KOH :: Volume #2

#106: Wins over once more

Chapter 106 第106章 Wins over once more 再次拉拢 This is unit outstanding work, this is the results of all person common efforts, Djoudi, Anthony, Scott, George and so on, does not have this «The Silence of the Lambs» without you, thank you!” Jonathan Demme took the young metal statue of best movie to complete the speech as producer. “这是部优秀的作品,这是所有人共同的努力的结果,朱迪、安东尼、斯科特、乔治等等等等,没有你们就没有这部《沉默的羔羊》,谢谢你们!”乔纳森戴米以制作人的身份拿着最佳电影的小金人做完了致辞。 In the hall of musical center has broken out the warm applause immediately, everyone, regardless of they are thinking anything, at this moment was winning the Oscar best movie to cheer for this movie, Adrian is no exception. 音乐中心的大厅里顿时响起了热烈的掌声,每个人,无论他们心里在想什么,此刻都在为这部电影赢得了奥斯卡最佳电影而喝彩,阿德里安也不例外。 Was good, the waiters, had finished, leaves is so dejected, but also remembers before you, comforts my? Field game.” After the presentation ceremony announced had finished, Adrian to the side generally appears the elegant people said. “好了,伙计们,结束了,别这么垂头丧气的,还记得你们之前是怎么安慰我的吗?只是场游戏而已。”在颁奖典礼宣布结束后,阿德里安对身边普遍显得郁郁的人们说道。 They are not willingly.” Saying that Robins explained that after all won 8 nomination actually prizes not to attain, really somewhat could not be justified.” “他们只是不甘心而已。”罗宾斯解释的说道,“毕竟获得8项提名却一个奖都没拿到,实在有些说不过去。” Indeed so, at least I think that the best cinematography and best editing should attain one of them.” Dennis inserted. “的确如此,至少我认为最佳摄影和最佳剪辑应该拿到其中之一。”丹尼斯插了进来。 Does not use this, thinks that 77 years of «Turning point» and 85 years of «Purple», is 11 nominations actually has achieved nothing.” Waving of Adrian does not care about, this does not have anything at the worst, later will have the opportunity.” “不用这样,想想77年的《转折点》和85年的《紫色》吧,都是11项提名却一无所获。”阿德里安不在意的挥了挥手,“这没什么大不了,以后会有机会的。” Arrives at the lobby, the slightly crowded stream of people have dispersed, many people 3322 gather together speaks, is waiting for own vehicle or the companion, the winners of several main award items went to the leaning hall to accept as a memento according to the traditional photograph. Has sized up slightly under all around, after Adrian and Robins they greeted, walks toward own goal. 走到前厅,略显拥挤的人流散开了许多,不少人3322聚在一起说着话,等着自己的车子或者同伴,几个主要奖项的得主则去了偏厅按传统拍照留念。稍微打量了下四周,阿德里安和罗宾斯他们打了个招呼后往自己的目标走去。 Hey, James, congratulates you.” He arrived at and several people were chitchatting in front of James Cameron. “嘿,詹姆斯,恭喜你们。”他到了和几个人攀谈着的詹姆斯卡梅隆面前。 Congratulations? Good, from your perspective, congratulates us also to calculate right.” Cameron has sized up under Adrian, saying that teased in a tone with, „was really too unfortunate.” “恭喜?好吧,从你的角度来讲,恭喜我们也算没错。”卡梅隆打量了下阿德里安,语带调侃的说道,“真是太不幸了。” However he receives the smiling face immediately: Do not care, Ide, you looked that I had not been nominated the excessively best director.” 不过他马上收起笑容:“别在意,艾德,你看,我还从来没被提名过最佳导演呢。” You nominated, the best director is your it's in the bag.” Adrian smiled. “等你提名的时候,最佳导演已经是你的囊中之物了。”阿德里安笑了笑。 „Is this prediction? Thanks, but I also think.” Cameron laughs, worthily is madman. “这算是预言吗?谢谢,不过我也是这么想的。”卡梅隆哈哈大笑起来,不愧是狂人。 