LA :: Volume #2

#108: Rainbow Nichang

9 o'clock, the auction starts on time. Swift Wind World auction room upbuilder, auctions from moves toward the onstage that director Lunatic unemotionally secretly, the diminutive body makes the confused and noisy auction hall instantaneously peaceful. 9点钟,拍卖会准时开始。“风行天下”拍卖行建立者,拍卖主持人疯子面无表情的从幕后走向前台,矮小的身躯让噪杂的拍卖大厅瞬间安静下来。 Auction starts! First auctions the Construction of Guild command.” Brief and to the point, straightforward, Lunatic never said a character. Today is his first time gazes by so many people, moreover person who almost got together in China most to have the influence, this glory was unique, but a expression not fluctuation on his face, as if quiet ten thousand years of fossils. “拍卖会开始!首先拍卖建帮令。”言简意赅,直截了当,疯子从来不多说一个字。今天是他第一次被如此多人注视,而且几乎齐聚了华夏最有势力的人,这种荣耀绝无仅有,可他脸上的表情没一丝的波动,仿佛沉寂万年的化石。 Short, makes the entire auction room seethe with excitement immediately, appoint everybody thinks that Guild Establishing Token certainly is the thing of next to last act, has not thought of first on the auction Construction of Guild command. Innumerable Guild old mostly are eyes one bright, concentrates on. 短短一句,立刻让整个拍卖行沸腾起来,任谁都会认为建帮令牌一定是压轴之物,没想到第一个就拍卖建帮令。无数的帮派老大都是眼睛一亮,全神贯注起来。 The arrangement of Lunatic has his idea. If first auctions the High Level equipment, when these to the Guild purchase that the Construction of Guild command wins certainly will have scruples, fierce that too will not compete. Places Construction of Guild to make behind, these have not patted to the rich man who Construction of Guild made naturally can unshackle, empty-handed will not go. 疯子的安排自有他的想法。如果首先拍卖高级装备,那些对建帮令志在必得的帮派购买时一定会有所顾忌,不会竞争的太厉害。放在建帮令后面,那些没拍到建帮令的有钱人自然会放开手脚,决不会空手而去。 This is the first Construction of Guild command, low price 30 W, cannot increase price less than 1 W each time, bidding starts.” Lunatic puts out together the shiny black token, in the meantime, its Attributes demonstration on his behind large screen. “这就是第一块建帮令,低价30W,每次加价不得少于1W,竞拍开始。”疯子拿出一块黑黝黝的令牌,同时,它的属性显示在他身后的大屏幕上。 Attributes only has four characters: Guild Establishing Token. 属性只有四个字:建帮令牌 Auction hall complete silence, the breath shortness of countless person. 拍卖大厅鸦雀无声,无数人的呼吸急促起来。 But at this time, in the Heavenly Dragon Imperial City big plaza is fully occupied, is staring at five integer ten meters high Magic/MP Screens Lunatic spent 50,000 gold coins to rent the Magic/MP display screen to come the condition of live transmission auction, this also advertized for Swift Wind World the golden opportunity. 而此时,天龙皇城的偌大的中心广场上人满为患,纷纷盯着五个数十米高的魔法屏幕——疯子花了50000金币租用了魔法显示屏幕来直播拍卖会的状况,这也是为“风行天下”做广告的绝佳机会。 This auction, will decide that «Rebirth» first Guild, all people on the scene will witness the birth of «Rebirth» first Guild. 这场拍卖会,将决定《轮回》的第一帮派,在场的所有人都将见证《轮回》第一帮派的诞生。 40 W! The dracena helps the eldest child strong winds war-god.” 30-year-old aggressive sweat first offers, simultaneously does not forget to create a propaganda to own Guild. “40W!青竹帮老大狂风战神。”一个30多岁的凶悍大汗首先报价,同时不忘给自己的帮派做个宣传。 Feng Xiao secretly thought this person is really an idiot, does not have a look at money ranking to come out disgraced. 风逍暗道此人真是个白痴,也不看看金钱排行榜就出来丢人。 45 W, the mouse helps minor character armor!” “45W,耗子帮龙套甲!” 46 W, the stray cat helps minor character B!” “46W,野猫帮龙套乙!” 48 W, the shepherd helps minor character C!” “48W,狼狗帮龙套丙!” ............ ………… ............ ………… These influence formidable big Guild watch critically, simultaneously is paying attention other Guild reaction secretly, seems waiting for an appropriate opportunity. 那些势力强大的大帮派都是冷眼旁观,同时暗暗留意着其他帮派反应,似乎在等待一个合适的机会。 First crops up, must become is the target of public criticism. 首先冒出头的,必成为众矢之的。 Price at a moderate pace upward is climbing up, countless people prepare to wait for the opportunity to act, tranquil is fermenting the invisible war. 价格不紧不慢的向上攀爬着,无数人准备伺机而动,平静中酝酿着无形的战争。 Day, some people are willing to spend 500,000 to buy a virtual thing unexpectedly, these rich men are really crazy.” Heavenly Dragon Plaza, Player looks at the offer in auction hall surprised. “天啊,居然有人肯花500000去买一个虚拟的东西,这些有钱人真是疯狂。”