KOH :: Volume #2

#104: Oscar ( 3 )

Chapter 104 第104章 Oscar ( 3 ) 奥斯卡(三) Gentlemen, the ladies, welcome to the last Academy Awards ceremony.” When the prelude musical sound of presentation ceremony starts to lower gradually, the light in hall also starts becomes the bright time, director Billy Crystal jumps up saying that excitedly the stage announced loud. “先生们,女士们,欢迎来到最后一届奥斯卡颁奖典礼。”当颁奖典礼的前奏音乐声开始渐渐低下来,大厅里的灯光也开始变得明亮的时候,主持人比利克里斯托兴奋的跳上了舞台高声宣布的说道。 Then he has gawked staring, looked at all around one carefully, anxious asking: „Did I resemble the speaking incorrectly words a moment ago? What I just said is last? God, I think that I possibly was the coffee drink.” 然后他愣了愣,小心的看了四周一眼,才紧张的问道:“我刚才好像说错话了?我刚说的是最后一届?哦,上帝啊,我想我可能是咖啡喝多了。” In the hall has resounded the laughter immediately, then applauds in abundance, sits in slightly has also patted clapping after the position and «Shawshank's Redemption» dramatic team together Adrian. 大厅里顿时响起了哄笑声,然后纷纷鼓起掌来,坐在稍微靠后的位置和《肖申克的救赎》剧组一起的阿德里安也不由跟着拍了拍手。 Must acknowledge that the Billy Crystal's on transferring atmosphere, this and he is young time shuttles back and forth between various cafes and campuses performs the talk show to be related, becomes famous before the according to actors he is also the director of talk show or comedy program of television station, therefore comedy unusual has the talent, inserting funny dialog at the same time does not make people feel vulgar, no wonder Oscar will invite him to preside over 7 presentation ceremonies. 得承认,比利克里斯托在调动现场气氛上面很有一手,这和他年轻的时候就穿梭在各咖啡厅与校园之间表演脱口秀不无关系,在以演员成名之前他也一直是电视台的脱口秀或者喜剧节目的主持人,因此搞笑方面非常的具有天赋,插科打诨的同时又不让人感到低俗,也难怪奥斯卡会邀请他主持了7届颁奖典礼。 Good, first comes to the end now, making us have a look at the first award item is anything, will then drag the audiences before television definitely to shout loudly: Hey, that fellow, you should get down, God, I as if heard, therefore Christowe both hands one, then rapidly turned around to slide, this movement brought in immediately laughs. “好吧,现在先告一段落吧,让我们看看第一个奖项是什么,再拖下去电视机前的观众们肯定会高喊:嘿,那个家伙,你该下去了哦,上帝啊,我似乎已经听到了,所以”克里斯托双手一摊,然后迅速转身溜了下去,这个动作顿时又引来大笑。 Generally speaking, the award item of Oscar issues order not to be fixed, except for the best leading actor and actress, best director as well as best movie. These four are the most important award items, therefore always puts issues finally, but puts forefront is some technology classes award items. Sometimes to attract the viewing ratio will also put the first best male and female supporting role, but this situation will not be many, at least today is not this, the first award item is the best cinematography. 一般来说,奥斯卡的奖项颁发顺序并不是固定的,除了最佳男女主角、最佳导演以及最佳电影。这四个都是最为重要的奖项,所以从来都放到最后颁发,而放到最前面的都是一些技术类的奖项。有时候为了吸引收视率也会将最佳男女配角放到第一,但这种情况不会太多,至少今天不是这样,第一个奖项是最佳摄影。 „The winner of best cinematography is: Robert Richardson, «JFK(assassination of President John F. Kennedy)»!” Along with the voice of presenting guest of honor, nearby small screen was occupied by a head picture of middle-aged man immediately, is having the surprised expression, as if cannot believe. “最佳摄影的得主是:罗伯特理查森,《惊天大刺杀》!”随着颁奖嘉宾的声音,旁边的小屏幕顿时被一个中年男子的头像所占据,带着惊讶的表情,仿佛不能置信。 