KOG :: Volume #3

#228: Three Swords Array

Zhao Feng to Xu Zixuan. Looked that the novel flutters the tian literature 赵峰徐子玄。看小说就来飘tian文学” On Alliance Grand Meeting, begins the startled billows, audience numerous vision, gathers in No. 3 sub-field. 联盟大会上,再起惊澜,全场众多目光,汇聚在三号分场。 The Thirteen Countries most dazzling wind and cloud nova, scholarly delicate and pretty Xu Zixuan, steps a black sand stage. 十三国最耀眼的风云新星,儒雅俊美的徐子玄,踏上黑砂阵台。 Alliance Four Great Novas, any go on stage, waits to have the extremely high popularity. 联盟四大新星,任何一个登场,等具备极高的人气。 Around location, squeal that even transmits some young girls. 场地四周,甚至传来一些少女们的尖叫声。 In alliance Four Great Novas. 在联盟四大新星里。 Cang Yuyue is women, is extremely alone. 苍雨月是一介女流,太过孤寂。 Lin Tong is callous, unreasonable. 林通冷酷神秘,不近人情。 The Ao Yuetian underheating is too arrogant, speaks frankly. 傲月天太过冷傲,直言不讳。 Only has Xu Zixuan, elegant temperate, amiable. 唯有徐子玄,俊雅温和,平易近人。 His personal connection is best, the popularity is highest, is perfect images in all female minds. 他的人缘最好,人气最高,也是所有女子心目中的完美形象。 Naturally. 当然。 Attention that this fights, reason that is so high, is not only the Xu Zixuan ultra expert air/Qi, but also is related with his opponent. 这一战的关注度,之所以这么高,不仅仅是徐子玄的超高人气,还与他的对手有关。 Zhao Feng 赵峰 This strange, powerful and cruel big dark horse. 这个诡异、强大、残忍的大黑马。 It can be said that he is this Alliance Grand Meeting, biggest dark horse. 可以说,他是这次联盟盛会,最大的黑马。 Previously in No. 3 sub-field, Zhao Feng almost hit Gu Youyue disfigures one's face, already aroused the hates of some male draft animals. 先前在三号分场,赵峰几乎把谷幽月打得毁容,已经激起了一些雄性牲口们的怨恨。 However, Zhao Feng's tyrannical strength, lets the overwhelming majority person, dreaded frightened. 然而,赵峰的强横实力,让绝大多数人,恐惧而忌惮。 With Gu Youyue and Tan Lin fight, proved Zhao Feng's is cruel and powerful. 谷幽月、谭麟的战斗,证明了赵峰的残忍和强大。 If is only so, this not necessarily makes one be convinced. 若仅是如此,这不一定让人心服。 However, short confrontation between Zhao Feng and Lin Tong, adds several points of mysterious air for him again. 但是,赵峰林通之间的短暂对峙,为他再添几分神秘色彩。 This is even Lin Tong is curious with Fighting Intent mysterious youngster. 这是一个连林通都心生好奇和战意的神秘少年 In the call shouts wildly in the sound, youngster of green hair one-eyed, steps No. 3 sub-field. 在呐喊狂呼声中,青发独眼的少年,踏上三号分场。 Alliance nova's meet with the first dark horse, this war, is the focus of attention, is worth waiting. 联盟新星与第一黑马的相遇,这一战,备受关注,值得期待。 Meanwhile. 同时。 This war, relates to Zhao Feng in the Thirteen Sects Alliance Grand Meeting true achievement. 这一战,也关系到赵峰十三宗联盟盛会的真正成就。 At this moment. 此时此刻。 With the Zhao Feng familiar person, the vision closely is staring here. 赵峰熟悉的人,目光都紧紧盯着这边。 Yang Gan, Bei Mo, Lin Fan, Ran Xiaoyuan and Liu Yue'er...... Broken Moon Sect represents the disciple, numerous vision, go to No. 3 sub-field. 阳乾北墨林凡冉小苑柳月儿……晓月宗代表弟子,众多的目光,投向三号分场。 Feng'er, your goal, your achievement, expectation of Broken Moon Sect, completely in this war.” 峰儿,你的目标,你的成就,晓月宗的期望,全部在这一战中。” Grand Elder takes a deep breath, almost turned very quiet. 大长老深吸一口气,几乎屏住了呼吸。 In his life, the most outstanding disciple, already stands is possibly composing the historical magnificent moment. 