LA :: Volume #2

#104: Flying back without any results

If Xiaobai quickly the lightning, rushes to flood the stalactite cave of cold quiet air/Qi, leaves behind a gorgeous white shade. 小白快若闪电,奔向泛着寒幽之气的钟乳洞,留下一道绚丽的白影。 Ice Spirit Grass, Ice Spirit Grass where.” 冰灵草,冰灵草在哪里。” The stalactite cave is very big, is very high, almost does not have the ray to pour into, actually darkness not obviously, the emerald-green ray on wall here photo is similar to the daytime, has coated a mysterious air. 钟乳洞很大,很高,几乎没有光线注入,却丝毫不显的黑暗,墙壁上的翠绿色光芒把这里照的如同白昼,也罩上了一层神秘的色彩。 Three points are the water, three points are, four points are the ice, the silent space only then the sound of uninterrupted water drop, has not actually anticipated the cold feeling. 三分是水,三分是地,四分是冰,寂静的空间只有不间断的滴水之声,却没有意料中的寒冷感觉。 Feng Xiao has neglected the 30% cold resistances completely. 风逍完全忽视了自己30%的寒冷抗性。 Does not have the mood to appreciate here quiet and tasteful, Feng Xiao harnesses Xiaobai to speed away in the stalactite cave, simultaneously opens Heavenly Eye, is surveying periphery the things of all similar plants. 没有心情去欣赏这里的幽雅,风逍驾着小白在钟乳洞里疾驰着,同时开启天眼,不停的探测着周围所有类似植物的东西。 6 seconds cross, outside hole transmits angry howling faintly. Feng Xiao secret heart startled, prayed that Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast had not realized some people intruded his territory. Meanwhile, his Heavenly Eye fell three clear to the transparent strange grass on. 6秒时间一过,洞外隐隐传来一声愤怒的吼叫。风逍暗暗心惊,祈祷极电吞雷兽没有意识到有人已经闯入他的领地。同时,他的天眼落到了三株晶莹到透明的奇异草上。 Ice Spirit Grass: The Immortal Level medicinal herbs, turn into by strength of the purest ice spirit, 30 years only then grow into. After taking, may solid this cultivate Yuan, incites in the appearance, Intelligence (mind/spirit) + 20, Water Resistance + 5%. 冰灵草:仙级药草,由最纯净的冰灵之力化成,30年方可长成。服用后可固本培元,滋驻容颜,精神+20,水系抗性+5%。 Feng Xiao one happy, finally found. 风逍一喜,终于找到了。 Feng Xiao jumps down from Xiaobai rapidly, falls to Ice Spirit Grass nearby ice surface on, the foot has not come to a stop starts to display Herb Gathering Skill. 风逍迅速从小白身上跳下,落到冰灵草旁边的冰面上,脚还没站稳就开始施展“采药术”。 Ding, your Herb Gathering Skill failure, picks the medicine skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的‘采药术’失败,采药熟练度提高。” Ding, your Herb Gathering Skill failure, picks the medicine skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的‘采药术’失败,采药熟练度提高。” Feng Xiao is sweating profusely, but at this time, the Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast roar resounded once more . Moreover the sound obviously be nearer than before. 风逍满头大汗,而这时,极电吞雷兽的吼声再次响起,而且声音明显要比之前近了很多。 Feng Xiao shouted secretly awful, the movement on hand kept slightly. 风逍暗叫糟糕,手上的动作丝毫不停。 Ding, your Herb Gathering Skill failure, picks the medicine skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的‘采药术’失败,采药熟练度提高。” Ding, your Herb Gathering Skill failure, picks the medicine skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的‘采药术’失败,采药熟练度提高。” ...... …… Ice Spirit Grass is Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast guards all the year round in the reason of cold stalactite cave, because it must take Ice Spirit Grass to suppress within the body crazy the strength of thunder and lightning just now to be insufficient every ten years to explode the body to perish. Therefore, Ice Spirit Grass can be said as its lifeblood, is thing that it went all out also to protect. 冰灵草极电吞雷兽长年驻守在寒冷的钟乳洞的原因,因为它必须每十年服用一支冰灵草来压制体内狂乱的雷电之力方才不至于爆体而亡。因此,冰灵草可以说是它的命根,是它拼了命也要守护的东西。 