KMD :: Volume #5

#404: Decadent

A pair of tall and slender ape pinkeye pupil, coldly is gazing at Nie Tian. 一双细长的猩红眼眸,冷冷注视着聂天 Ice-cold that in the eye pupil shows, disregards the life indifferently, making Nie Tian suddenly feel cloudy freezing cold to be cold. 眼眸中透出的冰冷,无视生命的漠然,令聂天顿觉阴森寒冷。 Because six Star Brilliance explode extinguishes, thus penetrated dark Spiritual Power, in instant of that Black Phoenix opening eyes pupil, becomes being closed without a gap. 因六个星耀爆灭,从而被穿透的暗黑灵力,在那黑凤睁开眼眸的霎那,重新变得密合无间。 Whistling!” “呼呼!” Billowing dark Spiritual Power, likely is the black running water of surging, suddenly submerges Nie Tian. 滚滚暗黑灵力,像是涌动的黑色流水,忽然就将聂天淹没。 Stands in dark Spiritual Power central Nie Tian, the complexion changes, tries Xinying to make Chaotic Magnetic Field unceasingly emphatically. 站在暗黑灵力中央的聂天,脸色一变,不断尝试着重新营造出混乱磁场 However, whenever Chaotic Magnetic Field condenses slightly, came from the dark Spiritual Power strange strength, such as the ominous severe school of fish, will come from his strength tearing and biting smashing. 然而,每当混乱磁场稍稍凝聚,来自于暗黑灵力的诡异力量,就如凶厉的鱼群般,将来自于他的力量撕咬粉碎。 Dark Spiritual Power ice-cold gloomy aura, little, following his pore, starts to seep to his flesh and blood. 暗黑灵力的冰冷阴森气息,一点点的,顺着他的毛孔,开始渗透向他血肉。 Float in the sky Dong Li, in the eye is glittering monster different rays of light, approaches slowly. 悬浮于空董丽,眼中闪烁着妖异的光芒,缓缓临近。 She each inch proximity, is leading more turbulent dark Spiritual Power, making Nie Tian be miserable beyond description, such as places oneself in the gloomy ice cold foreign land world, making the Nie Tian blood gradually ice-cold be incapable. 她每一寸的接近,都带动着更加汹涌的暗黑灵力,让聂天苦不堪言,如置身于阴森冰寒的异域天地,让聂天鲜血都渐渐冰冷无力。 The flesh and blood aura of Nie Tian within the body, under the corrosion of that dark Spiritual Power, gradually lost the vigor. 就连聂天体内的血肉气息,在那暗黑灵力的侵蚀下,都逐渐失去了活力。 The life exterminates, aura that the myriad things wither, releases from that dark Spiritual Power. 生灵灭绝,万物枯萎的气息,从那暗黑灵力中释放开来。 Broken Star Ancient Temple Spirit Secret Art, you as if all had not grasped.” The Dong Li expression is faint, the stance that the float comes, the monster flatters, but sex appeal, but her complexion actually very severe Ruhan frost, Nie Tian, do not think in the world, only then you are the talent. Sole Place of Meteor, some innumerable talents, there are unable to weigh the strength by realm numerously Supreme Talent.” 碎星古殿灵诀,你似乎还没有尽数掌握。”董丽语气淡漠,漂浮而来的姿态,妖媚而性感,可她脸色却酷厉如寒霜,“聂天,不要以为天地间,只有你是天才。单单一个陨星之地,就有无数才俊,有众多无法以境界来衡量实力的天骄。” My Dong Li no talent, but also is one of them!” “我董丽不才,但也是其中之一!” You can from Heavenly Gate, capture my brother's Broken Star Mark in the past, is not you have is fierce and special. Is only my brother and person fierce battle is too long, no longer the strength of peak, by your luck good picking up a bargain of!” “你当年能从天门内,将我哥哥的碎星印记夺取,并不是你有多么厉害和特殊。仅仅只是我哥哥与人酣战太久,不复巅峰之力,被你运气好的捡了便宜罢了!” „Do you think you really fiercely?” “你真以为你有多厉害?” To the present, she has still not forgotten with the spoken language, destroys Nie Tian mental. 到了现在,她依然不忘以言语,来摧毁聂天心智。 Fight experience extremely rich she, knows sometimes hitting hard in spoken language, the ratio ** with the attack of soul, but also wants effective and offends somebody! 