KOH :: Volume #2

#105: Oscar ( 4 )

Chapter 105 第105章 Oscar ( 4 ) 奥斯卡(四) Must acknowledge that they are very outstandingly very outstanding actor, this was too brutal, cannot believe that really I can only select one unexpectedly, why the appraisal committees am not willing to prepare 5 awarding cups?” black Whoopi Goldberg was sighing self-effacingly, after annoying many laughter has shrugged: Good, makes us disassemble to have a look the envelope, in order to avoid made them become impatient, after all increased the matter of awarding cup, I said does not calculate.” “必须承认,他们都是非常优秀非常出色的演员,哦,这太残酷了,真不敢相信我竟然只能从中选出一位,评委们为什么不肯准备5座奖杯呢?”乌比戈德堡摇头晃脑的感叹着,在惹来了不少笑声后才又耸了耸肩:“好吧,还是让我们把信封拆开看看吧,以免让他们等急了,毕竟增加奖杯的事,我说了可不算。” She opened the envelope immediately, does not give the cushion time immediately read: «City Slickers», Jake Pareyn!” 她随即打开了信封,不给缓冲时间的马上念了出来:“《城市滑头》,杰克帕兰斯!” The cheers immediately have made a sound from the «City Slickers» dramatic team, Jake Pareyn has stood excitedly, is accepting the surrounding person's blessing. Adrian actually at heart gently relaxed at this time, then looked that to Freeman who and are away from three seats, although the black person old man is maintaining the smiling face, the helpless look flashes past from the eye. 欢呼声顿时从《城市滑头》剧组那边响了起来,杰克帕兰斯激动的站了起来,接受着周围人的祝福。阿德里安此时却在心里轻轻松了口气,然后看向和自己隔着三个座位的弗里曼,黑人老头虽然保持着笑容,无奈的神色还是从眼中一闪而过。 Does not use too sadly, Morgan. After such opportunity, will have.” Saying of Adrian comfort. “不用太难过,摩根。这样的机会以后还会有的。”阿德里安安慰的说道。 Ide said right, considered to throw dice to lose.” Sits also similarly said in his nearby Robins. “艾德说得没错,就当是掷骰子输了。”坐在他旁边的罗宾斯也同样说道。 Yes, we know that you have how splendidly and diligently.” Another side Dennis has also collected. “是啊,我们都知道你有多么的出色和努力。”另一边的丹尼斯也凑了过来。 Under their leadership, sits in the surrounding other people also starts to comfort Freeman. 在他们三人的带领下,坐在周围的其他人也开始纷纷安慰起来弗里曼来。 I am all right, the waiters, I am all right,” Freeman waved with a smile, good intentions thank you, leave this, although I am old enough, may not have at heart is so frail, this possession sooner or later will attain.” “我没事,伙计们,我没事,”弗里曼笑着挥了挥手,“谢谢你们的好意,别这样,我虽然年纪够大,可心里没那么脆弱,该拿到的迟早会拿到。” Also said several, Adrian sat own position, the issue that most was worried about did not exist, he basically can relax completely. Although Robins also has a best actor, but he will obviously not be Hopkins's match. 又说了几句,阿德里安坐回了自己的位置,最担心的问题已经不存在了,他基本上可以完全的放松了。虽然罗宾斯还有个最佳男主角,但他明显不会是霍普金斯的对手。 A dance of after interesting comedy, the award item of technology class started promulgation once more, does not have the accident, «Shawshank's another two technical award nominations of Redemption», the best editing and best dubbing in music, fell in others hand, then «The Silence of the Lambs» also started to catch up, took away the best adapted screenplay from the «Shawshank's Redemption» hand. 一段有趣搞笑的歌舞之后,技术类的奖项再次开始了颁发,没有意外,《肖申克的救赎》的另外两个技术奖项提名,最佳剪辑和最佳配乐,都落到了别人手中,然后《沉默的羔羊》也开始发力,从《肖申克的救赎》手中拿走了最佳改编剧本。 Ide, this does not have anything, considers two ordinary award items.” Everybody is comforting Adrian, must know that the nomination of best editing and best adapted screenplay is his. “艾德,这没什么,就当是两个普通的奖项罢了。”