LA :: Volume #4

#314: The chain of shatter protection

My Xiao Tian came back finally! Wahahahaha!” “我萧天终于回来了!哇哈哈哈哈!” The rampant big laughter resounds in the Heavenly Dragon Plaza center. Has not actually brought to the attention of several people. The loud noise resounds in the ear, Xiao Tian opens eyes, looks at the surrounding familiar all, Heavenly Dragon Plaza still a babel of voices, is very lively. Today as if has made noise many times compared with the past. The innumerable crowds encircle in front of the square central huge Magic/MP screen, on the face is passing in abundance strangely, the sound of discussion continuously. 嚣张的大笑声在天龙广场中心响起。却没有引起几个人的注意。久违的喧闹声在耳边响起,萧天睁开眼睛,看着周围熟悉的一切,天龙广场依然人声鼎沸,好不热闹。只是今天似乎比以往更喧闹了许多倍。无数的人堆围在广场中央的巨大魔法屏幕前,脸上纷纷透着怪异,议论之声此起彼伏。 A Xiao Tian face walked curiously, Player that holds one conveniently direct, asked: „Did this buddy, have an accident was so lively?” 萧天一脸好奇的走了过去,随手抓住一个正指指点点的玩家,问道:“这位哥们,出什么事了这么热闹?” „! Looks above.” That person has referred to the Level ranking, first Asura vanishes to disappear suddenly, is really strange...... Listened to the rumor to reach an agreement a moment ago likely by Heavenly Fiend Gang returning the zero order......” “诺!看上面。”那人指了指等级排行榜,“第一名的修罗忽然消失不见了,真是奇怪……刚才听传言说好像是被天煞帮给杀回了零级……” what!?” Xiao Tian at heart one tight, the following words he could not listen completely. 什么!?”萧天心里一紧,后面的话他已经完全听不下去了。 Another map, received the news wildly Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun is laughing, whatever before the body, Monster Attack strokes on oneself, all the hates of backlog and are not feeling well retaliated huge pleasant sensation disbanding disappears without a trace. 另一个地图,已经接到消息的天煞风云正猖狂的大笑着,任由身前怪物攻击击打在自己身上,所有积压的怨恨与不爽被报复的巨大快感遣散的无影无踪 Asura! This is the fate that and I oppose!” Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun stretched out the tongue to lick flood the white light short blade, in the eye was flashing the poisonous snake fierceness, disdained looked at a top of the head to emit innumerable MISS that the white light flash place, a triangle beast became under his blade the dead spirit. 修罗!这就是和我作对的下场!”天煞风云伸出舌头舔了舔泛着白光的短刃,眼中闪动着毒蛇般的狰狞,不屑的看了一眼头顶冒出的无数MISS,白光闪处,一只三角兽成为他刃下亡灵。 ............ ………… No. 99999 Novice Village. 99999号新手村 Ding, your Level reduces to 0 levels, had been forced to transmit Novice Village, simultaneously the total state resumes the normal, entire Skills Cooldown Time nulling operation. After Level is over 9 levels, may go to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City once more, please continue to try hard.” “叮,你的等级降为0级,已被强制传送回新手村,同时全状态恢复正常,全技能冷却时间归零。等级超过9级后可再次前往天龙皇城,请继续努力。” Here scenery still that quiet and beautiful pleasant, the air is the different kind freshness. Feng Xiao first sees, is that neat white form, he exhausts enclasps her fully. 这里的风景依然是那么的清幽怡人,空气更是别样的清新。风逍第一眼看到的,是那个楚楚的白色身影,他用尽全力抱紧她。 Is unfair to Yao'er, sorry......” “对不起瑶儿,对不起……” Elder Brother...... Why you also came to here.” 哥哥……为什么你也到这里来了。” The heart of Feng Yao is twitching, she has been good to fear that he same returns to Novice Village with her, was praying he do not come back, actually feared after he comes back by some chance, first sees is not she, therefore she stands in the Novice Village center has waited...... Finally, what makes her grieved is, she waited till unexpectedly. 