天龙广场,一个玩家吃惊看着拍卖大厅里的报价。 In the reality, he is also a white-collar clan that makes many people envy. But some people for unexpectedly item(s) of game is willing to use up to be equal to the gold coins of his several yearly incomes, has actually far exceeded the category that he has been able to understand. 现实中,他也是个让很多人羡慕的白领一族。可是有人居然为了一个游戏的道具肯用掉相当于他十几年收入的金币,却已经远远超出了他能理解的范畴。 This similarly is the ideas of innumerable Player. 这同样是无数玩家的想法。 2 million! Weeping Blood Rebirth Weeping Blood Wu Ming!” A light sound has disrupted the auction rhythm. “2000000!泣血轮回——泣血无铭!”一个平淡的声音打乱了拍卖的节奏。 Whish-- 哗—— Player that in the auction hall Heavenly Dragon Plaza watches, complete in an uproar. 无论是拍卖大厅里还是天龙广场观看的玩家,全部一片哗然。 „, Mentioned 200 W from 55 W directly, had to make a mistake!” “靠,直接从55W提到200W,有没有搞错!” „Does that person have problem?” “那个人是不是有毛病?” Two...... 2 million? Do some people bid 2 million? I am not am having a dream.” “两……2000000?有人出价2000000?我不是在做梦吧。” A directional back row common position that the auction hall, the innumerable say/way vision brush. 拍卖大厅,无数道目光刷的指向后排一个毫不起眼的位置。 The male face indifferent putting down hand sign of outstanding ability. 一个俊逸的男子一脸淡然的放下手中的牌子。 When sees clearly the appearance of that person, the pupil of Feng Xiao shrinks fiercely, eyes projects the extremely scary God suddenly light. 看清那个人的长相时,风逍的瞳孔猛地一缩,双眼陡然射出极其骇人的神光。 Ac­cepts that Weeping Blood Wu Ming unemotionally the baptism of various vision. Since nobody is willing to work as the person who takes the lead, that comes by me. Looks at the vaudevilles of these bored people, is wasting my time simply. 泣血无铭面无表情的接受着各种目光的洗礼。既然没人肯当出头鸟,那就由我来吧。看这些无聊人的杂耍,简直是在浪费我的时间。 Weeping Blood Rebirth! The innumerable Guild eldest children have remembered this name firmly. 泣血轮回!无数帮派老大牢牢记住了这个名字。 3 million! Demon wolf- crazy!” “3000000!魔狼—狂!” Snort! 3.5 million, Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun!” “哼!3500000,天煞风云!” Faints......” “晕……” fuck!” 我靠!” Insane...... The rich men were insane......” “疯了……有钱人都疯了……” Innumerable screams continuously, many Player even shocking has forgotten the breath. 无数的惊呼声此起彼伏,有很多玩家甚至都被震惊的忘记了呼吸。 Do these rich men, have the problem? Do 3 million buy game item(s)? Was I insane they to be actually insane. 这些有钱人,都有毛病吗?3000000买一个游戏道具?究竟是我疯了还是他们疯了。 5 million! Soul Destroyer.” “5000000!灭魂。” Whish-- 哗—— Several heart not good Player Thump but actually. 几个心脏不好的玩家扑通”一声倒了下去。 5.5 million, demon wolf- crazy!” Demon wolf- crazy clenched teeth ruthlessly, sent out his existing all gold coins. “5500000,魔狼—狂!”魔狼—狂狠狠一咬牙,报出了他现有的所有金币。 Small four, immediately lets all start to exchange the gold coin in the bank reserve good person, competes is more intense, I who we think am prepared fortunately.” Crazy Mo Lang saying ruthlessly, in the words does not forget a belt self-satisfaction. “小四,马上让所有已经在银行准备好的人开始兑换金币,竞争比我们想的要激烈,还好我有准备。”魔狼狂狠狠的说道,话语中不忘带一丝得意。 5.8 million, Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun!” Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun was also at heart restless, because he has not thought certainly the price such will quickly lift to this altitude unexpectedly. “5800000,天煞风云!”天煞风云心里也已经不安起来,因为他绝没有想到价格竟然会这么快抬到这个高度。 Young Master, money list first over 15 million, as if are Maple Leaf Group.” Heavenly Fiend Dark Shadow had noticed suddenly the change of money list, reports to Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun hastily. 少爷,金钱榜第一已经超过15000000,似乎是枫叶帮的。”天煞暗影忽然留意到了金钱榜的变化,连忙向天煞风云汇报。 When matter.” Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun complexion dark. “什么时候的事。”天煞风云脸色暗了下来。 Most not over one minute.” “最多不超过一分钟。” Snort, you arrange person to exchange 20 million immediately again, is certainly quick!” “哼,你马上安排人再去兑换20000000,一定要快!” But Young Master, the exchange is the requirement time, such short time is impossible to exchange these many with enough time......” “可是少爷,兑换是需要时间的,这么短时间不可能来得及兑换这么多……” That 5 million, I do not believe some people will leave to 10 million, only if that person were insane!” “那就5000000,我绝不相信会有人出到10000000,除非那人疯了!” Numerous Guild as if are carrying on the similar movement. 