LA :: Volume #4

#312: Star Breaker! Cuts golden light of world

Star Breaker:???? 碎星:???? Effect: Disregards all Defense ways, foundation Attack Power was equal to that Level * Strength * Attack, the Attack goal and range are assigned by the thought that the maximum Attack range is Level * Attack( meter/rice), forces Accuracy, and supplements 100% completely to destroy, needs 100000 Strength only then to start, if Strength starts insufficient forcefully, will then be dropped by Level 100000 / current Strength Penalty. 效果:无视所有防御方式,基础攻击力等于等级×力量×攻击,攻击目标及范围由意念指定,最大攻击范围为等级×攻击(米),强制命中,并附带100%完全摧毁,需100000力量方可发动,若力量不足强行发动,则会受到等级下降【100000/当前力量】的惩罚。 Had not introduced that explanation Skills, as if world does not have what glossary to describe sufficiently this only has Skills the great strength in legend, the expression not slight change on Feng Xiao face, is still covers entirely the hate and fierceness. 一个没有介绍说明的技能,似乎世间没有什么词汇足以形容这个只存在于传说中的技能的强大,风逍脸上的表情没有丝毫的变化,依然是布满怨恨与狰狞。 Heaven wants you dead...... You have dead!!!!” “上天都要你死……你不得不死!!!!” Red eyes as if must spout flame and scarlet blood, the innermost feelings suddenly become are calm like the stagnant water, as if no anything to start the mighty waves in his heart again, the only faith, is kills this to injure the Feng Yao person. 通红的眼睛仿佛要喷出火焰和赤血,内心却忽然变得如死水般平静,仿佛再也没有什么可以掀起他心中的波澜,唯一的信念,就是杀死这个伤害风瑶的人。 On Xuanyuan Sword gets up to the shining of inconceivable golden ray intensely, merely one completely has swallowed instantaneously then periphery all darkness, terrifying Ghost Swamp each inch land completely turned into golden, on black light including Demon Fiend, thorough cancels...... 强烈到不可思议的金色光芒在轩辕剑上耀起,仅仅一个瞬间便完全吞噬了周围所有的黑暗,恐怖的亡魂沼泽每一寸土地都完全变成了金色,连魔煞身上的黑光,也被彻彻底底的抹去…… The maple leaf brothers are closely shut by eyes that dazzling golden light compels, is unable to open again, Demon Fiend is covering eyes, airborne proclaimed hiss strange howling, formidable Dark Magic pounding to Feng Xiao, actually without exception kept off by Xuanyuan Sacred Flame. 枫叶兄弟被耀眼至极的金光迫的双眼紧紧闭起,再也无法睁开,魔煞更是捂着眼睛,空中宣嘶着怪异的吼叫,强大的黑暗魔法一个一个的砸向风逍,却无一例外被轩辕圣炎挡下。 Elder Brother Feng...... Does not want! Present you can run away...... Elder Sister Feng Yao returned to Novice Village...... You can also......” Xuanyuan Wan'er realize through Heart of Ocean returns there his intention, flurried was shouting. She knows, if he uses that Skills forcefully, the consequence will be...... 风哥哥……不要!现在的你可以逃的……风瑶姐姐回到了新手村……你也可以通过海洋之心回到那里的……”轩辕婉儿察觉到了他的用意,慌乱的喊着。她知道如果他强行使用那个技能的话,后果将会是…… Feng Xiao ignores, or he has not listened to others to say anything completely...... The earth is shivering, Demon Fiend is also shivering, that inexplicable restless gets up to change to the complete fear along with golden light shining. This fear, even if 50,000 years ago when fierce battle Star Chaser Emissary and Light Saint Dragon does not have, this was one type approaches the feeling of death truly. 风逍置若罔闻,或者说他已经完全听不进别人说什么……大地在颤抖,魔煞也在颤抖,那股莫名的不安随着金光的耀起化作完全的恐惧。这种恐惧,即使50000年前恶战追星使者光明圣龙时都没有过,这是一种真正临近死亡的感觉。 You...... You...... Do not come......” “你……你……你别过来……” The vision such as the blade is cutting his five main internal organs (entrails), he discovered own body shivers gradually did not have revolt Strength, how even own formidable dark ability completely has forgotten to emit continually, his footsteps start the subconscious retreat, the eye pupil becomes extraordinary big...... He never knows, Strength that in the world also this letting his soul fiercely shivers unexpectedly. 