KOH :: Volume #2

#108: Good night, good dream

Chapter 108 第108章 Good night, good dream 晚安,好梦 If wants to comfort me to consider as finished, I do not have am so vulnerable,” Adrian showed a faint smile, has broken Julia's words, was only one time is defeated, most two years I will attain.” “如果想要安慰我的话还是算了吧,我没那么脆弱,”阿德里安微微一笑,打断了茱莉亚的话语,“只是一次落败而已,最多两年我就会拿到。” This self-confident words made Julia stare staring. 这番充满自信的话语不由让茱莉亚愣了愣。 Naturally, no matter what, is thank you.” Adrian was saying after putting out a hand Julia's the sending silk of temple plundered the brain, looks that her eye said earnestly: You are really beautiful tonight, Julie.” “当然,不管怎么说,还是谢谢你。”阿德里安说着伸手将茱莉亚的鬓角的发丝掠到了脑后,看着她的眼睛认真说道:“你今晚真美,朱莉。” This movement has brought back Julia's recollection immediately, she opened mouth as to say anything, but quick left the head one side, seemed somewhat contradictory and feels helpless. 这个动作顿时勾起了茱莉亚的回忆,她张了张嘴似乎想要说什么,但很快把脑袋别到了一边,似乎有些矛盾和不知所措。 Good Adrian and shifted the topic: Was right, when do you arrive to send to? I had not seen you.” 还好阿德里安并转移了话题:“对了,你是什么时候到派对上来的?我一直没看到你。” Um, shortly after I just came, I attend another party in Riitta hotel, because somewhat bored comes out to relax, then has run into a friend, came to here by pulling.” Julia shrugs with a smile. “嗯,我刚来不久,我在梅丽塔酒店参加另一个派对,因为有些无聊就出来散散心,然后遇到了一个朋友,就被拉到这里来了。”茱莉亚笑着耸了耸肩。 Then here? Also and that side is equally bored.” Adrian faint smile visits her. “那么这边呢?也和那边一样无聊。”阿德里安似笑非笑的看着她。 „......,” Julia has almost hesitated for several seconds, told the facts, sends to is this appearance, everybody is eating and drinking together a thing, each other chatted anything. Wanted, just sees you to be at the balcony, therefore...... I walked...... To greet with you.” “……差不多吧,”茱莉亚迟疑了几秒钟,还是实话实说了出来,“派对都是这个样子,大家在一起吃喝点东西,彼此聊聊天什么的。本来已经想要回去了,刚好看见你在阳台这边,所以……我就走了过来……想和你打个招呼。” Adrian has several seconds not to speak, but is gazing at Julia's cheek, after some opposite party not being able to bear has shown the look of rebuking opened the mouth: Your assistant in downstairs, Julie?” 阿德里安有好几秒钟都没说话,只是注视着茱莉亚的脸蛋,直到对方有些受不了的露出了嗔怪的神色后才又开了口:“你的助理在楼下吗,朱莉?” Naturally, how?” Julia is somewhat strange. “当然,怎么了?”茱莉亚有些奇怪。 Has to bring other clothes?” Adrian continues to ask. “有带别的衣服吗?”阿德里安继续问道。 Um...... Has, in car(riage).” Julia is still not clear. “嗯……有,在车里。”茱莉亚依然不明白。 That was good, come.” Adrian does not allow to resist grabbed her hand, looked after the hall in pulls Julia to paste the wall to walk toward the entrance, „, since thought that sends to be very senseless, then we went to the amusing place to stroll.” “那就行了,来吧。”阿德里安不容抗拒的抓住了她的手,往大厅里看了看后牵着茱莉亚贴着墙往门口走去,“既然觉得派对很无趣,那么我们就去好玩的地方逛逛好了。” Wait / Etc., Ide, is this not quite as if appropriate?” Was towed some Julia's hesitant asking of staggering along by him. “等等,艾德,这样似乎不太妥当吧?”被他拖得有些跌跌撞撞的茱莉亚犹豫的问道。 Has not related, in any case should discuss has finished talking.” Adrian he he said with a smile lightly, was good, Julie, Oscar had finished, this suitable indulged.” “没关系,反正该谈的都已经谈完了。”阿德里安呵呵轻笑道,“好了,朱莉,奥斯卡已经结束了,也该适当的放纵一下了。” Indulges is actually a neutral word, most of the time is used to refer to willfully, but, is unrestricted, only then in the specific environment is the derogatory meaning, indulging in Adrian mouth refers to the previous type obviously. 