他这一生中,最杰出的弟子,已经站在可能谱写历史辉煌的一刻。 Becoming and defeats, in this moment. 成与败,在这一刻。 Zhao Feng, you cruel ignorant, have one's wish, if not experience some setbacks and striking, does not know that will harm many innocent person.” 赵峰,你残忍无知、随心所欲,如果不经历一些挫折、敲打,不知会伤害多少无辜之人。” On the Xu Zixuan refined handsome face, presents one just and stern countenance. 徐子玄温雅的俊脸上,呈现一丝正然和厉色。 The voice falls, immediately arouses No. 3 sub-field numerous youngster resonance. 话音一落,顿时引起三号分场众多少年们的共鸣。 Right this cruel one-eyed person, must teach | under him.” “没错这个残忍的独眼龙,一定要教训丨下他。” His Gu Youyue such beautiful woman, can start cruel-heartedly, if not suffer some hardships, later will definitely cruelly harm more people.” “他连谷幽月这样的美女,都能狠心下手,如果不吃些苦头,以后肯定会残害更多的人。” The people unanimously denounced Zhao Feng. 众人一致声讨赵峰 If in situation one-on-one, they must certainly put. 如果在单对单的情况下,他们肯定要夹起尾巴。 But currently has the alliance Righteous Path nova, bravely steps forward, stands in the commanding point of morals, punishes, they are filled with righteous indignation the time and waving the flag and shouting. 但现在有联盟正道新星,挺身而出,站在道德的制高点,予以惩罚,正是他们义愤填膺、摇旗呐喊的时刻。 Suddenly, Zhao Feng as if became stopping at no evil demon, but Xu Zixuan is young hero that” raises punishes the wicked good. 一时间,赵峰仿佛成了无恶不作的“魔头”,而徐子玄则是扬善惩恶的“少侠”。 Saw that Zhao Feng rallied together to curse angrily, the reputation ruins, the Broken Moon Sect disciples, the complexion is somewhat embarrassed. 看到赵峰被群起怒骂,名声败坏,晓月宗的弟子们,脸色有些难堪。 Zhao Feng is somewhat speechless, oneself made anything, did not injure a beautiful woman. 赵峰有些无语,自己做了什么,不就是伤了一个美女么。 This Xu Zixuan, but also is really fierce enough, maintains composure, was stood by oneself in the commanding point of morals. 这个徐子玄,还真够厉害,不动声色间,让自己站在道德的制高点。 Then, he is fighting, lesson and! Strikes the Zhao Feng's behavior, is just side, will also be hounded. 如此一来,他在战斗中,教训和!敲打赵峰的行为,则是正义的一面,还会受到追捧。 Zhao Feng, you , if willing to apologize to Youyue, henceforth starts with a clean slate, this war, was still comparing notes of friendship, Xu is also willing to make you this friend.” 赵峰,你如果肯向幽月道歉,从此改过自新,这一战,仍是友谊的切磋,徐某也愿意交你这个朋友。” Xu Zixuan has a smile slightly, a face is well-meaning and sincere. 徐子玄又微微含笑,一脸善意和真诚。 Zhao Feng has almost not shown the whites of the eyes, this Xu Zixuan, can pull, really regards itself the moral pivot man, regarded the just incarnation. 赵峰差点没翻白眼,这个徐子玄,也太能扯了,真把自己当成道德标兵,当成正义的化身了。 Immediately, on the field has the short peace. 顿时,场上出现短暂的安静。 This mysterious powerful can youngster, be persuaded by Xu Zixuan? Can melt in Gewei the rich silk, change evilly to positively. 这个神秘强大的少年,会不会被徐子玄感化?会不会化于戈为玉帛,就此改邪为正。 Not only Xu Zixuan, everyone is waiting for the Zhao Feng's reply. 不但徐子玄,所有人都在等着赵峰的回答。 According to the common sense, is so cruel by Zhao Feng, indifferent and powerful youngster, is unruly | rises spiritedly inevitably gets rid. 按照常理,以赵峰这般残忍、冷漠、强大的少年,必然是桀骜不驯丨奋起出手 Even, Xu Zixuan already is ready that gets rid deals with. 甚至于,徐子玄已经做好出手应付的准备。 I am willing to have your education......, but, that must look at that you make meturn a new leaf, skill.” “我愿意接受你们的教育……不过,那也要看你有没有让我‘改邪归正,的本事。” The Zhao Feng corners of the mouth sip a pondering happy expression, green hair raise, performs to reveal Evil Charm. 