KW :: Volume #6

#14: Mt. Huaguo big change

A flat peach, let the Qin Yi achievement the position of gold/metal immortal, truly is worth the joyful matter. 一颗蟠桃,让秦逸成就了金仙之位,确实是值得欣喜的事情。 Although also the gold/metal immortal of not clear Journey to the West world, with the Great Desolate World gold/metal immortal, has any difference temporarily, however in this side world, so the strength, actually was also top. 尽管暂时还不清楚西游世界的金仙,与洪荒世界的金仙,是否有什么差别,但是在此方世界中,如此实力,却也算是顶尖了。 Strides in Taiyi gold/metal Xian, even if in the strength judgement rule of overseas world, that is also existence of Moonlight peak, is away from Sunlight not to be far. 跨入太乙金仙,即便是以国外世界的实力判断标准,那也是月华巅峰的存在,距离日华并不远。 The vast energy, the magical powers magic arts of emerging one after another incessantly, can create to destroy the day to extinguish the place the method. 浩瀚的能量,层出不穷的神通法术,能够造成毁天灭地的手段。 He sits cross-legged, in static entry practice, realizes from experience this side world gold/metal Xian strength. 他盘坐下来,静静的进入修炼中,体悟这方世界金仙的力量。 Also so, after a period of time. 如此,又过了一段时间。 Chang E every other days, will then still come to visit, composed hide shyly, this female celestial character, makes Qin Yi pleasant actually, but has not thought. 嫦娥依然每隔一段日子,便会前来拜访,婉约中掩藏羞涩,这仙女般的人物,倒是让秦逸赏心悦目,但也没多想。 Quick, on this day after Chang E departs, Qin Yi will stretch oneself, focuses on the world of mortals. 很快,这一日嫦娥离去之后,秦逸伸伸懒腰,将目光放在了凡间。 Sun Wukong, as if also returned to Mt. Huaguo.” 孙悟空,似乎也已经回了花果山。” „The flow that should walk results in!” “该走的流程还是得走啊!” Qin Yi thinks was received suddenly by oneself for the stone monkey of apprentice, calculates the time, he as if also the scholarship has been completed, returned to Mt. Huaguo. 秦逸忽然想到被自己收为徒弟的石猴,算算时间,他似乎也已经学艺完成,已经回到了花果山。 Stands up slowly, Qin Yi prepares to go to world of mortals. 缓缓站起身来,秦逸准备去凡间一趟。 He knows, plan that the West teaches is an incomparably huge, intriguing chessgame, wants the broken bureau, the difficulty is very big, but is actually not nowhere starts. 他知道,西方教的谋划是一盘无比庞大,错综复杂的棋局,想要破局,难度很大,但却也不是无处下手。 , Qin Yi left southern Heavens' Gate in an instant. 一转眼间,秦逸已经出了南天门 He goes toward the Dongsheng divine land, but in a minute, fell above the mountain top of Mt. Huaguo. 他向着东胜神州而去,不过片刻间,已是落在了花果山的山头之上。 The Gods know sending out, in an instant then covers in which this entire mountain, to the Sun Wukong present information is the purity of understanding. 神识散发而出,转眼间便将这整座山覆盖其中,对孙悟空如今的信息更是了解的一清二楚。 Interesting! This monkey, was really different!” “有趣!这猴子,果然不同了!” The corners of the mouth show the smile, Qin Yi nod to say slowly. 嘴角露出微笑,秦逸缓缓点头道。 No matter what who knew the future of oneself tragedy, will go all out, wrestles at risk of life. 任谁知晓了自己悲剧的未来,也会发愤图强,拼死一搏。 If character who Sun Wukong this daring world resists, is naturally more intense, is swifter and fiercer. 孙悟空这种敢于天地抗争的人物,自然更加激烈,更加凌厉。 Returns to Mt. Huaguo after bodhi founder there, Sun Wukong has then stayed in Mt. Huaguo, he uses the strategy that oneself learn, the refiner, Alchemy and other knowledge, is building the entire Mt. Huaguo. 从菩提祖师那里回到花果山之后,孙悟空便一直呆在花果山,他利用自己所学到的阵法,炼器,炼丹等知识,正在打造整座花果山。 At this moment, on the mountain top of Mt. Huaguo, had gotten down a formidable knot strategy by the Sun Wukong arrange/cloth, usually in looks not to have what extraordinary, if the war approaches, shortly will then inspire weather Spiritual Qi, forms the strategy of certainly killing, exterminates all enemies. 