LA :: Volume #4

#311: Demon Fiend! Desperate Abyss!

Feng Xiao once had faced Divine Beast, Supreme Divine Beast and Saint Beast, but had never been suppressed by the so formidable aura...... That as if can swallow the gloomy imposing manner of person marrow. Let his whole body move quite to be difficult slightly. 风逍曾面对过神兽超神兽圣兽,但从未被如此强大的气息所压制过……那仿佛能吞噬人骨髓的阴暗气势。让他全身稍微动一下都极为困难。 Since he enters Ghost Swamp, he realized that has the vague dark aura to follow them together, has never dissipated, has been observing their every action and every movement, from killing the cruel demon has a nightmare, to killing Demon Nightmare King...... This is also he, even if had not displayed Time Domain facing Demon Nightmare King and Xuanyuan Skills reason. Because he thinks this aura Master to compared with Demon Nightmare King indistinctly a more formidable several fold. 从他进入亡魂沼泽,他就察觉到有一道若有若无的黑暗气息一直跟随着他们,从未消散过,一直在观察着他们的一举一动,从杀死残暴魔魇,到杀死魔魇之王……这也是他即使面对魔魇之王也一直没有施展“时间领域”和轩辕技能的原因。因为他隐约觉得这道气息的主人魔魇之王要更强大数倍。 But for all this, other side formidable has still far exceeded his anticipation. 但尽管如此,对方的强大依然远远超出了他的意料。 He thoroughly understands finally, why by Tian Xiu ability still after hearing Ghost Swamp the name becomes flushed. 他总算彻底明白,为什么以天修能力依然会在听到“亡魂沼泽”的名字后勃然变色。 Routs Demon Nightmare King in him at that moment, that has followed his aura is becoming gloomy and cold is instantaneously incomparable, the dark chill in the air makes him such as the dropping ice hole, the whole body uncontrolled shiver. Only one instance, he understands, he and other side disparity just like the difference of heaven and earth! 就在他击溃魔魇之王那一刻,那股一直跟随着他的气息瞬间变得阴冷无比,黑暗的寒意让他如堕冰窟,全身都不受控制的在颤抖。只一个瞬间,他就明白,他与对方的差距犹如天壤之别! Elder Brother, you how...... Do not frighten me.” 哥哥,你怎么了……不要吓我。” The body of Feng Xiao shivers is getting more and more intense, the Feng Yao sound even more is also startled, she even can feel his heartbeat-- quickly to imitating the benevolence must jump. 风逍的身体颤抖的越来越强烈,风瑶的声音也越发惊慌,她甚至能感受到他的心跳——快到仿佛心都要跳了出来。 Cannot make Yao'er encounter danger...... Cannot absolutely.” “不能让瑶儿遇到危险……绝对不能。” Feng Xiao exhausts the strength of whole body to grasp the hand of Feng Yao, drinks one lightly, draws in Xiaobai her, then returns to the swamp that the maple leaf brothers in the light white light together. 风逍用尽全身的力气抓紧风瑶的手,轻喝一声,将她拉上小白,然后在淡淡白光中一起返回了枫叶兄弟所在的沼泽前。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan Intelligence (mind/spirit) inspires, welcomed hastily: Big Brother Asura, you came back finally...... Defeated that everybody.” 枫叶狂澜精神一振,连忙迎了过去:“修罗大哥,你终于回来了……是不是把那个大家伙打败了。” Maple Leaf Hao Ran at heart thump, because he discovered that expression gloomy scary of Asura, on the face of Feng Yao also full is the startled color/look. 枫叶浩然心里咯噔一下,因为他发现修罗的表情阴沉的吓人,风瑶的脸上也满是惊慌之色。 Temporarily lost locking of that Strength, the body of Feng Xiao did not have that uncomfortable feeling finally, present he, the remaining last choices, he could not attend to Brother Xuanyuan presenting merely. 