KOG :: Volume #3

#229: Arrow and sword

Bowing of dark cyan, exudes slightly pale red glow, the center position, is printing a gloomily blue ice lotus mark. \ { hundred degrees celsius search god controls the world full text to read, a very attractive novel } 青色的弓身,泛动微淡红泽,正中间的位置,印着一个幽蓝冰莲般的印记。\{百度搜索神控天下全文阅读,非常好看的一本小说} When Zhao Feng takes out the Rahu Bow arrow, many people are stunned. 赵峰取出罗睢弓箭的时,不少人错愕。 In present Green Flower Continent, uses expert of bow and arrow, is extremely rare, it can be said that incomparable neglected branch. 在如今的青华大陆,使用弓箭的强者,极其罕见,可以说是无比的冷门 Bow and arrow?” “弓箭?” In the Xu Zixuan heart sneers, his flying sword, may attack, nearly may defend, composes Three Swords Array, sweeps away all obstacles. 徐子玄心中冷笑,他的飞剑,远可攻、近可守,组成三剑阵,更是所向披靡。 In the past, Ao Yuetian defeated in Three Swords Array, has not thought of the good countermeasure. 当年,傲月天就败在了“三剑阵”下,至今还没有想到好的应对之策。 However at this moment, Zhao Feng took out the neglected branch bow and arrow unexpectedly. 然而此刻,赵峰竟取出了冷门的弓箭。 If wants to borrow this, copes with his three flying swords, without doubt is the moron talks in a dream. 如果想借此,对付他的三口飞剑,无疑是痴人说梦话。 Clang In Three Swords Array, gold/metal sword, pursues air-splitting to Zhao Feng. 三剑阵中,其中一柄金剑,破空追向赵峰 Gives dual attention far and near, flexible, this is the Xu Zixuan governing Sword Technique advantage. 远近兼顾,灵活多变,这是徐子玄剑术的优势。 Hehe in all weapons, distance of bow and arrow, is farthest.” “呵呵所有武器中,弓箭的距离,是最远的。” Zhao Feng chuckle, Shadow Cloak shakes, in the rapid Lightning Cry sound, comes distance with Xu Zixuan rapidly. 赵峰轻笑一声,阴影披风一抖,在急促电鸣声中,迅速与徐子玄来开距离 On the Light Body speed, Xu Zixuan does not lose in Zhao Feng, after all he has Ascended Seventh Sky Layer cultivation base, various aspect not obvious weakness. 轻身速度,徐子玄并不输于赵峰,毕竟他拥有脱凡七重天修为,各方面没有明显的软肋 . 只是。 If Xu Zixuan control flying sword, pursues, the speed falls short inevitably greatly. 徐子玄若要一面控制飞剑,一面追击,速度必然大打折扣。 Although his three Treasure Sword, because some special natures, coordinate special Secret Skill, can pleasant separates the spatial control, but this needs to branch out very big mental effort inevitably. 虽说他的三口宝剑,因为一些特殊性质,配合独门秘技,能够如意的隔空操控,但这必然需要分出很大心力。 Quick, distance between Xu Zixuan and Zhao Feng, was pulled open. 很快,徐子玄赵峰之间的距离,被拉开了。 range of formation stage is very big, enough Zhao Feng acts. 阵法台的范围很大,足够赵峰施为。 Xu Zixuan does not know, this negligence, lets this fight, presents the giant transition. 徐子玄并不知道,这一疏忽,让这场战斗,出现巨大的转折。 „The Xu Zixuan three flying swords, all are close to Mortal Rank high grade, after the special smelting, stems from a body, the sisters concentric, can the accompanying control. Once composesThree Swords Array , the might is peerlessly more powerful.” 徐子玄的三口飞剑,全部接近凡阶上品,经过特殊熔炼,源于一体,姊妹同心,能随行操控。一旦组成‘三剑阵,,威力则更强大绝伦。” Zhao Feng realized, the Xu Zixuan advantage, lies in the mysteries of his three swords. 赵峰意识到,徐子玄的优势,在于他三口剑的奥妙上。 The Three Swords Array might, too terrifying, under the upfront resistance, Ao Yuetian, should still really be defeated even. 三剑阵的威力,实在太恐怖,正面对抗下,就算是傲月天,也会落败。 Zhao Feng's «Wind Thunder Palm» is unable similarly contend, only if can cultivate arrive at highest seventh layer. 