大家纷纷安慰着阿德里安,要知道最佳剪辑和最佳改编剧本的提名都是他的。 Thanks.” Adrian has not said too, but with the smile expressed that own gratitude, this is one of his plans, for this reason had not even reported including Golden Globe. “谢谢。”阿德里安没有说太多,只是用微笑表示自己的谢意,这本来就是他的计划之一,为此甚至连金球奖都没有申报。 But dramatic team members not clear these, although they and Adrian have worked together as colleagues not the short time, has asked for advice the attitude of this boss, knows his appraisal and praise of media, but now after all is also only 24-year-old young people, who can guarantee that he really isn't aggrieved? Therefore fails to be elected after each time, they going forward of later noisy crowd will express the comfort in Robins and the others . Moreover the movement scope big to letting the person is unable to neglect. 但剧组成员们并不清楚这些,虽然他们和阿德里安共事过不短的时间,都领教过这位老板的作风,也知道媒体对他的评价和夸赞,但现在毕竟还只是个24岁的年轻人,谁能保证他心里真的不憋屈?所以每次落选后,他们都会在罗宾斯等人之后一窝蜂的上前表示安慰,而且动作幅度大到让人无法忽视。 Such movement was causing that the surrounding person looks askance again and again, cannot bear saying that teased including director Christowe: To be honest, Mr. Adrian is really enviable, I think really this moment side also has this kind of crowd of person good words to comfort me, must know that these many awarding cups all are not me to be good, I indeed drink the multi- coffee.” 这样的动作在引得周围人连连侧目,连主持人克里斯托也忍不住调侃的说道:“说实话,阿德里安先生真是让人羡慕,我真想此刻身边也有这样一群人好言安慰我,要知道这么多的奖杯全都不属于我好吧,我的确是喝多咖啡了。” No matter what, wins wins, loses loses, the sound of comfort made that greatly is impossible to make the awarding cup fly the Adrian bosom from others hand, therefore the presentation ceremony continued. 不管怎样,赢就是赢,输就是输,安慰的动静弄得再大也不可能让奖杯从别人手中飞到阿德里安怀里,所以颁奖典礼继续进行了下去。 Finally, the entire Oscar most important time must come, increases the effort adjustment atmosphere along with Christowe in the stage, the most important two performance prizes drew a charge immediately. 终于,整个奥斯卡最重要的时刻就要来了,随着克里斯托在舞台上加大力度调节现场的气氛,最重要的两个表演奖随即出炉了。 «The Silence of the Lambs», Djoudi Froster!” Along with previous best actor Jeremy Irons's voice, entire musical center thunderous applause, this is Djoudi Froster in wins the title two years later once more! The actress who although in the Oscar history, wins the title twice has, the supporter as well as the feminist but who the time interval such short first time, this enough lets Djoudi Froster were excited. “《沉默的羔羊》,朱迪福斯特!”随着上届最佳男主角杰瑞米艾恩斯的声音,整个音乐中心欢声雷动,这是朱迪福斯特在时隔两年之后再次封后!虽说在奥斯卡历史上,两次封后的女演员不是没有,可间隔时间如此之短还是第一次,这足够让朱迪福斯特的支持者以及女权主义者兴奋了。 When Froster comes to power to give a speech, Adrian looked to Tim Robbins, he really to sitting in not far away, was giving the hand signal of comfort with «Dead end Crazy Flower» dramatic team together Susan Langdon, but does not know that a while Langdon can give the similar hand signal to him. 在福斯特上台致辞的时候,阿德里安不由看向了蒂姆罗宾斯,他果然正对坐在不远处的,和《末路狂花》剧组一起的苏珊萨兰登做着安慰的手势,只是不知道等会儿萨兰登会不会对他做同样的手势。 To be honest, even if no Anthony Hopkins, Robins wants to take the best actor is still very difficult, in other three competitors, Robin Williams «Reduces Two To know in the heart in Horizon» in displays and Robins is equally matched, but Robert de Niro had a best male supporting actor and a best actor, Warren Beatty who therefore, the qualifications get the advantage likely attains this young metal statue. 