LA :: Volume #2

#102: Evolution (First Part) that Xiaobai shocks

The dinner carries on the warm atmosphere, three people were relating mutually today plays the amusing thing that comes across, Feng Xiao naturally cannot forget obtains the Xiaobai process to boast him. 晚饭在温馨的气氛中进行,三人互相诉说着今日游戏中遇到的趣事,风逍自然不会忘记把他得到小白的经过吹嘘一番。 After having had the dinner, Yang Xiruo continues to rest, the recuperator own body of slowly. Feng Xiao also goes to sleep. Feng Yao fine eyebrows slightly lock has thought after a meeting, entered the game. 吃过晚饭后,杨夕若继续休息,慢慢的恢复者自己的身体。风逍也跟着睡下。风瑶纤眉微锁的想了一会后,进入了游戏。 0 : 00 o'clock at night, Feng Xiao wakes up on time, opens game cabin, entered " Rebirth » world, 午夜0点,风逍准时醒来,打开游戏舱,进入了《轮回》世界, Initially added on exceeding level to doubt by Feng Xiao strong Attack, every day 8 hours kept practicing the level also to use for nearly two days Level from 28 rises to 29, but he opens the Level ranking now, actually discovered that Hentian 29 levels, other people in ranking also rose first-level. 当初以风逍超强攻击加上越级打怪,每天8小时不停练级也用了将近两天才把等级从28升到29,可是他现在翻开等级排行榜,却发现恨天已经29级了,排行榜上的其他人也都升了一级。 This fellows, are really madmen, certainly is 24 hours online.” “这帮家伙,真是狂人,一定都是24小时在线的。” However, Feng Xiao was not worried was overtaken actually by that Hentian. 29 levels to Level 30 requirement Experience fully are 28 levels to 29 levels of two times, not 45 days trains hard do not want to overtake now 31 levels of him. 不过,风逍倒是不担心被那个恨天追上。29级到30级需要经验整整是28级到29级的两倍,没有45天的苦练别想追上现在31级的他。 A Level 35 green one-eyed beast has discovered him, immediately the violent disposition sends greatly, throws to him. Feng Xiao evades with ease, Dragon Flame Cleaving eliminated it. 一只35级绿独眼兽发现了他,顿时狂性大发,向他扑来。风逍轻松躲过,一个龙炎斩消灭了它。 Really no longer did not brush Monster like before. 果然不再像之前那样不刷怪物了。 Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger Level Up is 1 level, HP/Life + 10, Magic/MP + 5, Attack + 5, Magic Attack + 5, Defense + 5.” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎等级升为1级,生命+10,魔法+5,攻击+5,魔攻+5,防御+5。” Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger Level Up is 2 levels......” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎等级升为2级……” ...... …… Ding, your Mount Purple Eyed Cloud Wing Tiger Level Up is 5 levels......” “叮,你的坐骑紫瞳云翼虎等级升为5级……” Feng Xiao stares slightly, because he has not summoned Xiaobai, but it same also obtained Experience with Xiao Xiao (little) unexpectedly. 风逍稍稍一愣,因为他并没有把小白召唤出来,可是它居然和小小一样也获得了经验 Feng Xiao starts to walk toward the stalactite cave direction. Did not need to divert attention to protect the Feng Yao security like yesterday, these savage, but not fearful Monster did not have any too big threat in his eyes, cleaning up being in the way Monster, while went forward. 风逍开始向钟乳洞方向走去。不用像昨天那样分心保护风瑶的安全,这些凶残但不可怕的怪物在他眼中根本没什么太大的威胁,一边清理清理着挡路的怪物,一边前进。 Before four hours,...... 四个小时前…… Little Tian, Little Bing, we form a team.” 小天,小冰,我们组队吧。” Xiao Tian two shine, almost cannot believe that own ear, enters him and Chen Bing team the Feng Yao group hastily, for fear that she reneges on a promise. 萧天的两眼放光,差点不敢相信自己的耳朵,连忙将风瑶组进他和陈冰的队伍,生怕她反悔。 Younger Sister Yao'er, you could rest assured that is led you by me and Bingkuai (ice cube), you promote to think that quickly is not good.” love-struck fool of Xiao Tian face, the drool class comes out not to know, both hands make an effort is patting own chest. 瑶儿妹妹,你放心,由我和冰块带你,你升级想不快都不行啊。”萧天一脸的花痴,哈喇子流出来都不知道,双手用力的拍着自己的胸脯。 Feng Yao is speechless, these two promotion speed others do not know, purity that she knows. Who leads whom not to be uncertain. 