LA :: Volume #2

#103: Evolution (Last Part) that Xiaobai shocks

Finally came out.” “终于出来了。” Went out of the terrifying forest, to stalactite cave also only then less than three minutes of distance. Feng Xiao looks at distant place indistinct prominence, is pondering over the successful probability. 走出了恐怖森林,离钟乳洞也就只有不到三分钟的距离。风逍看着远方隐隐约约的突起,琢磨着自己成功的概率。 Two big carrots take pot cover to attack to him. Between the sectional map terrifying forest and on stalactite cave brushes is some strange Monster. For example, at present these seem not delicious carrot have a very powerful name. 两根大胡萝卜拿着锅盖向他攻来。恐怖森林与钟乳洞中间的这部分地图上刷的都是一些奇奇怪怪的怪物。比如,眼前这些看上去不怎么好吃的胡萝卜就有一个很强悍的名字。 I am the male student: Level 35, HP/Life 3300. The Attack male, is quite only timid, 我是男生:35级,生命3300。只攻击男性,比较胆小、 Wind Wheel Slash ejects, two Critical Attack seconds kill. Catches Xuanyuan Sword that flies back, Thunder Silk Binding ties another to flee in horror the carrot, draws before the body, a Dragon Flame Cleaving second of it. 风轮斩击出,两个暴击秒杀其中一个。接住飞回的轩辕剑,雷丝缠缚住另一个被吓得逃跑胡萝卜,拉至身前,一个龙炎斩秒之。 Bored Monster!” silver coins and carrot that leaf the Feng Xiao lazy picking ground falls. “无聊的怪物!”风逍懒的捡地上掉落的银币和胡萝卜叶子。 Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger Level Up is Level 10, HP/Life + 10, Magic/MP + 5, Attack + 5, Magic Attack + 5, Defense + 5.” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎等级升10级,生命+10,魔法+5,攻击+5,魔攻+5,防御+5。” Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger request is separated from the Mount space evolution, permits?” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎’请求脱离坐骑空间进化,是否允许?” „...... Permits.” “……允许。” If the Xiao Xiao (little) evolution is because the strength of Qilin is awakening slowly, that Xiaobai why also...... 如果小小进化是因为麒麟之力在慢慢觉醒的话,那小白为什么也…… Are God descends to earth really? 难道自己真的是天神下凡? Probability of Pet evolution, is hundreds of millions 1. 宠物进化的概率,可是连几亿1都不到。 The whole body flashes purple ray Xiaobai to appear in front of Feng Xiao, static partly lies on the spot, does not have the slight sound. 全身闪着紫色光芒的小白出现在风逍面前,静静的半卧在原地,没有丝毫的动静。 kacha! 咔嚓 The diameter has half meter giant thunder and lightning to fall from the sky together fully suddenly, dividing ruthlessly on Xiaobai, exudes the sound of deafening thunderclap, unexpected Feng Xiao startled withdrew two steps. 一道直径足有半米的巨型雷电忽然从天空落下,狠狠的劈在小白身上,发出震耳欲聋的霹雳之声,把猝不及防的风逍惊的退后了两步。 This...... Is any situation.” “这……到底是什么情况。” Hou~ ~~ 吼~~~ Completes the sound of huge tiger's roar differs so much as to be beyond comparison to send out from the Xiaobai mouth with the build, contains is making the air/Qi of dignity the will of the people trembles...... Discovery innumerable cruel Monster that if safe and sound Feng Xiao in the terrifying forest, can be startled at this time such as insane ran away to the deep woods at this time unexpectedly, many Monster volts tremble on the ground, in dragging of partner entrains gingerly to the reversed direction that the roar originates runs away. Quick, terrifying forest west peripheral zone, becomes before five hours is silent. 与体型完成不成比例的巨大虎啸之声从小白口中发出,蕴含着令人心颤的威严之气……安然无恙的风逍如果此时在恐怖森林中,一定会吃惊的发现无数残暴的怪物此时竟如疯了般向森林深处逃窜,更有许多怪物伏在地上瑟瑟发抖,在伙伴的拖拽下才战战兢兢的向吼声来源的反方向逃去。很快,恐怖森林西侧的边缘地带,又变得像五个小时之前一样寂静无声。 The remote west somewhere, a great tiger of deep sleep has opened its purple eyes. 遥远的西方某处,一只沉睡的巨虎睁开了它紫色的眼睛 Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger success evolves six levels of Mount, comprehends Skills Heavenly Thunder Break, comprehends special Skills transforming, Lightning Resistance + 20%, ride Effect opening.” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎’成功进化成六级坐骑,领悟技能天雷破’,领悟特殊技能‘幻化’,雷系抗性+20%,骑乘效果开启。” Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger: Six levels of Pet, Level 10. HP/Life 400, Magic/MP 200, Attack 200, Magic Attack 200, Defense 200, Lightning Resistance 20%, after riding, Movement Speed + 30. Level 20 may tread the water, Level 30 Sky Gallop. 紫瞳云翼虎:六级宠物,10级生命400,魔法200,攻击200,魔攻200,防御200,雷系抗性20%,骑乘后移动速度+30。20级可踏水,30级驰空 Heavenly Thunder Break: Consumes 2% HP/Life, summon heavenly thunder Attack single enemy within 20 meters, 10% probabilities create the other side paralysis. 天雷破:消耗2%的生命,召唤天雷攻击20米内的单个敌人,10%的概率造成对方麻痹。 Transforming: May change the build based on this willfully the size. 幻化:可在一定范围内任意变化体型的大小。 Looked at the change and Attributes of Xiaobai, the Feng Xiao brow has locked. 看了小白的变化和属性,风逍眉头锁了起来。 In the legend most formidable Saint Qilin Xiao Xiao (little) compared with evolution way that exaggerates, compared with Level Xiao Xiao (little) more formidable Basic Attributes, with the Xiao Xiao (little) same evolution easily, moreover after Level 30, can willfully able to move unhindered water, land, and sky. 比传说中最强大的圣麒麟小小更夸张的进化方式,比同等级小小更强大的基本属性,和小小一样轻易的进化,而且30级后还可以任意纵横水陆空 This Xiaobai is any origin, why on own initiative will become my Pet. 这个小白到底是什么来历,为什么又会主动成为我的宠物 Looked that in the tread the thunder and lightning by large cave/hole that shelled, Feng Xiao is startled in a moment ago that thunder and lightning might. 看着地面上被雷电轰击出来的大洞,风逍再一次吃惊于刚才那道雷电的威力。 It is not able to be destroyed this rule to break including the scene, what heavenly thunder this is. 连场景无法被破坏这条规律都能打破,这到底是什么样的天雷。 Xiaobai, transforms.” 小白,幻化。” The Xiaobai excited that just evolved exerted gathered round Feng Xiao to be upon the jump, hears the order that the Feng Xiao thought sent, immediately shouts one lowly, in the purple covered together, the body started growing up slowly, unexpectedly gradual by the original Little Cat size, turned into approximately more than three meters to be long, two meters high huge White Tiger. 刚进化完的小白正兴奋的围着风逍跑来跑去,听到风逍意念发来的命令,立刻低呼一声,在一道紫色笼罩中,身体开始慢慢的长大,竟逐渐的由原来一只小猫的大小,变成了约三米多长,两米多高的巨大白虎 In the ash has the purple tinted even mark on the body of pure white. The huge body, sturdy four limbs, the sharp tiger claw, including tiger of prestige, two are two meters white wing natural is launching, is having the potential of soaring, is showing its power all. 灰里带紫的浅色均匀的纹在纯白色的躯体上。巨大的身躯,粗壮的四肢,锐利的虎爪,含威的虎目,两只长达两米的白色翅膀自然的展开着,带着一飞冲天之势,无不彰显着它的威风凛凛。 In the Feng Xiao eye revealed to acclaim, has patted compared with he also high huge tiger's head, said with a smile: Xiaobai, I got up!” 风逍的眼中不由流露出赞叹,拍了拍比他还高的巨大虎头,笑道:“小白,我上了!” Jumped to leap, accompanies was riding successfully the prompt sound on with ease the tiger back. Xiaobai excited low roars, as attractive receives by as the extreme giant wing two waist, along with the thought of Feng Xiao cheerful runs. 纵身一跃,伴着“骑乘成功”的提示音轻松上了虎背。小白兴奋的低吼一声,将两只漂亮到极点的巨大翅膀收到腰部两侧,随着风逍的意念欢快的奔跑起来。 Is riding the tiger broken wind, but the good feeling, several people can enjoy. 骑着老虎破风而行的感觉,有几个人可以享受到。 Feng Xiao is breathing carefree in heart heartily, suddenly shouted one lightly: Xiao Xiao (little), comes out.” 风逍尽情的呼吸着心中的畅快,忽然轻喊一声:“小小,出来。” The white light flashes, the white hair bulb brings Z character good tail to appear in the front, just falls in the Xiaobai top of the head. 白光一闪,白色的毛球带着“Z”字行尾巴出现在面前,刚好落在小白的头顶上。 The foreign matter stains the body angrily, Xiaobai wants to fling Xiao Xiao (little). Meaning that usually timid Xiao Xiao (little) at this time unexpectedly slightly had not been afraid, instead tight is seizing soft, but exceptionally tenacious tiger wool prevents to be flung. 异物沾上身体,小白愤怒的想把小小甩下去。平时胆小的小小这时居然丝毫没有害怕的意思,反而紧紧的捉着柔软但异常坚韧的虎毛防止被甩下。 Feng Xiao pats the head of Xiaobai: Xiaobai, is a partner.” 