LA :: Volume #2

#106: Auctions eve (Last Part)

Before for did not waste Infinite Space Gate use, for was also been more dedicated by oneself, Feng Xiao never chapter of Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, but he has to return today. Because today is Swift Wind World the first auction of auction room, moreover what auctions is shakes Guild Establishing Token and High Level of equipment person eyeball. At the appointed time the major Guild influences decide however get together, is finds out the major influences the exceedingly good opportunities, how could to miss. 之前为了不浪费“无限空间门”的使用次数,也为了让自己更专注,风逍从来没有回天龙皇城过,不过今天他不得不回。因为今天是“风行天下”拍卖行的第一次拍卖,而且拍卖的是震人眼球的建帮令牌高级装备。到时各大帮派势力定然齐聚,是摸清各大势力的绝好机会,岂能错过。 But today, is the Ice Spirit Grass Quest deadline last day. 而今天,也是冰灵草任务期限的最后一天。 In hundred flowering shrubs that Yang Xiruo static standing in she and Shui Rourou train together, looks that the present hundred flowers are confused, the thoughts do not know that flies where. 杨夕若静静的站在她和水柔柔一起培养出的百花丛中,看着眼前的百花缭乱,心思已经不知飞到何处。 For a long time has not seen Big Brother Feng.” Yang Xiruo said with a sigh gently. “好久没有见到风大哥了。”杨夕若轻轻叹息道。 Although can hear his sound every day, every day can touch his existence, but too long has not seen his form, lets she beyond control production missing. 虽然每天都能听到他的声音,每天都能真实触摸到他的存在,可是太久没有看到他的身影,还是让她无法控制的产生思念。 Elder Sister Rourou, Young Master came back!” The Shui Rourou pleasantly surprised sound resounds from the front courtyard. Yang Xiruo body, beautiful eyes blooms the intoxicant appearance, in a hurry rushes to the front courtyard. 若若姐姐,少爷回来了!”水柔柔惊喜的声音从前院响起。杨夕若身体一顿,美丽的双眼绽放出醉人的神采,匆匆的向前院奔去。 Feng Xiao just drew the Shui Rourou soft slippery small hand to go to the back garden, sees a Tingting, if the form of immortal floats to him. 风逍刚拉着水柔柔软滑的小手来到后花园,就看到一个婷婷若仙的身影向他飘来。 Big Brother Feng, you came back.” The Yang Xiruo prompt anchoring footsteps, complexion because of excited flood tender and beautiful blushing, visits him who eyes does wink, passes pleasant surprise and infatuated that is unable to conceal. 风大哥,你回来了。”杨夕若及时的停住脚步,脸色因兴奋泛起娇艳的红晕,眼睛一眨不眨的看着他,透着无法掩饰的惊喜和痴迷。 Radiance in game, the dimness in reality, Feng Xiao sees her pair of eyes each time, can the faint trace at heart the ache. 游戏中的璀璨,现实中的朦胧,每次风逍看到她的那双眼睛,心里都会丝丝的疼痛。 In her some visions of feeling helpless, Feng Xiao has held up her hand gently, in hundred flowering shrubs that she likes, three people were relating mutually these day experiences, often spread the delightful call and laughter. 在她有些不知所措的眼光中,风逍轻轻拉起了她的手,就在她喜欢的百花丛中,三人互相诉说着这几日的经历,不时传出悦耳之极的呼声和嬉笑。 From beginning to end, Feng Xiao is holding her hand throughout, transmits are giving to be able warmth. 自始至终,风逍始终拉着她的手,传递着自己所给能的温暖。 8 : 30 am, auction also a half hour must start, Feng Xiao does not abandon said goodbye to two girls, went out of Feng House. 上午八点半,拍卖会还有半个小时就要开始,风逍不舍的向两个女孩告别,走出了风楼 Looks at the Feng Xiao back, the Yang Xiruo nipping lower lip gently, 看着风逍的背影,杨夕若轻轻的咬了咬下唇、 What can I be Big Brother Feng make? 我可以为风大哥做些什么? She knew from the Feng Yao words indistinctly, he is must be very greatly the person of important matter. 她从风瑶的话中隐隐约约得知,他是个要做很大很大事的人。 Lunatic, preparation how.” 疯子,准备的怎么样了。” Compared with good that you imagine.” The Lunatic words not salty are not pale. “比你想象的好。”疯子的话不咸不淡。 „...... When I had not asked. However, first comes to select money to spend.” “……当我没问。不过,先来点钱花。” Many.” “多少。” 10 w.” “10w。” I am in the warehouse.” “我在仓库里。” After three points of type, Lunatic unemotionally gives the Feng Xiao 10 w gold coin. Feng Xiao is also disinclined rubbish with him, beckons with the hand to leave. 三分种后,疯子面无表情的交给风逍10w金币。风逍也懒得和他废话,摆摆手走人。 