战斗经验极为丰富的她,知道有时言语上的重击,比**和灵魂的打击,还要有效和伤人! Supreme Talent......” 天骄么……” Nie Tian muttered whispers, the corners of the mouth transgressed a wisp of strange smiling face, such as your general Supreme Talent, was truly rare, but I met and many. Ning Yang compared with you how?” 聂天喃喃低语,嘴角逸出一缕奇异笑容,“如你一般的天骄,确实少见,但我所遇的并不少。宁央比你如何?” Ning Yang?” Dong Li stares. 宁央?”董丽一愣。 Haha!” “哈哈!” At this moment, the Nie Tian supine head length smiles, from its Storage Bracelet, departs Flame Dragon Armor fiercely. 就在此刻,聂天仰头长笑,从其储物手环内,猛地飞出炎龙铠 Flame Dragon Armor departs swiftly, under his intention change, falls from its head sets. 炎龙铠倏一飞出,就在他心念变动下,从其头部套落。 Instantaneous, that Flame Dragon Armor by the Nie Tian clothing on body, and immediately burns the flaming roaring flame. 瞬间,那炎龙铠就被聂天穿戴在身上,并且立即燃烧出熊熊烈焰。 All seeps to Nie Tian's dark Spiritual Power, „” makes noise, was being burnt by Flame Dragon Armor blazing flame, is unable to make the Nie Tian blood ice-cold again. 所有渗透向聂天的暗黑灵力,都“嗤嗤”作响,被炎龙铠的炽热火焰燃烧着,再也无法让聂天鲜血冰冷。 The Spirit Beast meat that also in this time, was swallowed early by Nie Tian, multiplies a pure flesh and blood essence. 也在此时,早前被聂天吞食下去的灵兽肉,滋生出一股精纯的血肉精气。 Thump!” “咚咚!” Along with the fierce beat of his heart, corrodes to dark Spiritual Power of his flesh and blood veins, such as was being swept across by the strong winds, by direct row of exsomatize beyond. 随着他心脏的剧烈跳动,侵蚀向他血肉筋脉的暗黑灵力,如被狂风席卷着,被直接排离体外。 His all sorts of uncomfortableness, nothing left! 他种种的不适感,荡然无存! !” “呼!” Spiritual Power, Flame Strength, Wood Strength, Stars Energy, is combining the flesh and blood essence, pours into fiercely to Flame Star. 灵力,火焰之力,草木之力,星辰之力,混杂着血肉精气,猛地灌注向炎星 Is raising Flame Star in his hand, under the irrigation of numerous Spiritual Power, is vibrating fiercely. 提着他手中的炎星,在众多灵力的灌注下,剧烈抖动着。 Inexhaustible turbulent anger, multiplies from the Nie Tian hearts, he will display the Raging Fist way, by the Raging Fist mood, stimulates through Flame Star! 一股无穷无尽的汹涌怒意,由聂天心间滋生,他将施展怒拳的方式,以怒拳的心境,通过炎星来激发! The different Attribute strengths, mix in Flame Star, in the amplification of singular matrix chart after Flame Star, erupts finally loudly! 不同属性的力量,混入炎星,经过炎星内奇异阵图的增幅,最终轰然爆发! Mixed together all sorts of energies, the color bright strange thick long blade glow, flies like a waterfall to Dong Li. 一道糅合了种种能量,颜色鲜艳奇诡的粗长刀芒,如瀑布般,飞逝向董丽 In this moment, Nie Tian within the body 50% strengths, instantaneously pulled out by Flame Star leaves! 就在这一刻,聂天体内一半的力量,都被炎星给瞬间抽离! The gloomy cloud empty/sky deep place, does not know that the remote nihility, as if has leaf of secret gate to be lifted an corner/horn. 灰暗的云空深处,不知多遥远的虚无,仿佛有扇秘门被掀开一角。 As if transmitted the Heaven Holding Djinn anger to roar! 从中似乎传来了擎天巨灵的愤怒咆哮! Includes the Dreadful Anger terrifying blade glow, tore into shreds the dark Spiritual Power water curtain, the bolt of white silk has fired into Dong Li, such as must give to pierce the nihility! 含有滔天怒意的恐怖刀芒,撕碎了暗黑灵力水幕,匹练般冲向董丽,如要将虚无都给洞穿! Dong Li changes colors with amazement. 董丽骇然失色。 With her of Black Phoenix Beast Soul mind intercommunication, feels clearly, this moment Black Phoenix, resembled to smell made Black Phoenix feel the restless aura. 黑凤兽魂心神互通的她,清晰地感受到,这一刻的黑凤,似嗅到了令黑凤都感到不安的气息。 Only have her to hear, sharp crying of Black Phoenix, resounds in her mind crazily. 