LA :: Volume #4

#310: Desperate! Supreme Divine Level evil aura (Last Part)

-12355 figure appears on Xingxing (stars), making its HP/Life flash drop to almost the blank. 一个-12355的数字出现在星星身上,让它的生命一瞬间下降至几乎完全空白。 The Feng Xiao tight dangerous heart puts down finally, takes back Xingxing (stars) hastily. If not for in Demon Nightmare King physical Attack also smuggles dark Strength to be counter-balanced by Xingxing (stars), that can the relaxed second kill Xingxing (stars) a moment ago absolutely. 风逍紧悬的心终于放下,连忙将星星收回。若不是魔魇之王的物理攻击中也夹带着黑暗力量而被星星所抵消,刚才那一下绝对可以轻松秒杀星星 Demon Nightmare King wakes up from the dizziness, what it first sees is the dazzling red light, making its body stiff, then Recovery came in a flash, during wild shouting, the innumerable dark meteorites from airborne fell. 魔魇之王从眩晕中醒来,它首先看到的是一点刺眼的红光,让它身体僵了一下,然后转瞬回复过来,狂暴的嘶吼间,无数的黑暗陨石从空中落下。 Ding, your Skills Asura Demonic Eye failure......” “叮,你的技能修罗之邪眼’失败……” Still has not retroceded, Feng Xiao completely disregards the giant stone that the space drops , to continue to circulate his guerrilla warfare, just sprinted half, his at heart one startled, because his Vanishing Shadow Effect vanished, Sacred Light the ray also starts to be weaken, soon will dissipate. 依然没有后退,风逍完全无视天上落下的巨石,继续循环他的游击,刚冲刺到一半,他的心里一惊,因为他的“绝影效果已经消失,“神圣之光”的光芒也开始减弱,即将消散。 But, his sword punctured. 但,他的剑还是刺了过去。 Demonic Seal Protection!” 邪印之守护!” The omnipresent giant stone pounds in his head, does not have protection that the Saint light wall bonds, his whole body shook, the heavy pressure must as if pound into the bottom his body, but has not actually received slightly the substantive injury. The Demon Nightmare King heavy blows are having strong sound of the wind, the Feng Xiao both legs make an effort a tread on its body, after counter- tension leaps, evades its this strikes, landing at the same time gathers dragon volume dance that” the strength finished to howl to emit, carries off it about 20,000 HP/Life. 无所不在的巨石砸在他的头上,没有圣光壁障的保护,他全身震了一下,重压仿佛要将他的身体砸入地底,但却没有受到丝毫实质的伤害。紧接着,魔魇之王的重拳带着强劲的风声袭来,风逍的双腿用力在它的身体上一蹬,借着反弹力后跃,躲过它这一击,落地的同时蓄力完毕的“龙卷狂舞”呼啸放出,带走它近20000的生命 white ray vanishes finally, Feng Xiao entire Attributes falls the normal state. His stern-faced take white potions--, although before Demon Nightmare King formidable Attack Power, this Recovery is only the futile attempt. 身上的白色光芒终于消失,风逍的全属性降回正常状态。他一脸凝重的服下白色药水——虽然在魔魇之王强大的攻击力前,这点回复只是杯水车薪。 sōu sōu sōu sōu sōu sōu...... 嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖…… Demon Nightmare King has not come to his Attack, in it grating reading within, six shadows appears before its body successively-- a moment ago six, completely and killed wild demon has a nightmare exactly the same, the only difference is, in their materials does not have Quest BOSS this explanation. 魔魇之王没有向他攻击过来,在它刺耳至极的念动间,六个黑影先后出现在它身前——六只,全部和刚才杀死的“狂暴魔魇”一模一样,唯一的区别是,它们的资料里没有“任务BOSS”这一说明。 Finally...... Summoned!” Feng Xiao already through Heavenly Eye knows very well that its each Skills, he and other summon Skills was very long. This is also he is not willing to use Storm Arrow the reason, once because was besieged, in addition replaces the limit of weapon, Archer is doomed to degenerate into the tragedy. “终于……召唤出来了!”