He truly does not dare to be here dull, otherwise is getting more and more near along with the auction, spills into Player of this region to be getting more and more, he suspected going that oneself when the time comes can leave. 他也确实不敢在这里多呆,否则随着拍卖会越来越近,涌进这个区域的玩家越来越多,他都怀疑自己到时候能不能出的去。 Arrived at northern street here time a moment ago, he by ignorant long time/half of the day that the crowd of here terrifying made. 刚才来到北街这里的时候,他就被这里恐怖的人群弄的懵了半天 Turns on communication, Feng Xiao starts to call own treasure Yao'er. 打开通讯器,风逍开始呼叫自己的宝贝瑶儿 Yao'er, returned to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City.” 瑶儿,回天龙皇城了没有。” Elder Brother, I they came back with Little Tian, in the Feng House entrance.” 哥哥,我已经和小天他们回来了,就在风楼的门口。” Good, I pass immediately.” “好,我马上过去。” Covers equipment various rays, simultaneously displays Wind Barrier Wall blocks from the face fast, Feng Xiao to Feng House rushes, leaves behind the sound of exclamation. 掩盖掉身上装备的各种光芒,同时施展“风之壁障”遮住面部,风逍飞快的向风楼奔去,留下一路惊叹的声音。 Distant sees the Feng Yao form, Feng Xiao shows a faint smile, picks up the speed, during several breath arrives in front of them. 远远的看到风瑶的身影,风逍微微一笑,加快速度,几个呼吸间就来到他们面前。 Elder Brother!” Feng Yao runs immediately goes, routine grasped the arm of Elder Brother. 哥哥!”风瑶立即跑上前去,习惯性的抱住了哥哥的手臂。 Eldest child, admission ticket!” Xiao Tian extremely anxious putting out a hand. “老大,门票!”萧天急不可待的伸出手。 „Is an admission ticket, as for so excited?” Feng Xiao curls the lip, pulls out the distinguished guest admission ticket that two Lunatic give to trade to give Xiao Tian and Chen Bing separately. “一张门票而已,至于这么激动吗?”风逍撇撇嘴,掏出两张疯子给的贵宾门票分别交易给萧天陈冰 Xiao Tian hastily treasure conceals, this two saying of shining: Eldest child, you do not certainly know that does an admission ticket difficultly. 50 gold coin admission tickets, have been fried 5000 gold coins now, moreover valuably does not have the city.” 萧天连忙宝贝似的藏好,这才两眼放光的说道:“老大,你当然是不知道搞张门票有多困难。原本50金币一张的门票,现在已经被炒到了5000金币,而且还是有价无市。” Such exaggeration?” Feng Xiao slightly one surprised. “这么夸张?”风逍稍稍一愕。 Eldest child, entire China hundreds of millions Player, thinks Construction of Guild sends far more than several thousand tens of thousands, moreover this time is the entire China first auction, is the first Construction of Guild command of racket, 20,000 seats insufficiently look radically.” Xiao Tian answered. “老大,全华夏几亿的玩家,想建帮派的何止几千几万,而且这次是全华夏第一次拍卖会,又是拍的第一块建帮令,20000个座位根本不够看。”萧天解释道。 Feng Xiao has thought that feels relaxed slightly. 风逍想了一下,微微释然。 Gave Feng Yao the 10 w gold coin transaction, Feng Xiao has put out own admission ticket, said: Walks, we auction.” 把10w金币交易给风瑶,风逍拿出了自己的门票,说道:“走吧,我们去拍卖会。” Oh, good-- wait/etc., doesn't Younger Sister Yao'er go?” Xiao Tian strange asking. ,好——等等,瑶儿妹妹不去吗?”萧天奇怪的问道。 Yao'er, has a more important matter.” Feng Xiao chuckled, does not need Xiao Tian to have question, has used the admission ticket. 瑶儿,有更重要的事。”风逍嘿嘿一笑,不待萧天发出疑问,使用了门票。 The white light flashes, he had been transmitted to the auction hall front distinguished guest seat on. After several seconds, Xiao Tian and Chen Bing separately were also transmitted by his seat. 白光一闪,他已经被传送到拍卖大厅前排的贵宾座位上。几秒钟后,萧天陈冰也分别被传送到了他的座位旁边。 „, Many people!” Xiao Tian looks around while sighed. “哇,好多人啊!”萧天一边张望一边叹道。 Starts the also ten minutes from the auction, entire hall already almost full house. Two buildings the luxurious passenger compartments of 20 price 10000 gold coins completely have also been shining the Magic/MP lamp, inside person or makes widely known or the low key is overlooking the following crowd, simultaneously Ac­cepts they are envying are having the vision of worship. 距离拍卖会开始还有十分钟,整个大厅已经几乎座无虚席。二楼的20个价格10000金币的豪华包间也已经全部亮着魔法灯,里面的人或张扬或低调的俯视着下面的人群,同时接受着他们嫉妒中带着崇拜的目光。 