风逍轻轻拍拍小白的脑袋:“小白,是伙伴。” Xiaobai immediately stopped struggling, Ac­cepts Xiao Xiao (little) has stood in its top of the head reluctantly. 小白立即停止了挣扎,勉强接受小小站在它头顶上。 Xiao Xiao (little), knew that your partner, it called Xiaobai!” 小小,认识一下你的伙伴,它叫小白!” Xiao Xiao (little) has really understood the Feng Xiao language, reveals the Supreme Level lovable and strange smiling face of frequently having--, moreover in smiling of Pikachu with the cartoon film is exactly the same. 小小果然听懂了风逍的语言,露出经常出现的超级可爱又怪异笑容——而且和卡通片里皮卡丘的笑一模一样。 Can Feng Xiao innumerable suspicion this goods be Pikachu one. 风逍无数次的怀疑这货会不会就是皮卡丘的一种。 After riding Xiaobai and in addition hold Spirit of Wind, Movement Speed has achieved 99. Stalactite cave quickly on appearance in line of sight. 骑上小白和加持风之灵后,移动速度达到了99。钟乳洞很快就的出现在视线里。 Xiao Xiao (little), returns to your space to sleep. Xiaobai , to continue to clash forward!” 小小,回你的空间睡觉去。小白,继续向前冲!” Although Xiao Xiao (little) does not want, may only be able the little darling returns to that bored contract space to go, otherwise it was struck the consequence of second of killing. It not like Xiaobai, Xiaobai, although only then ten levels, when rides as Mount, only if were separated from or the Master death with Master, will otherwise not be injured. 小小虽然不愿意,可只能乖乖的回那个无聊的契约空间去,否则它只有被一击秒杀的后果。它不像小白,小白虽然只有十级,但作为坐骑骑乘时除非与主人脱离或主人死亡,否则不会受到伤害。 If Feng Xiao expects, just when approached the stalactite cave about 30 meters, the thunder and lightning of two different sizes chop to him. 风逍所料,刚临近钟乳洞大约30米时,两道不同的大小的雷电向他劈来。 Mount moves along with the thought of Master, rides on Xiaobai to his reaction and Evasion ability not only has not affected, instead becomes because of the addition of speed Agility. 坐骑主人的意念而动,骑在小白身上对他的反应回避能力不但没丝毫影响,反而因为速度的加成而变得更加敏捷 Feng Xiao controls a Xiaobai side to jump, has evaded two thunder and lightning attractively. Although he does not fear Thunder Attribute Attack, but the formidable impulse is actually not able to resist. 风逍控制小白一个侧跳,漂亮躲过了两道雷电。虽然他不怕雷系攻击,但强大的冲击力却是无法抗拒的。 Two Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast appear the figure, very obvious has recognized Feng Xiao, immediately gave up thunder and lightning Attack, one after the other to/clashes to him. 两只极电吞雷兽显出身形,很明显的认出了风逍,立即放弃了雷电攻击,一前一后向他冲来。 25 meters...... 15 meters...... Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast Movement Speed about 70, small Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast also has more than 40. 25米……15米……极电吞雷兽移动速度在70左右,小极电吞雷兽也有40多。 Feng Xiao is calculating the distance silently, settles on the Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast sprint the path, the rapid lateral movement crosses the Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast position, arrives at two Immortal Beast middle. 风逍默默计算着距离,看准极电吞雷兽冲刺的轨迹,迅速侧向移动越过极电吞雷兽的位置,来到两只仙兽的中间。 Xiaobai, stuns they!” 小白,震晕它们!” Roaring of Beast King! 兽王咆哮 The overbearing roar mixes with is making the dignity that one submits, resounds through the entire world, this is one type the imposing manner of shocking the soul. 霸道的吼声夹杂着令人臣服的威严,响彻整个天地,这是一种震撼灵魂的气势。 Two Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast simultaneously the whole body shakes, in the eye has shown the frightened expression, simultaneously was shaken the dizziness in the past, in the top of the head emits innumerable small Xingxing (stars). 两只极电吞雷兽同时全身一震,眼中露出了恐惧的表情,同时被震得眩晕过去,头顶上冒出无数的小星星 Absolute Time Domain!” 绝对时间领域!” 20 meters range, two Extreme Lightning Thunder Devourer Beast were stopped in the time of region instantaneously. 20米的范围,两只极电吞雷兽所在区域的时间瞬间被停止。 Xiaobai, to!” 小白,冲!” After 3 seconds of static , to continue 3 seconds of dizziness. 6 seconds, were enough. 3秒的静止后继续3秒的眩晕。6秒,足够了。
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