赵峰的风雷掌》同样无法抗衡,除非能修炼到最高第七层 In perhaps alliance Four Great Novas, only has Cang Yuyue, to strong invincible Dao of Sword attack, can break open Xu Zixuan Three Swords Array directly. 联盟四大新星中,恐怕只有苍羽月,以至强无敌的剑道攻击,能正面破开徐子玄三剑阵 Whiz whiz-- 嘣嗖嗖—— Zhao Feng draws Rahu Bow, the Lightning Cry Wind howls sound, sharp grating, almost breakthrough sonic barrier, thorn to Xu Zixuan. 赵峰拉动罗睢弓,电鸣风啸声,尖锐刺耳,几乎突破音障,刺向徐子玄 A terrifying cold current, is mixing with the Lightning Cry explosion sound, strikes with the Xu Zixuan flying sword junction. 一股恐怖的寒流,夹杂着电鸣轰响,与徐子玄的飞剑交击。 Two, three. 一支,两支,三支。 Each junction strikes, Xu Zixuan figure slightly stiff, that cold current and Lightning Current corrode, making him speechless. 每一次交击,徐子玄身形微僵,那股寒流和电流侵蚀,让他无语之极。 Rahu Bow, after integrating Lightning Inheritance Profound Truth, the prestige can promote to a brand-new level. 罗睢弓,在融入“电之传承”的奥义后,威能提升到一个崭新层次。 Let alone, Zhao Feng also has special left god archery, its attack method, goes to the unpredictable and mysterious situation. 何况,赵峰还有独门的“左神箭术”,其攻击手段,达到神鬼莫测的地步。 The arrow that Zhao Feng shoots, can turn round frequently, will deceive the eye, times drill the flaw and dead angle. 赵峰射出去的箭,经常会拐弯,甚至会欺骗眼睛,一次次直钻破绽和死角。 …… 咻咻咻 What is more fearful, the arrow that these shoot, returns to Rahu Bow suddenly, letter concentric, the might is peerless. 更可怕的是,这些射出去的箭,瞬息间回归罗睢弓上,字母同心,威力绝伦。 Lightning Current and cold current, assault Xu Zixuan. 电流和寒流,一次次的冲击徐子玄 He somewhat regretted finally, just started, should not look down upon Zhao Feng. 他终于有些后悔了,刚开始,不该小视赵峰 At this moment, the scene was controlled by Zhao Feng. 此刻,场面被赵峰掌控。 Zhao Feng does not need to shake with the Xu Zixuan upfront hardly, but is similar to flying a kite abrasion. 赵峰无需与徐子玄正面硬撼,而是如同“放风筝”般的磨耗。 Without a doubt, Rahu Bow distance, is farther than Xu Zixuan flying sword distance. 毫无疑问,罗睢弓距离,比徐子玄的飞剑距离要远。 The Ascended Realm level, can display governing Sword Technique, itself somewhat reluctantly, Xu Zixuan can control three flying swords, characteristics that because these flying swords have. 脱凡境层次,能够施展御剑术,本身就有些勉强,徐子玄能驾驭三口飞剑,还是因为这些飞剑本身具备的特性。 On attack distance. 攻击距离 Zhao Feng's Rahu Bow, the effective might, is several li (0.5 km), the quickest speed, may be the speed of sound. 赵峰的罗睢弓,有效威力,达到数里,最快速度,可达到音速。 But the Xu Zixuan flying sword, the effective might in 20 zhang (3.33 m), the far words, the might falls short greatly, surpasses 50 zhang (3.33 m), was his great limit. 徐子玄的飞剑,有效威力在二十丈,再远的话,威力就大打折扣,超出五十丈,就是他的大限了。 Therefore, Xu Zixuan falls into the position that comes under attack completely. 因此,徐子玄完全陷入挨打的境地。 Rahu Bow contain powerful Cold Strength, and electric shock paralysis attribute, under assault, lets his speed, was reduced half. 偏偏罗睢弓蕴含强大的寒力,以及电击麻痹的属性,一次次冲击下,让他的速度,被削减到一半。 Every time, Xu Zixuan must split up True Strength, resists strength of Cold Strength and electric shock. 每时每刻,徐子玄都要分化真力,对抗寒力和电击之力。 Whiz whiz-- 嘣嗖嗖—— The Rahu Bow offensive, is getting more and more fierce, Rahu Arrow, can resist a flying sword, and rapid homing supplementary energy, each attack speed and explosive force, achieves Peak. 