First several rows of reserved seats have early been filled with the person, self-confidence and arrogance of these people one faces, as if win to today's auction. Was needless saying that in these people did not have one is the simple character. 前几排的贵宾席已经早早坐满了人,这些人大都一脸的自信和高傲,似乎都对今天的拍卖志在必得。不用说,这些人里没一个是简单人物。 In auction hall bustling, outside the hall a babel of voices, innumerable has not bought the admission ticket Player is still looking for painstakingly the method. 拍卖大厅里熙熙攘攘,大厅之外更是人声鼎沸,无数没买到门票的玩家依然在苦苦寻找着进去的方法。 „The auction also 10 minutes, here has the last admission ticket, 1 w gold coin that wants, not bivalence.” A ticket scalperi in crowd shouted. “拍卖会还有10分钟,我这里有最后一张门票,要的1w金币,不二价。”人群中的一个票贩子喊了起来。 This called to just like held hornet's nest, innumerable Player crazy welled up to him. 这一叫犹如捅了马蜂窝,无数的玩家疯狂的向他涌来。 Sold to me, sold to me!” “卖给我,卖给我!” Sells me! I leave 11,000!” “卖我!我出11000!” Go away, the father leaves 20,000!” “滚,老子出20000!” Dares to snatch the admission ticket with the father, your he does not want to live.” “敢和老子抢门票,你他吗不想活了。” ...... …… Finally, a fatty complacent possession admission ticket, in the meantime, the vision of innumerable say/way murder shot at the ticket scalperi. 最终,一个胖子得意洋洋的拿到门票,同时,无数道杀人的目光射向了票贩子。 Dared not to sell to me! You should better not Heavenly Dragon Imperial City, otherwise father sees one time to kill one time......” “敢不卖给我!你最好不要出天龙皇城,否则老子见一次杀一次……” Little Tian, you thought that Guild Establishing Token can sell many gold coins.” Feng Xiao asked. 小天,你觉得建帮令牌能卖到多少金币。”风逍问道。 A Xiao Tian thinking, said slightly: I guess, at least 300 w.” 萧天稍一思索,说道:“我猜,至少300w。” 300 w? Will have these many?” Feng Xiao slightly one surprised. “300w?会有这么多吗?”风逍微微一愕。 Xiao Tian flipped the supercilious look, said: Eldest child, you usually acts alone, naturally did not understand that establishes the importances of Guild to certain people. This is the China first Construction of Guild command. Guild of first establishment not only can forever be listed at Guild ranking first, but also Guild the direct promote promoted to 2 levels, even can also choose the position of Guild station independently. Not only to become famous, but also makes a profit, can be in the lead in afterward Guild by far, naturally can recruit more people, development bigger influence.” 萧天翻了翻白眼,说道:“老大,你平时都是独行,当然不了解建立帮派对某些人的重要性。这可是华夏第一块建帮令。第一个建立的帮派不但能永远排在帮派排行榜第一位,而且帮派将直接晋升为2级,甚至还能自主的选择帮派驻地的位置。不但扬名,而且获利,能远远领先于后来的帮派,也就自然能招收到更多的人,发展更大势力。” Had the fame and influence, but also feared that can't make money? The thing that even much money cannot buy can gain. Let alone, several million in some people eyes, are really not any money.” “有了名望和势力,还怕赚不到钱吗?甚至很多金钱买不到的东西都能赚到。更何况,几百万在一些人眼里,真的不算什么钱。” Xiao Tian was explaining patiently. The own eldest child's to establishing Guild does not have any concept, always solves all by individual ability. 萧天耐心的解释着。自己的老大对建立帮派根本没什么概念,从来都是以个人能力解决一切。 However, this not also and Bingkuai (ice cube) admire his reason! 不过,这不也正是自己和冰块拜服他的原因吗! In this world except for Feng Yao, nobody understands him compared with him and Chen Bing. Hee hee human and animals of Haha face are usually harmless, even also dreadfulness, if meets the proper business, when his imposing manner completely changes, takes up the weapon, the body cannot help but will send out strongly to the air/Qi of withering letting the will of the people trembles, lets fear and shivering that the person approaches does not control self. 这个世界上除了风瑶,没有人比他和陈冰更了解他。平时嘻嘻哈哈一脸的人畜无害,甚至还有点猥琐,但一旦遇到正事,他身上的气势就是完全改变,拿起武器时,身上更是会不由自主的散发浓烈到让人心颤的肃杀之气,让人一靠近就不自禁的恐惧和颤抖。 Originally can sell these much money unexpectedly.” The Feng Xiao fingertip knocks the chair to think. He thought Guild Establishing Token can sell many gold coins, but his considering many is several hundred thousand, high words possible 1 million, has not thought that Xiao Tian has given him directly a three times of many price. “原来竟然可以卖这么多钱。”