此时此刻,花果山的山头上,已是被孙悟空布下了一道强大的结界阵法,平日里看着没有什么出奇,但是一旦大战来临,顷刻间便会引动天气灵气,形成绝杀的阵法,剿灭一切敌人。 But above the mountain top, his underlings also entered during the practice. Every day in cultivates to strengthen, becomes more formidable. In addition, the law of his skilled refiner, passes around this law, the underlings were enter the remote mountain to mine, had the Buddhist musical instrument of big might. 而山头之上,他的猴子猴孙也都已经进入了修炼之中。每日里修为都在增强,变得更加强大。再加上,他熟练炼器之法,将此法传下去,猴子猴孙们又是进入深山挖矿,拥有了大威力的法器。 The entire Mt. Huaguo, can say changes with each new day, is stiffening at the naked eye obvious speed. 整个花果山,可以说日新月异,正在以肉眼可见的速度变强着。 Naturally, Sun Wukong oneself already had also been cancelled the soul by the hell, but in angry wants to tear into shreds the life and death book, crosses out all Mt. Huaguo underlings time, his eyeball one revolution, actually was also calm. 当然,孙悟空自身也早已被地府勾过魂魄,只是在愤怒的想要撕碎生死簿,勾掉所有花果山猴子猴孙的时候,他眼珠一转,却是又冷静了下来。 Finally, he checks off, only then own name. 最终,他勾去的只有自己的名字。 He has made the change, no longer is that does not know the number of days, lawless Sun Wukong, became the point has actually hidden, low key conduct Sun Wukong. 他做出了改变,不再是那个不识天数,无法无天的孙悟空,却变为了锋芒掩藏,低调行事的孙悟空 But such stone monkey, once erupts, inevitably is more earthshaking. 但如此的石猴,一旦爆发,却必然更加惊天动地。 The dragon palace he had also gone, an equipment actor naturally cannot be few, the golden cudgel in hand is still his God soldier sharp weapon. 龙宫他也已经去过,一身装备行头自然不会少,手中的金箍棒依然是他的神兵利器。 Sun Wukong grasps the golden cudgel, the supernatural power magical powers are formidable incomparable, bends down close to the Four Seas Qian mountain completely all arch of Mt. Huaguo, submits to under his great strength. 孙悟空手持金箍棒,法力神通都是强大无比,临近花果山的四海千山尽皆拱伏,臣服在他的强大之下。 Returns to this to give birth to own mountain top, he in the strong method, has then subdued many monster kings, can say that established own Demon Kingdom. 一回到这生养自己的山头之中,他便以强势的手段,收服了诸多妖王,可以说建立起了一个属于自己的妖怪王国 All sorts of unthinkable, if Qin Yi had not seen, but also is unable to believe. 种种匪夷所思,秦逸若是没有看到,还真的无法相信。 Now, Sun Wukong is sitting in Mt. Huaguo Shuiliandong, his body side, not only there is a monkey, the monster beasts of other types, calmly are listening respectfully to his order. 如今,孙悟空正坐在花果山水帘洞中,他的身侧,不但有猴子,还有其他种类的妖兽,都在静静地聆听着他的命令。 Weapon that Dragon King granted, hasn't delivered?” “龙王允诺的武器,还没有送到吗?” The facial color is indifferent, Sun Wukong light Asking (the Dao). 面色冷漠,孙悟空淡淡问道 Few days ago he went to dragon palace, except for equipment that attaining oneself should obtain, but also force that four fellows prepared a number of armor clothes, the weapon, to be used to build all monster of Mt. Huaguo, established own monster armed forces. The world is huge, the road of future will be confusing, he must be ready that all will deal with. 前些日子他去了龙宫一趟,除了拿到自己本就该得到的装备,还强迫那四个家伙准备一批甲衣,武器,以用来打造花果山的诸妖,建立属于自己的一只妖军。世界庞大,未来之路扑朔迷离,他必须做好一切应对的准备。 Although in Sun Wukong heart clear, the matter that he handles now, comes a palm that compares also the difference with the future that is very far, but this doing actually must do! 