LA :: Volume #2

#110: First Guild

First, Undead protection shields six Immortal Equipment, Attributes look. The base price 100,000 gold coins, cannot increase price less than 10,000 gold coins each time.” Lunatic mechanized saying. “第一件,六仙器之一的死灵守护盾,属性自己看。底价100000金币,每次加价不得少于10000金币。”疯子机械化般的说道。 Undead protection shield: Immortal Equipment, uses Requirements: Level 30 Knight. The Immortal Equipment shield that is built by the immortal mica, has produced the air/Qi of Undead in Death God Tomb after ten thousand years of gradually influencing of gradually. 死灵守护盾:仙器,使用要求:30级盾卫。由仙云石打造的仙器盾牌,在死神墓地中经万年的熏染逐渐的产生了死灵之气。 Effect: Defense + 500, HP/Life + 300, Strength + 30, Vitality + 30, the physical injury reduces 50, the Magic/MP injury reduces 50,20% Parry Attack, seven big element resistances + 15%, Death Attribute resistance + 30%. 效果:防御+500,生命+300,力量+30,体力+30,物理伤害减免50,魔法伤害减免50,20%格挡攻击,七大元素抗性+15%,死亡系抗性+30%。 Skills: The mirror of protection: Consumes 100 Magic/MP, instantaneously the pinnacle that protection ability of shield displays, Attack of 90% probability completely Parry enemies, Skills Cooldown Time 10 seconds. 技能:守护之镜:消耗100魔法,瞬间将盾牌的守护能力发挥到的极致,90%概率完全格挡敌人的攻击,技能冷却时间10秒。 Dies the wall barrier: Consumes 50 Magic/MP, releases shield the strength and Death Qi of protection, strengthens itself and Defense and Death Attribute of resistance teammate. Defense + 200, Death Attribute resistance + 20%. Non- Skills Cooldown Time. 死光壁障:消耗50魔法,释放盾牌的防护之力和死亡之气,增强自己和队友的防御死亡系抵抗。防御+200,死亡系抗性+20%。无技能冷却时间 Attributes of Undead protection shield appears on the large screen, shook the innumerable first experience to Immortal Equipment Attributes Player. 死灵守护盾的属性出现在大屏幕上,震住了无数第一次见识到仙器属性玩家 Immortal Equipment! This is Immortal Equipment Attributes! 仙器!这就是仙器属性啊! Extremely high Defense and Parry probability and Attributes addition did not say, merely that „the mirror of protection Skills sufficiently makes all Knight crazy. 极高的防御格挡概率和属性加成不说,仅仅那个“守护之镜”的技能就足以让所有盾卫疯狂。 Nearly invincible Defense Skills, moreover Cooldown Time only has ten seconds. This can let Knight when PK or duel BOSS can melt the other side unique skill easily, was in an impregnable position by oneself. 近乎无敌防御技能,而且冷却时间只有十秒。这可以让盾卫不管PK还是单挑BOSS时都可以轻易化解对方的绝招,让自己立于不败之地。 Auction hall or Heavenly Dragon Plaza, mouth-watering sound continuously. 无论是拍卖大厅还是天龙广场,流口水的声音此起彼伏。 That second of the Undead protection shield appearing, demon wolf- crazy eyes was similar to discovery prey tight staring above, the little while has not put aside, the greedy color/look took in everything at a glance. 死灵守护盾出现的那一秒,魔狼—狂的眼睛就如同发现猎物般紧紧的盯在了上面,半刻都没有移开,贪婪之色一览无遗。 Obtains it, must obtain it! 得到它,一定要得到它! 120,000, I wanted, my complete family belongings were ready for any sacrifice!” Bear waist bear back 28 levels of Knight howled to stand, the saliva of corners of the mouth has not scratched cleanly. “120000,俺要了,俺全部的家当都豁出去了!”一个熊腰熊背的28级盾卫吼叫着站了出来,嘴角的口水都没有擦干净。 500,000! Demon wolf- crazy!” “500000!魔狼—狂!” Demon wolf- crazy offered the base price 5 times of prices directly, immediately has extinguished innumerable Knight the fire of hope. They do not have great writer that does not dare to have the conflict with these influence huge Guild. 魔狼—狂直接报出了底价5倍的价格,顿时熄灭了无数盾卫的希望之火。他们没那么大手笔,更不敢和这些势力庞大的帮派起冲突。 