赵峰嘴角抿起一丝玩味的笑意,青发微扬间,尽显邪魅 Is willing to be educated? 愿意接受教育? First half a word words, but also makes the audience stare. 前半句话,还让全场一愣。 But second half, shoulders including the Xu Zixuan and other audience people instantaneously the anger. 但下半一句,瞬间挑起包括徐子玄等全场众人的怒火。 This fellow, is completely naked sexually harassing 这家伙,完全是赤裸裸的调戏 Under is in the glare of the public eye, Zhao Feng the Xu Zixuan people, completely sexually harassing. 众目睽睽下,赵峰徐子玄在内的众人,全部“调戏”了一遍。 Instantly. 霎时。 A Xu Zixuan face, gloomy gets down: refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit.” 徐子玄一张脸,阴沉下来:“敬酒不吃吃罚酒。” Clang A shining flying sword, departs swiftly and fiercely, carries unequalled from Xu Zixuan with sharp light, cuts to arousing public discontent Zhao Feng. 一只金灿灿的飞剑,从徐子玄背后飞出,携带无与伦比的凌厉和锋芒,斩向引起公愤的赵峰 The speed of that flying sword, strange, explosive force, is the inconceivable degree, seems making clear to the anger in Xu Zixuan chest cavity. 那飞剑的速度、诡异、爆发力,达到不可思议的程度,似乎昭示着徐子玄胸腔中的怒火。 Zhao Feng does not dare to have one to treat it lightly, might of Xu Zixuan merely one flying sword, lets Ascended Seventh Layer same rank, is hard to resist. 赵峰不敢有一丝掉以轻心,徐子玄仅仅一口飞剑的威力,就让脱凡七重同阶,难以抵挡。 Let alone, Zhao Feng is only cultivation base of Fifth Sky Layer limit. 何况,赵峰只是五重天极限的修为 Tittering 噗嗤 The Golden flying sword handle Zhao Feng's form cuts to extinguish, place to cuts a gap, on the field calls out in alarm one. 金色飞剑把赵峰的身影斩灭,原地更是斩出一道鸿沟,场上惊呼一声。 same moment. 同一刻 …… The Lightning Cry sound, an illusory uncertain form, appears in another side. 电鸣声响,一个虚幻不定的身影,出现在另一侧。 This is what Body Movement, evaded Xu Zixuan flying sword attack unexpectedly.” “这是什么身法,竟然躲过了徐子玄的飞剑攻击。” Under the field raised slightly billows, the fight with first move, already makes people Soul uncertain, turned very quiet. 场下掀起一阵微澜,交锋的第一招,已经让众人心魂不定,屏住了呼吸。 Since Alliance Grand Meeting has begun, from not opponent, can evade Xu Zixuan flying sword attack with ease. 联盟盛会开场以来,从没有对手,能轻松躲过徐子玄的飞剑攻击 Because flying sword cuts to strike the speed instantaneously, terrifying, Ascended Seventh Sky Layer, is still hard to move aside extremely even. 因为飞剑的瞬间斩击速度,极为恐怖,就算是脱凡七重天,也难以躲闪。 But Zhao Feng such doing arrived easily. 赵峰就这么轻易的做到了 Xu Zixuan complexion is invariable, the corners of the mouth sip to ridicule. 徐子玄面色不变,嘴角抿起一丝嘲笑。 Chī-- 咻嗤—— The shining flying sword, was steadily common like the eye, after striking comes up empty-handed, at the fearful speed , to continue to pursue to Zhao Feng. 金灿灿的飞剑,如同长了眼睛一般,一击扑空后,以可怕的速度,继续追向赵峰 Zhao Feng back Shadow Cloak shakes, lightning arc flickering, body such as the shadow is ordinary, fluctuates erratically. 赵峰背后阴影披风一抖,电弧闪烁,身躯如阴影一般,更加变幻不定。 Speed that this time, he erupts instantaneously, even cast off the flying sword. 这一次,他瞬间爆发的速度,甚至甩开了飞剑。 Goal: Xu Zixuan 目标:徐子玄 A faint trace electric shock Thunder rolls sound, advances one step, spreads before the Xu Zixuan body. 一丝丝电击雷鸣声,先行一步,蔓延到徐子玄身前。 According to the Zhao Feng's strategy, Xu Zixuan, since is good at controlling the flying sword, then close combat, definitely is the athletic event in which one is weak. 