尽管孙悟空心中清楚,他如今做的事情,与未来那迎面而来的一掌相比还差的很远,但该做的却是必做的! Performs the human affairs, listens to the destiny! 尽人事,听天命! King! We have urged many times, but the East Sea person, is delaying!” “大王!我们已经催了很多次,但东海的人,就是在拖延!” Leopard monster indignant saying. 身旁的豹子妖气愤的说道。 In the Sun Wukong pupil the cold light dodges: Front one set, back one set, solemn East Sea dragon clan, making my old Sun scoff!” 孙悟空眸子中冷光一闪:“面前一套,背后一套,堂堂东海龙族,让俺老孙耻笑!” Might as well, when I set aside the hand, going dragon palace, he should take again, cannot be few!” “不过无妨,等我腾出手,再前去龙宫一趟,他该拿出来的,一个都不能少!” His monster king the air/Qi of ruling by force sweeps across, made surrounding Demon, was in the heart submits to dreads. 其妖王的霸道之气席卷而出,令周围的妖怪,都是心中臣服畏惧。 The breadth of spirit of this Mt. Huaguo monkey king, as well as the method, making their innermost feelings subdue, seeing that in the short time, the change of Mt. Huaguo, all Demon look, is simply shocking. 这位花果山美猴王的气魄,以及手段,让他们内心折服,短短时间内,花果山的改变,所有妖怪都看的见,简直令人震惊。 To these Cultivation receiving in exchange Medicine Pill matters, carries on how?” “向那些修真者换取丹药的事情,进行的怎么样了?” Look one revolution, Sun Wukong is Asking (the Dao). 眼神一转,孙悟空又是问道 King, started by thing changed/easy thing, Cultivation the talent treasure to my Mt. Huaguo likes , received exchange for Medicine Pill with these, they approve of very much.” “大王,以物易物已经开始了,修真者们对我花果山的天才地宝十分喜欢,用这些换取丹药,他们很赞同。” Under arm apes and monkeys hee hee said with a smile. 下方通臂猿猴嘻嘻笑着说道。 Is very good, your natural talent is good, must grasp the time practice, if I will not be in home in the future, but also wants you to control all, considers the security of my Mt. Huaguo.” “很好,你天资不错,要抓紧时间修炼,如若我日后不在家中,还要你掌控一切,照顾我花果山的安全。” Sun Wukong satisfied say/way. 孙悟空满意的道。 Passes the arm apes and monkeys doubts, the flexure flexure cheeks. 通臂猿猴疑惑,挠挠脸颊。 Must work as one, constructs all of my Mt. Huaguo together, my dream, completes to belong to our monster clan own monster country our Mt. Huaguo!” “诸位要齐心协力,共同建造好我花果山的一切,俺的梦想,就是将我们花果山建成一座属于我们妖族自己的妖国!” Not by world, anybody's humiliation!” “不受天地间,任何人的欺侮!” Sun Wukong deeply inspires, the sinking sound said. 孙悟空深吸一口气,沉声说道。 Thinks that a that future palm, played with during the helplessness and aggrievedness in applauses, Sun Wukong is have mixed feelings, unwilling. 想到那未来的一掌,被玩弄于鼓掌间的无奈与憋屈,孙悟空便是心情复杂,不甘。 Naturally, monster king Men is nobody can understand that his mood, this makes Sun Wukong helpless. 当然,妖王们是没有人能理解他的心情的,这让孙悟空无奈。 The person of whole world is all drunk, his sober fact, is very only lonely. 举世之人皆醉,唯他清醒的事实,真的很孤独。 Strength! Only has the strength, can have all! 力量!只有力量,才能拥有一切! Was good, you diverge, I must practice!” “好了,你们都散去吧,俺要修炼了!” Finally, Sun Wukong disperses the people. 最后,孙悟空驱散众人。 In Shuiliandong, becomes is peaceful immediately. 水帘洞中,顿时变得安静下来。 Since that day Master informs him in the future, Sun Wukong then thought that own destiny had the change, he withstands also originally aggravated compared with. 自从那日师傅告知他未来之后,孙悟空便觉得,自己的命运发生了变化,他所承受的也比原本的自己更加重了。 All these, are he elect, is actually not he elects. 这一切,都是他选的,却也不是他选的。 Very helpless, actually must do! 很无奈,却必须去做! Oh!” “唉!” The deep sigh one breath, Sun Wukong closes eye, prepares to practice. 深深叹息一口气,孙悟空闭上眼睛,准备修炼。 In this is, form appears in his front together. 就在这是,一道身影出现在他的面前。
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