KW :: Volume #6

#18: The person of forehead

Emperor Taitsung Li Shimin, he from the birth to the present, experienced many tribulations and setbacks, has encountered many dangers, the life and death hangs in a time. 唐太宗李世民,他从出生到现在,经历了多少磨难与挫折,又遭遇过多少次危险,生死悬于一线的时刻。 Led with the Sui Dynasty military officer war, Incident at Xuanwu Gate, after becoming an emperor, made determined efforts, casts the Tang magnificent time. But to today, has not actually thought that will bump into so the aspect. 领军与隋朝将领大战,玄武门之变,成为皇帝之后又励精图治,铸就大唐辉煌的时刻。但到了今日,却没想到会碰到如此局面。 Really has the official, said his virtue non- coordinate? 竟然有臣子,说他德不配位? The complexion becomes ugly, Li Shimin overlooks under this, the look becomes ice-cold. 脸色变得难看之极,李世民俯视这下方,眼神变得冰冷。 You know that what you were saying?” “你知道你在说什么吗?” That person of back is straight, the facial color is indifferent, the upfront direct resentment comes. 那人腰杆笔直,面色冷漠,正面直接怼过来。 I naturally know, your majesty.” “我自然知道,陛下。” Li Shimin sits on the dragon chair, long time has not spoken, he has smiled suddenly. 李世民坐在龙椅上,半晌没有说话,他忽然笑了起来。 Inexplicable, he realized the clues. Recently the Changancheng wind and rain wants, covers in dark clouds, now, the dark cloud diverges, the storm actually came. 莫名的,他察觉到了蛛丝马迹。近日来长安城风雨欲来,笼罩在一片乌云之中,如今,乌云散去,暴风雨却已经来了。 The goal of that group of people, is position under this buttocks. 那伙人的目标,正是自己这屁股下的位置。 Only what he has not thought that this group of people unexpectedly are so brave, launched the attack above the deliberation hall to him directly. 他唯一没想到的是,这伙人竟然是如此胆大,直接就在朝堂之上向他发动了进攻。 Really extremely arrogant, rampant! 真是狂妄,嚣张啊! Hahahaha, this feared that is not your meaning, but is behind you meaning of person!” “哈哈哈哈,这怕不是你的意思,而是你背后之人的意思吧!” Also good, today, we open wide the surface simply, makes me have a look, your this groups hide in person in secret, now was in any situation, dares in this deliberation hall, to make me abdicate in court!” “也好,今日,我们索性敞开面来,就让朕看看,你们这伙隐藏在暗中的人,如今到底到了什么地步,敢在这朝堂上,当庭让朕退位!” Although in the Li Shimin surface is the smiling face, but the cold light in eye is actually explodes dodges, body King's Might fills the air, oppresses to under. 李世民面上虽然是笑容,但眼中的冷光却是爆闪,身上王威弥漫,压迫向下方。 But his sovereign imposing manner, already had the official of preparation to these without doubt, the function does not have slightly. 但他的皇者气势,却无疑对这些早已有了预备的臣子,丝毫作用都没有。 Since your majesty you want to take a look, then, makes you know, present Changancheng, is my Qin's Nation world!” “既然陛下您想看看,那么,就让您知晓,如今的长安城,已经是我秦国的天下了!” Official indifferently said. 那臣子淡淡道 His words exit|to speak, filling toward civil and military, about 80% people, forward will step forward one step. This movement neat such as one, steps on the ground, exudes sound loudly, shakes the deliberation hall to shake. 他话语一出口,身后的满朝文武中,将近八成的人,都是向前跨出一步。这动作整齐如一,踩在地面上,发出轰然之声,震得朝堂都是一抖。 The Li Shimin pupil contraction, in the heart has the inconceivable feeling. 李世民瞳孔收缩,心中生出不可思议的感觉。 The person who his glances, above shocking discovery this deliberation hall stand, the official military commanders have, even many, is the people who he looks familiar. Now, the unexpectedly reverse treachery, has aimed at him the spearhead, must compel him to abdicate. At this moment, he recalled suddenly, initially forced oneself father's time. 他一个个扫视而下,震惊的发现这朝堂之上站立的人,文臣武将都有,其中甚至很多,都是他眼熟的人。如今,竟然反向倒戈,将矛头指向了他,要迫他退位。此时此刻,他恍然间回忆起了,当初逼迫自己父亲的时刻。 Present do , have what difference with that father? 