风瑶的心在抽搐,她一直都好怕他和她一样回到新手村,祈祷着他不要回来,却又怕他万一回来后第一眼看到的不是她,于是她站在新手村的中心一直等……结果,让她心痛的是,她竟然真的等到了。 Is I am useless, has not protected my Yao'er.” Feng Xiao loosens her, wipes tears that she sheds gently. “是我没用,没有保护好我的瑶儿。”风逍松开她,轻轻抹去她不知不觉间流下的眼泪。 „...... Elder Brother has revenged for you, that this being cut to pieces Demon Fiend, already complete disappearance, dying cannot die again.” Feng Xiao do not go excessively, in the eye flashes through hates the light, when looks once more to Yao'er, changes is guilty and gentle. “不过……哥哥已经替你报仇了,那个该千刀万剐的魔煞,已经完完全全的消失,死的不能再死了。”风逍别过头去,眼中闪过恨光,再次看向瑶儿时,又化作内疚和柔和。 Feng Yao is slightly stunned, immediately a face smiles joyful: I know, in this world does not have the matter that Elder Brother cannot achieve.” 风瑶微微错愕,随即一脸欣笑:“我就知道,这个世界上没有哥哥做不到的事情。” The Attributes panel was summoned by Feng Xiao, Star Breaker shows in front of Feng Yao formidable. Feng Xiao said in a soft voice: Was Skills that this presented suddenly, the second has killed that damn 10,000 times Demon Fiend...... Do not be worried, although our Level enulls, but Profession also, moreover, my three Asura equipment still on the body, by our present ability, certainly can quick losing Level Up goes back.” 属性面板被风逍召唤出来,“碎星”的强大展现在风瑶面前。风逍轻声说道:“就是这个忽然出现的技能,秒杀了那个该死10000次的魔煞……不要担心,我们等级虽然归零,但职业还在,而且,我的三件修罗装备还在身上,以我们现在的能力,一定可以很快的把失去的等级升回去。” If ordinary Profession, after falling to Level 10, will vanish automatically, must carry on again Profession Change to Imperial City. But the quantity are extremely few and has unique Hidden Profession majority, even if Level enulls, will not vanish. 如果是普通职业,降到10级以后会自动消失,要到皇城进行重新转职。而数量极少且大部分具有唯一性的隐藏职业,即使等级归零,也不会消失。 Feng Xiao four Hidden Profession, Profession Change formidable Attributes that attaches has not vanished, Asura Illusion, Asura Rebellion, Demonic Asura and Snow Spirit Cloak do not have Level to limit, in addition the might does not have Xuanyuan Sword that the slightest bit drops, even if by his present zero order Attributes, be stronger than many 50 multistage ordinary Player. 风逍的四个隐藏职业都在,转职时所附加的强大属性也没有消失,修罗幻修罗逆修罗邪雪灵披风更是没有等级限制,再加上威力没有半分下降的轩辕剑,即使以他现在零级的属性,也要比50多级的普通玩家强出许多。 Feng Yao as if has not heard clearly him in saying anything, still looks at his Attributes panel, on the beautiful face is hanging obvious stunned. Feng Xiao shows a faint smile saying: By Star Breaker shocked formidable.” 风瑶仿佛没有听清他在说什么,依然看着他的属性面板,绝美的脸上挂着明显的错愕。风逍微微一笑道:“是不是被碎星的强大震撼到了。” The returning to normal mood, comes back by the reason that the hate seizes finally, his innermost feelings also similarly started for a moment ago Star Breaker trembled formidable. 平复心情,被怨恨夺走的理智终于回来,他的内心也同样开始为刚才“碎星”的强大而战栗不已。 Feng Yao shook the head, Star Breaker, surpasses her imagination, what made her be startled was...... 风瑶摇了摇头,“碎星”之强,远超她的想象,但更令她吃惊的是…… Elder Brother...... Your Attributes!” 哥哥……你的属性!” Attributes?” Feng Xiao doubts looks to own Attributes, when the vision falls to Strength on Attributes, he stares fiercely. 属性?”风逍疑惑的向自己的属性看去,当目光落到“力量属性上的时候,他猛地一愣。 Strength: 836! 力量:836! Feng Xiao almost cannot believe when own eyes, by him 0 levels of conditions, all Strength Attributes came from four big Profession Profession Change additional Strength now, Xuanyuan additional Strength, as well as the Asura Rebellion 20% additions, the Demonic Asura 30% additions, these in addition, should not absolutely over 500! 