KW :: Volume #6

#17: Usurping the throne

In the history, is in all sorts of deduction, Changancheng is occupying the important role. 无论是在历史,还是种种演绎中,长安城都在其中占据着重要的角色。 But in the Journey to the West world, was makes this city add a God demon color. 而在西游世界,更是让这座城市增添了一副神魔的色彩。 Has in the God demon world, the back of all living things, has the God demon introduction without a doubt, this is unavoidable. 拥有神魔的世界里,众生的背后,毫无疑问都有着神魔的引子,这是无法避免的。 Enters Chang'an, the lively lively aura of coming, then makes Qin Yi at present one bright. 一进入长安,迎面而来的繁华热闹气息,便让秦逸眼前一亮。 This indeed is an appealing city, the construction of old style, the old-style clothing, makes Qin Yi recall myriad suddenly. 这的确是一座吸引人的城市,古式的建筑,古式的服装,恍然间让秦逸回忆万千。 The dream returned to Tang, once was many people's dreams, Tang this time, has the endless legend and regret. 梦回大唐,曾是多少人的梦想,大唐这个时代,有着无尽的传说与遗憾。 Walks on the avenue, Qin Yi sees in the both sides street garrets, is hanging red lanterns, the sounds of clamoring, the happy talks and laughters hear unceasingly, the inexplicable feeling is happy. 行走在大街上,秦逸看到两侧街道阁楼上,悬挂着一个个红色的灯笼,一道道喧哗的声音,欢声笑语不绝入耳,莫名的感觉到心情舒畅。 Your majesty, from the mortal perspective, Chang'an is a very lively city!” “陛下,从凡人角度来说,长安已是一座很繁华的城市了!” Zhuge Kongming behind was saying. 诸葛孔明在身后说道。 His both sides, the Qin's Nation soldier closely follows, frequently is alerting. 他的两侧,秦国战士紧紧跟随,时刻戒备着。 Good!” “不错!” Qin Yi nods. 秦逸点头。 He steps out, saw that on the street has the swordsman to wear the bamboo hat, defeated/carrying sword line, there is officers of military might to lead the common soldier to patrol the streets. 他加快脚步,看到街道上有剑客头戴斗笠,负剑而行,也有威武的将士带领兵士巡街。 Finally, Zhuge bright band Qin Yi, before going to a manor. 最终,诸葛亮带着秦逸,来到一座庄园前。 Various Ge Residence?” “诸葛府?” Looks at the signboard in this manor gate, Qin Yi looks with a smile to Zhuge Liang. 看着这庄园门上的牌匾,秦逸笑着看向诸葛亮。 Does in Rome as Rome does, Court Officer has also built a mansion for oneself.” “入乡随俗,臣下也是为自己打造了一座府邸。” Zhuge Liang said with a smile. 诸葛亮笑道。 After entering in the mansion, Qin Yi sits on the seat of honor, opens the mouth at will Asking (the Dao). 进入府中后,秦逸坐在主位上,随意开口问道 To control of Chang'an how?” “对长安的掌控度如何了?” Mentioned the proper business to look that Zhuge Liang enforces immediately. 提到正事看,诸葛亮立刻严肃起来。 „The Parliamentary Institute juniors, in the arrangement of Court Officer, enter the royal government massively, some senior officials, mostly were also bribed by us.” 议事院子弟,在臣下的安排中,大量进入朝政,一些高官,大多也被我们买通。” Other, such as Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, behind them or the bright demon introduction, I and others has not acted rashly.” “另外一些,如房玄龄,魏征,他们背后或有神魔引子,我等并没有轻举妄动。” But at any time has also been ready, only need issue an order, momentarily then can control.” “但也已经随时做好了准备,只需一声令下,随时便可以掌控。” Emperor Taitsung Li Shimin, now, the strict sense, had been built on stilts by our people.” “唐太宗李世民,如今,严格意义上来说,已经被我们的人架空了。” Qin Yi nods, the finger is rapping the chair handle, after having pondered the meeting. 秦逸点点头,手指敲击着椅柄,思考了会后。 Carries on as soon as possible, more early grasps this country, earlier facilitates us to handle affairs.” “尽快进行吧,越早掌握这座国家,也越早的方便我们行事。” Zhuge Liang nods seriously: Yes, your majesty! I get down immediately the instruction.” 诸葛亮严肃的点头:“是,陛下!我马上下去吩咐。” Li Shimin this person of outstanding ability and grand vision, other people also quite have the ability, if, received my Qin's Nation.” “李世民此人雄才大略,其余之人也颇有才气,如果可以,收入我秦国之中。” Qin Yi also said. 