暂时失去那股力量的锁定,风逍的身体终于没有了那股难受的感觉,如今的他,仅仅剩下最后一个选择,他已经顾不得轩辕兄弟在场了。 Xiaobai...... Vermilion Bird descends!!!” 小白……朱雀降临!!!” Ding! your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger the strength of Beast King has not awakened, is unable to show the Beast King summon technique.” 叮!你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎兽王之力未觉醒,无法施展兽王召唤技。” what!!!! 什么!!!! Respite that Feng Xiao makes an effort, takes back Xiaobai, closely protects the body of Feng Yao in the side, 风逍用力的喘息一声,收回小白,将风瑶的身体紧紧护在身边, This time...... This time, we probably really must plant here.” “这次……这次,我们或许真的要栽在这里了。” That formidable Strength the attention centralized to his body, the Feng Xiao sound once more became will shiver: Runs away quickly...... Place that tries to seek for...... This is the only hope...... The genuine enemy, is we definitely is unable to resist......” 那股强大的力量又将注意力集中到了他的身上,风逍的声音再次变得颤抖起来:“快逃……试着寻找出去的地方……这是唯一的希望……真正的敌人,是我们完全无法抗拒的……” The sound of shivering makes in maple leaf brothers heart simultaneously brave the chill in the air, although early has made the worst plan...... But the Feng Xiao sound, still takes to their desperate feelings. 颤抖的声音让枫叶兄弟心中同时冒起寒意,虽然早已经做了最坏的打算……但风逍的声音,依然带给他们绝望的感觉。 Yao'er, I will not make the person injure you absolutely...... Cannot absolutely!” 瑶儿,我绝对不会让人伤害你……绝对不会!” World Exterminating Scroll had been grasped by him quietly when the hand, this is as a last resort final taking advantage. Because of its Effect, although terrifying, but in use will affect itself beside all people...... Including Feng Yao and maple leaf brothers. If, he will not choose to use this Scroll absolutely. 灭世卷轴已经被他悄然握在手中,这已经是万不得已时的最后依仗。因为它的效果虽然恐怖,但使用时会波及到自己之外的所有人……包括风瑶和枫叶兄弟。所以如果可以,他绝对不会选择使用这个卷轴 Feng Yao gentle wipes on his forehead to flow off the cold sweat that shaking the head gently: Has Elder Brother, I will never be afraid.” 风瑶轻柔的拭去他额头上流下的冷汗,轻轻的摇头:“有哥哥在,我从来不会害怕。” Rattles on...... Rattles on......” “喋喋喋喋……喋喋喋喋……” Grating sound towering resounding, appears gloomy and grim in dark silent Ghost Swamp. The heartbeats of all people fiercely beat with laughter several, intense fear from multiplying of heart extreme velocity. 一股刺耳至极的声音突兀的响起,在幽暗寂静的亡魂沼泽里显得更为阴森可怖。所有人的心跳都随着笑声剧烈的跳动了几下,强烈的恐惧从心底极速的滋生。 The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan double fist grips tightly, complexion white scary, he always does not know, originally the laughter can so fearful...... Originally the laughter as if can tear the five main internal organs (entrails) of person. 枫叶狂澜双拳紧握,脸色白的吓人,他从来都不知道,原来笑声可以如此的可怕……原来笑声都似乎可以撕裂人的五脏六腑。 Supreme Divine Level strength!” Feng Xiao clenches teeth to say. 超神级的实力!”风逍咬牙说道。 Maple leaf brothers' eye pupil simultaneously fiercely shrinks...... Immortal Level, is they are impossible to defeat, Divine Level, they can only look, Supreme Divine Level, that is wants unable to think. 枫叶兄弟的眼瞳同时猛缩……仙级,是他们不可能战胜的,神级,他们只能仰望,超神级,那是想都不敢想的。 The desperate feeling is getting more and more intense, they know, facing the Supreme Divine Level strength, they do not have, even if possibilities of a wee bit victory. The only consequence, is...... By killing, was returned to the zero order! 