风逍指尖敲着座椅思索起来。他原本就觉得建帮令牌能卖很多金币,但他的认为的“很多”是几十万,高的话可能1000000,没想到萧天直接给了他一个三倍多的价格。 In auction hall two buildings, No. 11 reserves a room luxuriously. 拍卖大厅二楼,11号豪华包房内。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan and Maple Leaf Hao Ran gingerly standing before a girl, listening to her to throw a fit in that. 枫叶狂澜枫叶浩然战战兢兢的站在一个丫头面前,听她在那大发脾气。 Hateful! Hateful! Hateful! That called any wind anything cloud Big Bastard to surpass me, the Big Brother Second Brother, a bit faster asked for money to trade the gold coin with the father!” Maple Leaf Lan Xing is digging the small mouth, breathless stamping the feet. “可恶!可恶!可恶!那个叫什么风什么云的大坏蛋又超过我了,大哥二哥,快点跟老爹要钱换金币!”枫叶蓝星撅着小嘴,气急败坏的跺着脚。 Maple Leaf Kuang Lan puts on a long face saying: Lanlan (blue), the family left 10 million, this Guild Establishing Token is enough except the racket that under before used up.” 枫叶狂澜哭丧着脸说道:“蓝蓝,家族已经出了10000000了,除去之前用掉的拍下这个建帮令牌足够了。” no way, no way, no way!” Shape/Like rattle-drum of Maple Leaf Lan Xing swinging: I, no matter any Construction of Guild did not make the Construction of Guild command, did not want the gold coin of that person to surpass me in any case!” 不行不行不行!”枫叶蓝星头摇的像拨浪鼓:“我不管什么建帮令不建帮令,反正就是不要那个人的金币超过我!” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan and Maple Leaf Hao Ran exchanged the helpless look, the forced smile said: Lanlan (blue), 10 million are limits, was impossible to arrive again were more, otherwise the father definitely was angry.” 枫叶狂澜枫叶浩然交换了一下无奈的眼神,苦笑道:“蓝蓝,10000000已经是极限了,不可能再要到更多了,不然老爹肯定生气的。” Really this?” Maple Leaf Lan Xing sees the Second Brother not to listen to her words rarely, as if somewhat believed. “真的这样吗?”枫叶蓝星见二哥难得不听她的话,似乎有些相信了。 Naturally natural, although our family/home is not short of money, if one time will put out that many families also to have the pressure in a short time.” Maple Leaf Hao Ran sees the favorable turn, echoes hastily. “当然当然,虽然我们家不缺钱,但是要是短时间内一次拿出那么多家族也是会有压力的。”枫叶浩然见有转机,连忙附和。 Originally is this.” A Maple Leaf Lan Xing eyeball revolution, raises the head said to Maple Leaf Kuang Lan suddenly: Second Brother, how much money can your Bugatti Veyron race car sell?” “原来是这样啊。”枫叶蓝星眼珠一转,忽然抬头枫叶狂澜说道:“二哥,你那辆威龙跑车可以卖多少钱?” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan leg one soft, almost cries, without delay, has connected the call of outside immediately. 枫叶狂澜腿一软,差点哭出来,二话不说,立即接通了外界的电话。 Father...... That...... Makes the person exchanging some gold coins again comes.” “老爹……那个……再让人给兑换些金币进来。” what!? Also can trade the gold coin? Didn't the father just give you couple days ago 10 million? Do not tell the father you to give to ruin now up.” Communication Tool that transmits angry roaring of middle-aged person. 什么!?还要换金币?老子前几天不是刚给你10000000吗?别告诉老子你现在就给败坏光了。”通话器那头传来一个中年人的怒吼。 The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan cold sweat braves, as if saw expression that the father foams with rage. 枫叶狂澜冷汗直冒,仿佛已经看到了老爹吹胡子瞪眼的表情。 Is Lanlan (blue) wants...... She “是蓝蓝要的……她” Father, Lanlan (blue) very much lacks the gold coin now, if did not have the gold coin Lanlan (blue) not to play this to play.” The Maple Leaf Kuang Lan words added, Maple Leaf Lan Xing has snatched Communication Tool, a face said suffering from injustice, then throws Communication Tool to the Second Brother. “爹爹,蓝蓝现在很缺金币,如果还没有金币的话蓝蓝就不玩这个游戏了。”枫叶狂澜的话还说完,枫叶蓝星就抢过通话器,一脸委屈的说完,然后把通话器扔回给二哥。 Father,...... Is this situation.” “老爹,就……就是这个情况。” Snort! Lanlan (blue) must not good...... Wait/Etc., what did she say a moment ago? Doesn't have the gold coin not to play the game? My Little Ancestor, in the family/home is with great difficulty calm and steady for several days, did this also make the person live-- Afu, exchanged 10 million immediately again.” “哼!