LA :: Volume #2

#111: The Jinghua first female kitchen God

„, This also uses to ask, naturally was in the process of auction just some people have projected on a Construction of Guild command. Only can blame you attain the Construction of Guild command not to hurry Construction of Guild, instead treats here is rampant is shows off, do you also want to push the responsibility to the auction room now are inadequate?” Clarity that Player that the Maple Leaf Kuang Lan not depressing own sound, the entire hall and Heavenly Dragon Plaza wait and see listens. “切,这还用问,当然是拍卖的过程中刚好有人又打到了一块建帮令。只能怪你拿到建帮令的时候不赶紧去建帮,反而待这里又是嚣张又是炫耀的,难道现在你还想把责任推给拍卖行不成?”枫叶狂澜毫不压抑自己的声音,整个大厅和天龙广场观望的玩家都听的清清楚楚。 Immediately, more vision gather at demon wolf- crazy, pities, the doubts, ridiculed that takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, looks at the good play...... 立即,更多的目光聚集在魔狼—狂身上,怜悯的,疑惑的,嘲笑的,幸灾乐祸的,看好戏的…… Xuanyuan Jinglan this Youngster, is promising promising, absolutely!” Feng Xiao represses laughter to praise to sigh. 轩辕惊澜小子,有前途,绝对有前途啊!”风逍强忍着笑赞叹道。 Oneself go to the Heavenly Dragon notary public to appraise.” Throwing down a few words that Lunatic coldly, being disinclined manages him, waves the arms about to walk into the auction backstage. “自己去天龙公证处鉴定。”疯子冷冷的丢下一句话,懒得理他,甩手走入拍卖会后台。 Demon wolf- cluck cluck sound that crazy tooth bites, he understands first Guild and second Guild disparity clearly. He is really not but good to manifest suddenly in front of so many Player, immediately coldly snorted, went out of the auction hall, moves toward the Heavenly Dragon notary public directly. 魔狼—狂牙齿咬的咯咯响,他清楚的明白第一帮派和第二帮派的差距。可是在如此多的玩家面前他实在不好发作,顿时冷哼一声,走出了拍卖大厅,径直走向天龙公证处。 Divergence that the person complexion of auction hall varies. No. 19 theater box, a man of whole face fat tranquil swept one to walk into Lunatic of backstage. 拍卖大厅的人都脸色各异的散去。19号包厢,一个满脸肥肉的男子平静的扫了一眼走入后台的疯子 No. 20 theater box, faint(ly) resounds sounds of nature: Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind......” 20号包厢,幽幽响起一声天籁:“恋风瑶梦……” In the tranquility compared to auction hall, Heavenly Dragon Plaza completely is another scene. 相对于拍卖大厅内的平静,天龙广场完全是另一番景象。 Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind, Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind of China country second beautiful woman!” 恋风瑶梦,华夏国第二美女的恋风瑶梦!” I must join...... I must join......” “我要加入……我一定要加入……” Goddess in dream, I came......” “梦中的女神,我来了……” First Construction of Guild unexpectedly is our female Player, this Elder Sister was really too extraordinary.” “第一个建帮的居然是我们女玩家唉,这位姐姐真是太了不起了。” Who can tell me how to join Guild......” “谁能告诉我怎么加入帮派……” Who knows the Loves the Wind Pavilion Guild station where?” “谁知道恋风阁帮派驻地在哪里?” Registers quickly, late did not have the quota......” “快去报名,晚了就没名额了……” „, This group of female Player were insane...... Hey, wait/etc. I, I must join......” “靠,这帮女玩家都疯了……喂,等等我,我也要加入……” The short several seconds, mysterious Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind and Loves the Wind Pavilion name spreads over entire Heavenly Dragon Continent, online Player publicity. Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind, is becomes the innumerable female Player idols, because first establishes the gang but female Player, big made every effort to succeed for them. 短短的几秒钟,神秘的恋风瑶梦恋风阁的名字传遍整个天龙大陆,在线的玩家人尽皆知。恋风瑶梦,更是成为无数女玩家的偶像,因为第一个建立帮会的可是女玩家,大大的为她们争了一口气。 Demon wolf- crazy stern-faced arrived at the notary public to appraise Guild Establishing Token, the result of obtaining made him vomit blood. 魔狼—狂一脸阴沉的来到了公证处鉴定建帮令牌,得出的结果让他吐血。 