绝望的感觉越来越强烈,他们知道,面对超神级的实力,他们没有哪怕一丁点胜利的可能。唯一的后果,就是……被杀死,回归零级! How can like this...... How can be this! I am only simple wants to complete Quest.” Never has desperate and deceived hatred is suffering his nerve, his sound, shivering is almost hard to hear clearly. “怎么会这样子……怎么会是这样!我只是简单的想完成一个任务而已啊。”从未有过的绝望和被欺骗的痛恨折磨着他的神经,他的声音,颤抖的几乎难以听清。 Big Brother Asura, sorry, was we have implicated you, if were not because I have believed Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, if were not because I must make you help......” 修罗大哥,对不起,是我们连累了你,如果不是因为我相信了天煞风云的话,如果不是因为我非要让你帮忙……” Was needless to say......” Feng Xiao clenches teeth to shake the head, „the Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun goal was I, was actually I have implicated you.” “不用说了……”风逍咬着牙摇头,“天煞风云的目标本来就是我,其实是我连累了你们。” No matter what, will soon lose today, I certainly gradually practices again, then, I will make Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun one point leakproof owing my coming back.” Desperate, knew Maple Leaf Kuang Lan that is unable to escape by luck absolutely instead calms down, originally in the youthful vision, are many hate that a faint trace little presented extremely. “不管怎么样,今天即将失去的,我一定会一步一步的再练回来,然后,我会让天煞风云一分不漏的把欠我的还回来。”绝望过后,自知绝对无法幸免的枫叶狂澜反而冷静下来,原本充满朝气的目光里,多了一丝丝极少出现的怨恨。 Rattles on...... Rattles on...... Your human race is really interesting, dies to being imminent actually does not know to escape, instead here spoke some useless idle talk.” “喋喋喋喋……喋喋喋喋……你们人类真是有意思,死到临头却不知道逃跑,反而在这里说些没用的废话。” An eardrum discomfort of Feng Xiao, his holding up Xuanyuan Sword slowly, the sword points to the swamp before body sharp. 风逍的耳膜一阵难受,他缓缓的举起轩辕剑,剑尖直指身前的沼泽。 One group strong to incredible black light forms in the body first ten meters place, that is a pure black ray, black to impurity, black to letting the person cannot believe that in the world still has the so pure black unexpectedly. A diminutive form in black light slowly empty mature...... Height reluctantly over one meter, whole body is covering a swarthy armor, only then two are dodging the eyes exposition of green ray outside, inside ray is scattering greedily with gloomy and cold. 一团浓烈到让人难以置信的黑光在身前十米处形成,那是一种纯黑色的光芒,黑到没有一丝的杂质,黑到让人不敢相信世界上居然还存在如此纯粹的黑色。一个矮小的身影在黑光中慢慢的化虚成实……身高勉强超过一米,全身上下覆盖着一层黝黑的铠甲,只有两只闪着绿色光芒的眼睛暴露在外,里面的光芒散射着贪婪和阴冷 You...... Is who!” “你……是谁!” Just asked these words, his Heavenly Eye told him the answer, let his mind shock. 刚刚问出这句话,他的“天眼”就告诉了他答案,让他的心神剧震。 Demon Fiend:???? 魔煞:???? Demon Fiend of Demon Monarch hand/subordinate Three Great Demon God! 魔君手下三大魔神魔煞 How can be this...... Why will run into this person! Isn't Demon Monarch also in the seal? Demon Race was not has not appeared again. This what's the matter? 怎么会是这样……为什么会遇到这个人!魔君不是还在封印中么?魔族不是再也没有出现过了么。这到底是怎么回事? Who am I? Rattles on, I are whose you have not matched to know...... The small lamb that your this little darling delivers actually fed many years of small demon to have a nightmare me killing, was really damn!” “我是谁?