Under the stage auditorium, that side the «JFK(assassination of President John F. Kennedy)» dramatic team also started becomes has lived it up, Robert Richardson has stood in the applause quickly, on face surprised and cannot believe is substituted by the excitement, after accepting friends and colleagues' blessing, he has taken the stage along with the applause stride. 舞台下面的观众席上,《惊天大刺杀》剧组那边也开始变得热闹了,罗伯特理查森很快在掌声中站了起来,脸上的惊讶和不能置信已经被激动所替代,在接受了朋友和同事们的祝福后,他随着掌声大步走上了舞台。 This is first. Applauds Adrian to glance eye here some photographer daves of losing, initially to photograph these scenes, he and film crew has not spent little time, own palm crosses the Adrian very clear this point of mirror. However this does not have anything to relate, if later cooperates some with the prize opportunity, said again «Shawshank's Redemption» had not planned to win the prize tonight. 这是第一个。鼓着掌阿德里安瞟了眼自己这边有些失落的摄影师戴夫,当初为了拍摄好那些场面,他和摄影组没少花功夫,亲手掌过镜的阿德里安很清楚这一点。不过这也没什么关系,如果以后合作的话有的是拿奖机会,再说《肖申克的救赎》今晚本来就没打算拿奖。 Then has issued two award items continuously, is still the technical type: Best sound recording and best sound effect editing. These two award items do not have the suspense held the bosom by «Terminator 2», Cameron has technically persisted in the forefront of Hollywood. 接下来又连续颁发了两个奖项,依然是技术类型:最佳录音和最佳音效剪辑。这两个奖项毫无悬念的被《终结者2》揣进了怀里,卡梅隆在技术上始终走在好莱坞的最前端。 Perhaps, waited for the presentation ceremony to end to find a time and he chats several. Listens to prize-winner's speech, Adrian so to think. Before being lucky rug has not seen that fellow for various reasons, a while cannot miss again. Although is maintaining with James relation, but does not have the big use depending on the telephone communication, during the life contact is also essential. After this fellow had ended the manufacture of «Terminator 2», started the leave, has a matter he definitely very much to be interested. 也许,等颁奖典礼结束了可以找个时间和他聊上几句。听着获奖者的致辞,阿德里安如此想着。之前在走红地毯的时候因为种种原因没有看到那个家伙,等会儿可不能再错过了。虽然一直和詹姆斯保持着联系,但光凭电话联系是没有多大用处的,生活当中的接触也是必不可少。这个家伙结束了《终结者2》的制作后就开始了休假,有件事情他肯定很感兴趣。 Has to acknowledge that «Terminator 2» is the unit splendid movie, when I see t-1000 goes out from the flame, almost the chairback of front-row seats turning.” After the dance performs, Christowe starts to talk endlessly in the stage, I do not have to do fortunately, otherwise the boss in movie theater will block me, was published by the reporters to the newspaper on, these fellows link our young directors after violated the school regulation in the head to think that anything knows.” “不得不承认,《终结者2》是部出色的电影,当我看见t-1000从火焰中走出的时候,差点把前排座位的椅背给扭下来。”在歌舞表演之后,克里斯托又开始在舞台上喋喋不休起来,“还好我没有那么做,否则电影院的老板会把我拦下,然后被记者们刊登到报纸上面去,这些家伙连我们那位年轻导演在高中时违反校规后脑袋里在想什么都知道。” The audience laughs to continue, «Shawshank's the members of Redemption» dramatic team went to Adrian the vision in abundance stunned, Adrian after two seconds helpless shrugging. Good, Christowe satirized these reporters taking this opportunity. 现场观众大笑不止,《肖申克的救赎》剧组的成员们纷纷把目光投向阿德里安,阿德里安在愕然了两秒钟后无奈的耸了耸肩。好吧,克里斯托只是借着这个机会讽刺那些记者而已。 But, said frankly, although James's movie is very good, may want to attain the performance prize nomination through his movie the words, seems a very difficult matter.” Christowe small teased under Cameron, immediately changed to the topic the award item, following, which lucky fellow has a look at to obtain the best male and female supporting role!” “不过,坦率的说,虽然詹姆斯的电影很不错,可想要通过他的电影拿到个表演奖提名的话,似乎是件很困难的事。”