LA :: Volume #2

#109: Ownership of Guild Establishing Token

7.6 million, demon wolf- crazy.” “7600000,魔狼—狂。” 8 million, Hand of Doomsday.” “8000000,末日之手。” 8.1 million, Soul Destroyer!” “8100000,灭魂!” 8.25 million, Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun!” After Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun offered the price, eyes narrowed the eyes in the same place, because this is his present gold coin was complete. “8250000,天煞风云!”天煞风云报出价格后,眼睛眯在一起,因为这是他现在金币的全部了。 Rainbow Nichang faintly sighed, gave up bidding. 8 million, have surpassed the bottom line that she has been able to withstand. 彩虹霓裳幽幽一叹,放弃了竞拍。8000000,已经超出了她能承受的底线。 Weeping Blood Wu Ming also gave up, competition intense surpasses his expectation. 泣血无铭也放弃了,竞争的激烈远超他的预料。 Our Weeping Blood Rebirth, will project on own Construction of Guild command quickly!” “我们泣血轮回,会很快打到属于自己的建帮令!” The Hand of Doomsday whole body sweats, anxious asking: What to do, to exchange the gold coin already completely without enough time, we have not been able to offer a higher price.” 末日之手全身冒汗,紧张的问道:“怎么办,兑换金币已经完全来不及了,我们已经无法报出更高价格了。” Hand of God sighed: This time, I have misjudged, has not arrived at these people so to be crazy. It seems like that we missed this opportunity.” 上帝之手叹息一声:“这次,我失算了,没有到这些人会这么疯狂。看来,我们错过这次机会了。” Looks at money ranking, the Hand of God light say/way: Now had, only then Demon Wolf Gang and Maple Leaf Group that the strength competed, Hehe, has not thought that this notorious Ximen Kuang held back one trick unexpectedly, these people really did not have one are the lamps of province oil.” 看着金钱排行榜,上帝之手轻道:“现在有实力竞争的只有魔狼帮枫叶帮了,呵呵,没想到这个臭名远扬的西门狂居然留了一手,这些人果然没一个是省油的灯。” Money ranking: 金钱排行榜: First: 16.88 million gold coins, Maple Leaf Kuang Lan 第一名:16880000金币,枫叶狂澜 Second: 15.5 million gold coins, demon wolf- crazy 第二名:15500000金币,魔狼—狂 10 million gold coins! Demon wolf- crazy!” “10000000金币!魔狼—狂!” Heavenly Dragon Plaza faints once more a big piece of person. 天龙广场再次晕倒一大片人。 Demon wolf- crazy complacent, has swept Maple Leaf Kuang Lan one of the 11 theater boxes provocatively. 魔狼—狂得意洋洋,挑衅般的扫了11包厢的枫叶狂澜一眼。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan closely is grasping the sign in hand. He has not thought certainly the price arrived at 10 million altitudes unexpectedly, has not thought that the Little Sister auctioned deliberately creates trouble a while ago makes Maple Leaf Group become the most hopeful racket to Guild that Construction of Guild made unexpectedly. 枫叶狂澜紧紧抓着手中的牌子。他绝没想到价格居然到了10000000的高度,更没想到小妹拍卖前一阵胡闹居然让枫叶帮成了最有希望拍到建帮令的帮派 The price, was too as if big, 10 million are Guild Establishing Token, worth together really? 只是代价,似乎太大了,10000000一块建帮令牌,真的值得吗? Heavenly Dragon Plaza carries Player of camera not to dare to have innumerably is distracted slightly, is fixing the eyes on the progress on screen. One group of people who some gloomy corners, must not exposed to light have dialed the foreign telephone conversation. 天龙广场无数扛着摄像机的玩家不敢有丝毫走神,紧盯着屏幕上的进展。一些阴暗的角落,见不得光的一群人拨通了对外的通话。 Unexpectedly has patted 10 million? This group of Chinese are really rich.” “居然已经拍到了10000000?这帮华夏人真是有钱。” Makes them pat, price the higher the better.” “让他们拍去,价格越高越好。” Ahem, is one group of nouveau riches.” “哼哼,都是一群暴发户。” Could provoke some Guild wars at this matter......” “或许可以在这件事情上挑起一些帮派战争……” ...... …… Wan'er, helping me have a look at demon wolf- the bottom line in crazy heart is many.” 婉儿,帮我看看魔狼—狂心中的底线是多少。” Eh? Elder Brother Feng, can't you speak have no recourse not to borrow my ability?” Xuanyuan Wan'er said with a laugh. 风哥哥,你不是说不到迫不得已不会借用我的这个能力吗?”轩辕婉儿笑嘻嘻的说道 cough cough...... This exception, you help your Elder Brother Feng be equally busy, are not to a precedent, are not to a precedent.” Feng Xiao somewhat awkward saying. 咳咳……这次例外,你就帮你的风哥哥一样忙,下不为例,下不为例。”风逍有些尴尬的说道。 