They also casually chatted several, mostly centralized on movie technology, most times are Cameron are saying, but Adrian is listening. He definitely is inferior to this technical madman related to the concrete technology, but occasionally can actually give the opposite party some at present a bright prompt. 两人又随便聊了几句,大多都集中在电影技术上面,多数时候都是卡梅隆在讲而阿德里安在听。涉及到具体技术他肯定不如这个技术狂人,但偶尔却能给对方一些眼前一亮的提示。 Outside reporter as if left similarly, I should also leave.” After Adrian looks the person has been short of many lobbies, like this to Cameron said. “外面的记者似乎离开得差不多了,我也应该离开了。”阿德里安看了看人少了许多的前厅后这样对卡梅隆说道。 Good, later again contacts.” Cameron nodded must turn around to leave. “好吧,以后再联络。”卡梅隆点了点头就要转身离开。 Was right, James,” Adrian also stopped by calling out him suddenly, what did you recently have to arrange?” “对了,詹姆斯,”阿德里安忽然又叫住了他,“你最近有什么安排吗?” Temporarily...... No, after finishing «Terminator 2», plans and Linda exits to travel, may be delayed by this and that matter.” Cameron somewhat helpless letting go, Linda in his mouth is leading lady Linda Hamilton in «Terminator 2», the present is his girlfriend. “暂时……没有,本来忙完了《终结者2》后打算和琳达出去旅游,可一直被这样那样的事情所耽搁。”卡梅隆有些无奈的摊了摊手,他口中的琳达就是《终结者2》中的女主角琳达汉密尔顿,现在是他的女朋友。 What's wrong, what good idea did you have?” He was saying looks Adrian shows the look that interestings. “怎么,你又有了什么好点子吗?”他说着看着阿德里安露出饶有兴趣的神色。 Is this, I had no intention to look at the unit to call the «Complete Woman» French movie, at the end of last year screened, was very interesting. The general idea was to say the actor, because was elite in the security police cannot indicates the status to the family member and friend, in their eyes, he was only a mediocre commis, but stimulation that the wife longs, therefore by one said was the swindler of agent attracts, but the actor discovered, started to use own duty convenience to trace the life of wife, thus has initiated many matters of not knowing whether to laugh or cry. I think that this is the good theme of rescreening.” “是这样,我无意看了部叫《完全女人》的法国电影,去年年底上映的,很有意思。大意是说男主角因为是秘密警察中的精英不能向家人和朋友表明身份,在他们眼里,他只是个平庸的小职员,而妻子一直渴望的刺激,于是被一个自称是特工的骗子所吸引,而男主角发现之后就开始利用自己的职务便利追踪起妻子的生活,从而引发了许多哭笑不得的事情。我认为这是个翻拍的好题材。” Sees Cameron to frown, saying of Adrian supplement: Naturally, the entire movie still floods French unique bored talking endlessly, if must rescreen must have the major surgery, increases some magnificent scene Arnold to pilot the shuttle of kite fighter aircraft in the tall buildings to be what kind of? Good, waited for you to watch this movie to say again.” 眼看卡梅隆皱起了眉头,阿德里安跟着补充的说道:“当然,整部电影依然充斥法国人特有的无聊的喋喋不休,如果要翻拍的话必须动大手术,增加一些大场面阿诺驾驶鹞式战斗机在高楼之间穿梭怎么样?好吧,还是等你看了这部电影再说吧。” Your idea is very interesting, Ide,” Cameron strokes gently the chin saying that «Complete Woman»? I will look.” “你的想法很有趣,艾德,”卡梅隆摩挲着下巴说道,“《完全女人》是吗?我会看的。” Then he nodded, turns around to walk toward elsewhere, after Adrian gazed after his distance, chuckle sound, slowly the footsteps are walking toward outside. 然后他点了点头,转身往别处走去,阿德里安目送了他一段距离后轻笑了声,也慢慢的度着脚步往外面走去。 Few people have watched «Complete Woman» this movie in another space and time, the US that but is directed by James Cameron rescreens the version to have a resounding name but actually: «Real Rumor»! 