放纵其实是个中性词,大多数时候用来指任性而为、不受约束,只有在特定的环境中才是贬义,阿德里安口中的放纵显然是指前一种。 Flavor holds really!” Puts after the corner/horn of cake in mouth bites gently together, Julia immediately has raised up the thumb. “味道真捧!”将卷饼的一角放入口中轻轻咬下一块后,茱莉亚随即竖起了大拇指。 Sits on the bench outside US characteristics street snack bar, Julia has changed clothes, the trousers added the coat also lotus leaf hat, cannot look at the appearance of big star under shining of night light completely. 坐在美国特色的街边小吃店外的长凳上,茱莉亚已经换了身衣服,长裤加外套还有一顶荷叶帽,在夜灯的照耀下完全看不出来大明星的模样。 Naturally, this is the place that I recommend, all people know that I have been familiar again cannot to these places of Los Angeles be familiar.” The Adrian stroke is drawing front toasted bread, partly teased partly ridicules self-ridiculed to say. “当然,这可是我推荐的地方,所有人都知道,我对洛杉矶的这些地方已经熟悉得不能再熟悉了。”阿德里安划拉着面前的吐司,半调侃半揶揄的自嘲说道。 Tittered one, Julia hurried to cover the mouth, although the hat brim pressed quite lowly, eye that can still see that to bending: Sorry, Ide, I am only......” 噗嗤一声,茱莉亚赶紧捂住了嘴巴,虽然帽檐压得比较低,依然可以看见那对弯起来的眼睛:“抱歉,艾德,我只是……” Has not related, the reporters, the tabloid reporters, make up the story the ability to be unusual particularly,” shrugging that Adrian thinks little, said again their stories are not completely are incredible, although only then a little.” “没关系,记者们,尤其是小报记者们,编故事的能力非同一般,”阿德里安不以为意的耸了耸肩,“再说他们的故事也不是完全不可信,虽然只有那么一点。” Right? Then which are real?” Asking that Julia interestings immediately. “是吗?那么哪些是真实的?”茱莉亚顿时饶有兴趣的问道。 „Do you want to know?” Adrian asked intentionally. “你就这么想知道?”阿德里安故意问道。 Naturally, when sees these about your report, I always cannot bear be able to think that you have done these matters really? Completely not like.” Julia is recalling wear a look of curiously. “当然,在看到那些关于你的报道的时候,我总忍不住会想,你真的干过这些事吗?完全不像啊。”茱莉亚面带好奇的回忆着。 Listened to Adrian in ear in secret to select the eyebrow her these words: Good, then after finished eating the thing, we walks while said that naturally, some issues I have the right not to reply......” 将她这番话听在耳朵里的阿德里安不由暗中挑了挑眉:“好吧,那么等吃完东西后,我们边走边说吧,当然,有些问题我有权不回答……” Two people finished eating after night, follows the street bright with many colors to stroll while plays some small games, for example all asked that the simple questions and answers of some strange issues, Julia often exudes giggle the laughter, the interest came the time also on the sidewalk alone will jump up several, appears is very joyful. 两个人吃完宵夜之后,一边顺着五光十色的街道逛着一边做些小游戏,比如全问一些古怪问题的简单问答,茱莉亚不时发出咯咯的笑声,兴致来了的时候还会在人行道上独个儿跳上几圈,显得很是快乐。 Be careful, other wai foot.” Adrian smiles is reminding her. “小心,别崴了脚。”阿德里安微笑着提醒她。 „Am I so clumsy?” Julia's grinning turning circle, is lively probably less than 20 young misses, do not despise me, Ide, must know......!” “我有那么笨拙吗?”茱莉亚笑嘻嘻的转了个圈,轻快得好像不到20的小姑娘,“可别小看我,艾德,要知道……啊!” While she turns around, a shadow front surface hits, Julia will call out in alarm the sound to go in the future but actually, following on the heels Adrian rushed ahead to come her to drag into the bosom. 就在她转身的同时,一道黑影迎面撞来,茱莉亚惊呼了声就要往后倒去,跟在后面的阿德里安抢上前来将她一把拉入怀中。 