KOG :: Volume #3

#227: Heavenly Dark Eye

Specialization truth, not only Xu Zixuan knows, Zhao Feng oneself naturally also clear. \ { Please search floating day in hundred degrees celsius, first round reading } 专精的道理,不仅徐子玄知道,赵峰本人自然也清楚。\{请在百度搜索飄天,首发阅读} Therefore, he once gave up advances slow Body Tempering Dao, although this together strong, but cultivate is extremely difficult, will greatly reduce its growth. 为此,他曾放弃了进阶缓慢的炼体之道,这一道虽强,但修炼太过艰难,会大大降低其成长速度。 Alliance Grand Meeting, four sub-fields, the competition is in progress always. 联盟大会,四个分场,比试无时无刻不在进行。 The Zhao Feng's vision, not only limits to No. 3 sub-field, from time to time pays attention to the competition of other sub-fields. 赵峰的目光,不仅仅局限于三号分场,也时而关注其他分场的比试。 Especially alliance Four Great Novas, their fights, Zhao Feng will not miss, even everyone, is not willing to miss. 特别是联盟四大新星,他们的战斗,赵峰不会错过,甚至每一个人,都不愿意错过。 Four Great Novas, each goes on stage, basically is the second kills opponent, seemingly shocks the mind. 四大新星,每一个上场,基本都是秒杀对手,看起来震撼心灵。 Naturally, on this Alliance Grand Meeting, dark horse of birth, incessantly Zhao Feng. 当然,此次联盟大会上,诞生的黑马,也不止赵峰一个。 Afterward, was born 34 dark horses. 随后,又诞生了三四个黑马。 These dark horses, unknown, strength is astonishing, the established alliance elite, triumphs over dismount. 这些黑马,名不经传,却实力惊人,把老牌的联盟精英,挑落下马。 And Zhao Feng knew that has Bei Mo and Zhao Yufei. 其中赵峰认识的,就有北墨赵雨菲 Bei Mo and Zhao Yufei, are super genius, obtained Inheritance, strength is tyrannical, except for genius of alliance nova rank, others easily defeats. 北墨赵雨菲,都是超级天才,获得了传承,实力强横,除了联盟新星级别的天才,其余人都是轻松击败。 Except for Bei Mo and Zhao Yufei, on Alliance Grand Meeting, but also presented a dark horse that excels at Body Tempering , named Yan Chuan 。 除了北墨赵雨菲,联盟大会上,还出现了一位擅长炼体的黑马,名叫阎川。 Yan Chuan Body Tempering attainments, reach arrived physical strength to measure the contend Sixth Sky Layer terrifying situation. 阎川的炼体造诣,达到了肉体力抗衡六重天恐怖地步。 Broken Moon Sect chief disciple Yang Gan, previously had the astonishing performance repeatedly, finally in one continues about hundred moves of comparing notes, lost to Yan Chuan. 晓月宗首席弟子阳乾,先前屡有惊人表现,结果在一场持续近百招的切磋中,败给了阎川。 Yan Sichuan also has Sixth Sky Layer cultivation base, in addition the powerful Body Tempering attainments, attack and defense, the violent is strong, especially on defense, exceeds Yang Gan, this is also the primary cause that he can win. 阎川本身也有六重天修为,再加上强大的炼体造诣,攻击防御,都暴强无比,特别是在防御上,胜过阳乾,这也是他能获胜的主要原因。 Broken Moon Sect chief disciple, mediocre.” 晓月宗首席弟子,也不过如此。” Yan Chuan cracks into a smile. 阎川咧嘴一笑。 Fights about hundred moves, Yang Gan is defeated, panting, but Yan Chuan breathes quite to be steady. 战斗近百招,阳乾落败,气喘吁吁,而阎川呼吸尚算平稳。 High under stands difference 高下立分 Yan Chuan, is after Zhao Feng biggest a number of dark horses, crest of wave in a short time, is next to alliance Four Great Novas. 