一声声唯有她本人能听到的,黑凤的尖利啼鸣,在她脑海中疯狂响起。 Dissipation everywhere dark Spiritual Power, under greeting of Dong Li, condense in the same place, changes into a black actually transparent great egg fiercely instantaneously, gives to cover her and Black Phoenix. 散逸的无处不在的暗黑灵力,在董丽的招呼之下,猛地凝结在一起,瞬间化为一个黑色却透明的巨蛋,将她和黑凤都给罩在其中。 crack! 喀! The thick long incomparable blade glow, cuts on that jet black transparent great egg, that egg shell, underlines close fissures immediately. 粗长无比的刀芒,斩在那漆黑透明的巨蛋上,那蛋壳,立即突显出一道道细密裂痕。 Dong Li in transparent great egg, complexion freezing cold, the body trembles lightly. 透明巨蛋内的董丽,面色森寒,身躯轻颤。 Black Phoenix that only spreads the wings to fly, the scarlet tall and slender eye pupil, underlines to absorb person blood light. 那只展翅欲飞的黑凤,猩红细长的眼眸,突显摄人血光 !” “呼!” After blade glow, the Nie Tian within the body rich flesh and blood essence, is combining surplus flame Spiritual Power, pours into Flame Dragon Armor all. 刀芒之后,聂天体内浓郁的血肉精气,混杂着剩余的火焰灵力,尽数注入炎龙铠 Is dressing Flame Dragon Armor Nie Tian, is evolves likely is burning turbulently the great fire person, a hit to unceasing crack transparent great egg. 穿戴着炎龙铠聂天,像是衍变为一名汹涌燃烧着的巨大火人,一头撞击向不断龟裂的透明巨蛋。 The Flame Dragon Armor armor surface, the flame chart mark is wriggling, just likes magma fire water is flowing. 炎龙铠的铠甲表面,火焰图纹蠕动着,犹如岩浆火水流淌着。 In Flame Dragon Armor Blood Core, bursts out one suddenly, Flame Dragon Armor blazing Flame Energy! 炎龙铠血核之中,也陡然迸发出一股,炎龙铠本身的炽烈炎能 Is bringing Flame Dragon Armor Nie Tian, the human form flame shell, the numerous bang hit in the transparent black egg shell. 带着炎龙铠聂天,人形火焰炮弹般,重重轰撞在透明黑色蛋壳。 Bang!” “轰!” The great egg that has not disrupted completely, because of this hit, explodes finally. 没有完全碎裂的巨蛋,因为这次撞击,终于爆开。 The egg shell that dark Spiritual Power form, such as the black light blade edge, flies to eight sides, gives the dig open deep cave entrance the earth. 一块块暗黑灵力形成的蛋壳,如黑色光刃,飞向八方,将大地都给凿开深深洞口。 On face that Dong Li stuffy snort/hum, monster flatters, appears not normal blushing. 董丽闷哼一声,妖媚的脸上,浮现出不正常的红晕。 That only huge Black Phoenix, suddenly sinks, the broad incomparable phoenix wing, the flowers fierce contraction, binds the Dong Li tender body is carrying off by far. 那只巨大的黑凤,忽地沉落,宽阔无比的凤翼,花朵般猛一收缩,就将董丽的娇躯裹着远远带走。 Soaring Nie Tian, after hit, loudly falls to the ground. 一飞冲天的聂天,也在撞击过后,轰然落地。 He is raising Flame Star, in the preparation continues to search for Dong Li, actually saw that Dong Li was led by that Black Phoenix, has been flying high dozens meters. 他提着炎星,就在准备继续搜寻董丽时,却看到董丽被那黑凤带动着,已经凌空数十米。 The black phoenix wing launches, Dong Li once more appears. 黑色凤翼展开,董丽从中再次浮现。 She is staring Nie Tian breathless, when preparing to regroup after a defeat , to continue to begin, suddenly heard the Han Mu shouting and wrangling sound: Young lady! The Rising Clouds Sect person, I brought to you!” 她气急败坏地瞪着聂天,就在准备重整旗鼓,继续动手时,忽然听到了韩暮的大呼小叫声:“小姐!凌云宗的人,我给你带过来了!” Dong Li is shocked suddenly. 董丽霍然愣住。 When below Nie Tian, hears the Han Mu sound, in the eye full is decadent. 下方的聂天,听到韩暮的声音时,眼中满是颓败。 He has not thought that such rapidness that the time, can pass unexpectedly. 他没有想到,时间,竟然会流逝的如此之快。 Was the time that Dong Li and he agreed on, he cannot before Rising Clouds Sect and the others caught up, capturing alive to capture alive Dong Li, loses the good opportunity. 