喋喋喋喋,我是谁你还不配知道……只是你这只乖乖送上门来的小羊羔却把我喂养多年的小魔魇给杀了,实在是该死!” Feng Xiao whole body one tight. 风逍全身一紧。 Originally the gloomy and cold sound is becomes arrives at the extreme coldly, the Demon Fiend vision has swept from four people, seemed looking that four do not have the succeeding in obtaining prey of strength of resistance. He stretched out the fearsome tongue to lick the lip, suddenly insolent laughed: Rattles on...... Your these stupid human race, how even if were defeated our great Demon Race in the past can. Great Sir Demon Monarch will soon regain consciousness, but my Strength also restored 90%, the time that our Demon Race revives is just round the corner, rattles on...... You, obedient becomes the sacrificial offering of my Sir Demon Fiend.” 本就阴冷的声音更是变得冷到极点,魔煞的目光从四人身上扫过,仿佛在看四只毫无抵抗之力的到手猎物。他伸出可怖的舌头舔了舔嘴唇,忽然张狂的大笑起来:“喋喋喋喋……你们这些愚蠢的人类,就算是当年把我们伟大的魔族打败又能如何。伟大的魔君大人即将苏醒,而我的力量也已经恢复了九成,我们魔族复兴的时刻指日可待,喋喋喋喋……你们,乖乖的成为我魔煞大人的祭品吧。” He, is really that Demon Fiend! 他,果然是那个魔煞 Your this old monster, do not think that we fear you, today thoroughly dies here, I will also exhaust do not make you feel better...... Maple Leaf Kuang Lan to take the hand of Magic Staff fully to shiver, but his sound firm like iron! Maple Leaf Hao Ran nodded slightly, holds a sword to protect before his body. “你这个老妖怪,不要以为我们怕你,今天就是彻底死在这里,我也会用尽全力不让你好过……”枫叶狂澜拿着法杖的手在颤抖,但他的声音坚决如铁!枫叶浩然微微点头,仗剑护在他身前。 die......” vision shift of Demon Fiend slowly to Maple Leaf Kuang Lan on, in the terrifying vision projects contemptuously, unexpectedly provocative great Sir Demon Fiend...... Rattles on, thinks many and you play a while, since you worry dead...... Rattles on, then absorbs 100 human race vitality/angry, my ability fully will restore, first from which start......” “喋……”魔煞的目光慢慢的转移到枫叶狂澜身上,恐怖的目光中射出轻蔑,“竟然挑衅伟大的魔煞大人……喋喋,本来还想多和你们玩一会儿,既然你们那么着急去死……喋喋喋喋,再多吸收100个人类的生气,我的能力就会完全的恢复,先从哪个开始呢……” The quiet green vision has swept four people one by one, by that moment of his eye contact, everyone was thought own heart one cold, but Feng Xiao, in the heart is passes coolly. He has attempted to want crumb World Exterminating Scroll to make other side in secret be caught off guard several times...... But, he discovered that he completely lost the control to oneself body, the body...... Hard resembles stone. 幽绿的目光逐一扫过四人,在被他目光接触的那一刻,每个人觉得自己心底一冷,而风逍,心中更是凉透。他已经暗中尝试了数次想要捏碎灭世卷轴来让对方措手不及……但,他发现他对自己的身体完全失去了控制,身体……硬的像石头。 Snort...... Looks at my chaotic cloud wind...... Ah......” “哼……啊,看我的乱云风……啊……” The hand that Maple Leaf Kuang Lan wields stops in airborne, suddenly discovered oneself definitely are unable to control oneself body unexpectedly, as if whole body by rope fetter firmly all over the body generally. The similar situation, simultaneously appears on four people. In the Feng Xiao heart hates secretly, vigorously wants to struggle, although he knows that does not help matters completely. 枫叶狂澜挥出去的手停在空中,忽然发现自己竟完全无法控制自己的身体,仿佛全身被遍体的绳索牢牢的束缚住了一般。同样的情形,同时出现在四个人身上。