KW :: Volume #6

#13: gold/metal Xian

This issue, it can be said that somewhat was incapable. Collection home station 这个问题,可以说是有些无力了。收藏本站 In the legend, had indicated Chang E is Houyi's wife, but afterward Chang E secretly had eaten Houyi from the Undead medicine that the queen mother of the west place obtains, finally trans-lunar becomes an immortal. 神话传说中,都表明了嫦娥是后羿的妻子,只是后来嫦娥偷食了后羿自西王母处求得的不死药,最终奔月成仙。 This moment Chang E heard after Qin Yi issue, actually slightly stares. 只是,此刻嫦娥闻听秦逸的问题后,却是微微一愣。 Houyi? Who is that? Chang E has not listened.” “后羿?那是何人?嫦娥未曾听过。” Qin Yi is startled, afterward said with a smile: So that's how it is! What song does the Chang E fairy maiden need to play today?” 秦逸一怔,随后笑道:“原来如此!嫦娥仙子今日要演奏什么曲子?” His heart next hundred revolutions, have determined, perhaps the Journey to the West world has been connected with that side world of antiquity great antiquity, but also has the enormous difference. This Chang E, looks at its expression, does not know that who Houyi is. The vacant expression of that flash, completely is not the camouflage, but proceeds from the instinct. 他心下百转,已是确定了,西游世界或许与上古洪荒的那方世界有所关联,但却又有着极大的不同。这嫦娥,看其表情,根本就不知道后羿是谁。那一瞬间的茫然表情,完全不是伪装,而是发自本能的。 Also from this point, Qin Yi understood, this Chang E of side world, with that legend at is not one person. 也是从这一点上,秦逸明白了,此方世界的嫦娥,与那神话传说中的根本不是一人。 Specifically, this time Chang E should become moon star Monarch, manages the Queen of night of moon, lives in the Moon Palace. She represents what is a legitimate immortal God, but is not character in the legend. 准确地说,此时的嫦娥应该成为太阴星君,是管理月亮的月神,居住在广寒宫之内。她所代表的的是一位正统仙神,而不是神话传说中的人物。 This world, did not have antiquity witch clan, naturally did not have Houyi. 这个世界,没有上古巫族,也自然没有后羿。 Has been connected with the great antiquity, actually isn't the great antiquity?” “与洪荒有所关联,却并不是洪荒吗?” Qin Yi looking pensive. 秦逸若有所思。 Mentioned is also, the Journey to the West world was divided into four most parts continents, but Great Desolate World, was actually a side Pangu world, the All Heavens stars, as well as the chaos space beyond world, compared with it Journey to the West must vast infinite, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 说来也是,西游世界分为四大部洲,而洪荒世界,却是一方盘古天地,诸天星辰,以及世界之外的混沌空间,比之西游要更加的浩瀚无穷,神秘莫测。 Chang E has not noted the Qin Yi expression, she smiled faintly full. 嫦娥并没有注意到秦逸的表情,她浅笑盈盈。 Today, Chang E wants for your majesty, to play «Queen of night Recitation», is I creates.” “今日,嫦娥想为陛下,演奏一曲《月神吟》,是我自己创作的。” Saying, Chang E is sits cross-legged to sit down, the skirt pendulum flutters to cover both feet, under the flowing light twinkle, the guzheng also appears on its knees. 说着,嫦娥便是盘膝坐下,裙摆飘荡间将双足掩盖起来,流光闪烁下,古筝也是出现在其双膝上。 zheng!” “埩!” The first sound gets up, following close on, is dropping like the raindrop, continuously, the melodious, persuasive zither music, such as the decadent music, was reverberating in Qin Royal Hall. Qin Yi is startled however, is caught up. 第一声响起,紧跟着,就如雨珠般滴落而下,此起彼伏,悠扬,婉转的琴音,如靡靡之音,在秦王殿中回响着。秦逸怔然之间,已是沉醉其中。 Chang E's zither music, her dance, making one be infatuated with. The sound hears at the same time, then can make people feel that the body and mind relaxes, sinks to another space and time, provides much food for thought. Is centered on place that she sits cross-legged to sit the ripples that temperament have swing. 嫦娥的琴音,也似她的舞蹈般,令人迷恋。声音入耳的同时,便能让人感觉到身心放松,沉入另一片时空,回味无穷。以她盘膝而坐的地方为中心,一圈圈音律所具备的涟漪荡出。 