蓝蓝要也不行……等等,她刚才说什么?没金币不玩游戏?我的小祖宗唉,家里好不容易才安稳几天,这还让不让人活了——阿福,马上再去兑换10000000。” Maple Leaf Kuang Lan and Maple Leaf Hao Ran blue vein braves, mused when oneself can have this Little Ancestor treatment. 枫叶狂澜枫叶浩然青筋直冒,暗想自己什么时候才能有这种小祖宗的待遇。 Yay! finally was the gold coin first, I must become the first young rich woman then make that dare to reject my Big Bastard Asura regret!” 耶!终于又是金币第一了,我一定要成为第一小富婆然后让那个敢拒绝我的大坏蛋修罗后悔!” Thump. 扑通 Their hits on the floor. 两人一头撞到地板上。 This has not come nobody to dare not to listen to her words Little Girl, really still remembers that the day of Asura rejects her matter . Moreover the method of retaliating so...... heaven-shaking moves. 这个从来没来没人敢不听她话的小丫头,果然还记得修罗那天拒绝她的事情,而且报复的手段如此……惊天动地。 Little Tian, how let the information that you looked up.” Silent Feng Xiao has opened eyes to ask suddenly. 小天,让你查的信息怎么样了。”一直沉默的风逍忽然睁开眼睛问道。 The Xiao Tian racket strikes one's chest saying: Eldest child, my intelligence network you have not felt relieved.” 萧天拍拍胸脯说道:“老大,我的情报网你还不放心么。” Demon wolf- crazy, this person eldest child knew, is Ximen Aristocratic Family now the only successor, has established Demon Wolf Gang. According to my observations Demon Wolf Gang does not have the Ximen Family influence, the shadow of also Nalan Family clan. But Ximen Kuang this person cruel haughty, could not regard as the great talent according to me.” Xiao Tian referred to No. a 3 luxurious passenger compartment look being greedy, on the clothes has embroidered a person of giant wolf head. “魔狼—狂,这个人老大已经知道了,正是西门世家现在唯一的继承人,成立了魔狼帮。据我观察魔狼帮并不只有西门家的势力,其中还有纳兰家族的影子。但西门狂此人残暴狂傲,依我看成不了大器。”萧天指了指3号豪华包间一个眼神贪婪,衣服上绣了一个巨大狼头的人。 So long as this kind of embroidery spends several silver coins to have in the tailer shop. 这类刺绣只要在裁缝店花几个银币就可以拥有。 Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun, the situation of this person with is the same, the China country biggest underground criminal syndicate that the eldest child guesses organizes Heavenly Fiend Gang few masters. The Heavenly Fiend Gang influence is extremely strong, the member spreads the nation, hundreds of thousands of numerous, the country do not dare to provoke easily. The Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun semblance is proud haughtily, hot tempered testy, but from his these years the action that comes to make, this person absolutely compared with imagination in astute, otherwise his father such already will not give him so big Guild. The eldest child, these criminal syndicate person in the know conduct are mostly extreme, disregard the etiquette, moreover is the fugitive, when eldest child which day bumps into them by some chance is certainly careful.” 天煞风云,这个人的情况和老大猜的一样,正是华夏国最大的地下黑帮组织天煞帮的少帮主。天煞帮势力极其强大,成员遍及全国,有数十万之众,国家也不敢轻易招惹。天煞风云外表狂傲自负,暴躁易怒,但从他这些年来所作出的举动来看,这个人绝对比想象中精明,否则他的父亲也不会这么早就把如此大的一个帮派交给他。老大,这些黑帮个中人大多行事偏激,无视礼法,而且很多是亡命之徒,老大万一哪天碰上他们时一定要小心。” Feng Xiao nodded slightly, shoots a look at the young man who No. 9 theater box eyes closed has maintained mental tranquility. 风逍微微点头,瞥了一眼9号包厢一个闭目养神的青年男子。 Person who Hand of God, I send out had not found his concrete trail, has not patted to his appearance. However, he as if Guild has the relation with called The Gods Domain, but this Guild was established by Shangguan Aristocratic Family and Sima Aristocratic Family, I think that he should not can be inseparable from this two families, or was south other three Aristocratic Family person.” 上帝之手,我派出的人没有找到他的具体踪迹,也就没有拍到他的样子。