一下。”炎无际出声叫住了他。 What matter? How doesn't give up?” Xiao Tian has turned round, but has gawked quickly, vision by his hand flood slightly the long and narrow object attraction of silver light. “什么事?不舍得咋的?”萧天回过身来,不过很快愣了一下,目光被他手中一个泛着微微银光的狭长物体吸引。 This is...... Scabbard!?” “这是……剑鞘!?” Right!” Boundless Flame nods, is caressing in hand lightly the tall and slender scabbard, this is the Star Chaser Sword scabbard, the past years was Star Chaser Sword puts together. Now, Star Chaser Sword completely was you, this scabbard, should give you,” “没错!”炎无际点头,轻抚着手中细长的剑鞘,“这是追星剑的剑鞘,当年是和追星剑放在一起的。现在,追星剑已经完全属于你,这把剑鞘,也该交给你了,” More than one meter are long, light silver light, tall and slender like sword blade, light and lively , if no thing, Xiao Tian excited receiving. However he quick another asking: Star Chaser usually places backpack, is this scabbard useful?” 一米多长,淡淡银光,细长如剑身,轻灵如无物,萧天一脸兴奋的接过。不过他很快又一脸疑惑的问道:“追星平时都是放在背包,这剑鞘有什么用?” After putting in the backpack and insertion scabbard, directly puts in the backpack again, has the difference? Oh, the only difference is, latter summoned after backpack, but must from the scabbard pull out, the scabbard instead became the burden! 直接放入背包和插入剑鞘后再放入背包,有区别么?,唯一的区别就是,后者从背包里召唤出来后,还必须从剑鞘里拔出来,剑鞘反成累赘! This scabbard, you must not leave the body in a minute! Understands my meaning.” Boundless Flame looks that he said with deep veneration. “这个剑鞘,你必须片刻不离身!明白我的意思么。”炎无际看着他肃然说道。 You meant, my Star Chaser can in the hand, not probably put in the backpack frequently?” Xiao Tian understood quickly his meaning, in the heart somewhat understands clearly. The thought moves, light and lively Star Chaser Sword appears in his right hand. “你的意思是说,我的追星必须时刻拿在手中,不得放入背包?”萧天很快明白了他的意思,心中有些了然。意念一动,轻灵的追星剑出现在他的右手。 Puts in the backpack? Snort, be only the time is maintaining the exchange with Star Chaser, can truly achieve the person sword to unite, the heart sword unites. Starting today, you must grasp Star Chaser frequently, only then you achieve to blend the penetration with sword intent, can truly display the great strength of Star Chaser. But Star Chaser might, grows along with you and its conjunction degree...... Drop!” “放入背包?哼,只有时刻保持着与追星的交流,才能真正做到人剑合一,心剑合一。从今天起,你必须时刻手握追星,只有你与剑意做到融汇贯通,才能真正发挥追星的强大。而追星的威力,也会随着你与它的契合程度来成长……或下降!” Without any sound, sword blade and scabbard perfect links, silver sword blade by complete cover. The Xiao Tian left hand grips tightly the scabbard, earnest nod: I understood!” 没有任何声响,剑身与剑鞘完美的结合在一起,银色的剑身被完全的掩盖。萧天左手紧握剑鞘,认真的点头:“我明白了!” Flickering starts, the Xiao Tian form disappears in a flash on the spot, can only in the distant place of line of sight, catch the charm shade that wipes several not to be observed reluctantly. “瞬”发动,萧天的身影转瞬间消失在原地,只能在视线的远处,勉强捕捉到一抹几不可察的魅影。 My Xiao Tian came back finally! Wahahahaha!” “我萧天终于回来了!哇哈哈哈哈!”
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