KW :: Volume #6

#19: Goku heaven

Qin Yi naturally cannot care about in Wei Zheng heart to think anything, or is having anything to have doubts. 秦逸自然不会关心魏征心中在想什么,亦或者在存在着什么疑惑。 Tang was grasped in his hands, has the endless convenience, to then his layout, has the extremely essential function. 大唐被掌握在他的手中,有着无尽的便利,对接下来他的布局,也有着极为关键的作用。 Some significance, this national territory, then becomes he gambling of small scale teaches with the West. 某种意义上来讲,这片国土,接下来将会成为他与西方教的一场小规模的博弈。 How in his heart understood the opposite party to play chess, but the opposite party will actually not know his board game piece trend. 只是,他心中已经明了了对方会如何下棋,而对方却不会知道他的棋子走势。 The time passed slowly, the Tang entire country, in the short half a month time, all had then been controlled by Parliamentary Institute in the palm, he with the aid of the strength of King, achieved to all of this country such as has wielded. 时间缓缓度过,大唐整座国家,在短短的半个月时间,便已经被议事院尽数掌控在手心里,他借助国王之力,也对这个国家的一切都做到了了如执掌。 Many matters give Parliamentary Institute to handle, in the Qin Yi heart also very much felt relieved. 诸多事情交给议事院去办理,秦逸心中也很放心。 Afterward, he returns to the forehead , to continue to perceive through meditation the content in law of the land, enters the slow practice. 随后,他回到天庭中,继续参悟王法中的内容,进入缓慢的修炼。 After entering the boundary of gold/metal immortal, cultivating of Qin Yi for the advancement was slow, in his heart clear, this was the normal response. 进入金仙之境后,秦逸的修为进境便是慢了下来,他心中清楚,这是正常的反应。 Law of the land Cultivation Method, the most important characteristics are intensive, but follows the massive energies intensively inevitably, is the world vitality, consumption of Spiritual Qi. The earlier period said fortunately that with the help of flat peach, was allows him to enter gold/metal Xian. But after this, was actually at wit's end. 王法这种功法,最重要的特性便是速成,而速成必然伴随着大量的能量,也即是天地元气,灵气的消耗。前期还好说,在蟠桃的帮助下,更是让他进入了金仙。但这之后,却就无计可施了。 „To go a step further again, only then drew support from this side world the strength of destiny!” “想要再进一步,只有借助这方世界的气运之力了!” Qin Yi is familiar with the Journey to the West plot, in the heart naturally also already had many plans. 秦逸西游的剧情熟悉,心中自然也早已有了诸多打算。 He treated in Qin Royal Hall static was waiting, the board game piece has been ready approximately, now on and other starts of chessgame. 他待在秦王殿中静静的等候着,棋子已经大致准备就绪,现在就等棋局的开始了。 Actually in the following day, Qin Yi crosses comfortable. 接下来的日子里,秦逸倒是过的舒服的很。 Chang E once in a while, then can come to sing to dance for him, flirts with the eyes to him. The time was long, the thoughts of this forehead female fairy maiden, are the performance of scarlet fruits on the face. 嫦娥每隔一段时间,便会过来为他唱歌跳舞,对他眉目传情。时间久了,这位天庭女仙子的心思,已经是赤果果的表现在了脸上。 Qin Yi regarding this is actually only the appreciation, but does not have other thoughts. 秦逸对此却只是欣赏,而没有其他心思。 King this race, along with the growth of subordinates influence, the great strength of own strength, the body naturally can emerge meaning of the overbearing King, there is a derring-do, the bearing of tiger's roar mountain forest. 国王这个种族,随着麾下势力的增长,自身实力的强大,身上自然会涌现出一股霸道的王者之意,有一种气吞山河,虎啸山林的气度。 But this Hegemonic Aura, is fatal to the opposite sex attraction. 而这种王霸之气,对异性的吸引力是致命的。 The time, daily was playing an instrument and singing, under the wine-tasting passed slowly. 时间,就在日日弹唱,品酒之下缓缓度过。 Finally, sat cross-legged Qin Yi on the 1st in Qin Royal Hall, the vision concentrates, in the surface gushed out the happy expression. 