罗睢弓的攻势,越来越猛,一支罗睢箭,可以对抗一支飞剑,并迅速归位“补充能量”,每一次攻击的速度和爆发力,都达到巅峰 The Xu Zixuan three flying swords, surround the whole body, ding to resist Zhao Feng unpredictable and mysterious archery attack. 徐子玄的三支飞剑,环绕周身,“叮叮叮”抵挡住赵峰神鬼莫测的箭术攻击 As the matter stands, his consumption is very big, must maintain Three Swords Array, must resist that Cold Strength and electric shock. 这样一来,他的消耗很大,一面要维持三剑阵,一面还要抵抗那无时不在的寒力和电击。 Under non-stop Cold Strength and electric shock corrosion, the body function will present the damage, long this gets down, will leave behind the unmentionable diseasea. 不停寒力和电击侵蚀下,身体机能会出现损伤,长此下去,更会留下暗疾。 Xu Zixuan complained of hardship secretly, but his already fell into this position, temporarily did not have the escape route. 徐子玄暗暗叫苦,可是他已经陷入这种境地,暂时没有退路。 Three Swords Array, already is the method without a peer, needs him to act full power, once gives up sword, the body is stiff, the speed sharply falls half of he, perhaps is unable to face the Zhao Feng's archery attack. 三剑阵,已经是不可匹敌的手段,需要他全力施为,一旦放弃剑阵,身体僵硬,速度锐减一半的他,恐怕无法面临赵峰的箭术打击。 Observing in field, dumbfounded. 场上的观战者,一个个目瞪口呆。 They have not seen, the archery can go to this terrifying hard to deal with situation. 他们从没见过,箭术能达到这种恐怖难缠的地步。 Zhao Feng using the Rahu Arrow distance advantage, tactic of flying a kite, incisiveness of display. 赵峰利用罗睢箭距离优势,把放风筝的战术,发挥的淋漓尽致。 The Xu Zixuan three flying swords, were suppressed before the body, does not have the strength of counter-attack, even he wants to counter-attack, is the limit of distance, is unable to break. 徐子玄的三口飞剑,被压制到身前,毫无反击之力,就算他想反击,可是距离的限制,无法打破。 Observing stage, a Profound True Sect side. 观战台,玄真门一方。 Oh.” “唉。” Xuan Zhen Sect Master sighed: „Before child is unreliable , is extremely negligent, this is one's turn this position.” 玄真宗主叹了口气:“子玄之前还是太过大意,这才轮到这番境地。” „The bow and arrow of boy, the contain attribute, is very hard to deal with, making one be unable to take a single step forward. Moreover, distance pulled open, the advantage of flying sword, vanishes into thin air.” “那小子的弓箭,蕴含的属性,十分难缠,让人寸步难行。而且,距离拉开了,飞剑的优势,化为乌有。” Xuan Zhen Grand Elder, can not help sighed painstakingly. 玄真大长老,也不禁苦叹。 On upfront contend, Xu Zixuan should be under Cang Yuyue is strongest, but by the Zhao Feng such shameless tactic, was suppressed stubbornly. 论正面抗衡,徐子玄应该是苍雨月之下最强,可偏偏被赵峰这样无耻的战术,给死死压制。 At this moment, odds of success is difficult to decide, child profound cultivation base, achieves Seventh Sky Layer after all, True Strength is pure and vigorous, the breath and pulse is long. Long this gets down, defends, the boy may being ahead of time strength use up.” “此刻,胜算难定,子玄的修为,毕竟达到七重天,真力精纯而浑厚,气脉悠长。长此下去,防守好,那小子或许会提前力竭。” Another Elder said. 另一位长老道。 No. 3 sub-field. 三号分场。 The fight of Zhao Feng and Xu Zixuan, achieves the superheating. 赵峰徐子玄的战斗,达到白热化。 Xu Zixuan was suppressed completely, defends simply with single-hearted devotion, his flying sword, may attack to defend, the advantage displayed. 徐子玄完全被压制,索性专心防守,他的飞剑,可攻可守,优势又发挥出来了。 So long as insists, the boy first strength may use up compared with me.” “只要坚持下去,那小子可能会比我先力竭。” In Xu Zixuan heart secretly thought. 徐子玄心中暗道。 However. 然而。 The Zhao Feng use bow and arrow, freezes the attribute to come from bow, the electric shock effect from Lightning Inheritance, his consumption, is not very big, relies on the Rahu Bow arrow actually very much. 