LA :: Volume #2

#112: Proposition of Feng Yao

Player personal mansion, anybody without allowing unable to enter. But Guild Main Hall, so long as your enough cow B broke the Main Hall front door, entered the sitting room, destroyed the Guild signboard, can make this Guild remove, can say that extinguished this Guild. 玩家的私人宅邸,任何人未经允许都是无法进入的。而帮派总堂,只要你足够牛B破了总堂的大门,杀入了内厅,破坏了帮派的牌匾,就可以让这个帮派除名,也就可以说灭了这个帮派 However when the Guild Main Hall front door was threatened will issue the warning to all online Guild people automatically, but Guild people can return to Main Hall like returning to the city instantaneously. And, helping the numerous enhance 20% in own gang station fights various Attributes. Therefore, wants to destroy completely Guild to be difficult, only if your influence is big enough, or the both sides strength differs extremely disparately, otherwise, is brings death. 不过帮派总堂大门受到威胁时会自动向所有在线的帮派中人发出警告,而帮派中人都可以像回城一样瞬间返回总堂。并且,帮众在自己的帮会驻地里战斗时各种属性都会提高20%。所以,想灭掉一个帮派难上加难,除非你势力够大,或双方实力相差太过悬殊,否则,就是去送死。 Yao'er, how you achieve, properly speaking this situation is unlikely.” Feng Xiao looks at Feng Yao to ask. 瑶儿,你是怎么做到的,按理说这种情况是不可能发生的。”风逍看着风瑶问道。 Feng Yao looked at Shui Rourou with a smile. 风瑶笑着看了看水柔柔 Feng Xiao is understanding immediately, some asking of understanding clearly: „Is Rourou (soft), you?” 风逍立即会意,有些了然的问道:“柔柔,是你?” Young Master, is I requested that Imperial Father to Elder Sister Yao'er this special permission, he agreed.” Shui Rourou somewhat anxious saying. She was worried oneself do to does not let the Young Master vitality/angry. 少爷,是我请求父皇瑶儿姐姐这个特许,他同意了。”水柔柔有些紧张的说道。她担心自己是不是做的不对而让少爷生气。 Day that! This also wants others to live, how all good deeds made your brother and sister two give in the booth.” A Xiao Tian face envy shouts, suddenly thinks that a very important matter, knit the brows to ask: But since Younger Sister Yao'er, how could it not be words Feng House of your hiring must all expose like this, moreover here, although very but greatly to Guild, was too small.” “天那!这还要不要别人活啊,怎么所有的好事都让你们兄妹两个给摊上了。”萧天一脸嫉妒的嚷嚷起来,忽然想到一件很重要的事情,皱了皱眉问道:“可是瑶儿妹妹,这样以来你招人的话这个风楼岂不要全暴露掉了,而且这里虽然很大但对一个帮派来说,实在太小了些。” Who said that I wanted the hiring.” A mysticalness of Feng Yao face. “谁说我要招人了。”风瑶一脸的神秘。 Un?” Feng Xiao and Xiao Tian simultaneously show the strange expression, “嗯?”风逍萧天同时露出奇怪的表情, „Is Younger Sister Yao'er constructs to play really?” Xiao Tian said one by the crazy dizzy suspicion. “难道瑶儿妹妹真的是建来玩的?”萧天说出一个让自己狂晕的猜想。 The innumerable Supreme Level cow B character wins badly beaten first Guild Establishing Token, unexpectedly was brought to work as the toy. If were really this these Guild eldest children knew can go crazy collectively. 无数超级牛B人物争得头破血流的第一块建帮令牌,居然被拿来当玩具。如果真是这样那些帮派老大知道了一定会集体发疯吧。 Later you knew, now cannot say.” “以后你们就知道了,现在不可以说。” Sees Feng Yao rarely has done mystically, two grown men again had not asked that at heart secret guess. 风瑶难得的搞起了神秘,两个大男人也就就没有再问,心里暗暗猜测不已。 Come, tastes the craftsmanship of my Jinghua first kitchen God!” Liu Qing'er and Yang Xiruo smiling serving food tray walked. Quick, luster gorgeous dishes, place before them gradually, is sending out the thick fragrance. “来,尝尝我京华第一厨神的手艺!”