KMD :: Volume #5

#403: Hovering Black Phoenix

Bang!” “轰!” Once again falls to the ground when suddenly, Nie Tian narrows the eyes to focus, looks up floats in the sky Dong Li, the complexion is dignified. 又一次猛然落地时,聂天眯着眼,抬头看着漂浮于空董丽,脸色凝重。 Through slight seeing clearly of Heavenly Eye, he also faintly realizes, comes out the flesh and blood aura that from the Dong Li within the body dissipation, resembles to combine the Black Phoenix strange strength. 通过天眼的细微洞察,他也隐隐察觉到,从董丽体内散逸出来的血肉气息,似混杂着黑凤的诡异力量。 Dong Li within the body, obvious exist(ence) is not belonging to her strength. 董丽体内,明显存在着一股不属于她的力量。 With the help of that strength, her battle strength has been promoted all-around, the imposing manner rises suddenly! 在那股力量的帮助下,她的战力得到全方位提升,气势暴涨! Good maneating woman!” Nie Tian war more startled. “好凶悍的女人!”聂天越战越惊。 In this time, Dong Li slender healthy left leg, when he chops by Flame Star chops to the Beast Bone shield, suddenly like lightning tramples to the Nie Tian lower abdomen. 就在此时,董丽修长健美的左腿,在他以炎星劈砍向兽骨盾牌时,忽闪电般踹向聂天小腹。 Bang!” “嘭!” Just to brunt flies Nie Tian of midair, such as was hit by the gold and iron war chariot bang of dashing about wildly, from airborne dropped suddenly. 刚刚以冲势飞上半空的聂天,如被狂奔的金铁战车轰撞到,霍然从空中跌落。 A wisp of scarlet bloodstain, comes out from the Nie Tian corners of the mouth transpiration. 一缕猩红血迹,从聂天嘴角流逸出来。 !” “噗!” He puts out a blood, facial expression extraordinarily is dignified, grips tightly that hand of Flame Star, blue vein suddenly appears. 他吐出一口鲜血,神情出奇地凝重,紧握炎星的那只手,青筋暴现 At this moment, he recognizes, present Dong Li, after transferring the Black Phoenix Beast Soul strength, true strength, already far ultra realm. 这一刻,他才清醒地认识到,眼前的董丽,调用了黑凤兽魂的力量以后,真正的实力,已远超本身的境界 Formerly fight of Dong Li and that Black Pond Domain Qi Refinement Warrior, even if by the clever trick, not having trapped that person to approach, actually can also win easily. 先前董丽和那名黑泽域炼气士的战斗,即使没有以诡计,诱骗那人靠近,其实也能轻易获胜。 So long as Dong Li utilized the strength of Beast Soul at that time! 只要当时董丽运用兽魂之力! But Dong Li, obviously has not regarded as the genuine match that person, simply has not used a Black Phoenix beast Soul Power quantity, in the virulent strategy, cut to kill that person merely. 董丽,显然没有将那人视为真正的对手,根本没有利用一丝黑凤的兽魂力量,仅仅以恶毒的计策,就斩杀了那人。 Nie Tian, your time are not many.” 聂天,你时间不多了。” Dong Li such as is in full bloom, black monster flower, her whole body is covering 1-layer dark Spiritual Power gradually. 董丽如一朵盛开着的,黑色妖花,她周身渐渐笼罩着一层暗黑灵力 That huge Black Phoenix, still gently is only fanning the wing, has not left Dong Li, throws to Nie Tian. 那只巨大的黑凤,依然只是轻轻扇动着翅膀,并没有离开董丽,向聂天扑来。 Dong Li floats in the midair, visits him exhaltedly, the corners of the mouth transgression indifferent chuckle, the eye pupil of pitch dark, full is the monster different. 董丽浮在半空,居高临下地看着他,嘴角逸出冷漠轻笑,黑魆魆的眼瞳,满是妖异。 I have not tried, if you merely only then such selects the ability, that...... You wait for a while to gather up dead bodies for your grandfather.” Leisure of Dong Li fight, has not forgotten to attack Nie Tian from the mind. “我还未尽全力,如果你仅仅只有这么点能耐,那么……你就等着一会儿为你外公收尸吧。”董丽战斗的闲暇,还不忘从心灵上打击聂天 She as if wants from various aspects, routs Nie Tian thoroughly, after letting Nie Tian, often remembers her time, only then inexhaustible frustration and helpless feeling. 她似乎想要从各方面,彻彻底底地击溃聂天,让聂天以后每每想起她的时候,就只有无穷无尽的挫败和无奈感。 