赵峰使用弓箭,冰冻属性来自弓身,电击效果来自“电之传承”,他自身的消耗,不算特别大,倒是很依赖罗睢弓箭。 Reviews Xu Zixuan, the consumption of governing Sword Technique to mind, is not general big, let alone is Three Swords Array that composes. 反观徐子玄,御剑术对心神的消耗,可不是一般的大,何况是组成的三剑阵 Continues to consume, I at least have 70% odds of success, but......” “持续耗下去,我至少有70%胜算,不过……” In Zhao Feng eye divine light, sharp dazzling. 赵峰眼中神光,锐利刺目。 bloodline strength in within the body, integrates several faintly in Rahu Bow. 体内的血脉力量,隐隐融入几丝在罗睢弓中。 -- 嘣咻咻—— The startled rainbow arrow light that projects, the complete breakthrough speed of sound, the prestige can promote to a brand-new level. 那射出的惊虹箭光,完全突破音速,威能提升到一个崭新层次。 Ding awning-- 叮叮篷—— spark scatters, can Lightning Current scatter coldly, Xu Zixuan figure draws back anxiously, vitality surges, complexion big change. 火星四溅中,寒能电流四溅,徐子玄身形急退,气血翻腾,面色大变。 Has not waited for him to pant for breath, third Rahu Arrow, breaks the sonic barrier, and contain strange Spiritual Fluctuation. 还不等他喘息过来,第三支罗睢箭,打破音障,并蕴含一股奇异的精神波动 Bang 轰隆 Xu Zixuan only thinks that in that sonic boom sound, the Thunder rolls explosion sound, imitates a Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth Thunder Dragon, crashes in the inner world ruthlessly. 徐子玄只觉那音爆声中,雷鸣轰响,仿似一只毁天灭地的雷龙,狠狠冲进心海。 „Not good this arrow also contain spiritual attack “不好这一箭还蕴含精神攻击 slow Zi mind shakes, the complexion blanch, comes absent-minded. 徐子心神一震,面色发白,恍惚过来。 Late “迟了” Third Rahu Arrow, across the Three Swords Array slit flaw, online splashes spark in the sword, then jabs into the Xu Zixuan shoulder ruthlessly. 第三支罗睢箭,穿过三剑阵的缝隙破绽,在剑网上溅起一阵火星,然后狠狠刺进徐子玄的肩部。 Bang-- —— Xu Zixuan by a great power of arrow, striking flying several feet, a blood arrow. 徐子玄被一箭的强大威力,给击飞数丈,鲜血一箭。 Meanwhile, intense Lightning Current and cold energy, spread whole body, making his body one stiff. 同时,一股强烈的电流和寒能,蔓延全身,让他的身体一僵。 You lost.” “你输了。” Zhao Feng grasps Rahu Bow, three arrow homing, fall gently slowly. 赵峰手握罗睢弓,三支箭归位,缓缓飘落到地。 At this time, Xu Zixuan numb and can affect by Lightning Current coldly, if Zhao Feng continues attack, the former will not have the strength of resistance. 此时,徐子玄电流酥麻和寒能影响,如果赵峰继续攻击,前者将毫无反抗之力。 Zhao Feng wins” 赵峰 Referee True Spirit Realm of 3 rd stage, deeply looked at Zhao Feng a glance. 三号台的真灵境裁判,深深望了赵峰一眼 Whish An audience stir, everyone's vision, frames in Zhao Feng body, on the face is passing the shock, with amazement, question. 全场一阵轰动,所有人的目光,都定格在赵峰身上,脸上透着震惊、骇然、质疑。 The corner of observing stage, a Iron Dragon Powerful Country side. 观战台的角落,铁龙强国一方。 First changes the tactic, then conducts the comprehensive suppression, finally using the opponent flaw, defeats the enemy by a surprise attack...... this boy, is not simple.” “先是改换战术,然后进行全面压制,最后利用对手的破绽,出奇制胜……这小子,不简单啊。” And a person, can not help exclaims. 其中一个人,不禁惊叹道。 Several other people, nodded slightly, to the way that Zhao Feng wins, feels surprised. 另外几个人,微微点头,对赵峰获胜的方式,感到惊奇。 What true decision result is that instantaneous present bloodline strength, moreover is not general bloodline strength.” “真正决定胜负的是那瞬间一现的血脉力量,而且还不是一般的血脉力量。” The chilly sound, from whole body by the mysterious person who the bamboo hat mourning band covers. 