风逍几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,以他现在0级的状态,所有的力量属性都来自四大职业转职时的附加力量,轩辕的附加力量,以及修罗逆的20%加成,修罗邪30%加成,这些加起来,绝对不应该超过500! But Vitality: 569! Also has far exceeded its proper digit. 体力:569!也远远超出了它应有的数字。 What's all this about? Feng Xiao and Feng Yao have simultaneously exchanged a puzzled look. 这是怎么回事?风逍风瑶同时交换了一个不解的眼神。 Suddenly, in the Feng Xiao brain the miraculous glow flashes, loosened hastily has hung in the chest front red hanging. Then discovered, its light red light originally completely vanished, the whole body cracks the innumerable fissures, obviously has damaged thoroughly. 忽然,风逍脑中灵光一闪,连忙解下了一直挂在胸前的红色挂饰。这才发现,它原本的淡淡红光已经完全消失,周身裂起无数的裂痕,显然已经彻底损坏。 Feng Xiao thoroughly understands, all, all are the chain of protection because this almost forgot by him! Let him retain entire Level 57 Attributes! Also is 285 Strength, 114 Vitality, 57 Agility and Intelligence (mind/spirit), as well as 1140 HP/Life with 570 Magic/MP, in addition the proportion addition of Asura equipment, are much more! 风逍彻底明白过来,一切,皆是因为这个几乎被他遗忘的守护之链!让他保留了整整57级属性!也就是285点力量、114点体力、57的敏捷精神,以及1140的生命与570的魔法,再加上修罗装备的比例加成,远远不止! Reason that Feng Xiao has worn it on the body, using temporarily as is a charm amulet, which day to guard not to hang to retain first-level Attributes carefully. But now, his Level fell Level 57 one time, he also therefore retained entire Level 57 Attributes. 风逍之所以一直把它戴在身上,权当是一件护身符,以防哪天不小心挂掉而保留一级的属性。而如今,他的等级一次性降了57级,他也因此保留了整整57级属性 Attributes of chain of protection presents in Feng Yao at present, her vision extraordinary splendor flashes continually. The chain of this protection, has completed protection perfectly mission. Because of it, Elder Brother rise Level 57 time, will want formidable many compared with before absolutely. 守护之链的属性呈现在风瑶眼前,她的目光异彩连闪。这条守护之链,完美的完成了“守护”的使命。因为它,哥哥升回57级的时候,绝对会比之前要强大的多。 I have brought it fortunately on the body, has not thought...... Hehe!” Feng Xiao careful receives the chain of shatter protection, the careful returning backpack, smiles with Feng Yao looking at each other. Most common Xiao Xiao (little) Spiritual Equipment of this in the equipment of his whole body, has displayed formidable Effect now in his hands. If it has intelligence, it is estimated that also meets dies also dies content. “还好我一直把它带在身上,没想到……嘿嘿!”风逍小心的收起破碎的守护之链,小心的放回背包,和风瑶对视一笑。这个在他全身的装备中最不起眼的小小灵器,如今在他手中发挥了强大的效果。如果它具有灵性的话,估计也会“死也瞑目”吧。 Ascends the sky continually is blessing Elder Brother.” A Feng Yao face, including grieved slightly was joyfully lighter, her crescent eyebrows softly relax, said in a soft voice: As the matter stands, I had confidence. I believe Elder Brother can certainly quick achieves the world once more first.” “连上天都在保佑哥哥呢。”风瑶一脸的欣然,连心痛都稍稍轻了一些,她月眉轻舒,柔声说道:“这样一来,我更有信心了。我相信哥哥一定可以很快的再次做到世界第一。” Feng Xiao nods, in the heart is actually low-spirited of being able hardly be removed. The disparities of other people have many him to be greatly clear with him, in addition these person of Lunatic practice the level speed, oneself should not be forever impossible to be in the Level ranking. 风逍点点头,心中却是挥之不去的黯然。其他人的差距与他有多大他心里一清二楚,再加上那些人疯子般的练级速度,自己应该永远也不可能登上等级排行榜了。 Moreover, Level below Level 50, even if can reach ten levels to return to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City before tomorrow, tomorrow's China Martial Battle Grand Competition, missed with him thoroughly. 