She must thoroughly destroy Nie Tian this person! 她要彻底摧毁聂天这个人! Nie Tian frowns, has not begun while Dong Li once more, inspected around by Heavenly Eye. 聂天皱着眉头,趁着董丽没有再次动手,又以天眼巡视了一下四周。 He by Heavenly Eye, sees Han Mu and several Dong Family powerhouses, is getting Rising Clouds Sect one line , is really close toward Black Water Pond. 他以天眼,看到韩暮和几名董家的强者,领着凌云宗的一行人,果然还在朝黑水潭接近。 In Luo Xin of Black Water Pond border, when did not know, was being nursed by several Dong Family clansmen. 就连原先也在黑水潭边沿的罗欣,不知什么时候,也被几个董家的族人看护着。 He is estimating the time secretly...... 他暗暗估算着时间…… Quick, he judges, most quarters, Han Mu will be leading the Rising Clouds Sect person, appear(ance) in Black Water Pond. 很快,他就判断出,最多一刻钟,韩暮就会带着凌云宗的人,出现黑水潭 Only had the quarter.” He muttered whispers. “只有一刻钟了。”他喃喃低语。 Scatters seven Heavenly Eye outside, suddenly was convened completely by him neighbor, he does not pay attention to Black Water Pond nearby sound, no longer pays attention including Rising Clouds Sect these people. 散落在外的七只天眼,突然被他全部召集到附近,他再也不关注黑水潭附近的动静,连凌云宗的那些人也不再注意。 Is raising the right hand of Flame Star, still calm powerful, does not have the mutation. 提着炎星的右手,依然沉稳有力,没有异变。 But he is emptying the left hand, suddenly has the shining star light sparkle, in his left hand palm, Star Brilliance one after another, stars that such as glistens appears one by one. 可他空着的左手,突然有灿灿星光闪耀,在他的左手掌心,一个接着一个的星耀,如闪亮的星辰逐个浮现出来。 When fifth Star Brilliance, appear(ance) in the palm, he has not anchored in light of this, but continues condense Stars Energy. 第五个星耀,出现于掌心时,他并没有就此停住,而是继续凝结星辰之力 When Crack Space Domain, because of receiving the realm shackles, he can only condense leave five Star Brilliance. 裂空域时,因受到境界的桎梏,他只能凝结出五个星耀 But present he, entered the step to Culmination Realm late stage, as if leaves Innate Realm remotely no longer. 可如今的他,已经进阶到中天境后期,似乎离先天境都不再遥远。 star liquid that stars Vortex of his within the body contains, compared with when Crack Space Domain, does not know that wanted pure many vigorously. 他体内的星辰漩涡蕴藏的星液,比起在裂空域时,也不知要浑厚精纯了多少。 Scoffs!” “嗤!” Along with the gathering of Stars Energy, sixth Star Brilliance, gradually forms in his palm. 随着星辰之力的汇聚,第六个星耀,也在他掌心渐渐形成。 Sixth Star Brilliance, original five Star Brilliance simultaneously circle in flight to fluctuate, combines brand-new strange Stars Secret Formation. 第六个星耀一出,原先五个星耀同时飞旋变幻,重新组合成一副全新的奇异星辰秘阵 His left hand arm, under shining of six Star Brilliance, seemed being smudged 1-layer bright glow star light, gradually becomes the silver-white color, brightly burnished brightly burnished. 他的左手臂,在六个星耀的照耀之下,仿佛被涂抹着一层明熠星光,渐成银白色,锃亮锃亮的。 „Was this Broken Star Ancient Temple Secret Technique?” “这就是碎星古殿秘法了吧?” Dong Li curiously looks at his left hand arm, looks at that six splendid Star Brilliance, has not worried to begin, as if waits for him to save the star strength in deliberately/meticulously. 董丽好奇地看着他的左手臂,看着那六个熠熠生辉的星耀,没有着急动手,似乎在刻意等候他积蓄星力。 Nearby Black Water Pond, that three pursue Black Pond Domain to come Qi Refinement Warrior of person, by Dong Family person in secret, was driven away. 黑水潭附近,那三股追逐黑泽域来人的炼气士,被董家暗中的人,都驱赶了出去。 Has Luo Xin of distance to Nie Tian, not having Heavenly Eye can use, fight between not clear Nie Tian and Dong Li. 聂天有段距离的罗欣,没有天眼可以动用,也不清楚聂天董丽之间的战斗。 However, in Nie Tian and Dong Li slaughter the dogfight, another gang of person, arrives quietly. 