清冷的声音,来自全身被斗笠黑纱遮盖的神秘人。 The Iron Dragon Powerful Country people, slightly are startled obviously, but is centered on this person obviously, to his words, believes in firmly. 铁龙强国的众人,略显吃惊,但显然以此人为中心,对他的话,深信不疑。 A Broken Moon Sect side. 晓月宗一方。 Won Feng'er wins” “胜了峰儿了” Grand Elder is unable to contain the heart the excitement. 大长老无法遏制心头的激动。 Broken Moon Sect Master also reveals the color of gratified pleasant surprise, only then Spiritual Master Yun Hai, some smiled non- natures. 晓月宗主也露出欣慰惊喜之色,只有云海真人,笑的有些不自然。 No. 3 sub-field. 三号分场。 Zhao Feng receives Rahu Bow, leaves office slowly. 赵峰收起罗睢弓,缓缓下台。 At this moment, his every action and every movement, tow the attention of people. 这一刻,他的一举一动,牵引众人的注意。 Thirteen Sects, the new alliance nova, is born in this. 十三宗,新的联盟新星,于此诞生。 The vision place visited, the representative disciple in No. 3 sub-field, lowers the head, afraid anxious. 目光所过之处,三号分场的代表弟子,纷纷低下头,一个个心虚不安。 Especially Gu Youyue, a elegant face red azure, does not dare to look straight ahead Zhao Feng eventually. 特别是谷幽月,俏脸一阵红一阵青,终究不敢直视赵峰 After Zhao Feng defeats Xu Zixuan, several other big alliance novas, are moved. 赵峰战胜徐子玄后,其余的几大联盟新星,为之动容。 This...... this is how possible......” “这……这怎么可能……” The Ao Yuetian complexion is very splendid, sound some are not normal, seems unable to accept this reality. 傲月天脸色很精彩,声音有些不正常,似乎无法接受这个现实。 Wants initially, in Small Assembly of 3 Sects, his root originally to disdain in looks at Zhao Feng a glance. 想当初,在三宗小会的时候,他根本就不屑于多看赵峰一眼 Xu Zixuan that Zhao Feng defeats, in alliance novas, ranking also in front of him. 要知道,赵峰战胜的徐子玄,在联盟新星中,排名还在他前面。 Zhao Feng defeats Xu Zixuan, becomes the new alliance nova, at least are treated equally with Ao Yuetian. 赵峰战胜徐子玄,成为新的联盟新星,至少与傲月天平起平坐。 To him, all are not strange.” “对于他来说,一切都不奇怪。” Zhao Yufei smiles, sweet say/way, as if to this result, not unexpected. 赵雨菲嫣然一笑,甜滋滋的道,仿佛对这个结果,毫不意外 Suddenly, on the field the discussion is unceasing, has not thought that this big dark horse, goes to the situation that so the evildoer/monstrous talent go against heaven's will, step by step the road of miracle, until being alliance Four Great Novas. 一时间,场上议论声不断,没想到这一届的大黑马,达到如此妖孽逆天的地步,一步步的奇迹之路,直到名列联盟四大新星 But also two people, tranquil as usual, that is Cang Yuyue and Lin Tong. 但也有两个人,平静如常,那就是苍雨月林通 Although Xu Zixuan is strong, actually possibly could not meet a Cang Yuyue sword, was possibly defeated by Lin Tong a glance. 徐子玄虽强,却可能接不了苍雨月一剑,更可能被林通一眼击败。 Zhao Feng, this being defeated, is I have neglected. Waits for the time of arrived wind and cloud decisive battle, Xu will not have any reserved.” 赵峰,这次落败,是我有所疏忽。等到了风云决战的时刻,徐某不会有任何保留。” Xu Zixuan suppresses pain intent of wound place, slightly obviously unwilling say/way. 徐子玄强忍伤口处的痛意,略显不甘的道。 However, Zhao Feng stands and waits for a long time place to, green hair dances in the breeze, looked continually has not looked at his a glance. 然而,赵峰伫立原地,青发飘舞,连看都没看他一眼 Then, at No. 3 sub-field match, Zhao Feng gallops invincibly, successfully captures first. 接下来,三号分场赛上,赵峰一路驰骋无敌,成功夺得第一。
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