KW :: Volume #6

#12: The heart broke to pieces

However such repertoire, Qin Yi naturally likes. 不过这样的套路,秦逸自然是喜欢的。 The meaning of jade emperor this act, he was moved then to understand. 玉帝此举的含义,他动念间便已经想明白了。 Qin battle fathers' and sons' importance, was obvious to the jade emperor. In this Journey to the West world, several side situations strive to be overawed to transport, the jade emperor can be said as a weak side. In the past, when taught Tathagata facing the West, almost the time is inferior. 秦战父子的重要性,对玉帝来说是显而易见的。在这西游世界中,几方大势力争夺气运,玉帝可以说是最弱势的一方。以往,在面对西方教如来时,几乎次次都是处于劣势。 Now, Otherworld Expert comes to cooperate with him, he once had also seen Qin battle the strength, will naturally estimate to Qin Yi. 如今,异世界强者前来与他合作,他也曾见过秦战的力量,对秦逸自然也会进行预估。 In such situation, performs to win over two people to be also natural fully. 这样的情况下,尽一切全力拉拢两人也是理所当然的。 In two people, Qin battle enforced, fights intent to be powerful, to the matter of children, did not care, jade emperor nowhere. This badger game, has been one's turn Qin Yi. 两人中,秦战性格严肃,战意强盛,对儿女之事,根本就不在乎,玉帝无处着手。这美人计,也就轮到了秦逸 Naturally, as supreme existence, the jade emperor also clear this matter, is improves on perfection at most, cannot play the role of establishing a capital city. 当然,身为至高无上的存在,玉帝也清楚这种事情,顶多也就是锦上添花而已,起不到定鼎的作用。 In the mind, has delimited all these fast, Qin Yi is overlooking, Chang E walks slowly. 脑海中,将这一切快速划过,秦逸俯视着下方,嫦娥缓缓走来。 Among the facial features has a smile, the shoulder is thin, a long skirt, ingenious comes out the collar bone dew, its nimble and resourceful, composed makings, indeed are very appealing. 眉眼间含笑,肩膀瘦削,一袭长裙,巧妙的将锁骨露出来,其灵动,婉约的气质,的确很是吸引人。 King Qin, Chang E came thank your for your hospitality you.” “秦王陛下,嫦娥又来叨扰您了。” This flat peach, is the jade emperor your majesty felt that you recently cultivated, need the talent treasure to be together, therefore assigns me to bring.” “这蟠桃,是玉帝陛下感觉到您近日修炼,需要天才地宝相处,所以命我带来的。” Before arriving at the Qin Yi body, Chang E said in a soft voice. 来到秦逸身前,嫦娥轻声说道。 The Qin Yi pupil dodges, puts out a hand to attract, the flat peach entered in his hand. 秦逸眸子一闪,伸手一吸,蟠桃入了他的手中。 The short distance watches this whole body not to have a slight defect, is sending out the dense pink brilliance giant flat peach, the fragrance that in the nostrils sorption it gives off, is infatuated with. The might nature of this flat peach is formidable, moreover looks, the jade emperor this gets rid, inevitably is best. 近距离观看这浑身无一丝瑕疵,散发着氤氲粉色光彩的巨大蟠桃,鼻孔间吸着其散发出的香气,不禁有一丝陶醉。这蟠桃的威力自然强大,而且也看的出,玉帝这一出手,必然是最好的。 To the Qin fathers and sons, this world has gotten supremely also down the book. 对秦家父子,这位天地至尊也是下了本的。 „The jade emperor your majesty took the trouble.” “玉帝陛下费心了。” He smiles was saying that is in front of Chang E, 32 then swallowed into the flat peach the abdomen. 他微笑着说道,当着嫦娥的面,32口便将蟠桃吞入了腹中。 In simultaneously, an explosive energy shortly will be enormous and powerful, is similar to the landslide Tsunami emerges in his Dantian, rumble makes noise. Nine star pill who that had stabilized, immediately fierce turbulence, in rapid inflation, revolving. 就在同时,一股爆炸性的能量顷刻间浩荡开来,如同山崩海啸般涌入他的丹田之中,轰隆隆作响。那本来已经稳定下来的九颗星丹,顿时剧烈的动荡起来,在迅速的膨胀,旋转。 The Qin Yi facial color slightly changes, the strength of energetic will gushes out, in a twinkling will rush to the Dantian flat peach spirit strength anchorage, making its variegated ray stop stiffly in the Dantian space. star pill also at this time, restored stably, but undergoes a wave of washout, they became huge. 