目光如刀切割着他的五脏六腑,他发现自己的身体颤抖的逐渐没有了一丝反抗的力量,甚至连自身强大至极的黑暗能力都已经完全忘记如何放出,他的脚步开始下意识的后退,眼瞳变得出奇的大……他从来不知道,世上竟然还有这种让他的灵魂都剧烈颤抖的力量 He does not think clearly, before why this, small and weak to Xiao Xiao (little) human race that his finger can stab to death, shortly unexpectedly will burst out so fearful Strength...... 他怎么也想不明白,为什么这个之前弱小到他一个指头就能戳死的小小人类,顷刻间竟迸发出如此可怕的力量…… Goes...... Death......!!!!” “去……死……吧!!!!” Repairs...... Repairing...... Big Brother Asura......” “修……修……修罗大哥……” Invisible Strength complete has not gasped for breath, as if including air that he and Maple Leaf Hao Ran oppresses by complete suppression has not flowed. As Feng Xiao is having a sword of anger and hate ejects, his sound was embezzled by the huge bellow completely. 无形的力量将他与枫叶浩然压迫的完全喘不过气来,仿佛连空气都被完全压制的没有丝毫流动。随着风逍带着愤怒与怨恨的一剑击出,他的声音完全被庞大的轰鸣声吞没。 The heavenly bodies and mountains rivers on sword blade are separated in the overbearing peerless golden ray completely...... The golden ray is inflating, Xuanyuan in Feng Xiao hand is inflating...... Ten meters...... Hundred meters...... Until is separated from the line of sight completely covering range. 剑身上的日月星辰、山川河流在霸道绝伦的金色光芒中完全脱离……金色的光芒在膨胀,风逍手中的轩辕在膨胀……十米……百米……直至完全脱离视线的笼罩范围。 The world as if completely reverses, the world as if completely subverts, once Ghost Swamp, as if completely turned into another world, the golden space sky, is proliferating the heavenly bodies, the mountains rivers...... 天地仿佛完全逆转,世界仿佛完全颠覆,曾经的亡魂沼泽,仿佛完全变成了另一个世界,金色空间的上空,遍布着日月星辰,山川河流…… In the Demon Fiend heart filled up completely despaired and feared, in his line of sight, completely was the tyrannical golden ray, but these golden light, changed to the world in his eyes the most terrifying ray, he went all out wants to run away, he only wants to run away as far as possible...... But, he discovered sorrowfully, how attempt regardless of his diligently, definitely is unable to be separated from that closely to lock his golden ray. 魔煞心中完全填满了绝望与恐惧,他的视线里,全部是强横的金色光芒,而这些金光,在他眼中已经化作世界上最恐怖的光芒,他拼命的想逃,他只想尽可能的逃……可是,他悲哀的发现,无论他如何的试图努力,都完全无法脱离那紧紧锁定他的金色光芒。 Great Demon Race does not extinguish...... Ah!!!!” “伟大的魔族是不灭的……啊!!!!” The world twists, along with Demon Fiend sad and shrill sorrowful roar, the heavenly bodies, the mountains rivers simultaneously explodes, is releasing the golden ray of blocking the sky! The innumerable black start in golden light extinguish for the first time, the terrifying black hole that after that is the space was thoroughly destroyed, forms...... 天地扭曲,随着魔煞一声凄厉的哀吼,日月星辰,山川河流同时爆裂开来,释放着遮天蔽日的金色光芒!无数的黑色在金芒中乍起乍灭,那是空间被彻底摧毁后形成的恐怖黑洞…… Heavenly Dragon Imperial Palace. 天龙皇宫 Shui Yue that eyes closed maintains mental tranquility suddenly by standing up that suddenly fierce shivering shakes. The gate was shoved open, a Master Zhang Tian face walked startled, salutes without enough time, his trembling sound said: Entire Heavenly Dragon Continent...... In shivering, and...... And......” 闭目养神的水月忽然被一阵剧烈的颤抖震的猛然站起。门被推开,张天师一脸惊慌的走了进来,来不及行礼,他颤声道:“整个天龙大陆……在颤抖,而且……而且……” Moreover what! Shui Yue congealing eyebrow asked. “而且什么!水月凝眉问道。 Master Zhang Tian has breathed one ruthlessly: Your Majesty the Empress invited...... Please personally go to look.” 张天师狠狠的呼吸了一口:“女皇陛下请……请亲自出去看一下。” Shui Yue, just trod the governing study room entrance hurriedly at that moment, her footsteps stop suddenly, in the vision full is with amazement. 水月匆忙而出,刚踏出御书房门口那一刻,她的脚步忽然停止,目光里满是骇然。 Sky...... Unexpectedly has covered golden! 天空……居然蒙上了一层金色 Almost all Player stopped the movement in hand, the doubts looks to turn into the golden sky, shivering of earth is lets them amazed...... Was has the earthquake? 几乎所有的玩家都停下了手中的动作,疑惑的看着变成金色的天空,大地的颤抖更是让他们惊诧不已……难道,是发生地震了吗? Bang...... 