Demon wolf- crazy mister, your Construction of Guild made indeed is two weeks ago the China area first Construction of Guild command that presented.” Reception beautiful woman very polite saying of notary public. “魔狼—狂先生,您的这块建帮令的确是两周前出现的华夏区第一块建帮令。”公证处的接待美女很有礼貌的说道。 This news immediately surrounded Player publicizes. Demon wolf- crazy can only swallow this tone bitterly, he did not have to find the auction room troublesome excuse, when must blame only to blame him to attain Construction of Guild to make does not have to use immediately. 这个消息立即被围观的玩家宣扬出去。魔狼—狂只能恨恨的咽下这口气,他已经没有了找拍卖行麻烦的理由,要怪只能怪他拿到建帮令时没有立即去使用。 Bastard! Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind, after you are waiting for by father first J, kills.” Demon wolf- crazy look becomes is immorally sinister. “混蛋!恋风瑶梦,你等着被老子先J后杀吧。”魔狼—狂的眼神变得淫邪毒辣起来。 Demon wolf- should rejoice that crazily own words had not been heard by Feng Xiao, otherwise, does not need Yang Aotian to make a move, he must be dismembered with the cruelest method by Feng Xiao. 魔狼—狂应该庆幸自己的话没有被风逍听到,否则,不用杨傲天出手,他必被风逍用最残忍的手段分尸。 But at this time, Feng Xiao mindless is bringing Xiao Tian and Chen Bing rushes to Feng House. 而此时,风逍正没心没肺的带着萧天陈冰奔向风楼 Eldest child, you were really good B, unexpectedly projected on two Guild Establishing Token, but also has played entire China Player, I such as torrential flood to your respect!” Xiao Tian pats the Feng Xiao flatter greatly, simultaneously refreshed of face. “老大,你真是太牛B了,居然打到两块建帮令牌,还把全华夏玩家都耍了一遍,我对你的敬仰如滔滔洪水啊!”萧天大拍风逍马屁,同时一脸的爽快。 Chen Bing did not say a word, but looked that was a little slightly strange to the Feng Xiao look. 陈冰一言不发,只是看向风逍的眼神稍稍有点怪异。 The eldest child, is very good, is very formidable, is very sinister. Chen Bing thinks. 老大,很好,很强大,很阴险。陈冰想。 Arrived Feng House, Feng Yao smiling was greeting them, her nearby there is still one long very delightful girl, she called Liu Qing'er, the Xiao Tian fiancee. The semblance is very harmless, is actually very formidable, is very maneating. 到了风楼,风瑶已经笑意盈盈的在迎接他们,她的旁边还有一个长的很甜美的女孩子,她叫刘清儿,萧天的未婚妻。外表很无害,其实很强大,很凶悍。 Qing'er, you came.” Xiao Tian eyes one bright, immediately excited moving forward to meet somebody, grabbed the hand of Liu Qing, the tender feelings honey of whole face | intent. 清儿,你来了。”萧天眼睛一亮,立即兴奋的迎了上去,抓住了刘清的手,满脸的柔情蜜|意。 This action, making Feng Xiao almost unable to believe own eyes. 这一举动,让风逍差点不敢相信自己的眼睛 How Little Tian was, he did not mediate the Liu Qing'er anything sentiment not to be possible the word...... Yao'er that let alone he most is infatuated with also in side. 小天是怎么了,他不是说和刘清儿没什么感情可言的吗……更何况他最迷恋的瑶儿还在旁边。 Eldest child, very accident/surprise?” Near the Feng Xiao ear transmits the Xiao Tian code suddenly. “老大,很意外吗?”风逍耳边忽然传来萧天的密语。 Feng Xiao gawked, looks to Xiao Tian, nod that slightly cannot be observed. 风逍一愣,看向了萧天,微不可察的点头。 Younger Sister Yao'er, a dream that but in my heart is unattainable, but Qing'er, is my side accompanies my person truly. Elder Sister has said with me very much long time ago, with its pursues one desperately not the dream that is possible to realize, might as well treasure belongs to my Qing'er at present truly, otherwise, the life can only become is no use and pain.” 瑶儿妹妹,只是我心中遥不可及的一个梦,而清儿,才是我身边真正陪我的人。姐姐很早就和我说过,与其去苦苦追求一个不可能实现的梦,不如去珍惜眼前真正属于我的清儿,否则,人生只能变得无助和痛苦。” Younger Sister Yao'er, I, so long as can occasionally see her, satisfied. Like this Fairy Maiden common female, eldest child, only then you can be joined.” 瑶儿妹妹,我只要能偶尔看到她,就满足了。像她这种仙子一般的女子,老大,只有你才配得上。” Earth-shaking. 石破天惊。 Feng Xiao thorough dull there, wants to say anything, the discovery throat like was actually caught by any thing, cannot make the sound. 风逍彻底的呆愣在那里,想说些什么,却发现喉咙像被什么东西卡住一样,发不出声音来。 