KMD :: Volume #5

#402: Dong Family Beast Soul Secret Arts!

„Are you earnest?” “你是认真的?” The Nie Tian complexion is deep, coldly looks to spread out Dong Li, has not worried to begin. 聂天脸色深沉,冷冷看着拉开距离的董丽,并没有着急动手。 True idea of his not clear Dong Li. 他不清楚董丽的真实想法。 In his eyes, Dong Li deceitful mean, never fights the weaponry that has not grasped, is not one likes by brute force solution right and wrong. 在他的眼中,董丽狡诈阴狠至极,从不打没把握的仗,也不是一个喜欢以蛮力解决是非者。 Han Mu has controlled the Rising Clouds Sect person obviously, so long as Dong Li is taking that bracelet, can obediently compel itself to obey, why can Dong Li move unnecessarily? 韩暮明明掌控了凌云宗的人,只要董丽拿着那手环,就能乖乖逼自己就范,董丽为何要偏偏多此一举? He suspected cheats. 他怀疑其中有诈。 I am certainly earnest.” Dong Li snort/hum, on that gentle face, the hatred was turbulent, „when Crack Space Domain, I want with your upright and frank war, what a pity for various reasons, always not to realize. You constantly evaded at that time, never dares to fight with me, lets me is very regrettable.” “我当然是认真的。”董丽哼了一声,那张柔媚的脸上,恨意汹涌,“裂空域时,我就想和你正大光明一战,可惜因种种原因,始终未能如愿。你当时只是一味逃避,从不敢与我一战,让我很是遗憾。” Nie Tian sneers, „when jungle, if not your person catches up suddenly, your I may the full war. When goes out of Imaginary Space Mountain Range, the full world is your fangs person, how dare do I crop up?” 聂天冷笑,“密林时,若非你的人突然赶来,你我本可酣畅淋漓一战。走出幻空山脉时,满世界都是你们獠牙的人,我岂敢冒头?” Good.” Dong Li look even more ice-cold, „the present nobody disturbed us, you can get rid at will. The time is limited, you may probably grasp, waits for Han Mu they to bring your grandfather, you have not been able to capture me, that do not blame me not being impolite.” “那好。”董丽眼神愈发冰冷,“现在没人打搅我们了,你可以随意出手。时间有限,你可要抓紧了,等韩暮将你外公他们带来,你还未能将我擒获,那就不要怪我不客气了。” Continually in Dong Li that in the Nie Tian hand admits defeat, discontentedly was already enough her commonly used method, attacks fiercely Nie Tian. 连番在聂天手中吃瘪的董丽,早就不满足以她常用的手段,去痛击聂天 Has changed another person, she is disinclined to begin, with Rising Clouds Sect these artificial board game pieces, she can divulge the anger at will. 换了另外一人,她懒得动手,以凌云宗那些人为棋子,她就可以随意宣泄怒意。 But Nie Tian is in her eyes different. 聂天在她眼中却不一样。 Shames her Nie Tian again and again, has regarded as by her a rare challenge, such challenge, she does not want to treat in the conventional method. 三番两次羞辱她的聂天,被她视为了一个难得的挑战,这样的挑战,她不想以常规手段来对待。 Only then by own strength, causes heavy losses to Nie Tian, making Nie Tian taste the taste of rout, can release hate of her heart! 只有以自身的力量,重创聂天,让聂天尝尝溃败的滋味,才能一泄她心头之恨! If you hope!” “如你所愿!” Nie Tian cried loud and long, Chaotic Magnetic Field that has not diverged, proliferated fiercely. 聂天长啸一声,尚未散去的混乱磁场,又猛地扩散。 In his peripheral ten meters range, twists the chaotic strange magnetic field, the bush that agitation these stand tall and erect, in abundance scrap. 在他周边十米范围,扭曲混乱的诡异磁场,搅动的那些高耸的灌木,纷纷炸碎。 Lightly the drizzle, still keeps doing, Nie Tian is raising Flame Star, the violent projects about two meters blade glow suddenly. 淅淅沥沥的细雨,依然下个不停,聂天提着的炎星,陡然暴射出近两米长的刀芒。 „!” “嗤嗤!” The blade glow such as a strange snake, is swaying from side to side in the Flame Star knife point, the swift and fierce and heterogeneous Spiritual Power fluctuation, bursts out suddenly. 刀芒如一条奇异的蛇,在炎星的刀尖扭动着,凌厉而又驳杂的灵力波动,骤然迸发。 „!” “咻!” Prolonged blade glow, broke the rain curtain, the twinkling then chops to the Dong Li surface gate. 绵长的刀芒,震碎了雨帘,瞬息便劈向董丽面门。 Chaotic Magnetic Field also shortly, covers Dong Li, Dong Li peripheral Wood, was stirred the fragment. 