风瑶无语,这两人的升级速度别人不知道,她知道的一清二楚。谁带谁还不一定呢。 Healing Skill!” 治愈术!” The holy white light has glittered in three people together, the Xiao Tian surprised discovery oneself just lost most HP/Life completely Recovery. 一道圣洁的白光在三人身上闪烁了一下,萧天吃惊的发现自己刚刚损失大半的生命全部回复了过来。 The Feng Yao extremely high Intelligence (mind/spirit) strength makes her Healing Skill display astonishing Effect. 风瑶极高的精神力让她的“治愈术”发挥出惊人的效果 Wa! Younger Sister Yao'er, you are really angel Ah......” 哇!瑶儿妹妹,你真的是天使啊……” Behind!” Reminder that Chen Bing coldly. “后面!”陈冰冷冷的提醒到。 Xiao Tian turns around hastily, discovered that 24 levels of Cyclops has brushed strangely. These Monster Defense are good, but moves somewhat slowly. 萧天连忙转身,发现24级的独眼巨人怪已经重新刷了出来。这些怪物防御不错,但是移动有些慢。 Xiao Tian uses Warrior rapidly provocation Skills, brings in a Cyclops, with him to chopping, simultaneously Chen Bing at the same time starts unceasing release icy cold technique. 萧天迅速使用战士的“挑衅”技能,引来一个独眼巨人,和他对砍起来,同时一边的陈冰开始不断的释放“冰凌术”。 They coordinate very tacitly, unceasing directs then to jointly attack strangely. Feng Yao is displaying Healing Skill in side, looks that two people directing is strange, more looks is speechless. 两人配合很默契,不断的引怪然后合击。风瑶在旁边施展着治愈术,看着两人一只一只的引怪,越看越是无语。 These two, compare with Elder Brother one move of one big piece...... Ok, radically having no way ratio.” “这两人,和哥哥一招一大片比起来……算了,根本没法比。” Ding! 叮! A Cyclops was frozen by the icy cold technique of Chen Bing. 一只独眼巨人被陈冰的冰凌术冰冻。 Scream of Xiao Tian exaggeration, scream at the same time has not forgotten to turn round to praise Feng Yao: heavens, this is I first time saw today Bingkuai (ice cube) is occupied by this everybody frozen. Younger Sister Yao'er, you are really our lucky stars.” 萧天夸张的尖叫起来,尖叫的同时还不忘记拐着弯赞美风瑶:“天哪,这是我今天第一次看到冰块把这个大家伙冻住。瑶儿妹妹,你真是我们的福星啊。” Chen Bing coldly snorted, being disinclined manages him. 陈冰冷哼一声,懒得理他。 Lucky star actually real, because there is Feng Yao strong Healing Skill, can let him and Chen Bing HP/Life each time returns instantaneously fully, doubts can have no scruples, does not need to be evasive again, the efficiency improvement are many. 福星倒是真的,因为有了风瑶的超强治愈术,每次都能让他和陈冰生命瞬间回满,打怪的时候可以毫无顾忌,不必再躲躲闪闪,效率提高很多。 Little Tian, Little Bing, do you have AoE Skill?” Feng Yao could not calm down finally. According to the speed of his these two. Own Level forever do not want to approach Elder Brother. 小天,小冰,你们有没有群攻技能?”风瑶终于沉不住气了。照他这两人的速度。自己的等级永远也别想接近哥哥了。 Xiao Tian flexure said difficultly: Bingkuai (ice cube) does not have, my actually one, is only here both of us, if one time will draw on unable to shoulder.” 萧天挠了挠头说道:“冰块没有,我倒是有一个,只是这边就我们两个人,如果一次招来很多会扛不住。” Little Tian, you use AoE Skill.” 小天,你就用群攻技能吧。” Xiao Tian always follows to Feng Yao, Oh ran hastily goes, sword Warrior tornado sword delimited a small circular arc, Accuracy four gathered together Cyclops. 萧天风瑶言听计从,连忙“”了一声跑上前去,一个剑战士的“旋风剑”划了一个小圆弧,命中了四个聚在一起的独眼巨人。 Chen Bing complexion any change, Magic Staff has not wielded lightly, has discharged one Mist Skill, lets two fell into short „an item of blindness, Attack Accuracy rate/lead drop. 陈冰脸色没有任何变化,法杖轻挥,施放了一个“水雾术”,让其中的两只陷入了短暂的“目盲”,攻击命中率下降。 To be honest, one time selects four, Xiao Tian somewhat is at heart gingerly, but is quick, his mouth opens is bigger than the hippopotamus. 说实话,一次挑四个,萧天心里有些战战兢兢的,不过很快,他的嘴巴就张的比河马还大。 white seven string qin, faintly recognizable heavenly music...... 