众多帮派似乎都在进行着同样的动作。 5.9 million, Weeping Blood Wu Ming!” “5900000,泣血无铭!” 5.95 million, Soul Destroyer!” “5950000,灭魂!” Big Guild started to postpone the bidding rhythm as if by prior agreement \; first, the price was close to the limit that they have now \; first, to delay enough time exchanged the gold coin. 个大帮派都开始不约而同的暂缓了竞拍的节奏,一是价格已经接近了他们现在拥有的极限,一是为了拖延足够的时间来兑换金币。 7 million! Maple Leaf Group!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan makes a move finally, an offer shook all people. “7000000!枫叶帮!”枫叶狂澜终于出手,一报价就震住了所有人。 „The 7 million first time.” Scene silent, Lunatic had the opportunity that starts talking finally. “7000000第一次。”现场沉默了下来,疯子终于有了开口说话的机会。 Nobody responded, many person controls broke into sweat happily. 无人回应,很多人手心开心冒冷汗。 „The 7 million second time.” “7000000第二次。” Nobody responded. 还是无人回应。 7 million......” “7000000第……” 7.2 million, Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun.” When countless people think when Guild Establishing Token must fall to Maple Leaf Group of sky-high price on, Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun offered a higher price again. “7200000,天煞风云。”就当无数人以为建帮令牌就要落到出了天价的枫叶帮手上时,天煞风云再次报出一个更高的价格。 Eldest child, you gained send!” Saying of Xiao Tian tch tch, this price has gone beyond his expectation. “老大,你赚发了!”萧天啧啧的说道,这个价格已经超出了他的预料。 Pays attention to look at the change of money list.” The Feng Xiao anything specially pleasantly surprised feeling, has not been analyzing the major Guild layouts and strengths at heart silently. “注意看金钱榜的变化。”风逍没什么特别惊喜的感觉,心里默默分析着各大帮派的布局和实力。 Meanwhile, money ranking that he has paid attention to also had very big change, almost every Guild had 2 million- 3 million increase. 同时,他一直关注的金钱排行榜也发生了很大的变化,几乎每个帮派都有了2000000-3000000不等的增加。 In order to prevent cheat, bidding system does not allow Player to shout that in the hand holds a gold coin higher price. 为了防止欺诈,竞拍时系统不允许玩家喊出比自己手中所持金币更高的价格。 7.5 million, Rainbow Nichang.” A faintly recognizable immortal sound flutters from No. 20 theater box, just like the sounds of nature, all people felt that this sound as if sends out from heart general, lets their mind not independent production tremor, made noise incomparable Heavenly Dragon Plaza unexpectedly instantaneous peaceful. “7500000,彩虹霓裳。”一声飘渺仙音从20号包厢飘出,宛若天籁,所有人都感觉到这个声音似乎是从心底发出一般,让他们的心灵不自主的产生颤动,原本喧闹无比的天龙广场居然瞬间安静了下来。 Is Rainbow Nichang, is Goddess List first, moreover is Level ranking only one by one position female Rainbow Nichang!” “是彩虹霓裳,是神女榜第一,而且是等级排行榜唯一一位女性的彩虹霓裳!” Called out in alarm has awakened all people, the people were crazy immediately, struggled to consider sees the China country Number One Beauty graceful bearing. 一声惊叫唤醒了所有人,人们顿时疯狂起来,都争着想一睹华夏国第一美女的风姿。 What a pity No. 20 theater box door shuts tightly, can only the fuzzy seeing together pretty shade. 可惜20号包厢房门紧闭,只能模模糊糊的看到一道靓影。 Feng Xiao is startled. Because this sound is a little familiar, where as if has listened. 风逍一怔。因为这个声音有点熟悉,似乎在哪里听过。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan raised the hand of sign to stop stiffly. 枫叶狂澜举牌的手硬生生停了下来。 „Does Big Brother, what to do, want to fight with her?” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan forced smile. 大哥,怎么办,要和她争吗?”枫叶狂澜苦笑。 „It is not good! No one can struggle with her!” Maple Leaf Hao Ran has not opened the mouth, Maple Leaf Lan Xing very firm shaking the head, in the look was having the obvious threat. “不行!谁都不许和她争!”枫叶浩然还没开口,枫叶蓝星就已经很坚决的摇头,眼神里带着明显的威胁。 Oh, she really came. Ok, she bids we with, the family do not sorry her are too really many.” “唉,她果然还是来了。算了,她出价的时候我们不要跟,家族对不起她的实在太多了。” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan nods, expression that has not been feeling well. 枫叶狂澜点头,没有丝毫不爽的表情。
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