不知不觉间,就到了董丽和他约定的时间,他没有能够在凌云宗等人赶来之前,将董丽给生擒活捉,痛失良机。 Originally, already to time of agreement.” Dong Li thought aloud that as if also responded. “原来,已经到约定的时间了。”董丽自言自语,似乎也才反应过来。 Young lady! Why hadn't the young lady you answered?” “小姐!小姐你为何一直没有回话?” Han Mu catches up finally, saw that from airborne lets fall slowly, and called Black Phoenix Beast Soul Dong Li. 韩暮终于赶来,一眼看到从空中缓缓垂落,并唤出了黑凤兽魂董丽 His changes countenance, stares excitedly fiercely to Nie Tian, you compelled the young lady to call that only Black Phoenix unexpectedly! Nie Tian, you do not know that here is where? Do you know that your family members, all did fall in our hands?” 他勃然变色,猛地瞪向聂天,“你竟然逼小姐唤出了那只黑凤聂天,你难道不知道这里是何处?你知不知道,你的那些亲人,全部都落在了我们的手中?” Nie Tian does not utter a word, but looks stubbornly to Dong Li. 聂天一声不吭,只是死死看向董丽 Dong Li falls from the day, that Black Phoenix under her strength, likely is the shadow, vanishes in within the body little. 董丽从天而落,那一只黑凤在她的力量之下,像是阴影般,一点点消失在她体内。 Finished.” Dong Li said in a soft voice. “结束了。”董丽轻声说道。 But on her face, the slight joy, after a point has not bet happiness. 可她的脸上,并没有丝毫的喜悦,没有一点赌胜后的欢愉。 „That side you go first.” Dong Li puts out a hand, aims at Rising Clouds Sect to come to the position of person, told Han Mu: Without my summons, you with these Rising Clouds Sect people, can not approach.” “你先去那边。”董丽伸手,指向凌云宗来人的位置,吩咐韩暮:“没有我的传唤,你和那些凌云宗的人,都不得接近。” Han Mu always follows to Dong Li, even if not understand the reason, obediently is obedient, immediately retreats. 韩暮董丽言听计从,即便不明白缘由,也乖乖听话,马上退走。 Dong Li paces in front of Nie Tian, knits the brows to visit him, is reorganizing the correct manners discipline, while is considering, how should process Nie Tian and Rising Clouds Sect these people. 董丽踱步到聂天面前,皱眉看着他,一边整理着仪容,一边在思量着,该如何处理聂天凌云宗的那些人。 !” “呼!” She lifts hand one move, bracelet that can pass on message, came from the distant place, was worn by her in the wrist/skill. 她抬手一招,那个能传讯的手环,从远方呼啸而来,又被她戴在手腕。 She is cold the face, had not considered how when should treat Nie Tian clearly, Qin Yan that before left, has braved suddenly. 她冷着脸,还没有考虑清楚该如何对待聂天时,之前离开的秦嫣,又突然冒了出来。 Your fights, the sound also is really scary.” When Qin Yan goes out, in the eye has filled look of surprise, is sizing up Dong Li and Nie Tian unceasingly, I come, is felt that the fight ended. Also, I heard the related Rising Clouds Sect news, therefore comes.” “你们的战斗,动静还真是吓人呢。”秦嫣走出时,眼中充满了异色,不断打量着董丽聂天,“我来,是感觉到战斗结束了。还有,我听到了有关凌云宗的消息,所以才过来一下。” She looked with emphasis to Nie Tian. 她重点看向了聂天 She cannot guess the Nie Tian's real status, however, Culmination Realm late stage, can actually with refining Black Phoenix Beast Soul Dong Li evenly matched fight Nie Tian, attracted her attention successfully. 她还是未能猜测出聂天的真实身份,然而,中天境后期,却能和炼化黑凤兽魂董丽势均力敌战斗的聂天,还是成功吸引了她的注意。 Meteorite's Nine Domains, major ancient Qi Refinement Warrior Sect, numerous Heaven's Proud Son names, compare by her and Nie Tian one by one. 陨星九域,各大古老炼气士宗门,众多天之骄子的名字,被她和聂天逐个对照。 But she actually discovered that these people who she knows, not having one to be able with Nie Tian to number. 可她却发现,她所知的那些人,没有一个能够和聂天对上号。 ...... …… The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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