LA :: Volume #2

#105: Auctions eve (First Part)

The Feng Xiao attention puts aside quickly, starts delightedly looks at these to buy the equipment the post. After a while, finally cannot bear to Lunatic initiates the code. 风逍的注意力很快移开,开始眉飞色舞的看着那些求购装备的帖子。过了一会,终于忍不住向疯子发起密语。 Lunatic, sells how.” 疯子,卖的怎么样了。” Sold-out.” “卖完了。” Oh-- what? Sold-out?” ——什么?卖完了?” Yesterday, had only used for three hours.” “昨天,只用了三个小时。” How you had not said with me!” “那你怎么没和我说!” You had not asked.” “你没问。” „...... Ok, does not lower oneself to the same level with you. How the price decides.” “……算了,不和你一般见识。价格怎么定的。” Bronze 200 to 300 gold coins, silver 1000 to 2000 gold coins.” “青铜200到300金币,白银1000到2000金币。” fuck! The draft animal, such high price thanks to you decides comes out-- wait/etc., was this bought?” 我靠!牲口啊,这么高的价格亏你定的出来——等等,这样都被人买完了?” Feng Xiao, virtual game a price of silver equipment unexpectedly is almost equal to ordinary white-collar half a month wages of surprisedly. Moreover how long twenty levels of transition period equipment this cannot put on. 风逍惊讶不已,一件虚拟游戏的白银装备的价格居然差不多等于一个普通白领半个月的工资。而且这还是穿不了多久的20几级过渡期装备。 supply does not meet the demand.” Lunatic has given four characters lightly. 供不应求。”疯子只是淡淡的给了四个字。 Feng Xiao is speechless, he did not make Lunatic one time take to sell the complete equipment, is feared that too many words cause Player to have not the new misconception, thus cannot sell the high price. 风逍无语,本来他不让疯子把一次把全部装备拿出来卖,是怕太多的话导致玩家产生不新鲜的错觉,从而卖不出高价。 However the demand intensity of entire China area to High Level equipment surpasses his expectation. 然而整个华夏区对高级装备的需求强度远超他的预料。 The bronze and do the silver equipment have to be so difficult? Feng Xiao thinks. 青铜和白银装备有那么难出吗?风逍不禁想到。 That yesterday altogether has made how much money.” “那昨天一共赚了多少钱。” 237900 gold coins.” Lunatic tranquil reply. “237900个金币。”疯子平静的回答。 Faints, this money also comes was too easy. Played several days of game to start 200,000. 晕死,这钱也来的太容易了吧。玩了十几天游戏就入手200000。 If makes these like mad one month know with the average people of several thousand money wages, it is estimated that looked for the heart that I went all out to have,” hung up communication, Feng Xiao cannot bear think. “要是让那些拼死拼活一个月拿几千块钱工资的普通人知道,估计找我拼命的心都有了吧,”挂断通讯器,风逍忍不住想到。 In Old Man room/house special accommodation, Lunatic bought the store shop to use 80 W, the restaurant to use 100 W, the auction room to buy the ultra-large number, with 300 W. Has not thought that the store first day business, returned to one-fourth books. 在房老头的“特殊照顾”下,疯子买商店店铺用去80W,酒楼用去100W,拍卖行则买了超大号的,用去300W。没想到商店第一天营业,就回了1的本。 Thinks of the restaurant, Feng Xiao immediately code Xiao Tian. 想到酒楼,风逍立即密语萧天 Xiao Tian, your family Qing'er, will not have Novice Village.” 萧天,你家清儿呢,不会还没出新手村吧。” Hehe, the eldest child, you guessed right.” 嘿嘿,老大,你猜对了。” Feng Xiao is crazy, this Liu Qing'er has to imitate the Feng Yao suspicion, unexpectedly has treated for over one week in Novice Village. 风逍狂汗,这个刘清儿有效仿风瑶的嫌疑,居然已经在新手村待了超过一周。 „The eldest child, as if can come out tomorrow, when the time comes, Hehe, you may probably mean what he says.” Xiao Tian deceitful said with a smile. “不过老大,明天似乎就能出来了,到时候,嘿嘿,你可一定要说话算话。”萧天笑着说道 „, My anything has not meant what he says, fears her. Right Little Tian, your Elder Sister, how does not have any sound.” Feng Xiao seemingly careless asking. “切,我什么说话不算数过,就怕她不来。对了小天,你姐姐呢,怎么没什么动静。”风逍貌似漫不经心的问道。 