混乱磁场也在顷刻间,将董丽笼罩在内,董丽周边的草木,都被搅成碎片。 Works as! Ding-dong!” “当!当当!” The rainbow blade glow, times chop to chop, the Beast Bone shield accurate is resisted by Dong Li is taking. 长虹般的刀芒,一次次劈砍下来,都被董丽拿着的兽骨盾牌给精准抵住。 Before Dong Li body, rays of light scatters, Spiritual Power distortion confusion. 董丽身前,光芒四溅,灵力扭曲混乱。 But that Dong Li, is actually entirely still, in the eye does not have flood to be up mighty waves. 可那董丽,却纹丝不动,眼中也没有泛起一点波澜。 Only high plans compared with Nie Tian realm merely, just strided in Innate Realm soon Dong Li, meets the tough head-on with toughness, but also in Chaotic Magnetic Field, has blocked the Nie Tian's turbulent offensive unexpectedly completely, half does not draw back! 仅仅只比聂天境界高一筹,刚跨入先天境不久的董丽,硬碰硬的,还在混乱磁场内,居然完全挡住了聂天的汹涌攻势,半步不退! This is including Innate Realm middle stage Guan Yue, crazy bombardment that is unable to withstand! 这可是连先天境中期关越,都无法承受的疯狂轰击! Broken Star Ancient Temple Inheritor, is mediocre!” Dong Li is laughing, suddenly took a deep breath, said: Today, I make you experience, Hundred Wars Domain strongest Dong Family Beast Soul Secret Arts!” 碎星古殿传承者,也不过如此!”董丽嗤笑着,忽然深吸一口气,道:“今天,我让你见识一下,百战域最强董家兽魂诀!” The red lip of her sex appeal, jue gets up suddenly, exudes one fiercely like the birds and beasts beast cry. 她性感的红唇,忽然噘起,猛地发出一声如禽般的兽鸣。 A jet black Spiritual Power light beam, floats from her suddenly rises to ascend the sky, that jet black Spiritual Power light beam flashes before swiftly, the Dong Li imposing manner was having the earth-shaking change unexpectedly instantaneously. 一条漆黑的灵力光柱,突然从她背后浮升上天,那条漆黑的灵力光柱倏一闪现,董丽的气势竟在瞬间发生了天翻地覆的变化。 The thick long Spiritual Power light beam, under the Nie Tian's surprised vision, is evolving unceasingly. 粗长的灵力光柱,在聂天的惊奇目光下,不断地衍变着。 After several seconds, huge incomparable, soaring to great heights Black Phoenix, is fluctuated by that jet black Spiritual Power light beam. 数秒后,一只巨大无比的,展翅高飞的黑凤,就由那漆黑的灵力光柱变幻而成。 That Black Phoenix, as if by the black iron construction, it gently is only fanning the wing, a boundless, ancient and boundless terrifying energy, has almost filled this side world. 那只黑凤,仿佛由黑铁浇筑而成,它只是轻轻扇动着翅膀,一股苍莽、古老而又磅礴的恐怖能量,就几乎充满了这一方天地。 Nie Tian condenses all sorts of different Attribute Spiritual Power, Chaotic Magnetic Field that builds laboriously, is only huge Black Phoenix to appear in that along with fanning of its wing, unexpectedly disorder no longer receives Nie Tian to control. 聂天凝聚种种不同属性灵力,辛苦营造出来的混乱磁场,在那只巨大黑凤显现,随着它翅膀的扇动,居然紊乱的不再受聂天所控。 Beast Soul Secret Arts!” Nie Tian is startled to drink. 兽魂诀!”聂天惊喝。 He remembers suddenly, in the past Broken Star Ancient Temple in Heavenly Gate, with Culmination area the scene of Dong Baijie fight. 他突然想起,当年在天门内的碎星古殿,和中天区的董百劫战斗时的场景。 Then Dong Baijie, passed through continual struggle, one Spiritual Power perhaps only remaining 12 tenths. 当时的董百劫,经过了连续的苦战,一身灵力恐怕只剩下12成。 Is such Dong Baijie, the crown wind projects the ash-gray rocket, the rocket also in a short time, evolving is a silver gray great wolf, making him be miserable beyond description. 就是那样的董百劫,天灵盖飙射出灰色狼烟,狼烟也在短时间内,衍变为一头灰色巨狼,让他苦不堪言。 He can ultimately defeat Dong Baijie, completely is because Dong Baijie was seriously injured, has consumed too many too many strengths. 他能最终战胜董百劫,完全是因为董百劫受了重伤,消耗了太多太多的力量。 Dong Baijie resigns the Heavenly Gate design, when withdraws from battle, once had said him, if the normal state, Nie Tian absolutely does not have the slight odds of success. 董百劫让出天门图案,退出争斗时,也曾说过他若是正常状态,聂天绝对没有丝毫的胜算。 