阎川,是继赵峰之后最大的一批黑马,短时间内的风头,仅次于联盟四大新星 The Zhao Feng vision passed over gently and swiftly from Yan Chuan body, many have not paid attention. 赵峰目光从阎川身上掠过,没有多加关注。 In the meantime. 就在此时。 in No. L sub-field, cannot visual dazzling Sword Red Glow, as if cut black clouds, unequalled sword potential, pressure covers audience. l号分场上,一道不可目视的耀眼剑霞,仿佛划开了乌云,无与伦比的剑势,盖压全场。 White clothing young girl, myo- such as white snow, a Eye piece spatial quiet, a three chi (0.33 m) azure front, in immortal just like picture. 素衣少女,肌如皓雪,眸子一片空幽,一柄三尺青锋,宛若画中仙。 Cang Yuyue is sword second of victory opponent. 苍雨月又是一剑秒胜对手 Each gets rid, is short checks, tows the audience to focus attention on, lets the fights of other sub-fields, low-spirited turn pale. 她每一次出手,都是短暂一刹,牵引全场瞩目,让其它分场的战斗,黯然失色 Only pitifully, Cang Yuyue gets rid is too quick, fight with is extremely short, no one can see clearly her style Profound Mysteries. 只可惜,苍雨月出手太快,交锋太过短暂,没有人能看清她的招式玄奥 However, the person exception, that is Zhao Feng. 不过,有一个人例外,那就是赵峰 Zhao Feng's God Eye, the process of that sword, slowed down dozens times, about hundred times. 赵峰的神灵眼,将那一剑的过程,放慢了几十倍、近百倍。 Finally, he is by that sword unmatched might is shocked. 最后,他任被那一剑无所匹敌的威力所震撼。 Perhaps the prestige energy of that sword, reaches arrived Seventh Sky Layer Peak. 那一剑的威能,恐怕达到了七重天巅峰 Even general Ascended Seventh Sky Layer, facing this sword, will be killed by the second mostly. 就算是一般的脱凡七重天,面对这一剑,多半会被秒杀。 A Zhao Feng even misconception, if oneself meet that sword hardly, may also be killed by the second at the scene. 赵峰甚至有一种错觉,如果自己硬接那一剑,可能也会被当场秒杀。 Cang Yuyue attack, above domination audience all genius, stands in a commanding point, alone this solitary one invincible. 苍雨月攻击,凌驾全场所有天才之上,站在一个制高点,独孤无敌。 Although by defense, she was possibly inferior that Yan Chuan, Bei Mo, compared with strange and method, she is inferior to Lin Tong and Xu Zixuan. 尽管论防御,她可能不如阎川、北墨,比诡异和手段,她不如林通徐子玄 But she wants a sword in the hand, to strong invincible attack, cuts to extinguish all. 但她只要一剑在手,至强无敌的攻击,将一切斩灭。 One sword broken ten thousand laws 一剑破万法 This is Dao of Sword......” “这就是剑道……” Zhao Feng can not help takes a deep breath, present Cang Yuyue, reminding him of Xin Wuhen that the past departed mystically. 赵峰不禁深吸一口气,眼前的苍雨月,让他想起了昔日神秘离去的辛无痕 Facing Cang Yuyue, not only Zhao Feng was possibly killed by the second, Lin Tong, Ao Yuetian and Xu Zixuan three big novas, same were possibly killed by the second. 面对苍雨月,不仅赵峰可能被秒杀,林通傲月天徐子玄三大新星,一样可能被秒杀。 If, in the alliance novas, who also has the opportunity and Cang Yuyue fights, that is Lin Tong. 如果说,联盟新星中,谁还有机会与苍雨月争锋,那就是林通 Lin Tong from beginning to end, has killed opponent in the second. 