风逍心中暗恨,极力的想要挣扎,虽然他知道完全无济于事。 Sweeps in his vision approaches own at that moment, his clear capture that Skills information...... The eye of Demon Fiend! This Skills, has the enormous probability to make the goal fall into body locking condition, the whole body cannot move, but this Effect duration, was equal to that Level of Skills user subtracts by Level of user! 在他目光扫向自己那一刻,他清晰的捕捉到了那个技能的信息……魔煞之眼!这个技能,有极大的概率使目标陷入“定身”状态,全身动弹不得,而这个效果的持续时间,等于技能使用者的等级减去被使用者的等级 But Demon Fiend Level, surpasses above his Level 30! They at least must by the body locking 30 seconds. This time, lets pinch the circle to pinch sufficiently flatly them who other side has one's wish! 魔煞等级,超出他30级以上!他们至少要被定身30秒。这个时间,足以让对方随心所欲的将他们捏圆捏扁! No...... Cannot make Yao'er have an accident absolutely...... Cannot absolutely.” He does utmost wants to extend both hands, but both hands actually as if completely no longer are oneself, no matter how what he makes an effort unable the move slightest. His vision falls on Feng Yao, two people silent looking at each other...... “不……绝对不能让瑶儿出事……绝对不能。”他竭尽全力的想伸出双手,但双手却仿佛完全不再是自己的,任他如何用力都无法动弹分毫。他的目光落在风瑶身上,两人无声的对视着…… Elder Brother Feng, looks on his waist! That is Monster Refining Pot! Is Monster Refining Pot!” 风哥哥,看他的腰上!那是炼妖壶!是炼妖壶啊!” Regardless of the color and shape obsolete extremely small pot hang in the waist of Demon Fiend, the whole body under the sweep of black light was also reflected black. Feng Xiao shot a look at one then no longer to look, the present situation could not allow him to care about Monster Refining Pot, he only wants to exhaust every means to shake off the fetter, then brought Feng Yao to run away...... As far as possible runs away...... Even if cannot run away, must at risk of life a war! 一个无论颜色、形状都极为陈旧的小壶挂在魔煞的腰间,在黑光的笼罩下周身也被映上了一层黑色。风逍瞥了一眼便不再看,如今的情形已经容不得他去关心炼妖壶,他只想用尽方法挣脱束缚,然后带风瑶逃……尽可能的逃……即使不能逃,也要拼死一战! First starts...... footsteps approaching of Demon Fiend slowly from whom, the sound of gloomy landing sound as if terrifying urgently pressing...... “先从谁开始呢……”魔煞的脚步缓缓的走近,阴暗的落地声仿佛恐怖的催命之音…… Big Brother Asura, can we end today really thoroughly? I really...... Very willingly!” 修罗大哥,我们今天真的要彻底完了吗?我真的……好不甘心!” cluck cluck sound that the tooth of Feng Xiao bites, forehead flowing off on sweat to become share/thigh. Resigns oneself to extinction the brought anger, making his heart quickly burn. His vision, is actually the extraordinary gentleness, has looked at Feng Yao eyes, seems comforting her should not be afraid. 风逍的牙齿咬的咯咯响,额头上的汗水成股的流下。束手待毙所带来的怒火,让他的心脏都快燃烧起来。他的目光,却是出奇的柔和,一直看着风瑶眼睛,仿佛在安慰她不要害怕。 The Demon Fiend footsteps stopped suddenly, the breath is slightly rapid: In the eye the dim light flashes, line of sight shifted on Feng Yao, his movement, making the Feng Xiao innermost feelings jump fiercely, was condensation whole body the strength of strongly. 魔煞的脚步忽然停了下来,呼吸稍微急促起来:眼中幽光一闪,视线转移到了风瑶身上,他的这个动作,让风逍内心猛地一跳,更是竭力的凝聚全身的力气。 