风逍早已通过“天眼”熟知它的每一个技能,他等它的召唤技能已经很久了。这也是他一直不肯用“暴风箭”的原因,因为一旦被围攻,再加上更换武器的限制,弓箭手注定沦为悲剧。 In the eye does not have worry, being ready Xuanyuan to start the sparkle multi-colored ray. Along with holding up of Xuanyuan, a wheel diameter has ten meters long multi-colored full moon to form in the head of Feng Xiao fully instantaneously, the surrounding space turns into the daytime in an instant, lets Demon Nightmare King and cruel demon have a nightmare is startled completely there...... 眼中没有一丝的担忧,蓄势待发的轩辕开始闪耀彩色的光芒。随着轩辕的举起,一轮直径足有十米多长的彩色圆月在风逍的头上瞬间形成,周围的空间刹那间变成白昼,让魔魇之王与残暴魔魇们全部怔在那里…… Haah...... Moonlight Heaven Mist Slash!” 喝啊……月华天岚斩!” Xuanyuan wields, the color moon/month silent explosion of Feng Xiao top of the head, the multi-colored ray divulges, covered all around, the Seven Attribute energy advanced freely and quickly, has swallowed the surrounding darkness completely. 轩辕挥出,风逍头顶的彩月无声的爆炸,彩色的光芒宣泄而出,笼罩了四周,七系能量纵横驰骋间,完全吞噬了周围的黑暗。 Moonlight Heaven Mist Slash: The High Level Demon Warrior unique skill, explodes in element moonlight Attack own surrounding 30 meters that the Seven Attribute energy forms the complete enemies, Attack Power is ordinary Attack 1500%, and attaches 500 Water Attribute injuries, 500 Fire Attribute injuries, 500 Wind Attribute injuries, 500 Thunder Attribute injuries, 500 Earth Attribute injuries, 500 light are the injuries, 500 Dark Attribute injuries, 100% probability supplementary silent Effect, consume Magic/MP 5000, Cooldown Time 1 hour. 月华天岚斩:高级魔武绝技,爆炸七系能量形成的元素月华攻击自身周围30米内全部敌人,攻击力为普通攻击的1500%,并附加500的水系伤害,500的火系伤害,500的风系伤害,500的雷系伤害,500的土系伤害,500的光明系伤害,500的黑暗系伤害,100%概率附带沉默效果,消耗魔法5000,冷却时间1小时。 The gorgeous multi-colored ray diverges, the cruel demon that six were just summoned has a nightmare silent dropping down in Moonlight Heaven Mist Slash, the body changes to the dark energy to dissipate completely in a flash. Demon Nightmare King covers eyes to stand there, in top of the head 52800 red digit in slowly changes pale. 绚丽的彩色光芒散去,六只刚被召唤出来的残暴魔魇全部在月华天岚斩中无声的倒下,身体转瞬化作黑暗能量消散。魔魇之王捂着双眼站在那里,头顶上一个52800的红色数字在慢慢的变淡。 Did not have Sacred Light, Feng Xiao ordinary Attack can only cause 3000 many damage. He panted for breath fiercely two, Heavenly Eye has swept its blood trough, discovered its HP/Life, also 180,000, moreover in by quick speed Recovery. 没有了“神圣之光”,风逍的普通攻击只能对它造成3000多的伤害。他剧烈的喘息两口,天眼扫了一下它的血槽,发现它的生命,还有180000,而且在以很快的速度回复着。 Meanwhile, silent the symbol of condition appears in its top of the head, but quick vanishes does not see. Among them the Level disparity is too big, over ten seconds silent have only continued on it for three seconds. 同时,一个“沉默”状态的标志出现在它的头顶,但很快又消失不见。他们之间的等级差距太大,十秒以上的“沉默”在它身上只持续了三秒。 Asura Demonic Eye starts once more, but obtains is still the information of failure, his secretly sighed, did not have Vanishing Shadow, before he does not dare rashly to/clashes, by own present HP/Life, can only shoulder its. 修罗之邪眼”再次发动,但得到的依然是失败的信息,他暗叹一声,没有了绝影,他不敢贸然前冲,以自己现在的生命,仅能扛住它一下。 