不过,他似乎和一个叫‘众神领域’的帮派有联系,而这个帮派上官世家司马世家建立,我想他应该和这个两个家族脱不了干系,也或者是其他三个南方世家的人。” Hand of God. Feng Xiao from Lunatic there learned that this person in No. 1 theater box, at this time that theater box door shuts tightly, has not beamed with joy the meaning of showing off, makes the person unable to see inside character. Only can see two shadows indistinctly. 上帝之手风逍疯子那里得知这个人在1号包厢,此时那个包厢房门紧闭,没有丝毫露脸炫耀的意思,也让人看不到里面的人物。只能隐约看到两个影子。 Soul Destroyer, this person makes widely known very much, is very crazy, anybody does not pay attention. For all that these many year of person actually also people can search his details. The country also investigated to him for more than two years, can only guess initially he is a killer, a top killer. His Soul Destroyer hand/subordinate helps, although population are not many, but each one is the elites, moreover suppresses spicily incomparable, should not can be inseparable from the killer.” 灭魂,这个人很张扬,很狂,任何人都不放在眼里。虽然如此,这么多年人却也人能探到他的底细。国家也已经对他调查了两年多,只能初步猜测他是一个杀手,一个顶级的杀手。他手下的灭魂帮虽然人数不多,但个个都是精英,而且都狠辣无比,应该也和杀手脱不了干系。” Soul Destroyer?” Feng Xiao knows this person very much long time ago. Has played the game is familiar to this person basically, becomes angry while talking about it. If he is really top killer, can be the person on Dongfang (Eastern) killer list. 灭魂吗?”风逍很早就知道这个人。玩过游戏的基本都对此人耳熟能详,谈之色变。如果他真的是顶级杀手的话,会不会是东方杀手榜上的人呢。 Dongfang (Eastern) killer list: First, Blood Emperor Shadow Wind \; Second, reprimanded the soul \; Third, Shadow Angel \; Fourth: Monster blade \; Fifth: Hell trial. 东方杀手榜:第一,血皇影风\;第二,斥魂\;第三,暗影天使\;第四:妖刀\;第五:地狱审判者。 Soul Destroyer...... Reprimanded the soul...... Is he? 灭魂……斥魂……难道是他? However that Howling Moon......” Xiao Tian referred to one sitting the black clothes man in common corner, saying of somewhat unnatural: I and Little Bing knew.” “而那个啸月……”萧天指了指一个坐在不起眼角落里的黑衣男子,有些不自然的说道:“我和小冰都认识。” A look sharp such as the youngster of hawk, this is Feng Xiao to his first impression. 一个眼神锐利如鹰的少年,这是风逍对他的第一印象。 Nangong Aristocratic Family Little Young Master, the position of Sniper God, is the future successor in my father position.” 南宫世家小少爷,狙神之位,也就是我老爹位置的未来继承者。” Oh?” Feng Xiao came the interest, sized up same that seemed most 15 and six -year-old youngster, did not have to think oneself just looked to him, the cold glint vision reflected to him together. ?”风逍来了兴趣,不禁重新打量了一样那个看上去最多15、六岁的少年,没想到自己刚看向他,一道冷芒般的目光就向他反射而来。 Good keen intuition. Feng Xiao takes back the vision, as if will become to him in the future Sniper God somewhat will possibly understand clearly. 好敏锐的直觉。风逍收回目光,似乎对他可能成为未来狙神有些了然了。 To be honest, I and Little Bing do not like him. He is very young, but, is too crazy. However these strength powerful expert few are not crazy, was he nostril an appearance upwards before us is also disgusting. His strength truly cannot underestimate, it is said that he is the Nangong Aristocratic Family millenniums can pull open the person of that inherited any bow only......” “老实说,我和小冰都不喜欢他。他很年少,但,太狂。不过话说回来这些实力强悍的牛人没几个不狂的,可是他在我们面前也一幅鼻孔朝天的样子就让人恶心了。他的实力也确实不能小看,据说他是南宫世家千年来唯一能拉开那个祖传的什么弓的人……” Desolate God Howling Moon Bow!” Feng Xiao light saying. 荒神啸月弓!”风逍淡淡的说道。 Right! The eldest child is an eldest child, is really all-resourceful, this knows. Existence that as far as I know that draws a bow except for the Nangong Aristocratic Family the person of interior and our four God families, other people have not known.” “对对!老大就是老大,果然神通广大,这都知道。据我所知那张弓的存在除了南宫世家内部和我们四神家族的人,没其他人知道。” Feng Xiao is silent. The China Ten Great Divine Weapon list is ranked fifth Desolate God Howling Moon Bow, is he this life must take the thing. 风逍沉默不语。华夏十大神兵榜排行第五的荒神啸月弓,是他今生必取之物。 Maple Leaf Group, this eldest child knows, is the Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family person, they same low key of conduct in game in reality.” Xiao Tian continues to answer. 枫叶帮,这个老大已经知道,是轩辕世家的人,他们在游戏里的行事和现实中一样低调。”