die...... The good repugnant aura, your body has bright Strength unexpectedly.” In the Demon Fiend eye ruthless brilliant hold, the sound is passing fiercely: I am repugnant! In the past...... Was Light Saint Dragon compels here me...... If did not depend upon this swamp to hide my aura, lost Strength me early discovered by these hateful Saint Beast and human race...... I am repugnant, I repugnant bright......” “喋……好讨厌的气息,你的身上居然有着光明的力量。”魔煞眼中狠光大盛,声音透着狰狞:“我讨厌光明!当年……就是光明圣龙将我逼到了这里……如果不是依靠这个沼泽隐藏了我的气息,失去力量的我早被那些可恶的圣兽人类所发现……我讨厌光明,我讨厌光明……” Light! Gives me to vanish thoroughly!!!!” “光明!给我彻底消失吧!!!!” Does not want!!” “不要!!” Elder Brother......” 哥哥……” Elder Sister Yao......” 瑶姐姐……” Ah!! 啊!! In Feng Yao panic-stricken...... The ripping heart of Feng Xiao calls out...... The anger of Maple Leaf Kuang Lan shouted...... In the distress of Maple Leaf Hao Ran, Feng Yao was hit by the black energy ruthlessly, does not have the sound, has not dropped down, brings still to look at the Elder Brother startled look, her body disappearance slowly in one group of strong black rays, does not see completely...... 风瑶的惊恐……风逍的撕心暴吼……枫叶狂澜的怒喊……枫叶浩然的痛心中,风瑶被黑色的能量狠狠击中,没有声响,没有倒下,带着依然看着哥哥的惊慌眼神,她的身体缓缓的消失在一团浓烈的黑色光芒中,完全不见…… No! Does not want......” “不!不要……” Until the Feng Yao form completely disappears, Feng Xiao vision still tight before staring at her , the direction that stands, his look is shaking, the body is shaking, the sound is shaking...... 直到风瑶的身影完全消失,风逍的目光依然紧紧的盯着她之前站立的方向,他的眼神在抖,身体在抖,声音在抖…… Always the first time, he helplessly looks that Feng Yao was injured in his side...... This was in any event, in any event Ac­cepts. He knows, at that moment, his Yao'er Level returned to the zero order a moment ago instantaneously, complete effort that she for makes...... Vanishing into thin air. 平生第一次,他眼睁睁的看着风瑶在他身边被伤害……这是无论如何,无论如何都接受不了的。他知道,刚才那一刻,他的瑶儿等级瞬间回归零级,她为了自己所做的全部努力……烟消云散。 Yao'er......” 瑶儿……” His heart seemed struck to kill that to flicker along with her tears completely, then burns almost the anger and hate that his whole body thoroughly burns down. 他的心仿佛随着她被击杀那一瞬完全撕裂,然后燃成几乎将他全身都彻底焚烧的怒火与怨恨。 Big Brother Asura......” a Maple Leaf Kuang Lan face quiet visits him, the surface like the dying embers, he knows their following destinies. 修罗大哥……”枫叶狂澜一脸沉寂的看着他,面如死灰,他知道他们接下来的命运。 Repugnant light vanishes finally, the world, belongs to the darkness eventually. Rattles on...... Then, which should be.” “讨厌的光明终于消失,世界,终究是属于黑暗的。喋喋喋喋……接下来,该是哪一个呢。” The fierce sound resounds in the ear. Feng Xiao vision slowly has transferred, turns into red eyes to lock like the poisonous snake completely on the body of Demon Fiend. Whole body of Demon Fiend fiercely one cold, the breath had the disorder of moment. 狰狞的声音在耳边响起。风逍的目光缓缓的转过,完全变成红色的双眼如毒蛇般锁在魔煞的身上。魔煞的全身猛地一冷,呼吸出现了片刻的紊乱。 I want you dead...... I want you dead......” “我要你死……我要你死……” The sound, all sounds wants gloomy and cold compared with he has heard, the vision, all vision is more vicious than he has seen, his some do not dare to go to contact his vision unexpectedly directly, should not exist where his heart does not multiply. He cancels the inexplicable restlessness quickly, the corners of the mouth the ugly taunt: Rattles on...... Depending on you, coordinated me to speak this words.” 