按照赵峰的策略,徐子玄既然擅长操控飞剑,那么近战方面,肯定是弱项。 Xu Zixuan changes countenance slightly, since Alliance Grand Meeting, has the person for the first time, kills itself in front. 徐子玄微微动容,联盟盛会至今,还是首次有人,杀到自己面前。 Zhao Feng's Illusionary Fish Lightning Arc Steps, fused Illusion Fish Diagram and Profound Truth of Lightning, including many Body Movement Step Technique essence, with the aid of Shadow Cloak, the speed is the brand-new level again. 赵峰的幻鱼电弧步”,融合了幻鱼图电之奥义,包括诸多身法步法精髓,再借助阴影披风,速度达到崭新的层次。 Awning Wind Thunder hands over the dance, the strong winds shouts, Thunder rolls lightning arc flickering, spreads before the Xu Zixuan body. 风雷交舞,狂风嘶吼,雷鸣电弧闪烁,蔓延到徐子玄身前。 Under this situation, Xu Zixuan not startled, the back departs a cyan flying sword, forms fan-shaped sword glow, shakes with Zhao Feng hardly in the same place. 这种情形下,徐子玄并没有惊慌,背后飞出一口青色飞剑,形成一道扇形剑芒,与赵峰硬撼在一起。 Tying up, a Zhao Feng powerful palm, kept off by the flying sword standard, figure was also shaken by tyrannical strength. “绑”的一声,赵峰强力一掌,被飞剑格挡,身形也被强横的力量震开。 Behind Xu Zixuan has three swords, it may be said that is the offense and defense has both. 徐子玄背后有三口剑,可谓是攻守兼备。 Is good because, Zhao Feng's Wind Thunder Palm, Thunder rolls lightning arc strength, creates to Xu Zixuan troubles, body is slightly numb. 好在,赵峰的风雷掌,雷鸣电弧力量,也对徐子玄造成一点麻烦,身躯略微酥麻。 Even so, the first attack highest gold/metal sword, flies rapidly. 即使如此,第一口攻击最高的金剑,也迅速飞来。 A azure gold/metal, two flying swords, form the potential of converging attack to Zhao Feng. 一青一金,两口飞剑,对赵峰形成夹击之势。 This and other situations in imminent danger, even if trades to make alliance Four Great Novas several other people, should still face the enormous pressure. 这等岌岌可危的局势,就算换做联盟四大新星的另外几人,也将面临极大压力。 …… Zhao Feng figure is illusory, if the electricity, does not draw back instead enters, in the palms presents crowded Lightning Marks, the lightning arc cry flutters, even more rapid. 赵峰身形虚幻若电,不退反进,掌心间呈现密集的电纹,电弧鸣颤声,越发的急促。 At this moment, Wind Thunder Palm crucial moment , to promote six layer, compared with the original sixth layer normal might, stronger one time continues. 这一刻,风雷掌火候,推动到六层,比原来第六层的正常威力,要强一倍不止。 Facing Thirteen Countries pyramid sharp nova genius, Zhao Feng naturally cannot retain, Lightning Inheritance, through attack, Body Movement and Inner Strength, displays incisively. 面对十三国金字塔尖的新星天才,赵峰自然再不能保留,“电之传承”,通过攻击身法内功,发挥得淋漓尽致。 Ding awning-- 叮篷—— The Zhao Feng's Wind Thunder Palm strength, rushing Xu Zixuan continuously, whole body light green Lightning Current surrounds, storm compression blasting open. 赵峰的风雷掌力,连绵不断的涌向徐子玄,全身淡青电流环绕,暴风压缩炸裂。 Xu Zixuan changes countenance finally, a faint trace numb transmission spreads whole body. 徐子玄终于动容,一丝丝酥麻感传遍全身 By Zhao Feng so violent killing before the body, he cannot attend to attack again, the back's third blue flying sword, clang, cuts piece of water blue ripples. 赵峰如此暴力的杀到身前,他再也顾不上攻击,背后第三口蓝色飞剑,“锵”的一声,斩出一片水蓝涟漪。 The azure sword and blue sword, are used in the defense, as the matter stands, the gold/metal sword are most creates in Rao to Zhao Feng. 青剑和蓝剑,全部用于防守,这样一来,金剑最多只是对赵峰造成于扰。 