如今的自己,与那位父亲又有何区别? His outstanding ability and grand vision, his Jin/benevolent Ci Aimin, said the hydro energy to carry the boat also to be able the famous saying of capsized boat, but faced this time scene, a hero was late in life, how did not know should the feeling from place. 他雄才大略,他仁慈爱民,说出水能载舟亦能覆舟的名言,但面对此时的场景,却有一种英雄迟暮,不知该如何自处的感觉。 Good!” “好!” After long time, Li Shimin just now difficult puts out a character from the mouth, mirthless smile. 半晌后,李世民方才艰难的从嘴中吐出一个字,惨笑一声。 Sudden compelling palace, really so the towering, such aspect, does he have what means? 突如其来的逼宫,竟然如此的突兀,如此的局面,他又有何办法? Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and other current dynasty prime minister, Minister, is at this moment startled at the scene, suddenly the heart five senses mixed Chen. This time aspect, in their perhaps heart early some expectations, but similarly is also hard to accept. 魏征,房玄龄等当朝宰相,大臣,此刻也是怔在当场,一时间心中五味杂陈。此时的局面,他们或许心中早有预料,但也同样难以接受。 Who your back people are, making him come out!” “你们背后的人是谁,让他出来吧!” Li Shimin sits on the dragon chair, the facial color becomes tranquil, overlooks below said lightly. 李世民坐在龙椅上,面色变得平静,俯视下方淡淡说道。 Can make so scene character, inevitably is not the general commonplace. Present Changancheng, compared with Sui Dynasty last years the time, wanted easily does not force Minister to rebel, is not absolutely easy. 能制造出如此场面的人物,必然不是一般等闲。如今的长安城,可不比隋朝末年时期,想要轻易的逼迫大臣们反叛,绝对没有那么容易。 In the piping time of peace, no one wants to take the blame for treason. 太平盛世中,谁也不想背负叛国的罪名。 In Journey to the West world, although God demon is unceasing, but the history on this lands, actually somewhat approaches with Earth, has many common grounds. 西游世界中,尽管神魔不断,但这片土地上的历史,却有些接近与地球,有着许多共同点。 His words say, under group of ministers did not say a word, they revealed a path for the middle voluntarily, whose arrival seemed waiting. 他话语说出口,下方群臣却是一言不发,他们自行为中间露出一条道路来,似乎在等待着谁的到来。 Li Shimin felt that anything, looked toward the palace outside, Wei Zheng and the others the vision changes outside. 李世民感觉到了什么,向着殿外看去,魏征等人目光转向外面。 King Qin!!” “秦王陛下到!!” After 34 breath, sang sound to get up together dignifiedly. 34个呼吸后,一道威严的唱诺声响起。 Follows, the sincere, overbearing, dignified music reverberation, the form stride enters together. 紧随其后,厚重,霸道,威严的音乐回荡,一道身影跨步而入。 He wears a Black Dragon long gown, the top of the head jade crown, the waist is carrying on the arm the long sword, looks about the air/Qi of dignified ruling by force to fill the air, made full Korean Wudu is in the heart one tight. That pair of chilly pupil, resembles can see through their innermost feelings, very sharp. 他身穿一袭黑龙袍服,头顶玉冠,腰间挎着长剑,顾盼之间威严霸道之气弥漫而出,令满朝文武都是心中一紧。那双清冷的眸子,似是能看穿他们的内心,十分的犀利。 Li Shimin sees this form, the whole person is startled at the scene. 李世民看着这道身影,整个人都是怔在了当场。 As the king, regarding King profound of makings nature feeling, with this compared with the man who takes a step to enter, he looks like the young boy is generally weak small and weakly. 作为帝王,对于王者的气质自然感受的更加深刻,与这迈步而入的男子相比,他就像是幼童一般幼稚弱小。 Among two people, the disparity was too big! 两人之间,差距太大了! That person of footsteps slow reality is quick, his back also tight with person of the teams of facial color solemn and respectful brocade robes, looks at its imposing manner, is the official, after entering Imperial Court, was in most front position unrestrained/no trace of politeness, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Du Ruhui and the others was pushes behind. 