而且,等级50级以下,即使能在明日之前达到十级返回天龙皇城,明天的华夏武斗大会,也彻底与他无缘了。 Thinks of here, he just sank the shortly after vicious tendencies to revive, double fist gripping ruthlessly is tight. Destroys the crazy idea of Heavenly Fiend Gang to be getting more and more clear in his brain. 想到这里,他刚刚沉下没多久的戾气又苏醒过来,双拳狠狠的攥紧。摧毁天煞帮的疯狂想法在他脑中越来越清晰。 Ding, Skills Desperate Abyss Effect finished, your Level drops third-level! Because your Level is 0 levels, Level drops invalid.” “叮,技能绝望深渊效果结束,你的等级下降三级!由于你的等级已经为0级,等级下降无效化。” Around Feng Xiao body black red colored light glow vanishes finally, Attributes also fully returns to normal. 风逍身体周围的黑红色光芒终于消失,属性也完全恢复正常。 Eldest child...... Eldest child, you in......” “老大……老大,你在不在……” The Xiao Tian rapid sound conveys from Communication Tool, a Feng Xiao range, depresses the vicious tendencies rapidly, has taken up Communication Tool, sighed lightly: Little Tian, you appeared finally.” 萧天急促的声音从通话器中传来,风逍一鄂,迅速压下戾气,拿起了通话器,轻叹道:“小天,你终于出现了。” This is unimportant.” Xiao Tian has interrupted his words, rapid asking: Why in the Level ranking didn't have your name? Now outside spread saying that you were returned the zero order by the Heavenly Fiend Gang person, real?” “这不重要。”萧天一口打断了他的话,急促的问道:“为什么等级排行榜上没有了你的名字?现在外面流传说你被天煞帮的人杀回了零级,是不是真的?” Was returned the zero order by Heavenly Fiend Gang?” In the Feng Xiao eye hates the light to flash: „Do this group of dregs people also match?” “被天煞帮杀回零级?”风逍眼中恨光一闪:“这帮渣人也配?” Xiao Tian sound, the sound becomes gets up embarrasedly: Eh...... Also to Ha, just the brain entered the water, the eldest child will plant how possibly in that group of bird man hands of Heavenly Fiend Gang...... Are you now? Is it possible that had the eldest child found the concealment Level method? Right! Certainly is this.” 萧天声音一顿,声音变得讪讪起来:“呃……啊,也对哈,刚刚脑筋进水了,老大怎么可能会栽在天煞帮的那帮鸟人手里……那你现在是?莫非老大找到了隐匿等级的方法?对!一定是这样。” Goes into hiding! Although your greatly I was not returned the zero order by Heavenly Fiend Gang, but indeed plants in their hands......” Feng Xiao secretly sighed, apology looked at Feng Yao one: In me plotting of Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, entered one to have the trap Quest map, Level falls the zero order, but also has implicated Yao'er, now, we in Novice Village...... Can Hehe, come together?” “隐匿个屁!你老大我虽然不是被天煞帮杀回零级,但的确是栽在他们手里……”风逍暗叹一声,歉意的看了风瑶一眼:“我中了天煞风云的暗算,进入了一个有着陷阱任务的地图,等级降回零级,还连累了瑶儿,现在,我们都在新手村呢……呵呵,要不要一起过来?” The Feng Yao small mouth digs, is very discontented to the word implication that” he said. If she is safe and sound, only then a Elder Brother person encounters to plot, she without hesitation will also return to the zero order with various methods, accompanies him from the beginning to come in Novice Village. 风瑶小嘴微撅,对他说的“连累”一词很是不满。如果她安然无恙,只有哥哥一人遭遇暗算,她也会毫不犹豫的用各种方法回到零级,陪他在新手村从头来过。 What?!” The Xiao Tian sound fierce earth-shaking transformation is cold, through Communication Tool, Feng Xiao can feel indistinctly bone-chilling cold killing intent that that side transmits, moves at heart fiercely. “什么?!”萧天的声音猛地变冷,通过通话器,风逍都能隐约感觉到那边传来的凛冽杀气,心里猛地一动。 One month does not see, his imposing manner had the so huge change unexpectedly. «Rebirth» world, can a such obvious change person? 一个多月不见,他的气势竟有了如此巨大的变化。难道《轮回》的世界,也可以这么明显的改变一个人?
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