秦逸面色微微一变,精神意志之力涌出,霎时间将奔向丹田的蟠桃灵力定住,让其斑斓的光芒硬生生停在了丹田空间当中。星丹也是在这时,恢复了稳定,只是经过一波冲刷,他们变得庞大了许多。 „The strength of this flat peach, is really terrorist!” “这蟠桃之力,果然恐怖!” In the heart sighed that Qin Yi also is very joyful. 心中叹道,秦逸也很是喜悦。 Some treasure helps one another on this day, his Immortal's Way cultivates is, naturally can also a quicker enhancement. 有这天才地宝相助,他的仙道修为,自然也能更快的增强。 But looks that Qin Yi simply does not have a point to save, then eats the flat peach, Chang E is also in the heart slightly cold. 而看着秦逸根本没有一点节省,便将蟠桃吃掉,嫦娥也是心中微凛。 Such world most precious object, even if the jade emperor is also treasures extremely, will not take easily. But when this person sees, clearly realizes preciously, actually still swallowing down without hesitation, treats as the ordinary peach to be the same. Moreover after gobbling up, simply does not have any response. 这样的天地至宝,即便是玉帝也是珍惜万分,轻易根本不会拿出来。但这人见到时,分明察觉到珍贵,却依然毫不犹豫的吞下去,就当做普通的桃子一样。而且吞吃下去后,也根本没有任何反应。 And the significance of representative, revolving fears extremely. 其中代表的意义,细思极恐。 Flat peach is good, but does not know the jade emperor, whether before this king just before leaving, to deliver me several tree seeds?” “蟠桃不错,只是不知玉帝,可否在本王临走前,送我几株树种?” Qin Yi half jokingly, half earnest saying. 秦逸半开玩笑,半认真的说道。 Such world Spirit Treasure, if can move to Qin's Nation, naturally can also play the enormous role. At the appointed time, he then can rapid production Immortal's Way Expert. 这样的天地灵宝,若是能够搬到秦国,自然也能够发挥极大的作用。到时,他便可以快速生产仙道强者了。 This?!” “这?!” Chang E was ignorant, shows the dull Mengmeng's expression. 嫦娥懵了,露出呆呆萌萌的表情。 This king cracks a joke, the Chang E fairy maiden does not need to care.” “本王不过开个玩笑而已,嫦娥仙子不必在意。” Qin Yi shakes the head to say with a smile. 秦逸摇头笑道。 Actually at this time, his ear resounded together the sound. 却在这时,其耳边响起一道声音。 King Qin, if likes this coiling peach tree, when departs, I made them gouge several to give to you then.” “秦王若是喜欢这蟠桃树,离去之时,朕让他们剜几株送给你便是了。” Qin Yi stares, responded that this is the jade emperor sound. 秦逸一愣,反应过来这是玉帝的声音。 That many thanks the jade emperor, this king also will then have the generous gift to present as a gift.” “那便多谢玉帝了,本王也会有厚礼相赠。” He responded to one pale with a smile. 他淡笑着回应一声。 Afterward, it counts on the fingers a ball, the flowing light projected from Qin Royal Hall together instantly, directly soars soars to the clouds the palace. After several breath, was stuck to by jade emperor two. 随后,其屈指一弹,一道流光霎时从秦王殿中射出,直奔凌霄殿。几个呼吸后,被玉帝两只粘住。 „A bean?” “一颗豆子?” After seeing clearly in the hand carefully the thing, the jade emperor reveals the doubts the expression. 仔细看清手中之物后,玉帝露出疑惑的表情。 This thing named immortal bean, is a king when the treasure that in another piece of Otherworld obtains, is seriously injured, swallows, can reply instantaneously.” “此物名叫仙豆,是本王在另一片异世界中获得的珍宝,身受重伤时,吞食下去,便可瞬间回复。” Does not divide formidable swallows the person or not, regardless of is also injured multiple, is the unusual valuable rarities!” “不分吞食人的强大与否,也无论受伤多重,是少有的稀世珍宝!” The Qin Yi sound sound in his ear bank, making the jade emperor expression concentrate, once again staring to immortal bean. 秦逸的声音响在他的耳畔,让玉帝表情一凝,再度凝视向仙豆。 Such as King Qin said that this was really the valuable rarities.” “如秦王所言,这果然是稀世珍宝。” The jade emperor said that in the finger the ray dodges, the immortal bean vanished does not see. 