My elder sister Ah......” The Xiao Tian sound is strange, coughs two to say insincerely: You also know that her matter are quite many, yesterday does not know where went to carry out Quest. If you think......” “我姐啊……”萧天的声音怪异起来,假意咳嗽两声说道:“你也知道她事情比较多,昨天不知道去哪里执行任务去了。所以如果你想……” Oh, this, bye.” Feng Xiao hangs up the telephone rapidly, relaxed at heart. ,这样啊,再见。”风逍迅速挂断电话,心里松了一口气。 Previous Feng Xiao was hotheaded for a while to her has made the heaven-shaking indescribably tragic action, looked forward unable to see her again. 上次风逍一时头脑发热对她做了惊天地泣鬼神的举动,巴不得再也看不到她。 Continued to socialize for one hour with Swift Thunder Devouring Beast, the time has aimed at around 2 : 00 am. 继续和疾电吞雷兽周旋了一个小时,时间已经指向凌晨两点多。 Little Tian, Little Bing, your how offline, haven't you wanted to study these madman 24 hours of online?” Feng Xiao initiates telephone conversation to Xiao Tian and Chen Bing. 小天,小冰,你们怎么还不下线,难道你们想学那些狂人24小时在线?”风逍萧天陈冰发起通话。 Eldest child, uses game cabin words one month of not offline doesn't matter. Moreover there is a help of Younger Sister Yao'er, this practices the level speed quickly really not to hate to stop.” “老大,使用游戏舱的话一个月不下线没关系的。而且有了瑶儿妹妹的帮忙,这练级速度快的让人实在不舍得停止。” Yao'er?” Feng Xiao slightly one knit the brows, has exhaled the good friend column, this discovered Yao Dreams of Loving the Wind unexpectedly online. 瑶儿?”风逍微一皱眉,呼出了好友栏,这才发现“恋风瑶梦”竟然在线。 Yao'er, was so late, you are playing how still.” He thinks after Feng Yao has had dinner, accompanied Yang Xiruo to go to sleep, has not thought that she was playing unexpectedly still, moreover as if continuously. 瑶儿,这么晚了,你怎么还在游戏。”他本以为风瑶吃过晚饭后就陪杨夕若睡下了,没想到她竟然还在游戏,而且似乎一直在。 Elder Brother...... I think that can help you earlier.” Feng Yao fears the Elder Brother vitality/angry very much, somewhat anxious saying. 哥哥……我想可以早点帮到你。”风瑶很怕哥哥生气,有些紧张的说道。 In the Feng Xiao heart sighed, how her thoughts possibly do not know. Heart warm at the same time also has loving dearly of not being able to say. 风逍心中一叹,她的心思自己又怎么可能会不知道。心暖的同时又有说不出的心疼。 Finally, in the vision that Feng Yao in Xiao Tian does not abandon extremely, rested with Feng Xiao offline. Although the game can replace the sleep, but absolutely does not have the nature and enrichment that the genuine sleep comes. 最终,风瑶萧天极度不舍的眼光中,和风逍一起下线休息去了。游戏虽然可以代替睡眠,但绝对没有真正的睡眠来的自然和充实。 Xiao Tian looks at Chen Bing, slightly somewhat helpless saying: Also practices?” 萧天看着陈冰,略有些无奈的说道:“还练吗?” Had the zither music help of Feng Yao, practices the level speed at least is original three times, merely five hours of Level 20 Experience Bar rose half, must promote shortly. 有了风瑶的琴音帮忙,练级速度起码是原来的三倍,仅仅五个小时20级经验条就涨了一半,眼看就要升级。 Practices!” Chen Bing words has not hesitated. “练!”陈冰的话没有一丝迟疑。 Haha, the brothers see slightly with.” Xiao Tian has smiled one, immediately charges into a Cyclops. 哈哈,兄弟所见略同。”萧天笑了一声,立即冲向一只独眼巨人。 The Feng Yao zither music no doubt lets their efficiency improvement several fold, but they will not be produced the dependence by themselves. Best, no, they same are promoting themselves slowly, simultaneously is exercising own operation and consciousness, as well as to the comprehension of sword and water. 风瑶的琴音固然让他们效率提高数倍,但他们决不会让自己对此产生倚赖。有最好,没有,他们一样慢慢的提升着自己,同时锻炼着自己的操作和意识,以及对剑与水的领悟。 Bingkuai (ice cube), but also is thinking the water element the matter?” Xiao Tian is avoiding stone arm Attack of Cyclops, while and Chen Bing said. 冰块,还在想水元素的事情?”萧天一边躲避着独眼巨人的石臂攻击,一边和陈冰说道。 