终于有一日,盘坐在秦王殿中的秦逸,目光一凝,面上涌出了笑意。 Why does your majesty show the smiling face?” “陛下为何露出笑容?” Nearby Chang E's curious Asking (the Dao). 一旁的嫦娥好奇的问道 Waiting for a long time matter, must take the stock rail finally, this happy is naturally right.” “等待许久的事情,终于要走上正轨了,自然该开心才对。” Qin Yi said with a smile. 秦逸笑道。 What matter?” “什么事?” A words exit|to speak, Chang E knows that made an indiscreet remark. 话一出口,嫦娥就知道失言了。 Matter that this character cares about, should not be she can worry, incautiously will annoy the catastrophe. 这种人物所关心的事情,不应该是她能够操心的,一不小心就会惹出大祸来。 Mood somewhat disturbed looks to Qin Yi, the latter has not actually cared, had not replied. 心情有些忐忑的看向秦逸,后者却没有在乎,却也没有回答。 Safe, your my two people treated are enough here!” “无事,你我二人待在这里便足以了!” Vision looked at one after south Heavens' Gate direction, Qin Yi with Chang E leisurely and carefree enjoys. 目光向着南天门方向看了一眼后,秦逸又是与嫦娥两人悠闲享受起来。 During the zither music curls, imitates such as the singing sound of mist also along with it resounding. 琴音袅袅之中,彷如云烟的歌声也是随之响起。 Meanwhile, two golden light arrived at outside southern Heavens' Gate. 与此同时,两道金光已是来到了南天门外。 Halts!” “站住!” The demon ritual azure demon ritual sea gives a loud shout, goes out from south Heavens' Gate, keeps off in front of the golden light. 魔礼青魔礼海大喝一声,从南天门两侧走出,挡在金光面前。 Two Son of Heaven, below Taibaijinxing!” “两位天王,在下太白金星!” Features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality, the crane sends the young face, the forehead is leading the old man of Venus, goes out of the golden light, said with a smile. 一仙风道骨,鹤发童颜,眉心带着金星的老者,走出金光,笑着说道。 Originally is your this husband!” “原来是你这老倌!” The demon ritual shot a look at Taibaijinxing one eyes azure, said with a smile loudly. 魔礼青瞥了太白金星一眼,大声笑道。 Afterward, he looked at its side to reveal the person of personal appearance, revealed the vision of doubts. 随后,他又是看了看其身侧露出身形的人,露出疑惑的目光。 Who is this person?” “此人是谁?” He is Sun Wukong, your majesty likes being cherished, the special order I summoned it to enter the palace, allows its government position, later, with me and others was the colleague.” “他是孙悟空,陛下爱才心切,特命我召其入宫,许了其官职,以后,与我等就是同僚了。” Taibaijinxing said with a smile. 太白金星笑着说道。 Sun Wukong stands in the one side, looks in this impression, by the Son of Heaven who a oneself club overthrows, was realizing carefully its imposing manner, the vision glitters slightly. 孙悟空站在一旁,看着这印象中,被自己一棒子打倒的天王,仔细体会着其身上的气势,目光微微闪烁。 With impression in small and weak different, at this time he contrasts two people of imposing manners, unexpectedly equally matched feelings. 与印象中的弱小不同,此时他对比两人身上气势,竟然有一种不相上下的感觉。 Really has the issue!” “果然有问题!” In the heart causes suspicion, Sun Wukong alerts. 心中生疑,孙悟空戒备起来。 From seeing that moment of Taibaijinxing, Sun Wukong knows that own destiny approached. To avoid, is unable to avoid. Perhaps, the future way, early some people have decided for oneself. In such situation, seems is a standing net, solid will have covered, is unable to revolt. 从看到太白金星的那一刻起,孙悟空就知道自己的命运已经来临了。想躲避,也是无法躲避的。也许,未来的路数,早已经有人为自己定了下来。这样的情况下,就好似是一张网,严严实实的已经将自己笼罩在内,根本无法反抗。 Only then integrates, just now can in the big net of this destiny knitting, seek a slim chance of survival. 只有融入其中,方才能够在这命运编织的大网中,寻求到一线生机。 But now, is he marches into this giant chessgame the first day. 而如今,就是他步入这张巨大棋局的第一天。 