白色的七弦琴,飘渺的仙乐…… Cyclops stopped Attack in hand completely, as of pleasant to hear was attracted the complete attention as the extreme zither music, then slowly the lethargic sleep in the zither music in the past, struggled for a long time did not have over 5 seconds. 独眼巨人全部停止了手中的攻击,被好听到极点的琴音吸引了全部的注意力,然后慢慢的在琴音中昏睡过去,挣扎最久的也没超过5秒。 Although Feng Yao can only display Fuxi's Zither very small part of Divine Power temporarily, but copes with these to differ not far ordinary Monster with her Level radically effortlessly. 虽然风瑶暂时只能发挥伏羲琴很小的一部分神力,但对付这些与她等级相差不远的普通怪物根本毫不费力。 This is the prestige of Ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts. 这就是上古十大神器之威。 Looks Xiao Tian that is in a daze and stops Attack Chen Bing, Feng Yao is almost anxious stamps the feet. 看着发愣的萧天和停止攻击陈冰,风瑶急得差点跺脚。 Little Tian Little Bing, a bit faster Attack.” 小天小冰,快点攻击。” Xiao Tian recovers finally, blurry replied, starts with the tornado sword and Little Bing eliminates these lethargic sleep Monster. 萧天总算回过神来,迷迷糊糊的答应一声,开始用旋风剑和小冰消灭这些昏睡的怪物 A Attack flake, moreover does not have any scruples, killed the strange speed quick more than one time. Moreover Monster that brushes also with enough time sees clearly this world, fell into the sleep. 一次攻击一小片,而且没有任何顾忌,杀怪的速度快了不止一倍。而且重新刷出来的怪物还来得及看清这个世界,就陷入了睡眠。 Tornado sword Attack Power is ordinary Attack 80%, but the merit lies in does not have Cooldown Time. Therefore, Xiao Tian finally such rapidness that starts clear blue potions to use. 旋风剑攻击力为普通攻击的80%,但优点在于没有冷却时间。于是,萧天终于开始明白蓝色药水原来可以用的如此之快。 The ordinary seven string qin generally is static in the ground or on the knee, sits well or kneels to sit plays. But Feng Yao intelligent unparalleled, she in reality is skilled in various types of temperament musical instruments, the seven string qin that even almost unmanned browses continually also achieves mastery through a comprehensive study. Hugs in the bosom, can still play the most positive timbre. 普通的七弦琴一般都是静支于地面或膝上,端坐或跪坐弹奏。但风瑶聪慧无双,现实中的她精通各种音律乐器,甚至连几乎无人涉猎的七弦琴也是融会贯通。抱于怀中,依然能弹奏出最正的音色。 The distant place has many other to practice the level Player, Feng Yao as far as possible the zither music control in 20 meters. Because Elder Brother has said that this cannot make the bystander know the zither. 远处有许多其他练级的玩家,风瑶尽量把琴音控制在20米以内。因为哥哥说过,这把琴不可以让外人知道。 Crafty sound. Confusing the God can make Monster fall into cannot distinguish friend and foe to carry on Attack chaotic, when is her practices the level only choice. However among Monster the Attack intensity is very weak, slow that Experience comes, if uses chaotic Cyclops also to injure to Little Tian and Little Bing here. 诡音.迷神可以让怪物陷入混乱而敌我不分进行攻击,是她自己一人练级时的唯一选择。但是怪物之间攻击强度很弱,经验来的慢,而且如果在这里使用的话混乱的独眼巨人也会伤到小天小冰 Therefore, immortal sound. The drunk dream is the best choice. 所以,仙音.醉梦是最好的选择。 Younger Sister Yao'er, is your zither?” Xiao Tian cannot bear ask finally. Although such doubting lets his crisp whole body cramp, but such big question presses in also really suppresses at heart hurriedly. 瑶儿妹妹,你的这把琴是?”萧天终于忍不住问道。虽然这样打怪让他爽的全身抽筋,可是这么大一个疑问压在心里也实在憋得慌。 Being silent Chen Bing has also raised up the ear. 沉默不语的陈冰也不禁竖起了耳朵。 Fuxi's Zither.” 伏羲琴。” Oh, good zither, good zither.” ,好琴,好琴。” „......” “……” what! Fuxi's Zither?” Xiao Tian almost jumped, Chen Bing also has the delay of moment. Perhaps the ordinary people do not know that Fuxi's Zither is anything, but their this units place dough figurines understand the legend of China about Ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts clearly. 什么!伏羲琴?”萧天差点跳了起来,陈冰也有片刻的呆滞。平常人或许不知道伏羲琴是什么,可是他们这个位面人清楚的了解华夏关于上古十大神器的神话传说。
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