But at this time, its surprised discovery vanished the enemy who a moment ago suddenly does not see unexpectedly in its old haunt, moreover is trying to pick his Ice Spirit Grass. 而此时,它惊讶的发现刚才忽然消失不见的敌人居然在它的老窝里,而且正试图采摘他的冰灵草 This also! 这还了得! Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast grasping is crazy with was raped, single horn Thunderlight Flash, the huge lightning surge, then suddenly realized that the thunder and lightning seems to be useless to this person, was roaring immediately rushing. 极电吞雷兽跟被强奸了似的抓狂起来,独角雷光一闪,巨大的雷电冲击而出,然后忽然意识到雷电似乎对这个人没用,又马上咆哮着冲了上去。 Feng Xiao sighed secretly was a pity, recalled Xiaobai instantaneously, used Space Gate to flee. 风逍暗叹可惜,瞬间召回小白,使用空间门遁走。 Oh, Medium Level Herb Gathering Skill picked the Immortal Level medicinal herbs really somewhat to force.” “唉,中级采药术采摘仙级的药草果然有些勉强了。” Feng Xiao thought by own superelevation Luck, even if the Immortal Level medicinal herbs have very high success ratio, has not thought that somewhat misjudges slightly. 风逍本来认为以自己的超高幸运,即使仙级的药草也有很高的成功率,没想到稍微有些失算。 Herb Gathering Skill: Medium Level, 100% collect the Low Level medicinal herbs, 50% collect the Medium Level medicinal herbs, 10% collect the High Level medicinal herbs, 0.1% collect the Spiritual Level medicinal herbs, 0.01% collect the Immortal Level medicinal herbs. 采药术:中级,100%采集低级药草,50%采集中级药草,10%采集高级药草,0.1%采集灵级药草,0.01%采集仙级药草。 A probability extremely! Feng Xiao big. 万分之一的概率!风逍不禁头大了起来。 Even if Luck Heaven Defying, probability also absolutely not over 1%, but will Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast give itself these many time? 即使自己幸运逆天,概率也绝对不会超过1,可是极电吞雷兽会给自己这么多时间吗? Spelled! 拼了! Feng Xiao summoned Xiaobai, ran quickly to go to the stalactite cave again, place stalactite cave lawn that 100 meters away he transmitted a moment ago. 风逍召唤出小白,重新向钟乳洞奔驰而去,他刚才传送到的地方正是钟乳洞100米之外的草地。 Shrinks in inside two draft animals, immediately rolls to me!” “缩在里面的两个牲口,马上给我滚出来!” Approached the stalactite cave, Feng Xiao has shouted to howl immediately. Size Immortal Beast was really shouted, was similar to by them of provocation sees repeatedly has killed the father personal enemy, immediately flushed. 接近了钟乳洞,风逍立即扯着嗓子吼叫起来。大小仙兽果然被喊了出来,被反复挑衅的它们如同见了杀父仇人,立即冲了上来。 Feng Xiao this time turns around to run. The result made him grasp crazily, because two Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast after he has been separated from a stalactite cave 50 meters range, no longer pursued, whatever he also remained unmoved in that provocation. 风逍这次转身就跑。结果令他抓狂,因为两只极电吞雷兽在他脱离了钟乳洞50米范围后,就不再追上来,任凭他在那挑衅也不为所动。 Its grandmother, Xiaobai, stuns they to me!” “它姥姥的,小白,给我震晕它们!” Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger Magic/MP is insufficient, is unable to display Roaring of Beast King.” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎魔法不足,无法施展兽王咆哮。” Feng Xiao:...... 风逍:…… Feng Xiao then discovered, Xiaobai this met Magic/MP only to restore 30 in the Mount space, moreover emitted it did not have Xiao Xiao (little) automatic Recovery HP/Life Magic/MP ability. 风逍这才发现,小白坐骑空间这一会魔法只恢复了30,而且被放出后的它也没有小小自动回复生命魔法能力 Feng Xiao drank the next bottle to lay aside 800 years of useless Level 20 High Level blue potions rapidly. «Rebirth» Pet and Mount HP/Life Magic/MP can drink the medicine to supply along with Master. 风逍迅速喝下一瓶放置了800年没用的20级高级蓝色药水。《轮回》中的宠物坐骑生命魔法都可以随着主人喝药来补给。 Xiaobai Magic Recovery to the full value 100, rushes to two Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast not far away immediately, sends out roaring of Beast King, stuns them once more there. 小白魔法回复到满值100,立即冲到两只极电吞雷兽不远处,发出兽王的咆哮,把它们再次震晕在那里。 