This sound really wonderful, the immortal sound is enormous and powerful. 这声音真的美妙,仙音浩荡。 The Qin Yi whole person becomes peacefully, calmly was realizing the ideal condition in this zither music, as if can wash the mind of person, making the boundary promote. 秦逸整个人都变得安静,静静地体会着这琴音中的意境,似乎能洗涤人的心灵,让境界提升。 For a very long time , the zither music just now stopped, Chang E is with smile on the face. 久久后,琴音方才停下了,嫦娥面带微笑。 „Does your majesty, how think?” “陛下,觉得如何?” On this sound only Yingtian had.” “此音只应天上有。” Qin Yi sighed. 秦逸叹道。 Front female, if is really in world wonderful female, such character , can only describe with the female celestial. 面前的女子,果真是世间奇女子,这样的人物,也只能用仙女形容了。 Afterward, two people sit, Qin Yi even suppressed within the body the strength of flat peach, was chatting with Chang E mutually. 随后,两人席地而坐,秦逸甚至将体内的蟠桃之力都压制了下去,转而与嫦娥互相聊着。 The topic is also some common issues, occasionally also will exchange the issue on Cultivation's Way. Has experienced Qin Yi of All Heavens world, in practice, naturally has the unique opinion, making the Chang E beautiful eye glisten. In addition, he also in optional chat, discusses the extra mundane with Chang E the beautiful scene, is makes this female celestial completely relaxed. 话题也就是一些寻常问题,偶尔也会交流修道上的问题。经历过诸天世界的秦逸,在修炼方面,自然有着自己独特的见解,让嫦娥美目闪亮。再加上,他也会在随意聊天中,与嫦娥探讨世外的美景,更是让这位仙女心旷神怡。 Has not thought that your majesty experiences, has so many wonderful.” “没想到,陛下所经历的,有如此多的神妙。” Chang E sighed that feels to yearn. 嫦娥叹道,感到向往。 In the forehead can have the qualifications to know that the Qin Yi status Immortal (Sennin) are not many, Chang E is one of them. 天庭中能够有资格知道秦逸身份的仙人并不多,嫦娥正好就是其中之一。 Therefore in her heart also clear, this present your majesty, is beyond the side the person, the body is having the unique aura. The opposite party her, looks like a profound actually good gem, frequently is attracting his attention. 因此她心中也清楚,这眼前的陛下,是方外之人,身上具备着独特的气息。对方于她来说,就像是一颗深邃却善良的宝石,时刻吸引着他的注意。 In world remarkable man, in the Chang E heart so wants to say. 世间奇男子,嫦娥心中如此想道。 After the moment, Chang E sets out to ask to be excused, she in front of Qin Yi, performance wants to approach, actually also desirably maintains the distance, very has the discretion. 片刻后,嫦娥起身告退,她在秦逸面前,表现的想要靠近,却也刻意的保持距离,十分有分寸。 After looking Chang E departs, Qin Yi just now takes back the look. 看着嫦娥离去后,秦逸方才收回眼神。 He sinks to Dantian the mind, looks that at this moment lives the splendor densely, the circulation restless everywhere brilliance, sighed. 他将心神沉入丹田,看着此刻氤氲生辉,流转不息的漫天光彩,不禁感叹。 This flat peach also is really world most precious object, the Spiritual Qi content of contains, simply terrifying in this way!” “这蟠桃还真是天地至宝,所含的灵气含量,简直恐怖如斯!” Afterward, he then no longer hesitant, the mind congealed, has relieved to the seal of strength in within the body flat peach. 随后,他便不再犹豫,心神一凝,解除了对体内蟠桃之力的封印。 Buzz!” “嗡!” In a twinkling, the ripples fluctuate, the strength of enormous and powerful seat massive flat peach is involved in Dantian, making nine big stars days revolve crazily, by the naked eye obvious speed full, becomes huge. 霎时间,涟漪波动,大量的蟠桃之力浩浩荡荡的席卷入丹田之内,让九大颗星辰旦疯狂运转起来,以肉眼可见的速度充盈,变得庞大。 Ka scratches!” “咔擦擦!” After 34 breaths, above nine star pill, presented the close fissure unexpectedly, and released the scarlet orange-red malachite green bluish violet assorted ray respectively. 只是34息后,九颗星丹之上,竟是出现了细密的裂痕,并且各自释放出了赤橙红绿青蓝紫各色光芒。 