玉帝赞道,手指中光芒一闪,仙豆已是消失不见。 Qin Yi smiles, no longer talked with the jade emperor, the opposite party delivered him the flat peach, he naturally will not take its advantage. The Qin's Nation world develops now, the great strength of inside story, the treasure, naturally cannot be inferior in a trivial Journey to the West world. After all, this side world, compared with great antiquity, has the enormous difference. 秦逸笑笑,不再与玉帝交谈,对方送他蟠桃,他自然也不会占其便宜。秦国天地发展到现在,底蕴之强大,宝物之多,自然不会逊色于一区区西游世界。毕竟,这方世界,与洪荒相比,还是有着极大的区别的。 The great antiquity is the epoch-making later primordial chaos time, at that time the world was newborn, the biology, was the treasure, excessively was formidable, is away from the rule, was extremely near. But the Journey to the West world, actually started thin. 洪荒乃是开天辟地之后的鸿蒙时代,那时天地初生,无论是生物,还是宝物,都过分强大,距离规则,也是极近。而西游世界,却已经开始稀薄。 His look narrowed the eyes, has swept one, under Chang E said the half calf and jade foot outside. 他眼神一眯,扫了一眼,下方嫦娥坦露在外的半截小腿与玉足。 In heart also sighed that is really the perfect divine creative force of world, how regardless to see that has a unique aesthetic sense. 不由的心中又是感叹,果然是天地的完美造物,无论怎么看,都有一种独特的美感。 The hand extends, Qin Yi has then drawn this female, entrained into it the bosom. 手一伸,秦逸便将这女子拉了过来,将其拽入了怀中。 „The Chang E fairy maiden, sings songs today, dances?” “嫦娥仙子,今日来是唱曲,还是跳舞?” During the words, happy expression, making Chang E redden all over the face immediately. 话语间,有一丝笑意,让嫦娥顿时满脸通红。 I, I have composed a new word, wants to ask King Qin to appreciate.” “我,我谱写了一曲新词,想请秦王陛下欣赏。” Haha, that many thanks the Chang E fairy maiden, this king well appreciated is.” “哈哈,那就多谢嫦娥仙子了,本王好好欣赏便是。” Qin Yi has smiled one. 秦逸笑了一声。 But at this moment, he is indistinct hears a glass shatter sound, thinks strange. 但就在这时,他隐约间听到一声玻璃破碎的声音,不禁觉得奇怪。 From Qin Royal Hall not far white clouds, grasped martial-looking helmet Jiaxian of nine tooth toothed rakes, the knees knelt on the ground, eyeful tears. 距离秦王殿不远的一朵白云上,一手持九齿钉耙的英武盔甲仙将,双膝跪在地上,满眼泪水。 My Chang E!” “我的嫦娥啊!” AAAAH! I quite hate!” 啊啊啊啊!我好恨啊!” The rear area, the silver Jiaxian soldiers have a headache catches up, urged hastily. 其后方,银甲仙兵头疼的赶来,连忙劝道。 Day Marshal, like this.” “天蓬元帅,您不要这样。” My heart, broke to pieces!” “我的心,都碎了!” Day Marshal cries, its frigidity, his heart is sorrowful. 天蓬元帅大哭,其声惨烈,其心悲痛。 His admire to the Chang E, the entire immortal courtyard knows that has not actually thought of the unrequited love uninterested love. 他对嫦娥的爱慕,整个仙庭都知道,却没想到落花有意流水无情。 King Qin who just arrived, holds all that he should have. Day Marshal in the heart is very clear, resembles Chang E such moon palace goddess, is nobody forces her to work, even if the jade emperor cannot. 一个刚刚到来的秦王,占有了他本该拥有的一切。天蓬元帅心中十分清楚,似嫦娥这样的太阴宫神女,是没有人逼迫她做事的,哪怕是玉帝也不会。 Even if also it went to Qin Royal Hall, the majority was own idea. 也即是说,其前往秦王殿中,大部分是自己的主意。 His goddess, has fallen in love with other man. 他的女神,爱上了别的男人。 What kind pain! He as if heard brokenhearted sound, later will not love again! 何等痛啊!他仿佛听到了心碎的声音,以后不会再爱了! In Qin Royal Hall. 王殿中。 Qin Yi loosens Chang E, that creamy touch, is fleeting. 秦逸松开嫦娥,那滑腻的触感,也是稍纵即逝。 Looks at the whole face charming female celestial, his suddenly Asking (the Dao). 看着满脸娇羞的仙女,他忽然问道 „Can the Chang E fairy maiden, know Houyi?” “嫦娥仙子,可知道后羿?”
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