萧天继续解释道。 Scarlet Flame Burns the Heaven, the Ouyang Aristocratic Family person, the conduct same is very low-key, but he establishes scarlet flame help/gang influence does not allow to look down on, at present helps the numerous as if develop through various methods to ten thousand people, so long as attains Guild Establishing Token, immediately can establish an influence formidable gang.” 赤炎焚天,欧阳世家的人,行事一样很低调,但他成立的‘赤炎帮’势力不容小瞧,目前帮众似乎已经通过各种手段发展到万人,只要一拿到建帮令牌,马上就可以成立一个势力强大的帮会。” As for that Hentian...... Eldest child, he «Rebirth» the second evil spirit besides you...... Do not hit do not hit, this is at the forum calls...... cough cough, he handles affairs never covers up, although my person obtained his picture very much easily, but what is strange, investigated with various methods for one week, has not looked up the slight information of this person. He seems emerging out of thin air is the same.” “至于那个恨天……老大,他是除了你之外《轮回》的第二凶神……别打别打,这是论坛上叫的……咳咳,他行事从不遮遮掩掩,我的人虽然很容易就得到了他的照片,但是奇怪的是,用各种手段调查了一个多星期,都没有查到这个人的丝毫信息。他仿佛是凭空出现的一样。” Moreover, his hair is the strange red. Must know, the hair in game is in the reality exactly the same, in other words, real he is also the red hair. Inconceivable!” “而且,他的头发是诡异的红色。要知道,游戏里的头发是和现实中一模一样的,也就是说,真实的他也是红色的头发。不可思议!” „A also point is, when he appears each time, with a woman of red clothes, the letting person but who that woman same covers up with the eldest child what appearance does not see clearly to be long-- eldest child, you know how the name of his evil spirit comes?” 还有一点就是,他每次出现时,身后都会跟着一个红色衣服的女人,不过那个女人和老大一样遮遮掩掩的让人看不清楚长什么样子——老大,你知道他的凶神之名怎么来的吗?” Knows, killed ten people on the 1st!” Feng Xiao said lightly, this matter has watched the forum knows. “知道,一日杀十人!”风逍淡淡说道,这件事看过论坛的都知道。 Right! Although he does not have the eldest child one time to kill hundred people, but the person of homicide adds old certainly compared with mostly, moreover he is also as if same as the eldest child, kills people does not add the evil value, because he, even if did not have the guard to catch him to the city. also innumerable Player think that he is fiercer than your this Asura.” Xiao Tian said, steals a glance observes Feng Xiao reaction, actually disappointedly discovered that his an expression of not being feeling well does not have. “没错!他虽然没有老大一次杀百人,但他杀的人加起来一定比老大多,而且他似乎也和老大一样,杀人不加罪恶值,因为他即使到了城市也没卫兵抓他。还有无数的玩家认为他比你这个修罗还要厉害。”萧天说完,偷眼观察风逍反应,却失望的发现他一点不爽的表情都没有。 Saw that No. 19 theater box that big fat pig does not have, he is Money-grubbing, now the richest family in China country's. Although the semblance is unfair to human race very much, but astuteness on his commercial absolutely is not a lid, possibly after will be the Lunatic strong match.” “看到19号包厢那个大肥猪没,他就是见钱眼开,现在华夏国的首富。虽然外表很对不起人类,但他商业上的精明绝对不是盖的,可能会是疯子以后的强劲对手。” Oh, right?” Feng Xiao looked at that pile of fat one, how started to calculate to dig out money at heart to come out from him. ,是吗?”风逍看了那堆肥肉一眼,心里已经开始盘算起怎么从他身上抠钱出来。 Lets that knife as for you, my person had not found, the whereabouts is very as if secret.” “至于你让查的那个小刀,我的人没有找到,行踪似乎很隐秘。” Eldest child, I investigates these, because the time is limited, I only send for investigated Level or in money list has presented some people, but definitely the strong presences of some innumerable hideaways are I do not look up.” “老大,我调查到的就这些了,因为时间有限,我只派人调查了等级或者金钱榜上出现过的一些人,不过肯定有无数隐藏的强大势力是我查不到的。” Didn't have? These? Duanmu and Beiming Aristocratic Family?” Feng Xiao has opened eyes suddenly, sound becomes somewhat rapid. “没有了?就这些?端木北冥世家呢?”风逍忽然睁开了眼睛,声音变得有些急促。 Xiao Tian knows that Feng Xiao why such big reaction, the racket his shoulder will say: Cannot look up the sounds of these two families, but I will make the person continue to trace.” 