刘清儿杨夕若笑盈盈的端着菜盘子走了出来。很快,一道道色泽光艳的菜,逐渐摆放在他们面前,散发着浓浓的香味。 The Xiao Tian mouth water current, said: Worthily is the Qing'er craftsmanship, even if in the store most Low Level cooking material, can do is so fragrant.” 萧天的口水流了出来,赞道:“不愧是清儿的手艺,即使是商店里最低级的烹饪材料,也能做的这么香。” Although indeed, Liu Qing'er is only the Primary Level chef, moreover what uses is in the store sells the Low Level material that-- best is also the day turtle, but at present these dishes, luster, modeling or fragrance, attractive incomparable. 的确,虽然刘清儿只是初级厨师,而且用的是商店里卖的低级材料——最好的也不过是天水鱼,但眼前这几道菜,无论是色泽、造型还是香味,都诱人无比。 All, stem from her reality the excellent cook and sharpness. 一切,都源于她现实中高超的厨艺和领悟力。 Otherwise, Feng Xiao will not buy a restaurant to give her to handle specially. 否则,风逍也不会特意买下一个酒楼交给她打理。 The chopsticks in Xiao Tian hand keep and clamping are growing vegetables respectively toward mouth China , Cyprus, saying that then mumbled: My family/home Qing'er place craftsmanship, absolute unparalleled in the world, this is the matter that the entire natives of Beijing know. If can have the High Level material, that can make the space to have the delicacy that.” 萧天手中的筷子不停、夹着各种菜直往嘴中塞,然后嘟嘟囔囔的说道:“我家清儿的地手艺,绝对天下无双,这是全京城人都知道的事情。如果能有高级材料,那更能做出天上才有的美味。” Feng Xiao tastes slowly, on the face also reveals the appreciation, smiling said to Liu Qing'er: Miss Liu, the Divine Level cooking material can you do?” 风逍慢慢品尝,脸上也露出赞赏,笑眯眯的向刘清儿说道:“刘大小姐,神级烹饪材料你能不能做?” Liu Qing'er said with a smile lightly: Temporarily also not, but by my sharpness to the cook, I have within self-confident one month to rise to the High Level chef, at that time, was almost OK. Let alone the Divine Level cooking material, is Medium Level and High Level is quite rare.” 刘清儿轻笑道:“暂时还不可以,但是以我对厨艺的领悟力,我有自信一个月之内就可以升到高级厨师,那时候,就差不多可以了。只是,别说神级烹饪材料,就是中级高级都极为难得。” Xiao Tian was one has actually spurted, surprised asking: Eldest child, won't you have the Divine Level cooking material really?” 萧天却是一口喷了出来,惊讶的问道:“老大,你不会是真的有神级的烹饪材料吧?” He knows that oneself eldest child will not be aimless absolutely. 他知道自己的老大绝对不会无的放矢。 Feng Xiao shows a faint smile, is default. Immediately shook a room person. 风逍微微一笑,算是默认。顿时震住了一屋子人。 I drop a mother! The eldest child, your this Supreme Level is greatly abnormal, unexpectedly killed Divine Beast, you also wanted others to live!” Xiao Tian felt oneself is about to collapse, abnormal must have a limit, this may make us be the brothers how to mix. “我滴个娘啊!老大,你这个超级大变态,居然弄死了神兽,你还要不要别人活了!”萧天感觉自己快崩溃了,变态也要有个限度吧,这可让我们做兄弟的怎么混啊。 Feng Xiao white his eyes, said: Your brainless, I, if can kill Divine Beast I as for in a big way to be put thunder and lightning one first two of compelling by that! I picked from Supreme Divine Beast of dying.” 风逍白了他一眼,说道:“你脑残啊,我要是能弄死神兽我至于被那个放雷电的逼的一个头两个大吗!我是从一头死掉的超神兽身上采得。” Liu Qing'er obviously to the Divine Beast not anything concept, but to the Divine Level cooking material is not general is interested, immediately excited asking: Brother Xiao, do you have the Divine Level cooking material really? Is quickly good to me, I ensure certainly will make most perfect Divine Level to attend to!” 