轰…… As if end descends, the golden ray suddenly becomes intense incomparable, the earth is trembling as if must subvert. Mood with amazement in each individual heart mesozoic, but they have not been panic-stricken with enough time, golden shivering then complete disappearance of ray and earth, all, belongs to tranquilly. 仿佛末日降临,金色的光芒忽然变得强烈无比,大地更是震颤的仿佛要颠覆。骇然的情绪在每个人心中生起,但他们还没来得及惊慌失措,金色的光芒与大地的颤抖便完全的消失,一切,又归于宁静。 Unknown space. 未知的空间。 This is one from the ground extremely remote sky, is floating a golden palace strangely. The before front door of palace, is mounting huge seven color gems, is sending out the magic multi-colored ray. The front door of palace completely is opening wide, without any guard, out of the door, is overspreading the white cloud, takes cloud as the place, takes cloud as. 这是一个距离地面极其遥远的上空,诡异的漂浮着一个金色的宫殿。宫殿的大门前,镶嵌着一颗巨大的七彩宝石,散发着魔幻般的彩色光芒。宫殿的大门完全敞开着,没有任何的守卫,门外,铺满着白色的云彩,以云为地,以云为路。 The palace is not big, is not high, is tall and pleasing to the eye , seems sending out one sacred aura that makes the person lie prostrate in worship. In the palace, each inch, each corner is spreads by white jade, a thick white jade column erectness center, above is carving various extremely complex designs. But white jade, is the carving, perfect flawless fault, even if on Earth the best artware, definitely is unable in comparison. 宫殿不大,也不高,却美轮美奂,又似乎散发着一股让人顶礼膜拜的神圣气息。宫殿内,每一寸,每一个角落都是由白玉铺成,一根粗大的白玉柱直立中心,上面雕刻着各种各样极其复杂的图案。而无论是白玉,还是雕刻,都完美的毫无瑕疵,即使是地球上最好的艺术品,也完全无法与之相比。 The front line in palace, is one similarly the throne that is built by white jade. Yellow clothes female static standing of before the throne, although is unable to peep him to accommodate, gloom that but the only exposed clear white hands outside, busy white jade will actually complement. Her facial expression and body static, if serene lake, but blocks from her appearance seven color bead curtains to shiver slightly, is scattering the light multi-colored ray. 殿内的最前方,是一个同样由白玉筑成的王座。一个黄衣女子静静的站在王座前,虽无法窥其容,但唯一裸露在外的晶莹玉手,却将无暇的白玉都映衬的黯淡无光。她的神情、身体都静若幽潭,只是遮住她容颜的七彩珠帘微微颤动着,散射着淡淡的彩色光芒。 Side, female static standing of whole body white clothing there, in the mouth light however whispered: Destroys the day to extinguish, reduction Void, this is the Xuanyuan Sword might...... Worthily is strongest Strength!” 身边,一个全身白衣的女子静静的站在那里,口中轻然低语:“毁天灭地,化归虚无,这才是轩辕剑的威力么……不愧是最强力量!” I have not thought, he such quickly opened this only to have Skills in legend unexpectedly, I have not thought, had three Xuanyuan Sword Seal unexpectedly to release so big Strength. Xuanyuan potential, actually some big......” the voice of yellow clothes female gentle like water, is passing mighty waves slightly indistinctly. “我也没想到,他竟然这么快就无意间开启了这个只存在于传说中的技能,我更没想到,尚存三道封印的轩辕剑居然可以释放出如此大的力量轩辕的潜力,究竟有多大……”黄衣女子的声音轻柔如水,隐约透着微微的波澜。 We...... Should look for him.” “我们……该去找他了。” White Clothing Woman light point small head, the graceful footsteps are treading the soft cloud, such as the dream such as the imaginary form is following closely her. 白衣女子轻点螓首,盈盈的脚步踏着柔软的云,如梦如幻的身影紧随着她。 ! -45504147180! A terrifying figure flutters in the golden ray, this is one second kills the Demon Fiend innumerable injuries sufficiently, his body and soul change to the universes in the flash the smallest granule, in the flash, the smallest granule changes to complete Void...... The tiny bit trace has not preserved! 一个恐怖至极的数字在金色光芒中飘出,这是一个足以秒杀魔煞无数次的伤害,他的身体、灵魂在一瞬间化作宇宙间最小的粒子,又在一瞬间,最小的粒子化作完全的虚无……没有一丝一毫的痕迹留存! Thundering of surging soul vanishes finally, golden light that is unable to watch intently diverges slowly, the maple leaf brothers open eyes difficultly...... Sees clearly all around at that moment, their bodies fierce is shivering, shivering of this shock, has striven to excel hundred times compared with the beforehand fear...... Thousand times! 