萧天知道风逍为何会这么大反应,拍拍他的肩膀说:“查不到这两个家族的动静,不过我会让人继续追查。” Feng Xiao is silent, half sound said: Takes your time. Helps me pay attention called Unyielding Moon Yiren Player while convenient.” 风逍默然,半响说道:“慢慢来吧。顺便帮我留意一个叫‘傲月伊人’的玩家。” Fairy first Unyielding Moon Yiren?” Xiao Tian is two shines first, then suddenly strange looks at Feng Xiao saying: „Can you soak her?” 仙女第一的傲月伊人?”萧天先是两眼放光,然后忽然怪异的看着风逍说道:“你要泡她?” „, She probably is the Duanmu Aristocratic Family person!” Feng Xiao wishes one could to beat savagely his. “靠,她好像是端木世家的人!”风逍恨不得暴打他一顿。 Ooh, so that's how it is. Good, after auction had ended, I make the person look up...... Right eldest child, why your days hadn't Level moved? That called Hentian overtook you.” 哦哦,原来如此。好,拍卖会结束后我就让人去查……对了老大,你这几天等级为什么一直没动?那个叫恨天的已经追上你了。” Right?” Feng Xiao for these days in changing pattern and Swift Thunder Devouring Beast socialized, was not feeling well will go to the terrifying forest to play oppressively strangely. Five days of only 31 levels of Experience rises to 40%. “是吗?”风逍这几天一直在变着花样和疾电吞雷兽周旋,只有不爽的时候才会去恐怖森林虐怪玩。五天的时间只把31级的经验升到40%。 Opens the Level ranking, this discovered that second Hentian also 31 levels, it is estimated that again crossed long time/half of the day to overtake itself. 打开等级排行榜,这才发现第二名的恨天也已经31级,估计再过个半天就能追上自己。 „, This fellows, are really the madmen, the speed was also too fast.” Mumbling that Feng Xiao is not feeling well. “靠,这帮家伙,真是狂人啊,速度也太快了吧。”风逍不爽的嘟囔道。 Now does not limit game time, that group of experts basically are 24 hours of online update. The game almost can replace the sleep in any case, moreover here can eat to drink to play to be able mm, the air can also XXOO, have the family to support freshly is not needing to work.” Xiao Tian does not think strange. “现在又不限制游戏时间,那帮牛人基本都是24小时在线升级。反正游戏几乎能代替睡眠,而且这里能吃能喝能玩能把mm,空气新鲜还能xxoo,有家族撑着又不用去工作。”萧天丝毫不觉得奇怪。 Eldest child, before 9 hours of time the superiority is very big, now, tch tch......” sees the vision of Feng Xiao murder, Xiao Tian tactful shutting up. “老大,以前9小时的时候你的优势还是很大的,现在,啧啧……”看到风逍杀人的目光,萧天知趣的闭嘴。 Young master must also 24 hours in the cotton suiting...... Un, forget about it, when Chaos Secret Art sleep cultivates the speed to be quickest.” Feng Xiao thinks silently. “小爷要不要也24小时在线呢……嗯,还是算了吧,混沌诀睡眠时修进速度最快。”风逍默然想到。 Opens money ranking, Feng Xiao had a scare immediately. 打开金钱排行榜,风逍顿时吓了一跳。 Money perspiration list: 金钱排汗榜: Second:, 6.99 million gold coins, Heavenly Fiend Feng Yun 第二名:,6990000金币,天煞风云 First:, 6.88 million gold coins, Maple Leaf Lan Xing 第一名:,6880000金币,枫叶蓝星 Third, 6.72 million gold coins, Lunatic 第三名,6720000金币,疯子 Fourth, 6.5 million gold coins, Soul Destroyer 第四名,6500000金币,灭魂 Fifth, 6.22 million gold coins, Weeping Blood Wu Ming 第五名,6220000金币,泣血无铭 Sixth, 6 million gold coins, Money-grubbing 第六名,6000000金币,见钱眼开 Seventh, 5.52 million gold coins, Hand of Doomsday 第七名,5520000金币,末日之手 Eighth, 5.5 million gold coins, demon wolf- crazy 第八名,5500000金币,魔狼—狂 Ninth, 5.5 million gold coins, Scarlet Flame Burns the Heaven 第九名,5500000金币,赤炎焚天 Tenth, 4.92 million gold coins, knife 第十名,4920000金币,小刀 The rich people, are money many have not located the flower rich person, a game invests these many unexpectedly, a gold coin is RMB. 富人,都是钱多的没处花的富人啊,一个游戏而已居然都投入这么多,一金币可是一rmb啊。 Especially in that legend Xuanyuan Family small money-mad Maple Leaf Lan Xing, does these many gold coins unexpectedly. 特别是那个传说中轩辕家小财迷枫叶蓝星,居然也搞来这么多金币。 Exchanges these many gold coins, naturally made to come for Construction of Guild, now looked like the 300 w price somewhat underestimates. Moreover, in the ranking also presented unknown Weeping Blood Wu Ming. 兑换这么多金币,自然是为了建帮令而来,现在看来300w的价格还是有些低估了。另外,排行榜上还出现了一个名不见经传的泣血无铭
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