说实话,即便没有安东尼霍普金斯,罗宾斯想要拿下最佳男主角依然是非常困难的,在其他三个竞争者中,罗宾威廉姆斯在《天涯沦落两心知》中表现和罗宾斯不相上下,而罗伯特德尼罗已经有一个最佳男配角和一个最佳男主角,因此,资历占优势的沃伦比蒂很可能拿到这座小金人。 Yes, right, that Hollywood most renowned dandy, Warren Beatty, it is said that has the female of relations with him has reached as high as over ten thousand, although does not have Wilt Chamberlain that to exaggerate, lacks many Barbra Streisand, Zhu Li Christie, Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, the Madonna like this well-known woman. 是的,没错,那个好莱坞最著名的花花公子,沃伦比蒂,据说和他发生过关系的女性高达上万,虽然没有威尔特张伯伦那么夸张,缺不乏芭芭拉史翠珊、朱丽克里斯蒂、黛安基顿、简方达、麦当娜这样的知名女人。 Woody Allen once had a joke: Next life must make Warren Beatty's fingertip. Any meaning was needless saying that although Woody Allen oneself was also dirty, were less to the plate with Warren Beatty because of Diane Keaton, but can also explain the loose history of this fellow from another aspect. 伍迪艾伦曾有句戏言:来世要做沃伦比蒂的手指尖。什么意思就不用说了,虽然伍迪艾伦自身也不干不净,和沃伦比蒂不对盘更多是因为黛安基顿,但也可以从另一个方面说明这家伙的风流史。 This dandy must prepare to have a change of heart now, it is said started to be married with Annette Berlin, something have not changed obviously. 只是这个花花公子现在要准备收心了,据说已经和安妮特贝宁开始谈婚论嫁,有些事情显然并没有改变。 Really stupid. Adrian has been giving this kind of appraisal at heart. However this is also good, he should also resign the position, moreover he is not clear, the quality is often more important than the quantity. 真是愚蠢。阿德里安在心里给出了这样一个评价。不过这样也好,他也该让出位置了,而且他并不明白,质量往往比数量更重要。 «The Silence of the Lambs», Anthony Hopkins!” The sound that as in the stage broadcasts, Adrian recovers finally, the scene immediately is shocking cheering, Hopkins has taken the stage with smile on the face, received the awarding cup of best actor from the previous best actress winner Casey Betts hand. “《沉默的羔羊》,安东尼霍普金斯!”随着舞台上传来的声音,阿德里安终于回过神来,现场顿时又是一阵震天的欢呼,霍普金斯面带微笑的走上了舞台,从上届最佳女主角得主凯茜贝茨手中接过了最佳男主角的奖杯。 Worthily is Professor Hannibal.” Adrian sighed the sentence in a soft voice, then looked once more to Tim Robbins, Freeman as well as Dennis and the others started to comfort at this time. “不愧是汉尼拔教授。”阿德里安轻声感叹了句,然后再次看向蒂姆罗宾斯,弗里曼以及丹尼斯等人此时已经开始安慰了起来。 Unexpectedly, Robins does not have the look that the least bit loses, has responded with a smile, must know that Freeman unavoidably feels after failing to be elected helpless. 出乎意料的是,罗宾斯并没有半点失落的神色,一直笑着回应,要知道,就连弗里曼在落选后都难免感到无奈。 „It looks like, you as if already expected this.” Adrian collects curious asking. “看起来,你似乎早就预料到这个了。”阿德里安凑过去好奇的问道。 „Before I and Susan, has predict that she attains the possibility of best actress me be higher, therefore I have not cared.” Robins shrugs, you are different, Ide?” “我和苏珊之前就预测过,她拿到最佳女主角的可能性要比我高许多,所以我并没有放在心上。”罗宾斯耸了耸肩,“你不也一样吗,艾德?” Adrian smiled has not spoken again, then shifted on the attention Hopkins that is giving a speech in the stage, all were appropriate, only remained the coming of final time, for the «Shawshank's Redemption» classical status! 阿德里安笑了笑没再说话,然后把注意力转移到了正在舞台上致辞的霍普金斯身上,一切都已经妥当,只剩最后时刻的到来,为了《肖申克的救赎》的经典地位!
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