The footsteps of giant beast are getting more and more near, brain tight spiral of Feng Xiao is looking for the method that must win, the sound that suddenly, the body divulges all at once resounds, appears in the peaceful atmosphere especially clear, terrifying...... Feng Xiao at present suddenly a darkness. 巨兽的脚步越来越近,风逍的大脑急速盘旋着寻找必胜的方法,忽然,一股气体宣泄的声音响起,在安静至极的氛围中显得格外的清晰,恐怖……风逍的眼前忽然一片黑暗。 Bang...... 轰…… Is caught off guard, his body by the heavily bang, the blood trough was almost turned into the blank...... In the darkness, strong sound of the wind transmits from him, his Phoenix Body Flicker evaded, simultaneously understands rapidly: He already Demon Nightmare King total darkness, this is one type special darkness condition, his world will turn into the complete darkness, but other side, can actually clear sees him. 措手不及间,他的身体被重重的轰出,血槽几乎变成空白……黑暗中,强劲的风声从他左边传来,他一个“凤凰瞬身”避过,同时迅速明白过来:他已经中了魔魇之王的“暗无天日”,这是一种特殊的“黑暗”状态,他所处的世界将变成完全的黑暗,而对方,却可以清晰的看到他。 white potions Recovery almost can say that does not have an effect completely, he is facing the choice of being in a dilemma, flees by infinite gate...... But he is not willing, «Rebirth» to prevent Player to travel in the BOSS the intermittent record fighting method between areas and safety zones cheats, establishes in the BOSS hatred range, once did not have the enemy, HP/Life that loses will immediately compensate. If he flees, the beforehand effort is in vain completely. If flies the upper air, was fallen by its dark meteorite inevitably overcomes...... 白色药水回复几乎可以说完全不起作用,他面临着两难的选择,一个是以“无限门”遁走……但他不甘心,《轮回》为了防止玩家以往返于BOSS区与安全区域之间的间歇式打法作弊,设定BOSS的仇恨范围内一旦没有了敌人,失去的生命就会马上补满。如果他遁走,之前的努力全部白费。如果飞上高空,也必然被它的黑暗陨石落打下…… there is still one choice...... 还有一个选择…… Asura Yama's Wave!” 修罗冥王波!” Dark Effect is different from blind, although cannot see the surroundings, but Accuracy ability will actually not drop, Demon Nightmare King simultaneously freeze petrification two Attributes, body stiff there. “暗黑”效果不同于“失明”,虽然看不到周围,但命中能力却不会下降,魔魇之王同时中了“冻结”“石化”两种属性,身体僵硬在那里。 Yao'er...... Helps me!” 瑶儿……帮我!” The whole face tight color/look Feng Yao whole body trembles suddenly lightly, the body vanishes in one group of blue rays, has not spoken a few words with enough time. Only leaves behind Brother Xuanyuan to look at each other in blank dismay. 满脸紧张之色的风瑶忽然全身轻颤,身体消失在一团蓝色光芒中,没有来得及说一句话。只留下轩辕兄弟面面相觑。 He shuts tightly both eyes, a strange symbol in his float up present, but his blood trough, is almost the blank. Feng Yao anxious, flurried displaying „the sacred recover completely technique, compensates Feng Xiao HP/Life at heart instantaneously, sacred purification discharged, making the Feng Xiao world restore the light. 他紧闭双目,一个怪异的标志在他头上浮现,而他的血槽,更是几乎空白。风瑶心里一急,慌乱的施展“神圣痊愈术”,将风逍生命瞬间补满,“神圣净化”紧接着施放,让风逍的世界恢复了光明。 Yao'er, fortunately you......” 瑶儿,还好你……” Feng Xiao shoves open Feng Yao fiercely, stiffly Demon Nightmare King that suffered to restore suddenly, when he just turned over/stood up stood up, the innumerable dark broken plates revolve to fly, blotted out the sky, making the person hide nowhere. 风逍猛地将风瑶推开,硬生生挨了忽然恢复过来的魔魇之王一下,他刚刚翻身站起时,无数的暗黑碎盘旋转着飞来,铺天盖地,让人无处遁形。 Bang! Bang! 砰!