He indeed had said to Wan'er usually will not borrow her to see through Heaven Defying ability that the person remembers, because this ability with only will have had the dependence to let produce at heart idles, affects own judgment and reaction strength imperceptibly. 他的确对婉儿说过平时不会借用她能看穿人记忆的逆天能力,因为这种能力用多了只会产生依赖而让心里产生懈怠,无形中影响自己的判断力和反应力。 Xuanyuan Wan'er is not embarrassed he, immediately gave him to answer: Called demon wolf- crazy person will keep the Undead protection shield that 200 W patted him to have a dream wants, therefore his bottom line was 13 million.” 轩辕婉儿没有再窘他,马上给了他答复:“叫魔狼—狂的人会留200W去拍他做梦都想要的死灵守护盾,所以他的底线是13000000。” Oh, understood, thanks little darling Wan'er.” Feng Xiao chuckled, trades a Xuanyuan Wan'er shy charm in anger. ,明白了,谢谢乖乖婉儿。”风逍嘿嘿一笑,换来轩辕婉儿一声羞涩的娇嗔。 Second Brother, do not pat good, that may be my gold coin!” Although Xuanyuan Kuanglan the face was pledging painstakingly afterward adds 20% interest also her, but saw that own gold coin soon will put out 10 million to buy together the broken sign, the teardrops that she loves dearly must fall. “二哥,不要拍了好不好,那可都是我的金币唉!”虽然轩辕狂澜苦着脸承诺事后加20%的利息还她,可是看到自己的金币即将被拿出10000000去买一块破牌子,她心疼的泪珠都要掉下来了。 Maple Leaf Hao Ran also sighed saying: Ok, 10 million truly some, even if patted became other will also drool the Guild enemy who Construction of Guild made. This auction our reputations have also fired, does not need to struggle again. Our Construction of Guild commands, are hit by us personally.” 枫叶浩然也叹口气说道:“算了,10000000确实有些过了,而且即使拍到了也会成为其他垂涎建帮令的帮派的敌人。这次拍卖会我们的名声也打响了,就没必要再正争下去了。我们的建帮令,由我们亲手来打。” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan nods, has put down the sign in hand. 枫叶狂澜点点头,放下了手中的牌子。 Has paid attention demon wolf that he acts- crazy felt relieved finally, almost cannot bear laugh wildly. 一直留意他动作的魔狼—狂终于放了心,差点忍不住狂笑起来。 „The 10 million gold coin second times......” the intonation of Lunatic speech has not changed. “10000000金币第二次……”疯子说话的语调从来就没有变过。 11 million gold coins! Maple Leaf Kuang Lan!” The calm sound makes the crowd make noise again. “11000000金币!枫叶狂澜!”镇定的声音再次让人群喧闹起来。 Maple Leaf Hao Ran and Maple Leaf Lan Xing puzzled look at Maple Leaf Kuang Lan, does not know that his muscle is not right. 枫叶浩然枫叶蓝星一脸不解的看着枫叶狂澜,不知道他那根筋不对。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan chuckled, has not said that is only to Maple Leaf Hao Ran code several. On the Maple Leaf Hao Ran face reveals the understanding immediately the somewhat vacant expression. 枫叶狂澜嘿嘿一笑,没有说出来,只是向枫叶浩然密语几句。枫叶浩然脸上立即露出了解又有些茫然的表情。 „Does Asura let the Second Brother racket? To make us pat then to give back to us money?” 修罗让二弟拍的?难道是想让我们拍下来然后把钱还给我们?” The code after Maple Leaf Kuang Lan confesses, Feng Xiao on a face ease waits to look at the good play. 密语向枫叶狂澜交代完毕后,风逍就一脸悠然的等着看好戏。 11.1 million gold coins! Demon wolf- crazy!” Demon wolf- Maple Leaf Kuang Lan that sees crazily originally give up holds up the sign suddenly and he competes, was at heart hot. “11100000金币!魔狼—狂!”魔狼—狂见本来已经放弃的枫叶狂澜忽然又举起牌子和他竞争,心里火了起来。 12 million gold coins! Maple Leaf Kuang Lan!” “12000000金币!枫叶狂澜!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan was one time added 1 million gold coins. 枫叶狂澜又是一次加了1000000金币。 12.5 million gold coins! Demon wolf- crazy!” “12500000金币!魔狼—狂!” 12.7 million gold coins! Maple Leaf Kuang Lan!” “12700000金币!枫叶狂澜!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan hesitated one to follow, to increase price no longer so was also ruthless, an appearance of spent force. 枫叶狂澜迟疑了一会才跟上,加价也不再那么狠了,一副强弩之末的样子。 13 million! Demon wolf- crazy!” Demon wolf- crazy almost bites tooth, this already his bottom line. “13000000!魔狼—狂!”魔狼—狂差点把牙咬碎,这已经他的底线了。 Various Guild that helpless greatly withdraws from watches critically, whether does not forget to think deeply about other also means. 各大无奈退出的帮派冷眼旁观,不忘思索着自己是否还有别的办法。 