声音,比他听过的所有声音都要阴冷,目光,比他见过的所有目光都要狠毒,他竟有些不敢去正面接触他的目光,一股不应存在的不安在他的心底滋生。他很快抹去莫名的不安,嘴角咧起丑陋的嘲讽:“喋喋……就凭你,也配和我说这种话。” I...... Wanting...... You...... Death!!!!” “我……要……你……死!!!!” He discovered finally, in great strength that this world pursues, all that Strength that pursues, pursues, compare with his Yao'er, anything is not! 他终于发现,在这个世界所追求的强大,所追求的力量,所追求的一切,和他的瑶儿比起来,什么都不是! Does not have Yao'er that most loved to accompany...... Again formidable, there is what significance. 没有了最爱的瑶儿相陪……再强大,又有何意义。 The anger, burnt the limit, including his reason as if by complete annihilation. Xuanyuan in his hand shivers is holding up...... His, recovered freedom. 怒火,燃烧到了极限,连他的理智都仿佛被完全的湮灭。不知不觉间,他手中的轩辕颤抖着举起……他的身体,恢复了自由。 Even if vanishes in a puff of smoke...... I must make you die!!!” “纵然灰飞烟灭……我也要让你死!!!” Character character gloomy as if came from the terrifying abyss, such as hitting of heavy hammer character character on the heart of Demon Fiend. In his heart that should not existence restless is getting more and more intense, his subconscious does not dare to delay again, the hand, has lifted slowly...... 字字阴沉的仿佛来自恐怖的深渊,如重锤般一字一字的打在魔煞的心上。他心中那股不该存在的不安越来越强烈,他下意识的不敢再拖延,手,慢慢的举了起来…… Tiny human race, becomes the dust in darkness......” “渺小的人类,成为黑暗里的尘埃吧……” Big Brother Asura!!” 修罗大哥!!” Same dark Strength is bringing the gloomy aura volume to Feng Xiao, in the Maple Leaf Kuang Lan panic-stricken shout, one group of golden Xuanyuan Sacred Flame ignited on him, strikes to disperse huge Dark Power. 同样的黑暗力量带着阴暗的气息卷向风逍,枫叶狂澜惊恐的呼喊声中,一团金色轩辕圣炎在他身上燃起,击散了庞大的黑暗之力 Certainly...... Looking...... Deep...... Deep pool......” “绝……望……深……渊……” The hate from abyss puts out from the Feng Xiao mouth slowly, among the body surrounding strong golden rays, inserts the innumerable scarlet black aura fiercely, churning recklessly in the golden flame. His Attack Power also along with black glow flashes the violent to increase dozens times. 来自深渊的怨恨从风逍口中缓缓吐出,身体周围浓烈的金色光芒间,猛地插入无数赤黑色气息,在金色的火焰中肆意的翻腾着。他的攻击力也随着黑芒的闪起暴增几十倍。 Elder Brother Feng...... Elder Brother Feng......” 风哥哥……风哥哥……” The Xuanyuan Wan'er clear feeling Feng Xiao is doping is getting angry the mood that desperate, pain, renounces extremely, twisting of her heart similar ache in the same place. She is shouting in a soft voice, suddenly, her body trembled fiercely...... The space that huge to letting her cannot believe Strength that floods her to be. 轩辕婉儿真切的感受着风逍掺杂着极怒、绝望、痛苦、决绝的心情,她的心同样疼痛的拧在一起。她轻声的呼喊着,忽然,她的身体剧烈的颤动了一下……一股庞大到让她不敢相信的力量充斥了她所在的空间。 This is...... This is......” “这是……这是……” Ding!, because your Attack Power surpasses 150000, Perception achieves 50, Luck surpasses 50, the anger achieves the apex, Xuanyuan Void Form Star Breaker temporarily opens!” 叮!由于你的攻击力超过150000,悟性达到50,幸运超过50,怒气达到顶点,轩辕虚无式碎星’暂时开启!” Xuanyuan Wan'er is shocked thoroughly there! 轩辕婉儿彻底惊呆在那里! Xuanyuan Void sacred Technique Star Breaker in legend! 传说中的轩辕虚无神圣技——碎星
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