克里斯托小小的调侃了下卡梅隆,立即又把话题转到了奖项上面来,“接下来,就看看哪个幸运儿能获得最佳男女配角吧!” As the music resounds, the winner of previous best male supporting actor, neutralizes Robert de Niro to have Qiao Paixi who the important match plays in Martin Scorsese's «My goodness», is taking the envelope with smile on the face walked from behind. 随着音乐响起,上届最佳男配角的得主,在马丁斯科塞斯的《好家伙》中和罗伯特德尼罗有着重要对手戏的乔派西,拿着信封面带笑容的从后面走了出来。 It is well known, in a movie, the lead is very important, a good lead can lead the development of plot, can attract the attention of audience, can fully express the movie the thing that wants to express,” Qiao Paixi spoke with confidence, „, but, wanted perfectly achieved all these, must have the outstanding supporting role to coordinate, even sometimes, greatly put the honored supporting role to snatch the crest of wave of lead. Now, makes us come to see, in the past year, there are supporting actress who which lost face.” “众所周知,在一部电影当中,主角是很重要,一个好的主角能带动剧情的发展,能吸引观众的眼球,能充分表达出电影想要表达的东西,”乔派西侃侃而谈,“但是,想要完美的做到这一切,就必须要有出色的配角进行配合,甚至有时候,一个大放光彩的配角可以抢过主角的风头。现在,就让我们来看看,过去的一年里,有哪些出彩的女配角。” Along with his words, nearby small screen divides five immediately, revealed in turn is nominated as the actresses of best supporting actresses. Adrian is not familiar with their one, therefore too has not cared, he has put on the thoughts afterward best male supporting actor. 随着他的话语,旁边的小屏幕随即分割成五块,依次显露出被提名为最佳女配角们的女演员们。阿德里安对她们一个都不熟悉,所以并没有太多在意,他已经把心思放到随后的最佳男配角上面了。 Besides Morgan Freeman, simultaneously nominated also has «JFK(assassination of President John F. Kennedy)» Tommy Lee Jones, «City Slickers» Jake Pareyn, «One Generation of Sentiment Owlets Finishes» capital Sli as well as «Barton Fink» Michael Lenard. Adrian has not recalled carefully, who therefore cannot definitely be has attained this young metal statue. 除了摩根弗里曼外,同时被提名的还有《惊天大刺杀》的汤米李琼斯,《城市滑头》的杰克帕兰斯,《一代情枭毕斯》的本金斯利以及《才子梦惊魂》的迈克尔勒纳。阿德里安没有仔细回忆过,所以并不能肯定到底是谁拿到了这届这座小金人。 According to the acquired information, five candidates do not have the distinct superiority in the performing skill, therefore victory and defeat key on external factor. Here has a serious issue, by Freeman in «Shawshank's the actor's pay in Redemption», must say that is the lead is also passable, after all in another space and time, he is nominated as the best actor. Therefore compares several other supporting roles, Freeman slightly will be more outstanding, in addition he also obtains Oscar to nominate several times several times, is the black person . Moreover the competition best male supporting actor, was very difficult saying that the appraisal committees can choose him. 根据收集到的情报来看,五个候选人在演技上都没有明显的优势,因此胜负的关键就在外因上面。这里就有一个严重的问题,以弗里曼在《肖申克的救赎》中的戏份,要说是主角也说得过去,毕竟另一个时空里,他就是被提名为最佳男主角的。所以相比其他几位配角,弗里曼会稍微抢眼一些,再加上他也获得过数次奥斯卡提名过几次,又是黑人,而且还是竞争最佳男配角,很难说评委们会不会选择他。 Black person status, sometimes is the inferiority, may sometimes, actually be the superiority. 黑人这个身份,有时候是劣势,可有时候,却是优势。 At this time, the winner of best supporting actress, « Horizon Reduces Two To know in the heart that " Saidisi Il Soviet plane gave a speech to return to the seat, is responsible for issuing the best male supporting actor, previous best supporting actress winner black Whoopi Goldberg walked. 此时,最佳女配角的获得者,《天涯沦落两心知》的默塞迪斯鲁依尔已经致辞完毕回到了座位上,负责颁发最佳男配角的,上届最佳女配角获得者乌比戈德堡已经走了出来。
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