刘清儿显然对神兽没什么概念,不过对神级烹饪材料可不是一般的有兴趣,立即兴奋的问道:“逍哥,你真的有神级的烹饪材料?快给我好不好,我保证一定会做出最完美的神级料理来!” Feng Xiao said with a chuckle: Now not, when you rise to the High Level chef, I hand certainly over in the ten jin (0.5 kg) Divine Level wolf meat in my hand your hand.” 风逍嘿嘿笑道:“现在不可以,等你什么时候升到高级厨师,我一定把我手中的十斤神级狼肉交到你手上。” Mean-spirited!” Liu Qing'er is discontented. “小气!”刘清儿不满起来。 I faint, did this also call mean-spiritedly? Qing'er, do you know this Divine Level material the value. I dare saying that if takes to sell one jin (0.5 kg) at least to take 1 million gold coins!” Xiao Tian said to Liu Qing'er hastily. “我晕,这还叫小气?清儿,你知不知道这个神级材料的价值啊。我敢说,如果拿出去卖的话一斤起码要1000000金币啊!”萧天连忙对刘清儿说道。 „? Such expensive?” Liu Qing'er has opened the mouth surprisedly. “啊?这么贵?”刘清儿惊讶的张大了嘴巴。 That naturally, after the Spiritual Level above material makes attended, can add Attributes, the average person pays the sky-high price not to buy.” “那当然,灵级以上的材料做成料理后都可以加属性,一般人出天价都不一定能买到的。” Liu Qing'er finally had to Feng Xiao all God wolf meat that little knew, immediately face apologetically said: Has been unfair to Big Brother Feng, was Qing'er makes you laugh ignorantly...... However waited for me to arrive at the rank of High Level chef you to observe to pledge Oh!” 刘清儿总算对风逍所有的神狼肉有了那么一点点认识,马上一脸歉意的说道:“对不起了风大哥,是清儿无知让你笑话了……不过等我到了高级厨师的级别你一定要遵守承诺!” Does not have the issue.” Feng Xiao appreciates she not shy attitude completely. “没问题。”风逍满欣赏她毫不扭捏的作风。 Elder Brother, I remember that your that Quest deadline was today, didn't have the means to complete?” Asking that Feng Yao cares about. 哥哥,我记得你的那个任务的最后期限就是今天了,还是没有办法完成吗?”风瑶关心的问道。 Yes. But other side Immortal Beast . Moreover the intelligence quotient is not low, recently also more studied is more intelligent, making me not have the slit to drill. Feared that fears this long brain, otherwise I at least have ten methods to cope with it!” Remembers that only to defend in Ice Spirit Grass nearby Immortal Beast, Feng Xiao on the headache. “是啊。对方可是仙兽,而且智商还不低,最近还越学越聪明,让我根本没缝隙可钻。怕就怕这种长脑子的,不然我起码有十种方法可以对付它!”想起那只死活守在冰灵草旁边的仙兽,风逍就头疼。 My territory, my Heavenly Dragon Secret Command. 我的领地,我的天龙密令啊。 Feng Yao grabs his arm comforted: doesn't matter isn't Elder Brother, there is still one in the afternoon? Elder Brother is so fierce I to believe certainly can cope that only Immortal Beast.” 风瑶抓着他手臂安慰道:“没关系哥哥,不是还有一个下午吗?哥哥那么厉害我相信一定可以对付的了那只仙兽的。” Big Brother Feng, keep it up.” Yang Xiruo also sends the look that encourages and trusts to him. 风大哥,加油。”杨夕若也向他寄去鼓励和信任的眼神。 Un! This afternoon, I have certainly solved it.” Feng Xiao mood relaxed many. Actually today's entire morning, how he is considering to lead away that two Swift Thunder Devouring Beast. “嗯!今天下午,我一定解决了它。”风逍的心情轻松了不少。其实今天的整个上午,他都在考虑怎么引开那两只疾电吞雷兽 Massacres them? Feng Xiao has not considered resources bite off more than can chew that situation. 杀掉它们?风逍还没自不量力到那种地步。 Elder Brother, you said that if Monster had the intelligence quotient, the representative also had the sentiment, thing that for example cares about very much.” Feng Yao asked a very strange question suddenly. 