Faintly visible, nine colors vary, are having the object of head appearance, appears from the surface of stars, is breaking the shell. 隐隐可见,九颗颜色各异,具备着头颅模样的物体,从星辰的表面出现,正在破壳而出。 The speed that star pill revolves was faster, absorbs the speed of strength of flat peach also like lightning rapidly, that nine heads, quick have then revealed the nape of the neck, the upper body. 星丹运转的速度更快了,吸收蟠桃之力的速度也如闪电般迅疾,那九颗头颅,很快便是露出了脖颈,上身。 The times of dozens breaths, nine star pill thoroughly disrupt, change into the endless ray, sparkles in the Dantian star sea. 前后不过数十息的功夫,九颗星丹彻底碎裂,化为无尽光芒,闪耀在丹田星海之中。 Qin Yi swallows to attract, that endless ray, by nine broken shells, but the mountainside light body has inhaled in the body. 秦逸吞吸之间,那无尽的光芒,又是被九颗破壳而出的山腰光躯吸入了身体中。 At this time, sees only that is nine is without change with Qin Yi, is only various whole body sparkle brilliance different transparent energy bodies, the nose eye, the appearance, is exactly the same as Qin Yi, is very mysterious. 此时,只见那是九尊与秦逸一般无二,只是周身闪耀光彩各不同的透明能量体,鼻眼,模样,都与秦逸一模一样,十分神奇。 Yuan infant! 元婴! This was a Yuan infant. Other Immortal (Sennin), its life, can only cast a Yuan infant finally, is concise own all True Essence, the supernatural power. But Qin Yi, actually did nine! 这就是元婴了。其他仙人,终其一生,只能铸就一尊元婴,凝练着自身所有的真元,法力。但秦逸,却搞出了九尊! Nine Yuan infants, represent are being more boundless than other Immortal (Sennin), vigorous energy. 九尊元婴,代表着比其他仙人更加磅礴,雄浑的能量。 So, only needs to drip into the strength of my energetic, the soul integrates these nine Yuan infants, was changed into my Yuan God them.” “如此,只需要滴入我的精神之力,灵魂融入这九尊元婴,也即是将他们化为了我的元神。” The soul moves into the Yuan infant, casts the non- first fullmoon God, is representing the unification of own soul and energy, is the nihility and real union, true uniting. 灵魂入驻元婴,铸就无上元神,代表着自身灵魂与能量的统一,是虚无与真实的结合,真正的合一。 Qin Yi with rapt attention, that boundless such as in the mind in the knowledge sea of star sea squeezes out one drop, suddenly, in Dantian sparkles the endless radiant ray, changes into the innumerable granules, surges on the bodies of nine Yuan infant. These nine Yuan infants, become more transparent, eye-catching, radiant. 秦逸凝神,在脑海中那磅礴如星海的识海中挤出一滴,瞬息间,丹田之中闪耀出无尽的璀璨光芒,化为无数的粒子,激荡在九尊元婴之躯上。这九尊元婴,变得更加透明,夺目,璀璨。 They become bright, and has had the power and influence. 他们变得明亮,并且生出了威势。 That is an overbearing peerless, powerful incomparable King imposing manner. 那是一股霸道绝伦,强悍无比的王者气势。 Suddenly, nine Yuan Gods have opened both eyes, at this moment, the Dantian star sea were massive, looks like awakens 18 stars to be ordinary, this Dantian star sea photo incomparable bright, burning hot. 蓦然之间,九尊元神睁开了双目,这一刻,丹田星海大量,就像是觉醒了18颗恒星一般,将这丹田星海照的无比明亮,炙热。 One step strided in the boundary of Taiyi gold/metal immortal!” “一步跨入了太乙金仙之境!” Qin Yi opens the pupil, said with a smile. 秦逸睁开眸子,笑着说道。 So practice speed, if passes on, makes the entire world person shocking inevitably, is unable to believe. 如此修炼速度,若是传出去,必然让整个天下人震惊,无法置信。 But this is the talent attribute of Qin Yi that terrifying, coordinates its boundless inside story as well as cultivates, expedites childbirth. 但这就是秦逸那恐怖的天赋属性,配合其磅礴的底蕴以及自身修为后,所催生出来的。 gold/metal Xian, even if in entire world, that were also Expert that knew how things stand! 金仙,即便在整个天地间,那也是有数的强者了! But big gold/metal immortal, then belongs to the supreme boundary, is on outwardly most Expert of entire world! 而大罗金仙,则是属于至高无上的境界,是明面上整个世界的最强者 Qin Yi, is only the one pace. 秦逸,也只是一步之遥。
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