Nod that Chen Bing slightly cannot be looked up, innumerable looks in dedicated own hand icy cold forming process, then flings it to Cyclops. 陈冰微不可查的点头,无数次专注的看着自己手中冰凌的形成过程,然后将它甩向独眼巨人。 In the morning wakes up, Feng Xiao routine operation Chaos Secret Art. Finally still made him disappointed, within the body could not feel flowing of aura. Although a Chaos Secret Art strata time can discharge Chaos Qi, but discharges Strength with feeling flowing of Strength, is two completely different levels. 清晨醒来,风逍习惯性的运行了一下混沌诀。结果依然令他失望,体内丝毫感觉不到气息的流动。虽然混沌诀一层时就可以施放出混沌之气,但施放力量与感受力量的流动,是两个完全不同的层面。 Enters the game, is around 9 : 00 am. Facing Swift Thunder Devouring Beast. Method only remaining Time Domain that today he can also use, three Space Gate, two Asura Yama's Wave. 进入游戏,已经是上午九点多。面对疾电吞雷兽。今天他还可以利用的手段只剩下一次时间领域,三次空间门,两次修罗冥王波 Oh, headache.” “唉,头疼啊。” The huge enticement of territory reward as well as loses the penalty of Heavenly Dragon Secret Command, making him not have to give up the idea of this Quest. 领地封赏的巨大诱惑以及失去天龙密令的惩罚,让他决不会有放弃这个任务的想法。 Eldest child, you came. Younger Sister Yao'er?” Xiao Tian shouts to shout. “老大,你来了。瑶儿妹妹呢?”萧天扯着嗓子喊起来。 Did grocery shopping, quick came.” “买菜去了,很快就来。” Oh!” Xiao Tian felt relieved immediately, then sound strange saying: Eldest child, my family/home Qing'er came, just Profession Change.” !”萧天立即放下心来,然后声音怪异的说道:“老大,我家清儿来了,刚刚转职。” Oh, you lead her to look for Lunatic, he knows how should do.” How the Feng Xiao full brain is wanting to cope with Swift Thunder Devouring Beast, is not careful to this matter obviously very much. ,你带她去找疯子,他知道该怎么做。”风逍满脑子都在想怎么对付疾电吞雷兽,对这件事明显不是很上心。 Xiao Tian replied, has hung up Communication Tool immediately. 萧天立即答应一声,挂断了通话器 Feng Xiao starts to ride Xiaobai to saunter around the stalactite cave, seeks for Swift Thunder Devouring Beast to leave the hole opportunity. 风逍又开始骑着小白在钟乳洞周围转悠起来,寻找着疾电吞雷兽出洞的机会。 One all day, two Swift Thunder Devouring Beast simultaneously leave the hole two, seizing every opportunity Feng Xiao Herb Gathering Skill is defeated completely, flies back without any results. 一整天,两只疾电吞雷兽同时出洞两次,见缝插针的风逍采药术全部失败,无功而返。 Next afternoon, Feng Xiao once more dejected sitting in the time longest place that he sits these days, simultaneously near minor character A and minor character B by the ear gets married, in holds the big wedding...... the prompt sound stirs when with XX XX Heavenly Dragon Church of minutes bothersome extremely bothersome. 第二天下午,风逍再次垂头丧气的坐在他这段时间坐的时间最久的地方,同时被耳边“龙套A与龙套B喜结连理,与XX时XX分于天龙教堂举行盛大婚礼……”的提示音搅的烦不胜烦。 «Rebirth» in wants richly, can spend the issue region circular, naturally, the price is very expensive, many people have not spent. 轮回》里只要有钱,就可以花钱发布全区通告,当然,价格很贵,没多少人消费的起。 Third day. 第三天。 „...... Swift Wind World restaurant starts doing business today officially, simultaneously purchases various cooking materials......” “……‘风行天下’酒楼今日正式开业,同时收购各种烹饪材料……” Feng Xiao cursed Swift Thunder Devouring Beast that did not come out there, oneself wandered around the stalactite cave openly or covertly for day, it did not have any sound, even even/including little has not come out. 风逍则在那里咒骂死活不出来的疾电吞雷兽,自己在钟乳洞周围或明或暗的转悠了一天,它也没什么动静,甚至连小的都没出来。 Fourth day. 第四天。 Feng Xiao is about to have cried, because the Quest time drew near. 风逍快哭了,因为任务的时间快到了。 Fifth day. 第五天。 The first matter that Feng Xiao gets online, is crumb City's Return Scroll returns to Heavenly Dragon Imperial City. 风逍上线的第一件事,就是捏碎回城卷回到天龙皇城
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