然而,就在聂天董丽厮杀缠斗时,另外一股人,也悄悄到来。 When the leaders, impressively are Nie Tian initially is near Hundred Wars Domain, Water Moon Chamber of Commerce Qin Yan that meets. 为首者,赫然就是聂天初临百战域时,所遇到的水月商会秦嫣 Side Qin Yan, is gathering six Water Moon Chamber of Commerce Qi Refinement Warrior. 秦嫣身旁,聚集着六名水月商会炼气士 Miss Qin, how did you come?” “秦小姐,你怎么来了?” A Dong Family clansman, came from hidden place, arrives in front of Qin Yan, asked strangely. 一名董家族人,从暗处现身,来到秦嫣面前,奇怪地问道。 I receive the message, hears in Black Water Pond here, appear(ance) an accident. Moreover, I worry to look for Dong Li.” The makeup accommodates pure Qin Yan, wears the light green long skirt, the pupil like the water, looks repeatedly to Nie Tian and Dong Li fight area, said: „, Do I clearly hear that side have the sound, Dong Li may in?” “我收到消息,听说在黑水潭这儿,出现了一点变故。另外,我着急找董丽。”妆容素洁的秦嫣,穿着嫩绿长裙,眸子如水,频频看向聂天董丽战斗区,道:“还有,我分明听到那边有动静,董丽可在?” Qin Yan has Innate Realm late stage cultivation level, realm is exquisiter than Dong Li, she arrived at Black Water Pond, felt terrifying aura that only Black Phoenix lends. 秦嫣有着先天境后期修为,境界董丽都要精湛,她到了黑水潭,就感觉到那只黑凤散发出来的恐怖气息。 She is very clear, that only Black Phoenix Beast Soul, belongs to Dong Li! 她很清楚,那只黑凤兽魂,属于董丽 Just refining Black Phoenix soon Dong Li, now in the Dong Family sphere of influence, unexpectedly can fight with the person, she thought that was a little unreadable. 炼化黑凤不久的董丽,如今又在董家的势力范围,居然会与人战斗,她觉得有点难以理解。 In the Dong Family domain, Dong Li looked that who is not pleasing to the eyes, so long as calls the roundsman to come out, basically can solve troublesome. 董家的地盘,董丽就算看谁不顺眼,只要唤出巡视者出来,基本上都能解决麻烦。 Why can use Black Phoenix Beast Soul? 何必要动用黑凤兽魂 Qin Yan more wants more to think strange. 秦嫣越想越觉得奇怪。 That Dong Family clansman, as if knows that she and Dong Li personal friendship is uncommon, gently nod, young lady truly there.” 那位董家族人,似乎知道她和董丽私交不凡,轻轻点头,“小姐确实在那儿。” I have a look.” Qin Yan said. “我去看看。”秦嫣道。 This...... Perhaps is not quite convenient.” The Dong Family clansman, looks to Qin Yan these Water Moon Chamber of Commerce comes the person, a face is awkward. “这个……恐怕不太方便。”董家族人,看向秦嫣身旁的那些水月商会的来人,一脸为难。 You stay behind, I pass.” Qin Yan told, lets these Water Moon Chamber of Commerce comes the person to stay behind, does not wait for the present Dong Family clansman to comply, changes into one bunch of lightning, dodges to plunder instantaneously. “你们留下,我自己过去。”秦嫣吩咐了一句,让那些水月商会的来人留下,也不等眼前的董家族人答应,就化为一束电光,瞬间闪掠过去。 Miss Qin! Miss Qin!” Dong Family that clansman, is calling loudly, actually sees Qin Yan to be increasingly estranged. “秦小姐!秦小姐!”董家那名族人,大声吆喝着,却见秦嫣渐行渐远。 !” “呼!” After dozens seconds, the Qin Yan form, suddenly appears in Nie Tian and Dong Li fight area. 数十秒后,秦嫣的身影,突然就在聂天董丽的战斗区浮现。 Qin Yan! How did you come?” 秦嫣!你怎么来了?” Called Black Phoenix Beast Soul, floated in airborne Dong Li, saw her, was startled obviously. 唤出了黑凤兽魂,浮在空中的董丽,一看到她,明显吃了一惊。 Is you? Wu Tian!” “是你?巫天!” After Qin Yan stops, stared at Nie Tian to look, whole face look of surprise. 秦嫣停下后,盯着聂天看了一下,满脸异色 Wu Tian?” Dong Li snort/hum, corners of the mouth have been full of the color of mock, then said to Qin Yan: „ What do you come to make hurriedly? „ 巫天?”董丽哼了一声,嘴角充满了讥诮之色,然后对秦嫣说道:“你急匆匆过来做什么?“ Asks you to have the urgent matter.” Qin Yan said. “找你有急事。”秦嫣道。 