Good, Infinite Space Gate!” “好,无限空间门!” Feng Xiao harnesses Xiaobai to vanish on the spot, then has a face dreadful smiling face to appear by Ice Spirit Grass. 风逍驾着小白消失在原地,然后带着一脸猥琐的笑容出现在冰灵草旁边。 Can willfully teleport to had gone to the place, although incomplete Space Attribute Low Level Forbidden Spell, but Effect sufficiently load Forbidden Spell two characters. 可以任意瞬移到曾经去过的地方,虽然只是不完整的空间系低级禁咒,但效果足以担的起“禁咒”二字。 Jumps down from Xiaobai and takes back it, Feng Xiao starts to display Herb Gathering Skill immediately. 小白身上跳下并将它收回,风逍立即就开始施展采药术 Ding, your Herb Gathering Skill failure, picks the medicine skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的‘采药术’失败,采药熟练度提高。” Ding, your Herb Gathering Skill failure, picks the medicine skilled enhancement.” “叮,你的‘采药术’失败,采药熟练度提高。” ...... …… After 10 seconds, Feng Xiao had been caught up with by Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast again, face depressed sitting on the ground. 10秒后,风逍再次被极电吞雷兽赶了出来,一脸郁闷的坐在地上。 After adjusting the good condition, Feng Xiao rushes to the stalactite cave immediately once more, but this time he almost cries, because comes out to greet his, only then small Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast. 调整好状态后,风逍立即再次奔向钟乳洞,不过这次他差点哭出来,因为出来迎接他的只有小极电吞雷兽 The old Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast study was intelligent, defended when Ice Spirit Grass, only when small Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast arrived to send out the distress signal will exit. 极电吞雷兽学聪明了,守在了冰灵草旁边,只有当小极电吞雷兽抵发出求救信号时才会出去。 Sits locates not to brush the strange place in the stalactite cave front 100 meters, Feng Xiao starts to suffer own brain cell. 坐在钟乳洞前方100米处一个不刷怪的地方,风逍又开始折磨起自己的脑细胞来。 Does not fear formidable, fears already formidable, moreover goes out the belt brain. Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast this lived several thousand years of Immortal Beast is this situation. 不怕强大的,就怕既强大而且出门带脑子的。偏偏极电吞雷兽这个活了几千年的仙兽就是这个情况。 long time/half of the day has not found out any feasible move, Feng Xiao relieved, opened " Rebirth » forum. 半天都没有想出什么可行的招数,风逍长舒一口气,打开了《轮回》的论坛。 The forum same can open in the game at will, so long as summons the page layout of forum to appear with the thought when the front, browsing clicks with the finger then. 论坛在游戏里一样可以随意打开,只要用意念呼唤一下论坛的版面就会出现在面前,浏览时用手指点击即可。 As expected, Guild Establishing Token that the majority of posts of forum point to presents tiger Mount that and will soon auction today. Innumerable Player can become to the tiger Mount indicated that is shocking and inconceivable, what are more is envies and longs for, hopes own which day can also catch can only , when Mount beast of prey. 不出所料,论坛的大部分帖子直指今天出现的老虎坐骑和即将拍卖的建帮令牌。无数的玩家对老虎可以成为坐骑表示震惊和不可思议,更多的是羡慕和渴望,期盼自己哪天也能抓到只可以当坐骑的猛兽。 Was Mount outside horse, really so but easy to find? 可是马之外的坐骑,真的那么容易找到吗? But since the head of click tall Ju forum, several days had not sunk the post, initially he cut to kill the Demon Wolf Gang hundred people of videos. Video clear description the great strength and imposing of Asura, the blood and iron savage is smuggling him and Xiruo tender feelings. 而点击一直高居论坛之首,十几天以来都没沉过的帖子,正是当初他一人斩杀魔狼帮百人的视频。视频清晰的描述着修罗的强大和威风,铁血凶残中又夹带着他和夕若的柔情。 Has saying that the person of this photographing surreptitiously has the Grandmaster standard very much, Feng Xiao did not mind becomes friends very much with him, then every day and he practices 3500 moves. 不得不说,这个偷拍的人很有大师水准,风逍很不介意和他交个朋友,然后每天和他练上个3500招。
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