在另一个时空里面很少有人看过《完全女人》这部电影,不过由詹姆斯卡梅隆执导的美国翻拍版倒有个响当当的名字:《真实的谎言》! Although compares the budget, this global box office close 400 million US dollars movies have not looked like the big pieces of other certain high box offices to earn that many, actually very good to annotate put into the big manufacture greatly the meaning, behind that the movie that for Cameron made the world focus attention on paved the way. For own empire, Adrian has no reason to let off, let alone can also further win over this technical madman. 虽然相比预算,这部全球票房接近400000000美元的电影并没有像别的某些高票房的大片赚得那么多,却很好的诠释了大投入大制作的含义,也为卡梅隆后面那部让世界瞩目的电影铺平了道路。为了自己的帝国,阿德里安没有理由放过,更何况还可以进一步拉拢这个技术狂人。 Hey, Ide.” A sound passed on to interrupt the ponder of Adrian at this time, the emergence of Jonathan Demme all smiles before him, in the hand is also taking then the shining young metal statue. “嘿,艾德。”一个声音这时传了过来打断了阿德里安的思考,然后乔纳森戴米满面笑容的出现在他面前,手中还拿着明晃晃的小金人。 Dramatic team has to celebrate the merit party in Riitta hotel, are you willing to come to participate? We can discuss the «Philadelphia Story» matter while convenient.” Demi has sent out the invitation, but he has realized anything quickly, the smiling face on face also becomes awkward. “剧组在梅丽塔酒店有个庆功派对,你愿意过来参加吗?我们可以顺便谈谈《费城故事》的事。”戴米发出了邀请,但他很快意识到了什么,脸上的笑容也跟着变得尴尬起来。 However Adrian has not shown the affronted look, had pondered after two seconds, asked earnestly: „Can I participate?” 然而阿德里安并没有露出被冒犯的神色,思考了两秒钟后认真问道:“我可以参加吗?” Um...... Naturally.” Stunned Demi's subconscious nod. “嗯……当然。”错愕的戴米下意识的点了点头。 „, Was exceedingly honored.” Adrian shows a faint smile. “那么,不胜荣幸。”阿德里安微微一笑。 What under «The Silence of the Lambs» dramatic team package is the Riitta hotel four halls, can hold about hundred guests. Participates to celebrate merit party the dramatic team and film company of the person of incessantly, meanwhile invited the celebrities of many other professions, naturally, is related with the entertainment, for example «Fame and fortune Field» editor-in-chief Tiner Brown. 沉默的羔羊》剧组包下的是梅丽塔酒店四层的大厅,可以容纳近百名宾客。参加庆功派对的不止剧组和电影公司的人,同时还邀请了很多其他的行业的知名人士,当然,都和娱乐有关,比如《名利场》的总编辑蒂娜布朗。 However most makes people feel curious is actually «Shawshank's Redemption» director Adrian, «Shawshank's Redemption» that obtains 8 nominations not only a prize has not resulted in finally, but also the important award defeated in the «The Silence of the Lambs» hand, but his a feeling of losing did not have, but also ran to participate in «The Silence of the Lambs» Qing Gongpai right...... 不过最让人感到好奇的却是《肖申克的救赎》的导演阿德里安,获得8项提名的《肖申克的救赎》最终不仅一奖未得,而且重要奖项都败在了《沉默的羔羊》手中,可他却一点失落的感觉都没有,还跑来参加《沉默的羔羊》的庆功派对…… Good, is Director Jonathan Demme invited him to come right, they related very well also right, after the presentation ceremony ended, no longer was the match similarly right, but, to person a strange feeling. 好吧,是乔纳森戴米导演邀请他来的没错,他们两人关系很好也没错,颁奖典礼结束后就不再是对手了同样没错,但是,就是给人一种怪怪的感觉。 You know that a «Shawshank's Redemption» prize has not attained, is naturally impossible to hold any party to celebrate, this was too awful, I actually do not have the place to go! Happen to at this time Qiao Guolai invited me, therefore complied,” in the Adrian expression is bringing a point to self- ridiculing, I think that you will not mind, right?” “你们都知道,《肖申克的救赎》一奖未获,自然不可能举办什么派对庆祝,这实在太糟糕了,我竟然没有地方可去!正好这个时候乔过来邀请我,于是就答应了下来,”阿德里安的语气里带着一点对自我的揶揄,“我想你们不会介意的,对吗?”
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