Remembers fierce and brutal of that silver gray great wolf, has a look at Black Phoenix that the Dong Li top of the head flutters, Nie Tian to understand again rapidly that this Spiritual Power fluctuates Spirit Beast Secret Technique, perhaps is Dong Family one fearful magic arts. 想起那头灰色巨狼的凶暴,再看看董丽头顶振翅的黑凤,聂天迅速明白过来,这种灵力变幻灵兽秘法,恐怕就是董家的一种可怕法决 The fact also indeed such as he thinks. 事实也的确如他所想。 The Hundred Wars Domain Spirit Beast quantity, is almost the sum totals of other eight territories, but Dong Family is one batch arrives at Hundred Wars Domain first, opens up territory Bi earth Human Race pioneer. 百战域灵兽数量,几乎是其它八域的总和,而董家乃是最先一批到达百战域,去开疆辟土的人族先驱。 The Dong Family clansman, experienced one generation to going on a punitive expedition against of Hundred Wars Domain, through and battles of innumerable Spirit Beast, comprehended strange magic arts Beast Soul Secret Arts gradually! 董家族人,经历了一代代对百战域的征伐,通过和无数灵兽的厮杀,渐渐领悟了一种奇异的法决兽魂诀 Beast Soul Secret Arts, can use Spirit Beast blood essence and soul, concise is Beast Soul, the seal in within the body. 兽魂诀,可以用灵兽精血和魂魄,凝炼兽魂,封印在体内。 The Dong Baijie grey great wolf, Dong Li Black Phoenix, through Beast Soul that formidable Spirit Beast blood essence and soul refinement becomes! 董百劫的灰色巨狼,还有董丽身上的黑凤,都是通过强大灵兽精血和魂魄炼制而成的兽魂 Spirit Beast is stronger, Beast Soul is also more fearful. 灵兽越强,兽魂也越可怕。 Dong Li that only Black Phoenix, Bloodlines originally in 6-Step, the strength and Mysterious Realm quite, after Black Phoenix was cut by the Dong Family powerhouse kills, by Dong Li takes Beast Soul Secret Arts slowly refining as Beast Soul, the seal in within the body. 董丽的那只黑凤,原本的血脉六阶,实力和玄境者相当,黑凤董家强者斩杀后,由董丽兽魂诀慢慢炼化兽魂,封印在体内。 Along with the realm promotion of Dong Li, she can also refining new Beast Soul enter the body, can have many Beast Soul. 随着董丽境界提升,她还可以炼化新的兽魂入体,可以拥有更多的兽魂 Intrepid of her strength, will make the Beast Soul might stronger and stronger, when she one day can use the Beast Soul strength completely, or the itself strength surpasses Black Phoenix original Bloodlines, she can also discard Bloodlines Rank to be inferior that her Beast Soul , to continue to capture and kill stronger Spirit Beast, refining up for formidable Beast Soul. 她实力的强悍,会让兽魂的威力越来越强,等她有一天能完全动用兽魂的力量,或者本身力量超过黑凤原先的血脉,她还能舍弃血脉等阶不如她的兽魂,继续捕杀更强的灵兽,来炼为强大兽魂 She in Crack Space Domain, was accumulating the strength for oneself before the same time, polishes battle strength of subordinates, on the other hand in quietly refining Black Phoenix Beast Soul. 她之前在裂空域,一方面在为自己积累力量,打磨麾下的战力,另外一方面就是在悄悄炼化黑凤兽魂 When she breaks through to Innate Realm, Black Phoenix Beast Soul, by her thorough refining, can not be used by her by backlash. 在她突破到先天境时,黑凤兽魂,才被她彻底炼化,能不遭反噬地被她所用。 Can through Nie Donghai, Nie Qian and the others, act bashful Nie Tian's obviously at will she, must discard that bracelet, is compelling Nie Tian and her bloody battle, relying on, was just refining soon Black Phoenix Beast Soul! 明明可以通过聂东海聂茜等人,随意拿捏聂天的她,偏偏要扔掉那手环,逼着聂天和她血战,凭借着的,就是刚炼化不久的黑凤兽魂 Whistling!” “呼呼!” Behind Dong Li that only Black Phoenix, makes an effort to flash the wing, intermittent black hurricane howls, nearby person of high bush blown pastes on the ground. 董丽背后的那只黑凤,用力闪动着翅膀,一阵阵黑色飓风呼啸而出,附近一人高的灌木被吹的纷纷贴在地上。 Chaotic Magnetic Field that Nie Tian builds, is scattered about, is difficult to affect the Dong Li slightest. 聂天营造出来的混乱磁场,也七零八落,再难影响董丽分毫。 The Dong Li chuckle, a pair of jet black eye pupil, solidly is locking Nie Tian. 