秦逸又是道。 Yes!” “是!” Zhuge Liang nods to say. 诸葛亮点头道。 He knows, once the plan starts, your majesty such character, displaces Li Shimin inevitably. 他知道一旦计划开始,陛下此等人物,必然是将李世民取而代之的。 Works!” “去做事吧!” Qin Yi waves to say. 秦逸挥手道。 Zhuge Liang turns around immediately, does not delay. 诸葛亮立刻转身,一刻也不耽搁。 In Changancheng, after he arrives at this world, then early in making preparation, now already basically complete, only needs to carry on some small procedures again, this state, will then degenerate into the weapon in their Qin's Nation hand. Regardless in Qin Yi, is in the plan of Parliamentary Institute, Chang'an is their important part. 长安城中,在他到来这片世界后,便早早的在做着准备,如今已经基本圆满,只需要再进行一些小手续,这座国度,便将沦为他们秦国手中的武器。无论在秦逸,还是在议事院的计划中,长安都是他们至关重要的一环。 Subdued Tang, Chang'an was only minor matter, more importantly, following matter, how should carry on.” “收服大唐,长安只是小事,重要的是,接下来的事情,该如何进行。” Qin Yi sits on the chair, vision glitters, is lost in thought. 秦逸坐在椅子上,目光闪烁,陷入沉思。 In Changancheng, in Daminggong. 长安城内,大明宫内。 Wei minister, may have to find out today, suddenly emerges that influence in city, is who?” “魏卿,可有查出今日来,突然涌入城中的那股势力,是什么人?” The Tang emperor, Li Shimin sinking sound Asking (the Dao), the expression was serious. 大唐天子,李世民沉声问道,语气严肃。 The highest hierarch as Tang, in own city emerged a group of unidentified people, he naturally knows. However, the status of this group of people, the goal is anything, the investigation is not clear throughout. Even, after these people enter, then likely vanished, making in his heart dread. 作为大唐的最高掌权者,自己的城中涌入了一批身份不明的人,他自然知晓。但是,这伙人的身份,目的是什么,却始终探查不清楚。甚至,这些人进入后,便像是消失了般,让他心中忌惮。 This group of people do not have shade, does not have trace, is truly difficult.” “这伙人来无影,去无踪,属实难查。” But, under the feudal official explores in all directions, has actually discovered the clues.” “但是,臣四处探索之下,却已经发现了蛛丝马迹。” A Wei Zheng face is resolute, the expression heavy is bringing seriously. 魏征一脸刚毅,语气沉重中带着严肃。 Said!” “说!” Li Shimin said. 李世民道。 They toward Imperial Court big Court Officer, quite a dove are occupying the trend in magpie nest.” “他们在向着朝中大臣下手,颇有一种鸠占鹊巢的趋势。” According to the slightly feudal official opinion, this group of people attempts is not small, rushes to your majesty you to come!” “依微臣拙见,这批人所图不小,是奔着陛下您来的!” Wei Zheng dignified say/way. 魏征凝重道。 Rushes to me to come?” “奔朕而来?” Li Shimin is startled, the facial color is also ugly. 李世民一怔,面色也是难看起来。 Tang just stilled, now the danger of Tujue also such as the fishbone in the throat, the outside war disasters rises from all directions, if the home began the disturbance, he has not known how really should handle. 大唐刚刚平定,如今突厥之危也如鲠在喉,外面兵乱四起,国内若是再起风波,他还真的不知道该如何处置了。 Now, we in bright, this group of people in dark, our they must make anything not to know that the situation is very dangerous.” “如今,我们在明,这伙人在暗,我们连他们要做什么都不知道,局势真的很危险。” Wei Zheng said slowly. 魏征缓缓说道。 How should I do?” “那朕该如何去做?” Li Shimin muttered, he did not have the idea. 李世民喃喃道,他没了主意。 Makes anything not to be good. Now the situation, can only calmly wait for that waits for this group of people to give oneself away.” “做什么都不行啊。如今局势,只能静静地等待,等这伙人露出马脚。” We can do, only then prepares all meeting head-on.” “我们能做的,也只有做好一切迎战的准备。” Fang Xuanling shakes the head, sighs to say. 房玄龄摇摇头,叹息一声说道。 