激荡灵魂的轰鸣终于消失,无法逼视的金芒缓缓散去,枫叶兄弟艰难的睁开双眼……看清四周那一刻,他们的身体剧烈的颤抖着,这种震撼的颤抖,远比之前的恐惧要强过百倍……千倍! Dark! The endless darkness, except for their under feet, the surroundings did not have land again...... No, did not have material! Once the black trees and jet black lands completely vanished do not see, pleasant, only then looked not, could not look at the side black hole! 黑暗!无尽的黑暗,除了他们的脚下,周围再也没有了一丝的土地……不,是没有了一丝的物质!曾经墨色的树木、漆黑的土地全部消失不见,入眼的只有一眼望不到底,更望不到边的黑洞! To they not far place, is remaining together the Xiao Xiao (little) land, such as long looks at not the pillar support of section above Feng Xiao, around his body is still surrounding the ray that golden and black interweave, before the hand still extends, the great sword in hand is still dodging the light golden ray. 离他们不远的地方,残留着一块小小的土地,如一根长的望不到底部的柱子般支撑着上面的风逍,他的身体周围依然环绕着金色与黑色交织的光芒,手依然前伸,手中的巨剑依然闪着淡淡的金色光芒。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan diligently wants to make the sound, actually discovered oneself was unable to say a word, his difficult and Maple Leaf Hao Ran that the present scene shocks has looked at each other one, from the other side eye saw that type extreme with amazement with shock that is unable to explain. 枫叶狂澜努力的想发出声音,却发现自己已经被眼前的情景震撼的无法言语,他艰难的和枫叶浩然对视了一眼,都从对方眼中看到那种极度的骇然与无法言喻的震撼。 Haha...... Haha...... Hahahaha......” 哈哈……哈哈……哈哈哈哈……” The fierce laughter broke the deathly stillness, the body of Feng Xiao started slowly changed pale...... 狰狞的笑声打破了死寂,风逍的身体开始慢慢的变淡…… Supreme Divine Level strength how! How even if the Supreme Divine Level strength can!! Also is not same dies under my sword...... This is you injures the Yao'er fate...... Hahahaha...... Hahahaha......” 超神级实力又如何!就算是超神级实力又能如何!!还不是一样死在我的剑下……这就是你伤害瑶儿的下场……哈哈哈哈……哈哈哈哈……” In the insolent laughter, all pain and hates finally change pale, his satisfied closing eyes, whatever own body vanishes there...... He is Yao'er revenges finally, finally can Novice Village that returns to Yao'er to be at accompany her...... 张狂至极的笑声中,所有的痛苦与怨恨终于变淡,他满足的闭上双眼,任由自己的身体消失在那里……他终于为瑶儿报仇,终于可以回到瑶儿所在的新手村去陪她…… In that flash that his form completely vanishes, he hears the ear to broadcast an object shatter sound indistinctly. 就在他身影完全消失的那一刹那,他隐约听到耳边传来一丝物体破碎的声音。 No one has realized, in the space of dark deathly stillness, the light-gray ray projects at the extremely quick speed together, integrates Feng Xiao within the body, as he disappears there. 谁都没有察觉到,黑暗死寂的空间中,一道浅灰色光芒以极快的速度射出,融入风逍的体内,随着他消失在那里。 Repairs...... Big Brother Asura!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan putting out a hand diligently, actually held on by Maple Leaf Hao Ran, was shaking the head to him. Proceeds again one step, periphery will have slightly will fall carelessly down as if bottomless abyss. “修……修罗大哥!”枫叶狂澜努力的伸出手,却被枫叶浩然拉住,对着他摇了摇头。再往前一步,稍有不慎就会跌下周围似乎无底的深渊。 This...... These are Big Brother Asura do?” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan shivers was saying. Except that is sending out weak bright sky, pleasant is the endless black, the world intersection point, that so bright, dazzling, shocks, as if the surrounding abyss, does not have the end. “这……这些都是修罗大哥做的吗?”枫叶狂澜颤抖着说道。除了散发着微弱亮光的天空,入眼的全是无尽的黑色,天地交界处,那一线是如此的鲜明,刺目,震撼,仿佛周围的深渊,没有尽头。 Yes.” Maple Leaf Hao Ran steady oneself breath diligently, he realized finally anything is the true great strength. “是。”枫叶浩然努力的平稳自己的呼吸,他终于认识到了什么才是真正的强大。
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