Elder Brother, you how?” Feng Yao sees he suddenly surprised expression, the trend asking that comes to care about. 哥哥,你怎么了?”风瑶看到他忽然一脸吃惊的表情,走向前来关心的问道。 All right, all right, we go advanced.” Saying of Feng Xiao somewhat unnatural, grasps the Feng Yao small hand, walks toward Feng House. “没事,没事,我们先进去。”风逍有些不自然的说道,抓起风瑶的小手,向风楼走去。 Little Tian, you...... Knew?” Feng Xiao said to the Xiao Tian code, the fluctuation in heart is unable to be tranquil. 小天,你……都知道了?”风逍萧天密语道,心中的波动无法平静。 „The Hehe eldest child, I knew actually very much long time ago. Younger Sister Yao'er looked that likely is not visiting one's parents the person to your look radically, how silently has gazed at her me unable to look, and......” 嘿嘿老大,其实我很早就知道了。瑶儿妹妹看向你的眼神根本就不像是在看亲人,一直都默默注视她的我怎么会看不出来,而且……” Why you sooner did not tell me!” “那你为什么不早些告诉我!” Hey, does the eldest child, you reason with, is you do not speak the truth obviously first. Your unkind brothers nature non- righteousness. However looks at the appearance that you feel suffocated to is very crisp, Haha......” “喂,老大,你讲不讲理啊,明明是你先不讲实话的。你不仁兄弟自然不义了。不过看你憋气的样子到是挺爽的,哈哈……” „......” “……” „...... Little Tian, thank you!” Feng Xiao knows, not caring at all that although Xiao Tian said that is five years of bitter love, by so is been can it be that easy to put down. He, but does not want the pressure by oneself. “……小天,谢谢你!”风逍知道,虽然萧天说的满不在乎,可是五年的苦恋,由岂是那么容易放下的。他,只是不想让自己有压力。 Xiao Tian is silent, after a while said with the indifferent sound: Among brothers has anything to thank, let alone this minor matter, I found my happy goal you should for rejoice to be right. However eldest child, later you, if dares to disagree the brothers to speak the truth again I to make my Elder Sister chase down you to go with the blade!” 萧天沉默,过了一会才用无所谓的声音说道:“兄弟之间有什么谢不谢的,更何况这点小事,我找到了我的幸福目标你应该为了高兴才对。不过老大,以后你要是再敢不和兄弟说实话我可让我姐姐拿刀追杀你去!” Feng Xiao toward nod that he makes an effort, two people smile. 风逍朝他用力的点点头,两人会心一笑。 The backlog for a long time big stone of Feng Xiao heart fell to the ground finally, what substitution is the light warmth. 风逍心头的一块积压已久的大石终于落了地,取代的是淡淡的温暖。 Big Brother Feng, your mask good flashy, when to give my family/home Little Tian also to make one to come.” Liu Qing'er non-stop sizing up Feng Xiao up and down, in the eye the extraordinary splendor again and again. 风大哥,你的面具好拉风唉,什么时候给我家小天也弄一个来。”刘清儿不停上下打量着风逍,眼中异彩连连。 She and Feng Xiao, although in the reality also calculates quite familiar, but she does not know that his complex status, only knows that he is Xiao Tian and Chen Bing schoolmate and good friend, recently were many Asura status. Xiao Tian told her very much seriously, cannot tell anybody his status, including parents and highest officer. 她和风逍虽然现实中也算比较熟悉,但她并不知道他的复杂身份,只知道他是萧天陈冰的同学兼好友,最近还多了一个“修罗”的身份。只是萧天很严肃的告诉她,不许告诉任何人他的这个身份,包括父母和最高首长。 cough cough, this, later again said. On the other hand, Miss Liu, I deliver your restaurant to be good.” 咳咳,这个,以后再说。话说回来,刘大小姐,我送你的酒楼不错吧。” What gives to me, felt all right to say really, was makes me work to you obviously!” Liu Qing'er does not show due respect for the feelings, pierced the Feng Xiao intention pertinently. “什么叫送给我,真好意思说,明明就是让我给你打工!”刘清儿丝毫不给面子,一针见血戳穿了风逍的意图。 Feng Xiao and Xiao Tian look one, simultaneously has smiled. 风逍萧天对望一眼,同时笑了起来。 Qing'er, this restaurant, but eldest child for you to establish specially. Isn't your dream establishes the national biggest restaurant? But our eldest child restaurant, is present most famous one, its future irritability, will exceed your imagination absolutely.” Xiao Tian very earnestly said. 清儿,这个酒楼可是老大特意为你为建立的。你的梦想不就是成立全国最大的酒楼吗?而我们老大这个酒楼,就是现在名气最大的一个,它日后的火爆,绝对会超出你的想象。”