For example, exploded that to obtain the Construction of Guild command before his Construction of Guild. 比如,在他建帮之前爆了那个得到建帮令的。 „The 13 million gold coin first times......” “13000000金币第一次……” „The 13 million gold coin second times......” “13000000金币第二次……” All Player are anticipating Maple Leaf Group reaction, but stems from their anticipation, the gold coin holds superior Maple Leaf Group actually again not to increase price. 所有玩家都期待着枫叶帮反应,但出乎他们的意料,金币占有优势的枫叶帮却没有再加价。 „The 13 million gold coin third times...... 13 million deals, the Guild Establishing Token winner was demon wolf- crazy.” “13000000金币第三次……13000000成交,建帮令牌得主是魔狼—狂。” The Lunatic voice just fell, Guild Establishing Token automatically has flown into demon wolf- crazy backpack, in the meantime, on him 13 million gold coins deducted 1% system tax money less advanced the Lunatic belt-bag. 疯子话音刚落,建帮令牌就自动飞进了魔狼—狂的背包,同时,他身上的13000000金币扣除1%的系统税金后进了疯子的腰包。 Demon wolf- crazy wolf face relaxes finally, then cannot bear laugh wildly. 魔狼—狂的狼脸终于松弛下来,然后忍不住狂笑起来。 Our Demon Wolf Gang is first Guild, right now thinks that inadequate is not good. 我们魔狼帮将是第一帮派,这下子想不成名都不行了。 Several big Guild look that soon will thoroughly praise «Rebirth» Demon Wolf Gang, clenches jaws all, how simultaneously regretted not to exchange some gold coins at that time. 几大帮派看着即将彻底扬名《轮回》的魔狼帮,无不咬牙切齿,同时后悔当时怎么没多兑换些金币。 However does not have Guild to fling sleeve to depart, because of the following competition, is similarly intense. 但是没有一个帮派甩袖离去,因为接下来的竞争,同样激烈。 Now starts to auction the second stage, six Level 30 High Level equipment.” Six dodge the equipment of different ray to appear in front of Lunatic. “现在开始拍卖第二阶段,六件30级高级装备。”六件闪着不同光芒的装备出现在疯子面前。 Although most Player knew beforehand Item that soon will auction, but sees him one time to put out Immortal Equipment and five Golden Equipment, beyond control shows the surprised expression. 虽然大多数玩家事先已经知道了即将拍卖的物品,可是见他真的一次拿出一件仙器和五件黄金装备,还是无法控制的露出惊讶的表情。 Golden Equipment, at the beginning of present this game is really few pity, basically only then some Guild old great abilities may have 1-2. Immortal Equipment obediently was more serious, entire China until now only has six, arranges in the equipment ranking completely. 黄金装备,在现在这个游戏初期实在是少的可怜,基本上只有一些帮派的老大才有可能拥有个一两件。仙器就更乖乖不得了了,整个华夏至今为止只有六件,全部排在装备排行榜上。 Moreover these six equipment all are Level 30, is just these Level experts is urgently needed. Had these equipment, their practicing level speed naturally can enhance much. 而且这六件装备全是30级,刚好是那些等级牛人急需的。有了这些装备,他们的练级速度自然会提高不少。 Therefore, the innumerable greedy looks stared at these equipment. 所以,无数贪婪的眼神盯上了这些装备。 Lunatic ice-cold to not having humane expression has the attire B suspicion very much, feeling that but all people have not been feeling well. Because he is competent, he can do the first Construction of Guild command, can carry out the ultra many High Level equipment. These Guild eldest children after even considering that must flatter this Lunatic, because the good equipment is Guild must be possible to be many formidable, if can be the people of several hundred High Level equipment makes contact with the line with this conveniently, but also feared that can't buy the High Level equipment? 疯子冰冷到没人性的表情很有装B的嫌疑,可是所有人都没有不爽的感觉。因为他有实力,他能搞到第一块建帮令,能搞到超多的高级装备。那些帮派老大甚至都在考虑以后要不要多巴结巴结这个疯子,因为好的装备是一个帮派的强大所必可不少的,如果能和这个随手就是几百件高级装备的人搭上线,还怕买不到高级装备吗? This can put out more than 100 silver in the several days, five Gold, Immortal Equipment Lunatic, the back definitely has a formidable influence. 这个能在短短几天拿出100多件白银,五件黄金,一件仙器疯子,背后绝对有一股强大的势力。 This is almost the ideas of all Player. 这几乎是所有玩家的想法。 If they know in Lunatic not to take also more than 20 Level 35 to 40 levels of Golden Equipment, does not know that after can form a partnership to open his shop first, plundered. 要是他们知道疯子手里还有20多件35级到40级的黄金装备没拿出来,不知会不会合起伙来把他的店给先拆后劫了。
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