砰! Feng Xiao and Feng Yao simultaneously were hit, Feng Yao final level Holy Light Barrier was scattered, her teleport to Feng Xiao side, compensates HP/Life that he just damaged by sacred Healing Skill hastily. Actually discovered that on his forehead seems flashing a blood-color ray. 风逍风瑶同时被击中,风瑶身上最后一层“圣光屏障”被打散,她连忙瞬移风逍身边,以“神圣治愈术”补满他刚损掉的生命。却发现他的额头上似乎闪动着一点血色的光芒。 Ding, your Skills Asura Demonic Eye success......” “叮,你的技能修罗之邪眼’成功……” One group of light red glow wrapped the body of Demon Nightmare King, the Feng Xiao corners of the mouth have shown the happy expression finally. 一团淡淡的红芒包裹住了魔魇之王的身体,风逍嘴角终于露出笑意。 Xiaobai! Clash/To!” 小白!冲!” Again unscrupulous, Feng Xiao in the eyes a cold light flashed, charges into the Defense drop is 0 Demon Nightmare King, the right hand wields fiercely. 再无顾忌,风逍眼中寒光一闪,冲向防御下降为0的魔魇之王,右手猛地挥出。 Death! Burning Flame Linking Cleave...... Underworld Soul Breaker...... Asura thorn!” “死吧!炽焰连斩……冥魂破……修罗刺!” The astronomical figures of 26 red yellow overlay simultaneously emit in the head of Demon Nightmare King, has emptied its blood trough instantaneously! The huge heavy blows that wields stop in airborne, huge body heavily but actually, even before has not given out just before the end angry roaring with enough time. This formidable Level 80 Gold BOSS, eventually the disastrous defeat in Level 57 the hand of Feng Xiao, had ended its Demon Nightmare King profession. After dying it not to blow out any Item, but has a nightmare like the cruel demon changes to the dark energy to dissipate. 26个红黄叠加的庞大数字同时在魔魇之王的头上冒出,瞬间清空了它的血槽!挥出的巨大重拳停在空中,庞大的身体重重的倒了下去,甚至没来得及发出临终前的怒吼。这个强大的80级黄金BOSS,终于惨败于57级风逍之手,结束了它的魔魇之王生涯。死后的它没有爆出任何的物品,而是像残暴魔魇一样化作黑暗能量消散。 The fight, continued less than merely for two minutes. Feng Xiao Level 57 Experience, grew 70% fully. 战斗,仅仅持续了不到两分钟。风逍57级经验,整整增长了70%。 Elder Brother...... Quite fierce.” The Feng Yao peng peng heartbeat is finally steady, teleport to his side, suddenly, both hands that she extends there, because she discovered...... He is shivering, the whole body is shivering. 哥哥……好厉害。”风瑶砰砰的心跳终于平稳下来,瞬移到他的身边,忽然,她伸出的双手愣在那里,因为她发现……他在颤抖,全身都在颤抖。 Elder Brother...... You how?” Grasps his arm, clearer feeling his shivering how fierce, her heartbeat, starts to speed up fiercely. 哥哥……你怎么了?”抓紧他的手臂,才更真切的感受到他的颤抖是多么的剧烈,她的心跳,也开始猛地加快。 Elder Brother Feng...... Runs away quickly...... Runs away quickly...... This is you absolutely unmatchable Strength, this is...... This is Supreme Divine Level Strength!” 风哥哥……快逃……快逃……这是你绝对无法对抗的力量,这是……这是超神级力量啊!” Runs away? Runs away? Where toward runs away?” Feng Xiao trembles to say with a smile you unable to feel that this Ghost Swamp, inevitably is that person arranged/laid out, only if kills him, otherwise is absolutely impossible to flee from here!” “逃?怎么逃?往哪里逃?”风逍颤笑道“难道你感觉不出来么,这个亡魂沼泽,必然是那个人布下,除非杀死他,否则绝无可能逃离这里!” Wu...... I know, I know, is...... Defeats such person is completely impossible......” the Xuanyuan Wan'er sound is shivering similarly, she can the clear feeling the great strength of that evil Strength, that be including her to think Strength that the heart trembles! 呜……我知道,我知道,可是……打败这样的人是完全不可能的……”轩辕婉儿的声音同样在颤抖,她能清晰的感受到那股邪恶力量的强大,那是一股连她都觉得心颤的力量
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