萧天认真的说道 Real?” After Liu Qing'er went to Swift Wind World a while ago, was shaken by there luxurious style, now listened to the Xiao Tian words, the heart is thump thump jumps. “是真的吗?”刘清儿前段时间去了“风行天下”后,就被那里的豪华气派震住了,现在听了萧天的话,心更是怦怦跳起来。 Naturally!” Two men also nod. “当然!”两个男人同时点头。 Good!” Liu Qing'er is obviously excited, the racket her small chest said: „If there is such foundation, I by the name of guarantee Jinghua first female kitchen God, I will certainly not disappoint you, absolute office biggest, is best! I must expand, supposes several hundred branch stores in various Heavenly Dragon Continent places, making all people know my name!” “好!”刘清儿明显兴奋起来,拍拍她的小胸脯说道:“如果真有这样的基础,我以京华第一女厨神之名担保,我一定不会让你们失望,绝对办的最大、最好!我还要扩张,在天龙大陆各处设上几百个分店,让所有人知道我的名字!” Two man cold sweat brave. 两个男人冷汗直冒。 Young Master, you came back...... Elder Sister Yao'er, Elder Sister Qing'er.” Shui Rourou politeness and Feng Yao and Liu Qing'er greeted, the man outside Feng Xiao was disregarded by her. 少爷,你回来了……瑶儿姐姐,清儿姐姐。”水柔柔礼貌的和风瑶刘清儿打招呼,风逍之外的男人被她无视了。 Yang Xiruo also gently walked, greeted with all people. Before Liu Qing'er, had come Feng House many times along with Feng Yao, several girls early became very familiar. 杨夕若也轻轻的走了出来,和所有人打招呼。刘清儿之前已经随风瑶来过风楼好多次,几个女孩子早已经变得很熟悉。 But Feng Xiao in Feng House for these days, Shui Rourou did not draw the Liu Qing'er study to make various types of cakes and pastries frequently. 风逍不在风楼这几天,水柔柔经常拉着刘清儿学做各种糕点。 In the hall, several people sit in a circle in the middle the biggest ancient wooden table, was discussing the morning matter excitedly. Liu Qing'er and Xiruo went to the special-purpose kitchen to prepare food, standing that a Shui Rourou face blushed in Feng Xiao behind, gentle rubbed to pinch the shoulder for him. 大厅里,几个人围坐在中间最大的古木桌旁,兴奋的讨论着上午的事情。刘清儿夕若去专用厨房做菜去了,水柔柔一脸红晕的站在风逍身后,温柔的为他揉捏肩膀。 Younger Sister Yao'er, your this time may really become the people's idol, especially female Player. It is estimated that your days fame be older than the eldest child. Yes, Bingkuai (ice cube).” 瑶儿妹妹,你这次可真的成为全民偶像了,特别是女玩家的。估计你这段时间的名气要比老大还大。是吧,冰块。” Chen Bing nods, expressed the support. 陈冰点头,表示赞同。 Feng Yao lightly smiled, she does not have the interest to these, her only goal , helping Elder Brother. 风瑶轻轻一笑,她对这些丝毫没有兴趣,她唯一的目的,就是帮助哥哥 Right Yao'er, your Guild station elects where?” Feng Xiao asked. “对了瑶儿,你的帮派驻地选的什么地方?”风逍问道。 First Construction of Guild may choose the position of Guild station willfully. The Guild station, is equal in the reality various Guild Main Hall, the smallest 10 W gold coin, may accommodate 500 people, the biggest 10 million gold coins, may accommodate 100000 people. Ultra-large Guild will buy generally several or dozens several hundred domains as the minute hall. Except that other first Guild Guild positions are assigned by Heavenly Dragon Dynasty. 第一个建帮的可任意选择帮派驻地的位置。帮派驻地,相当于现实中各种帮派总堂,最小的10W金币,可容纳500人,最大的10000000金币,可容纳100000人。超大型的帮派一般都会多买几块或几十几百块地盘做为分堂。除第一帮派其他帮派的位置由天龙皇朝指定。 Elder Brother, here.” Feng Yao smiles. 哥哥,就在这里。”风瑶神秘一笑。 Here?” Feng Xiao stares, saying that immediately cannot believe: You said...... Feng House?” “这里?”风逍一愣,随即不敢相信的说道:“你是说……风楼?” Elder Brother is quite intelligent, is here. You look!” Feng Yao has referred to the signboard of Feng Xiao top of the head. 哥哥好聪明,就是这里。你看!”风瑶指了指风逍头顶的一块牌匾。 Loves the Wind Pavilion! 恋风阁 This is how possible! How the Guild station possibly chooses in own family/home! If were the Guild war nobody can attack?!” Xiao Tian stared wide-eyed, a face said inconceivable. “这怎么可能!帮派的驻地怎么可能选择自己的家里!如果是帮派大战的话岂不是没有人可以攻进来了?!”萧天瞪大了眼睛,一脸不可思议说道。
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