Damn, this is......” Julia gasped for breath, this discovered that the shadow is the root extends in the branch to sidewalk. “真见鬼,这是……”茱莉亚微喘了口气,这才发现黑影不过是根伸到行人道上的树枝。 Do not be worried that is only root branch.” Adrian holds saying that the girl in bosom is comforting, is very obvious, some authority people neglected duty, perhaps we should find a place to sue them, unexpectedly made the branch extend the road surface to come up.” “别担心,只是根树枝。”阿德里安抱着怀中的女郎安慰的说道,“很显然,政府部门有人失职了,也许我们应该找个地方投诉他们,居然让树枝伸到了路面上来。” This is long the too high fault,” Julia sighed, does not have first to leave the bosom of Adrian, they always said that I was too high as the woman stature, the shoulder was too wide, chest peaceful......” “这就是长得太高的坏处,”茱莉亚叹了口气,没有第一时间离开阿德里安的怀抱,“他们总是说我作为女人个子太高,肩太宽,胸太平……” „Is that also what kind of?” Adrian grabbed Julia's shoulder to pull her, you were still very beautiful, still made many men be in a stew, these people could not represent all people.” “那又怎样?”阿德里安抓着茱莉亚的肩头将她扳了过来,“你依然很美丽,依然让很多男人着迷,那些人代表不了所有人。” You still...... Such will speak, Ide......” Julia looks at his jet black eye, does not have the indication held his face to kiss his mouth. “你依然……这么会说话,艾德……”茱莉亚怔怔的看着他漆黑的眼睛,毫无征兆的捧住他的脸吻住了他的嘴巴。 Adrian also gratefully grasped Julia, sucks in her lip, they like this are photogenic to support the hot kiss in the street, the enthusiasm of accumulation such are erupting. A time, three times, repeatedly as if are twice never-ending. 阿德里安也毫不客气的抱住了茱莉亚,吮吸起她的唇瓣,两人就这样在街道上相拥着热吻,积累的热情就这么爆发开来。一次、两次、三次,反反复复仿佛永无休止。 Finally, in rapid respite sound, they have divided, giving in compensation hugs is returning to normal own mood. 终于,在急促的喘息声中,两人分了开来,头抵头的拥抱在一起平复着自己的情绪。 Julie......” Adrian called the sound gently, Julia who opens the eye actually suddenly overthrows one side him, arrives at the street in a hurry somewhat flustered glances right and left: I fine went back, Ide.” “朱莉……”阿德里安轻轻叫了声,睁开眼睛的茱莉亚却忽然的将他推倒一边,匆匆走到街边有些慌张的左顾右盼起来:“我要得回去了,艾德。” Julie, wait / etc., Julie.” Adrian puts out a hand to grasp her arm, I only want to tell you......” “朱莉,等等,朱莉。”阿德里安伸手去抓她的胳膊,“我只想告诉你……” This, Ide,” Julia should not be sideways to shunt his hand, has turned head to entreat visits him, don't this.” “别这样,艾德,”茱莉亚侧过身躲开他的手,回过头哀求的看着他,“别这样。” „...... I can deliver you to go back.” After silent several seconds, Adrian such said. “……我可以送你回去。”沉默了几秒后阿德里安这么说道。 No, I can go back, this.” Julia has plundered by the wind dishevel hair, does not dare to visit him again, put out a hand to block a taxi. “不,我自己可以回去,就这样吧。”茱莉亚掠了掠被风吹乱的头发,不敢再看他,伸手拦下了一辆的士。 Adrian sighed, has not stopped again, opened the vehicle door after Julia opened the mouth: Julie.” 阿德里安叹了口气,没有再阻拦,直到茱莉亚打开车门后才又开了口:“朱莉。” Julia stopped oneself to act from now on to transfer the head finally. 茱莉亚停下自己动作最终还是把脑袋自此转了过来。 Good night, good dream.” Adrian visits her to say. “晚安,好梦。”阿德里安看着她说道。 Julia squeezes a smiling face reluctantly, has seated in the car(riage). Gazed after the taxi to vanish after the intersection, Adrian turned around to walk toward own parking place, then a chuckle has delimited from the face. 茱莉亚勉强挤出个笑容,坐进了车里。目送的士消失在了街口后,阿德里安才转身往自己的停车处走去,然后一丝轻笑从脸上划了过去。
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