那人脚步似慢实快,他的背后还紧紧跟着一队队面色肃穆的锦袍之人,看其气势,也是文臣,进入朝中后,毫不客气的占据了最前排的位置,将房玄龄,魏征,杜如晦等人都是挤到了后面。 Li Shimin, you get down.” “李世民,你下去吧。” When Qin Yi takes a step to walk up the stair, puts out a few words lightly. 秦逸迈步走上台阶之时,淡淡吐出一句话。 Simple a few words, deeply have actually printed in Li Shimin's heart, making his whole body tremble, cannot help but has stood, making way position. 简单的一句话,却是深深印入了李世民的心中,让他全身一颤,不由自主的站了起来,让开位置。 Afterward, Qin Yi sits in the dragon chair position, slight ill does not have. 随后,秦逸坐在龙椅位置,丝毫的不适都没有。 I seal you as Tang king, today, you then listen respectfully to the imperial decree, does not need to handle other matters.” “朕封你为唐王,今日,你便聆听圣旨,无须做其他事情。” The Qin Yi sound spreads once more. 秦逸的声音再次传出。 The Li Shimin body is startled, responded that in the heart lost, moves toward under. 李世民身体一怔,反应过来,心中失落,走向下方。 He does not know why faces this semblance young man, looks like the child is ordinary, is unable to revolt against any instruction of opposite party. Suddenly, looks like, only then obeys the order of opposite party, is the truth and truth in world is ordinary. 就连他自己都不知道,为何面对这外表年轻的男子,就像是孩童一般,根本无法反抗对方的任何指令。恍然间,就像是,只有听从对方的命令,才是世间的真理与道理一般。 Starting from today, Tang Guoyou I controls, you calmed the mind to work then, does not need other worries.” “从即日起,唐国由朕掌控,尔等静心做事即可,不需要有其他担心。” Facing below Tang Dynasty feudal officials, Qin Yi said lightly. 面对下方唐朝众臣,秦逸淡淡说道。 An ordinary world of mortals dynasty, he does not need to make the management. 一个普通的凡间王朝,他不需要多做管理。 National affairs, are supervised by Zhuge Kongming and Tang king together, you were many.” “国家大事,由诸葛孔明与唐王共同监管,尔等多多辅助。” Spoke thoughtlessly the instruction, under group of ministers should with one voice under. 随口下了指令,下方群臣齐声应下。 Wei Zheng and the others stare, has not thought the king who this new superior, shows absolutely no concern to the national affairs unexpectedly. 魏征等人一愣,没想到这位新上位的帝王,对国家大事竟是丝毫不关心。 His uphold eye secretly, looked at Qin Yi. 他偷偷的抬起眼睛,多看了一眼秦逸 Is this, lets in his heart the big quake, appears panic-strickenly. 就是这一眼,却让他心中大震,浮现起惊骇。 That king also simultaneously overlooked to him, the chilly vision made in his heart be startled, sensation to anything. 那位帝王也是同时俯视向了他,清冷的目光让他心中一怔,感知到了什么。 This, this is the person of forehead!!” “这,这是天庭的人!!” After Qin Yi deeply stared at Wei Zheng one eyes, takes back the look. 秦逸深深盯了魏征一眼后,收回眼神。 The world of mortals dynasty, he does not plan to make the management. In fact, in Otherworld that such as Tang Dynasty such country, Qin's Nation accepted, had numerous number simply, commonplace. 凡间王朝,他并不打算多做管理。实际上,如唐朝这样的国家,秦国所收容的异世界中,简直多不胜数,毫不起眼。 Now receives, for the layout of Journey to the West world. 如今接收,也只是为了西游世界的布局而已。 After short several words, Qin Yi then left the deliberation hall, only remaining fills toward civil and military each other looks at each other, under the heart indulges in flights of fancy. 短短几句话后,秦逸便离开了朝堂,只剩下满朝文武彼此对视间,心下胡思乱想。 Forehead meddled the matter of world of mortals unexpectedly.” “天庭竟然插手凡间之事了。” This what's the matter?!” “这到底是怎么回事?!” In Wei Zheng heart disturbed, recollections in close succession. 魏征心中忐忑,浮想联翩。 In his opinion, an ordinary Tang Dynasty, was not worth the forehead paying attention. 在他看来,一个普通的唐朝,根本不值得天庭关注。 But the status of this young king, actually unusual, immortal officer level that faint sensation arrives, is also fearful and apprehensive including him.( https://) 但这位年轻帝王的身份,却偏偏不同寻常,那隐隐感知到的仙官位阶,连他也胆颤心惊。(https://)
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