Two flying swords, before the Xu Zixuan body, form airtight defense. 两口飞剑,在徐子玄身前,形成密不透风的防御 Especially that blue flying sword, the attribute of contain water, making defense further persevere. 特别是那蓝色飞剑,蕴含水的属性,让防御进一步坚守。 Xu Zixuan takes a deep breath, complexion grave, the crisis reduced and solved finally. 徐子玄深吸一口气,面色凝重,危机总算化解了。 Previously, how he has not thought, oneself will once fall unexpectedly leeward. 此前,他怎么都没想到,自己竟会一度落入下风。 Audience observing, dumbfounded, unbelievable. 全场观战者,目瞪口呆,难以置信。 The speed and attack of Zhao Feng this moment eruption, reach the inconceivable altitude, Inner Strength and Body Movement, present Profound Truth of Lightning completely. 赵峰此刻爆发的速度、攻击,达到不可思议的高度,内功身法,全部呈现出电的奥义 Zhao does Virtuous Nephew, how have such strong Battle Strength?” “赵贤侄,怎么拥有这么强的战力?” So pure Lightning Strength “如此精纯的电之力量 The Broken Moon Sect high level, is shocked. 晓月宗高层,感到震惊。 And Spiritual Master Yun Hai, complexion Yin clear uncertain. 其中云海真人,面色阴晴不定。 Battle Strength that Zhao Feng displays at this time, already cannot described with the consciousness and experience. 赵峰此时表现出的战力,已经不能用意识和经验来形容。 So pure mysterious Lightning Strength, is not «Wind Thunder Palm» can have. 如此精纯玄妙的电之力,更不是《风雷掌》能拥有的。 terrifying speed, terrifying attack 恐怖的速度,恐怖攻击 It is for this reason that Zhao Feng by a sweeping away all obstacles domineering, one of the alliance Four Great Novas Xu Zixuan, forces into leeward, even is only the short moment. 正是因为如此,赵峰以一股所向披靡的强势,将联盟四大新星之一的“徐子玄”,逼入下风,即便只是短暂的片刻。 This Zhao Feng...... how possible “这赵峰……怎么可能” Ao Yuetian, Bei Mo, Quan Chen and the others, shock. 傲月天北墨泉晨等人,震骇不已。 Gu Youyue elegant face pale, looks surrounds at this time in the Lightning Current arc light, like god of thunder Zhao Feng, the heart trembles continuously. 谷幽月俏脸苍白,看着此时环绕在缕缕电流弧光中、如同雷神般的赵峰,芳心直颤。 Three Swords Array 三剑结阵 In the Xu Zixuan pupil blooming none, three flying swords, stand side by side before the body, forms the powerful tricolor sword net, Zhao Feng's attack, cuts the smashing. 徐子玄眸中绽放精光,三口飞剑,并列在身前,形成强大的三色剑网,把赵峰的攻击,切割成粉碎。 Whatever Zhao Feng's attack is wild, is close to that tricolor sword net, will annihilate instantaneously. 任由赵峰的攻击再狂暴,一接近那三色剑网,都会瞬间湮灭。 As the alliance nova, the Xu Zixuan strength background, naturally cannot be so simple. 作为联盟新星,徐子玄实力底蕴,自然不会这么简单。 Zhao Feng expression grave, except for bloodline strength, own strength already stimulates to movement the limit, cannot shake opposite party in the slightest unexpectedly. 赵峰神色凝重,除了血脉力量,自己的力量已经催动到极限,竟然撼动不了对方分毫 Moreover, Three Swords Array that Xu Zixuan composes, after success stability, but also starts the gradual counter-attack. 而且,徐子玄组成的三剑阵,成功稳定后,还开始逐步的反击。 Once launches attack, the Three Swords Array might, twists broken Ascended Seventh Sky Layer sufficiently, strong as Zhao Feng, is unable upfront contend. 一旦展开攻击,三剑阵的威力,足以绞碎脱凡七重天,强如赵峰,也无法正面抗衡 …… Zhao Feng changes to the lightning arc illusory image, Shadow Cloak inspires together violently, figure flutters the upper air. 赵峰化作一道电弧幻影,阴影披风猛烈一振,身形飘飞到高空。 same moment, in his hand, presents a bow, as well as three arrows. 同一刻,他的手中,出现一把弓,以及三支箭。
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