Faint, Sun Wukong as if saw that takes the world as the checkerboard, life-long for the terrifying of board game piece, making the person mind drag, the body trembled. 隐隐中,孙悟空仿佛看到了那以天地为棋盘,终生为棋子的恐怖,令人心神摇曳,身体发颤。 Sun Wukong? He that hedgehog hydnum that causes trouble in Mt. Huaguo?” 孙悟空?他就是在花果山闹事的那个猴头?” The demon ritual sea looks to Sun Wukong, after observing one, reveals wipes the smiling face. 魔礼海看向孙悟空,观察了一眼后,露出一抹笑容。 Was good, goes in!” “行了,进去吧!” Taibaijinxing after two day King's Way thanked, entrains the Son Goku's arm, two people changed into the golden light once more, south broke in the days. 太白金星向两位天王道谢后,一拽孙悟空的胳膊,二人再次化为金光,冲入南天们之中。 Sun Wukong, is the expression is all the way light, has not displayed any overact. 孙悟空一路上,都是表情平淡,并没有表现出任何的过激反应。 Here all, he personally has not experienced freely, but obtained ahead of time, has feeling of the inexplicable being familiar. 这里的一切,他尽管没有亲身经历过,但却提前已经得到了,恍惚间有一种莫名的熟悉之感。 In an instant, two people arrived in Lingxiao Baodian. 只是一转眼,二人已经到了凌霄宝殿之内。 Looks at that assorted ray twinkle, vault as if starry sky the treasure palace, is observing full court the numerous immortals again, the Sun Wukong careful experience, had discovered thing that he in that future has not realized. 看着那各色光芒闪烁,穹顶仿佛星空般的宝殿,再观察着满庭的众仙,孙悟空细细体会,发现了那未来中的他所未察觉到的东西。 These immortal Gods, on each wind around the golden light of sparkle, the whole body are wrapping in the mysticalness, gives the strong pressure. Sincere feeling that at this moment feels, will be in that future does not have. 这些仙神,每一个身上都缭绕着闪耀的金光,浑身包裹在神秘之中,给人以浓重的威压。此刻所感受到的厚重感,是那未来中没有过的。 These immortal Gods, really hideaway deep of very!” “这些仙神,果然隐藏的很深!” Sun Wukong thought that oneself had discovered the true meaning of this world, unveiled the false veil. 孙悟空觉得,自己发现了这个世界的真谛,揭开了虚伪的面纱。 In his heart the recollections in close succession, have thought the lots. 他的心中浮想联翩,想了很多东西。 Then, including jade emperor to seal/confer Shang, Taibaijinxing's suggestion, he is only false acceptance, was dealing with pass. 接下来,包括玉帝的封赏,太白金星的建议,他只是虚伪的接受,应付着度过。 Is ordinary with the future, Sun Wukong became the immortal officer of forehead, he has been a person of horse breeding, is Bi Mawen. 与未来一般,孙悟空成为了天庭的仙官,他做了一个养马的人,也就是弼马温。 Bi Mawen, is Bi Mawen!” “弼马温,还是弼马温!” Hehe!” “呵呵!” Sneers, in the Sun Wukong heart angry. 冷笑一声,孙悟空心中愤怒的很。 Even if knew the truth, his actually still anger very much, only felt an anger to over a hundred meets the hole, burns the whole body to shiver. 哪怕已经知道了真相,他却依然怒的很,只感觉一股火气冲上百会穴,烧得自己全身都颤抖。 Hedgehog hydnum, calms down!” “猴头,冷静下来!” Is you should matter of doing!” “做你该做的事情!” In this time, great sound is resounding in his mind together, making him sober fiercely. 正在这时,一道伟岸的声音在他脑海中响起,让他猛地清醒过来。 Master!” “师傅!” Sun Wukong quickly grasps the meaning of something, pleasantly surprised calling out. 孙悟空一个激灵,惊喜的叫道。 But that sound following, actually again did not resound, seemed reminding him to be ordinary, making Sun Wukong one lose. 但那声音接下来,却再未响起,似乎只是在提醒他一般,让孙悟空一阵失落。 After several day, in the Son Goku's mind has resounded the Qin Yi sound. 几日之后,孙悟空的脑海中又响起了秦逸的声音。 Goku, comes here.” 悟空,来我这里。” In Qin Royal Hall.” “秦王殿中。” Sun Wukong pleasantly surprised standing up, the personal appearance changes into together the golden light immediately, rushes to the upper air, directly soared Qin Royal Hall to go.( https://) 孙悟空惊喜的站起身,身形顿时化为一道金光,冲上高空,直奔秦王殿而去。(https://)
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