Demon wolf- crazy self-satisfied slowly has swept hall one, he self-confident not some people and competes. In big Guild leader who because these resist with him sufficiently, only then his Profession is Knight. He does not believe some people hand/subordinate will spend these much money to buy together the shield for his Knight, even if Immortal Equipment. 魔狼—狂得意的慢慢扫了大厅一眼,他自信不会有人和自己竞争。因为这些足以与他抗争的大帮派首领中,只有他的职业盾卫。他决不相信会有人为他的盾卫手下花这么多钱买一块盾牌,即使是仙器 But these act alone, he does not care. In his eyes, a person is fierce, impossible strong Guild, has dared to compete with him, the group kills it. 而那些独行的,他根本不放在心上。在他眼里,一个人再厉害,也绝不可能强的过一个帮派,敢和他竞争的,群杀之。 Really, these Guild eldest child and nobody offer, their goals are the following equipment and weapon. Although the shield is good, is actually not their requirement. 果然,那些帮派老大并无人报价,他们的目标是后面的装备和武器。盾牌虽好,却不是他们需要的。 1.5 million! Maple Leaf Kuang Lan!” “1500000!枫叶狂澜!” Thump! 扑通 Innumerable just shocked Player that wakes up from the Guild Establishing Token sky-high price but actually. 无数刚从建帮令牌的天价震撼中醒来的玩家又倒了下去。 In the average person eyes, buys a game to equip with money that they cannot make for a lifetime, without doubt was crazy to the extreme. 在普通人眼里,用他们一辈子都挣不到的钱去买一件游戏装备,无疑是疯狂到了极点。 Is your this Youngster! Later finally do not make the father bump into you, otherwise I see one time to kill one time!” Demon wolf- hates to clench jaws crazily. “又是你这小子!以后最后不要让老子碰到你,否则我见一次杀一次!”魔狼—狂恨得咬牙切齿。 1.6 million! Demon wolf- crazy “1600000!魔狼—狂” A Feng Xiao face plays tricks on looks at being bewitched wolf- crazy expression change, has not smiled on the difference. 风逍一脸戏弄的看着魔狼—狂的表情变化,就差没笑出来。 If Feng Xiao expects, demon wolf- crazy has bought the Undead protection shield at 2 million sky-high prices finally. 风逍所料,魔狼—狂最终以2000000的天价买下了死灵守护盾。 Second, Gold Undead spear/gun, base price 50,000......” “第二件,黄金死灵枪,底价50000……” Undead, is Undead.” Hand of God ponders. Equipment that no matter pats today, 100 silver that Lunatic put out couple days ago equip, in the name the major part has Undead or dead spirit, is the same map falls...... If so, that was too fearful.” 死灵,又是死灵。”上帝之手沉思起来。“不管是今天拍的装备,还是前几天疯子拿出的100件白银装备,名字里绝大部分都带有‘死灵’或‘亡灵’,难道是同一个地图掉落的……如果是的话,那就太可怕了。” In his cognition, big map three days can leave a silver equipment is very good. 在他的认知里,一个大地图三天能出一件白银装备就很不错了。 2 million buy together the broken shield, this wolf is also not common stupid.” “2000000买一块破盾牌,这头狼还不是一般的蠢啊。” Eldest child, this is not broken shield Ah...... Ok, with your abnormal mask one compared with truly is the broken shield, but to this money many have not located the flower person is worth, had that shield, his strength at least promotes a scale.” “老大,这可不是破盾牌啊……算了,跟你的变态面具一比确实是破盾牌,不过对他这种钱多的没处花的人来说是值得的,有了那个盾牌,他的实力至少提升一个档次。” In falling over one another of one group of fierce people, five Golden Equipment altogether have sold 2 million gold coins finally unexpectedly, has stemmed from the anticipation of Feng Xiao greatly. 在一群猛人的你争我夺中,五件黄金装备最终竟一共卖出了2000000金币,大大出乎了风逍的意料。 The auction ended, demon wolf- crazy is lifting Guild Establishing Token, is lifting the Undead protection shield, finally cannot bear rampantly laughs wildly. 拍卖会结束,魔狼—狂一手举着建帮令牌,一手举着死灵守护盾,终于忍不住嚣张的狂笑起来。 Without a doubt, he is the today's biggest winner. Greets his is the first Guild glory, envying and praises of countless person, naturally the envious hatred of also many person. Present he, indeed has the crazy qualifications. 毫无疑问,他是今天最大的赢家。迎接他的将是第一帮派的荣耀,无数人的羡慕和追捧,当然还有很多人的嫉恨。现在的他,的确有狂的资格。 ... The eldest child, to be honest, the first Construction of Guild command falls to this bird man hand person really makes people not quite crisp.” Xiao Tian cannot bear mumble. Except for Feng Xiao, this goods despise all rampant the man before him. “呼…老大,说实话,第一块建帮令落到这个鸟人手人实在让人不太爽。”萧天忍不住嘟囔道。除了风逍,这货鄙视所有在他面前嚣张的男人。 Hehe, was quick you to be crisp.” Feng Xiao suddenly sinister has smiled. 嘿嘿,很快你就会爽了。”风逍忽然阴险的笑了起来。 Oh? Eldest child, any meaning...... The eldest child, your smiling face is quite obscene |.” ?老大,什么意思……老大,你的笑容好淫|荡啊。” Little Tian, you said why they must go to the struggle this first Construction of Guild command like mad.” Feng Xiao asked one suddenly without reason. 小天,你说他们为什么要去拼死拼活的争这第一块建帮令。”风逍忽然没头没脑的问了一句。 This is not simple, first Construction of Guild with second Guild completely is two concepts, resembles the Olympic games to be the same, almost all people focus attention on to the champion, several people pay attention the second place. Had the first Guild fame, not only the beginning be higher than others, but also hiring time easily too will be also many.” Xiao Tian face natural saying. “这还不简单,第一建帮的和第二帮派完全是两个概念,就好像奥运会比赛一样,几乎所有人都向冠军注目,又有几个人去留意亚军的。有了第一帮派的名望,不但起点要比别人高很多,而且招人的时候也会容易太多。”萧天一脸理所当然的说道。 Un, you said that if this stupid wolf struggled the first Construction of Guild command with great difficulty, actually can only second Construction of Guild, he be able to be any reaction.” “嗯,你说如果这头蠢狼好不容易争到了第一块建帮令,却只能第二个建帮,他会是什么反应。” Haha, will definitely spit blood...... Eh? Eldest child, what meaning?” Xiao Tian as if realized anything from the Feng Xiao sinister expression. 哈哈,肯定会吐血吧……?老大,什么意思?”萧天风逍阴险的表情里似乎察觉到了什么。 Feng Xiao had not replied, the deafening system prompt sound at the right moment has made a sound. 风逍还未回答,震耳欲聋的系统提示音就适时的响了起来。 Ding, the China area announced, China area Player please note, Player Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind establishes China area first Guild Loves the Wind Pavilion, the Guild ranking opens, the system rewards Pres­tige 500, the gold coin 3000, the Guild Level direct promoted to 2 levels, and will carry forever the Heavenly Dragon annals, forever will be listed Guild ranking first.” “叮,华夏区公告,华夏玩家请注意,玩家恋风瑶梦’成立华夏区第一帮派恋风阁’,帮派排行榜开启,系统奖励声望500,金币3000,帮派等级直接升为2级,并将永载天龙史册,永列帮派排行榜第一名。” Ding, China area announcement......” “叮,华夏区公告……” Ding, China area announcement......” “叮,华夏区公告……” Not in an uproar, has not seethed with excitement, the auction hall that made noise is instantaneously peaceful, innumerable say/way strange vision brushing demon wolf of shoots towards smiling face completely solidification/coagulation- crazy. 没有哗然,没有沸腾,原本喧闹的拍卖大厅瞬间安静下来,无数道怪异的目光“刷”的射向笑容完全凝固的魔狼—狂。 Oh, really has a headache, Yao'er has not hidden the name unexpectedly.” Feng Xiao face accident/surprise to Xiao Tian code of tarrying. “唉,真是头疼啊,瑶儿居然没隐藏名字。”风逍一脸意外向呆住的萧天密语到。 Recovering Xiao Tian cannot bear laughed heartily finally. 回过神来的萧天终于忍不住哈哈大笑起来 Demon wolf- crazy wolf face by red is changed green, by the green whitening, is grow darked white/in vain, the black resembles was just given to bake. 魔狼—狂的狼脸由红变绿,由绿变白,由白变黑,黑的像刚被人给烧烤了一遍。 Lunatic! How this is a matter, did not say that this is the first Construction of Guild command!” Demon wolf- suppresses the anger of soon erupting crazily, scary of face darken. 疯子!这到底是怎么一回事,不是说这是第一块建帮令吗!”魔狼—狂强忍着快要喷发的怒火,脸色阴沉的吓人。
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