哥哥,你说,如果怪物有了智商的话,是不是代表也有了感情,比如说很在意的东西。”风瑶忽然问了一个很奇怪的问题。 Feng Xiao nods: Is this right.” 风逍点头:“是这样没错。” That...... Elder Brother, if found the thing that Immortal Beast cares about, can let that only Immortal Beast mind chaos, then...... Became is not so intelligent.” Feng Yao soft light mobile eyes does wink looks at Feng Xiao to say. “那……哥哥,如果找到那个仙兽在意的东西,是不是就可以让那只仙兽心神大乱,然后就……变得不那么聪明了。”风瑶柔光流动的双眼一眨不眨的看着风逍说道。 Feng Xiao forced smile. Feng Yao said does not lose a very good method, the thing that but that Swift Thunder Devouring Beast most cares about is Ice Spirit Grass that he racks brains not to do. 风逍苦笑。风瑶说的不失一个很好的方法,可是那个疾电吞雷兽最在意的东西偏偏就是他绞尽脑汁也搞不到的冰灵草 Wait/Etc....... 等等…… In the Feng Xiao brain the miraculous glow flashes suddenly, he quickly concentrates Intelligence (mind/spirit), that idea tight holds. 风逍脑中忽然灵光一闪,他迅速集中精神,将那个想法紧紧的抓住。 Perhaps, can try! 或许,可以一试! Yao'er, you were really too intelligent.” Feng Xiao could not bear on the Feng Yao face has attracted ruthlessly. 瑶儿,你真是太聪明了。”风逍忍不住在风瑶脸上狠狠的吸了一下。 Little Tian, Little Bing, Miss Liu, Rourou (soft), Xiruo, Yao'er, I walked first, you eat slowly!” Feng Xiao impatient displaying Infinite Space Gate vanished in original place, left behind a face to faint several people that red Yao'er and look varied. 小天,小冰,刘大小姐,柔柔,夕若,瑶儿,我先走了,你们慢慢吃!”风逍迫不及待的施展“无限空间门”消失在了原地,留下一脸晕红的瑶儿和神色各异的几人。 On the Xiao Tian face not steerable reveals one to lose, but diverges quickly, changed into a face to feel relaxed, looked at Liu Qing'er. 萧天脸上不可控制的露出一丝失落,但很快散去,换成一脸释然,看了一眼身边的刘清儿 Liu Qing'er is thinking: Actions between these two brother and sister were also too intimate, was my thought falls behind?” 刘清儿则是在想:“这两兄妹之间的举动也太亲密了吧,难道是我思想落伍了?” Chen Bing still installs his ice sculpture, on the Yang Xiruo face flashes through low-spirited, Rourou (soft) is a face does not abandon. 陈冰依然装他的冰雕,杨夕若脸上闪过黯然,柔柔则是一脸的不舍。 Illuminated you saying that the Immortal Beast specially fierce appearance, a Brother Xiao person can cope probably?” Liu Qing'er broke silent, curious asking. “照你们说的,仙兽好像特别厉害的样子,逍哥一人可以对付的了吗?”刘清儿打破了沉默,好奇的问道。 Saying that a Xiao Tian face feels relieved: Relax, can by the person who I and Bingkuai (ice cube) recognize as the eldest child be able to be the simple character? Let alone Immortal Beast, is the Divine Beast eldest child can also a finger stab to death!” 萧天一脸放心的说道:“放心吧,能被我和冰块认作老大的人能是简单人物吗?别说仙兽,就是神兽老大也能一个指头戳死啊!” The muscle on Chen Bing face has not twitched on own initiative. 陈冰脸上的肌肉不自觉的抽动了一下。 I and Bingkuai (ice cube) eldest child, that is in the person Divine Dragon, God descends to earth absolutely, breaks wind can smell as sweet ten thousand miles, draws a lump of excrement to incur the bee to direct the butterfly......” “我和冰块的老大,那绝对是人中神龙,天神下凡,放个屁都能飘香万里,拉坨屎都能招蜂引蝶……” ...... 噗…… All people have spurted the meal of mouth. 所有人都把嘴里的饭菜喷了出来。 Little Tian, I must kill you!!!” 小天,我要杀了你!!!” Wa!! Qing'er forgives Ah...... Ah~ Bingkuai (ice cube) how including you also with icy cold to hit me......” 哇!清儿饶命啊…啊~~冰块怎么连你也用冰凌打我……”
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