First waits.” Dong Li waves, hints Qin Yan do not interfere her and Nie Tian's fights, said: „Outside you go, do not disturb me, do not meddle with my his matter.” “先等一下。”董丽挥挥手,示意秦嫣不要干涉她和聂天的战斗,说道:“你去外面,别打搅我,也不要插手和我他的事。” Has a look at the line?” Qin Yan smiles in a soft voice. “看看行吗?”秦嫣轻声一笑。 „It is not good!” Dong Li stares fiercely. “不行!”董丽猛一瞪眼。 Qin Yan is even more curious, her bright eyes circulation, is carefully examining Nie Tian quietly. 秦嫣愈发好奇,她明眸流转,悄悄审视着聂天 Six Star Brilliance that Flame Star of Nie Tian right hand, left hand palm appears, the strangeness of left hand, makes her slightly obviously be startled. 聂天右手的炎星,左手掌心浮现出来的六个星耀,还有左手的怪异,都让她略显吃惊。 But she cannot guess the Nie Tian's status. 可她还是未能猜测出聂天的身份。 Qin Yan!” Dong Li is somewhat discontented, tenderly shouted said: You to, me and his a little private grudges must solve, does not want to be disturbed.” 秦嫣!”董丽似有些不满,娇喝道:“你到一边去呀,我和他有点私怨要解决,不想被打扰。” Stopped, Dong Li has added: You are not good.” 停顿了一下,董丽又补充道:“你也不行。” „, Good.” Qin Yan nodded, expression strange looks at her and Nie Tian, as if smelled anything, I get out of the way and that's the end, you continue.” “哦,好吧。”秦嫣点了点头,表情怪异地看着她和聂天,似乎嗅到了什么,“我走开就是了,你们俩继续。” The words fall, Qin Yan depends on the word to retreat, has not approached here again. 话语一落,秦嫣果真依言退走,没有再靠近这边。 But before she leaves that words, her strange look, makes Dong Li secret. 可她离开前的那番话,还有她怪异的眼神,却让董丽暗暗恼火。 You did not have the time quickly!” “你快没时间了!” Floats in that Black Phoenix of her top of the head, resembled to express the silent low cry, dark Spiritual Power fluctuated, centered on her, suddenly swept across eight sides. 浮在她头顶的那一只黑凤,似发出了无声低鸣,一股暗黑灵力波动,以她为中心,忽然席卷八方。 Ka ka ka!” “咔咔咔!” Dark Spiritual Power the mistake, the earth splits, airborne spreads the strange abnormal noise. 暗黑灵力所过处,大地裂开,空中传出古怪异响。 All by weed that dark Spiritual Power covers, was shaken the bits of grass, everywhere dances in the air. 所有被暗黑灵力覆盖的杂草,都被震成草屑,漫天飞舞。 Dark Spiritual Power berserk wells up, six Star Brilliance of Nie Tian left hand palm, change into piece of star light, rumbled fiercely in the past. 暗黑灵力狂暴涌来,聂天左手掌心的六个星耀,化为一片星光,猛地轰了过去。 Stars Secret Formation that six Star Brilliance combinations become, resembles to evolve for micro star river, star light is dazzling, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity star strength, are superimposing unceasingly, making that Stars Secret Formation might disciple increase! 六个星耀组合而成的星辰秘阵,似衍变为微缩星河,星光璀璨夺目,一道道神秘莫测的星力,不断地叠加着,让那星辰秘阵威力徒增! Bang!” “轰!” Six Star Brilliance, under the impact of dark Spiritual Power, blow out a strange star strength of vast star river most deep place immediately. 六个星耀,在暗黑灵力的冲击下,顿时爆出一股浩瀚星河最深处的诡异星力。 If dark Spiritual Power that the running water wells up, resembles by star light that Star Brilliance blooms, penetrates suddenly. 如流水般涌来的暗黑灵力,似被星耀绽放出来的星光,给突然穿透。 Behind Dong Li that only Black Phoenix, finally exudes the true sharp howl sound, its from commencing of action, the phoenix pupil that as if has not opened, glistens fiercely. 董丽背后那只黑凤,终于发出真正的尖啸声,它那从战斗开始,仿佛都没有睁开的凤眸,猛地闪亮。 ...... …… ps: I in the south, have frozen to become dog, everybody pays attention to guard against the cold ~ ps:我在南方,已经冻成狗了,大家注意防寒啊~ The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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