董丽轻笑着,一双漆黑眼瞳,牢牢锁定着聂天 She grasps the shield, is gripping tightly the azure awl, the explosive hot torso \\ body, floats to empty unexpectedly little. 她一手持盾,一手紧握着青色锥子,劲爆火辣的胴\\体,竟然一点点浮空而起。 Takeoffs one meter, her body stops fluctuating, static float. 离地一米,她的躯体才停止浮动,静静悬浮着。 The Nie Tian pupil shrinks, the expression is even more stern. 聂天瞳孔一缩,表情愈发严峻。 By common sense, only then strides in Mysterious Realm Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior, has soaring the ability of across the sky. 以常理来看,只有跨入玄境人族炼气士,才具备横空飞翔的能力。 However, all things absolutely, have not had special Spirit Item, it is said can also below Mysterious Realm, on float in the sky. 然而,万事没有绝对,一些持有特殊灵器者,据说也能在玄境以下,就悬浮于空 Such character, Nie Tian has never met. 只是,这样的人物,聂天从未遇过。 Since present Dong Li, is he makes a debut, first that bumps into under Mysterious Realm, then can long time tread spatial! 眼前的董丽,乃是他出道至今,所碰到的第一个在玄境之下,便能长时间踏空者! Dong Li takes advantage is that only Black Phoenix Beast Soul! 董丽依仗的就是那只黑凤兽魂 „!” “咻!” Dong Li laughs at one lowly, on the face full is ridicules and proudly, her graceful moving body, under lead of Black Phoenix, flies suddenly to Nie Tian. 董丽低低嗤笑一声,脸上满是嘲弄和傲然,她那曼妙动人的身子,在黑凤的带动下,突然飞向聂天 The violent hurricane, one step sways to come, is standing erect Nie Tian first, in hurricane that howls, stands continually is thinking strenuously. 猛烈的飓风,先一步吹拂而来,屹立着的聂天,在那呼啸的飓风中,连站着都觉吃力。 Chaotic Magnetic Field is not already able to vanish, his coldly snorted, the Spiritual Power transfers of all sorts of different Attribute in the dantian, was welcoming the hurricane, cut by Flame Star to Dong Li. 混乱磁场早已无法消失,他冷哼一声,将丹田内种种不同属性灵力调用,迎着飓风,以炎星斩向董丽 Sonorous!” “铿锵!” The flame scatters, during the short several seconds, Nie Tian with floating airborne Dong Li, near body slaughters in the same place. 火光四溅,短短数秒间,聂天就和浮空中的董丽,近身厮杀在一起。 The Beast Bone shield of Dong Li left hand, by crooked of Flame Star bombardment, but her azure awl, actually cunning such as spirit snake, often penetrates tiny crack, hands the Nie Tian's trusted friend strategic point. 董丽左手的兽骨盾牌,被炎星轰击的歪歪扭扭,可她的青色锥子,却刁钻如灵蛇,往往透过细小的缝隙,递到聂天的心腹要害。 Flame Star unceasingly is also fluctuating the angle, before the azure awl punctures, cuts by Flame Star to Dong Li. 炎星也不断变幻着角度,在青色锥子刺来前,以炎星斩向董丽 After dozens seconds, Nie Tian suddenly, layer on layer crashes fiercely. 数十秒后,聂天霍然而起,又猛地重重坠落。 Flame Star and Beast Bone shield, the Dong Li azure awl, has struck continuously several hundred times. 炎星兽骨盾牌,还有董丽青色锥子,连续碰击了数百次。 The Nie Tian fingers/tiger mouth tingles with numbness, felt that every time with the collision of Dong Li Spirit Item, Flame Star likely is chops to chop on sincere iron mountain, has not occupied the small advantage in the strength. 聂天虎口发麻,感觉每一次和董丽灵器的碰撞,炎星都像是劈砍在厚重的铁山上,一点没有在力道上占据便宜。 Dong Li when the fight, is extending the body unceasingly, that supple, if the body of characterless, is concealing the extremely terrifying pure strength. 董丽在战斗时,不断伸展着躯体,那柔如无骨的身子,暗藏着极为恐怖的纯粹力量。 Flesh and blood powerful like Nie Tian, sometimes when by empty-handed with her elbow unit contact, will shake loudly greatly, at once falls down fiercely. 血肉之躯强悍如聂天,有时以空手和她肘部接触时,都会轰然巨震,旋即猛地坠地。 Gradually, in the Nie Tian's sensation, with his bloody battle, as if no longer is the Human Race female, but was one is throwing over the ancient times female beast of person skin! 渐渐地,在聂天的感知当中,与他血战的,似乎不再是人族女性,而是一头披着人皮的远古母兽! ...... …… The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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