When is the founding of the nation the setback tribulation of meeting, in his mind, does not have this stern. 哪怕是建国时所遇到的挫折磨难,在他的心中,也没有这一次严峻。 This group of people hide in secret, having a wave of undercurrent to surge, silent, lets behind the person round of cool. Now, who they even including the opposite party are, controlled a Changancheng several tenths strength unclear. 这伙人隐藏在暗中,带起一波暗流激荡,无声无息,让人背后发凉。如今,他们甚至连对方是谁,到底掌控了长安城几成的力量都不清楚。 Under the situation, is very so dangerous, is very uncomfortable. 如此局势下,真的很危险,也很难受。 Oh!” “唉!” Sighed one lightly, in Li Shimin heart helpless. 轻叹一声,李世民心中无奈。 Told Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin General and the others, the strict alert, momentarily paid attention in the city the sound!” “吩咐秦琼,程咬金将军等人,严密戒备,随时留意城中动静吧!” Yes!” “是!” Looks at each other one, two people sinking sound should say. 对视一眼,两人沉声应道。 Wei Zheng and Fang Xuanling are retroceding departure, turns around to depart shoulder to shoulder. 魏征与房玄龄后退着离开,并肩转身离去。 This time, Tang really danger!” “这次,大唐真的危矣啊!” Returns to the way, Fang Xuanling sighed. 回去路上,房玄龄叹道。 Wei Zheng facial color is invariable: This group of people were threatening, have to take Tang, but generation the stance, just now I said for your majesty, was one-sided.” 魏征面色不变:“这批人来势汹汹,有取大唐而代之的架势,方才我为陛下所说,也只是片面。” In fact, they do not know that with method, in city every large or small military officer, official, 70% fell into their hands.” “实际上,他们不知道用了手段,城内大大小小将领,官员,已经有七成落入他们手中。” Fang Xuanling changes color, after long time, is to send out a sigh. 房玄龄变色,半晌后又是发出一声叹息。 Does not know that what they do want? The hope does not only want life apply carbon.” “不知道他们到底要什么?只希望不要生灵涂炭。” Now the Changancheng common people enjoy a good and prosperous life, lively prosperous, such piping time of peace is really the pursue of everyone. 如今长安城百姓安居乐业,繁华昌盛,这样的太平盛世真的是每一个人的追求。 They want, feared that is your majesty throne!” “他们要的,怕是陛下的皇位!” Wei Zheng dao. 魏征道。 The time passes quickly, in a flash, is three days passes by. 时间过得很快,一晃眼,已是三天过去。 On this day, Li Shimin was well-dressed like the past, after the bronze mirror reorganized the good measuring appliance, just now in the company of side guard enters in Hanyuandian. 这一日,李世民如往日般穿戴整齐,面对铜镜整理好仪表后,方才在身旁侍卫的陪伴下进入含元殿中。 „Can love minister, what politics have to today report my?” “诸位爱卿,今日可有什么政事要禀告朕的?” He is with smile on the face, is overlooking below group of ministers, the body sends out light King's Way to be dignified. 他面带微笑,俯视着下方群臣,身上散发着淡淡的王道威严。 However, toward next silence, strange. 但是,朝下一片寂静,诡异的很。 Li Shimin had also detected quickly this strange atmosphere, smile in his surface diverges, becomes dignified. 李世民也很快发觉了这种奇怪的气氛,他面上的微笑散去,变得凝重起来。 Imposing manner that a wind and rain wants, sweeps across his mind, lets his facial color change. 一种风雨欲来的气势,席卷他的心灵,让他的面色变化。 Finally, under has a person of mark time in the front line, bends the waist to do obeisance, the sound is sonorous. 终于,下方有一人踏步走在最前方,弯腰拜下,声音铿锵坚决。 Your majesty, the feudal official believes that your virtue non- coordinate, was not suitable to work as this Tang emperor again!” “陛下,臣认为,您德不配位,已经不适合再当这大唐天子了!” This words what kind of execution heart, a word, making Li Shimin be startled directly at the scene. 这话语何等的诛心,一言而出,让李世民直接怔在了当场。 Seeks toward usurping the throne, does this person need to revolt?( https://) 谋朝篡位,这人是要造反吗?(https://)
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