林通从始至终,也一直在秒杀对手 His Spiritual Secret Technique, is as deep as a well, even surpasses the bamboo hat person who Zhao Feng ran into on the same day. 他的精神秘术,高深莫测,甚至超出赵峰当日遇到的斗笠人。 Yang Gan to Lin Tong.” 阳乾林通。” The number field resounds a sound. 号场响起一个声音。 Zhao Feng can't help looks askance. 赵峰不由侧目。 Facing alliance nova Lin Tong ranked the second, the Yang Gan corners of the mouth exude a bitterness and astringency. 面对联盟新星排名第二的林通,阳乾嘴角泛起一丝苦涩。 Naturally, in his heart firm, if the rock, has not given up. 当然,他心中坚定若磐石,并没有放弃。 When Broken Moon Sect, Yang Gan had once accepted Zhao Feng Spiritual Secret Technique baptism, to this together, has very strong resistivity. 晓月宗时,阳乾曾接受过赵峰精神秘术的“洗礼”,对这一道,有很强的抵抗力。 Lin Tong stands erect place to, both eyes is profound, aura of invisible chill/yin cold, actually resembles the congealment in void. 林通屹立原地,双眸幽深,一股无形阴寒的气息,却似凝结在虚空中。 The Yang Gan mind shakes, whole person like crashing into abyss. 阳乾心神一震,整个人如同坠入深渊。 aura of that chill/yin cold, spreads from the spiritual level, making him crash into little. 那股阴寒的气息,自精神层面蔓延,让他一点点坠入。 Suddenly, Yang Gan complexion pale, the resistance of instinct. 一时间,阳乾面色苍白,本能的抵抗。 He has undergone the Zhao Feng's training after all, is very strong to the resistance of Spiritual Secret Technique. 他毕竟接受过赵峰的训练,对精神秘术的抵抗很强。 Un?” “嗯?” Some Lin Tong unexpected, this is he does not have instantaneous second of the situation of the first time killing opponent. 林通有些意外,这还是他首次没有瞬间秒杀对手的情况。 Only depending on this point, Yang Gan sufficiently proud. 只凭这一点,阳乾就足以自傲。 The Yang Gan powerful struggles, in the eye jumps suddenly projects wipes none, the long blade wields, the flying kills to Lin Tong. 阳乾强力挣扎,眼中陡然迸射出一抹精光,长刀一挥,飞身杀向林通 Lin Tong is unemotional, a pair profound eye pupil, imitating, if the abyss is common, in presents a revolving quiet red light point. 林通面无表情,一双幽深眼瞳,仿若深渊一般,内中呈现一个旋转的幽红光点。 Heavenly Dark Eye 天幽瞳 On the field hears many nearly sounds. 场上传来不少近乎声。 Even on the observing stage, some elders expert, are moved. 连观战台上,一些老辈强者,都为之动容。 Heavenly Dark Eye 天幽瞳 Ancient Hidden Palace supreme Secret Technique, unsurpassed wonderful Spiritual Secret Technique, and needs the special bloodlines, can coordinate cultivate. 古幽殿至高秘典,无上神妙的精神秘术,且需要特殊的血脉,才能配合修炼 In opening Heavenly Dark Eye checks, Lin Tong as if becomes the uncrowned king, that infiltrates void no body and soul secret strength, lets the representative disciple near Kurosunadai, body and mind shake. 在开启“天幽瞳”的一刹,林通仿佛成为无冕之王,那渗透虚空的无形神力量,让黑砂台附近的代表弟子,一个个身心一震。 At this moment, Lin Tong unmatched, rises to comparing the Cang Yuyue altitude. 这一刻,林通无所匹敌,上升到比拟苍雨月的高度。 „It is not good “不好” Yang Gan turned very quiet the breath, the feeling body by imprisonment. 阳乾屏住了呼吸,感觉身体都被禁锢似的。 Lin Tong indifferent silent, swept his a glance lightly. 林通冷漠无声,淡淡扫了他一眼 Plop 扑通 Yang Gan falls down, whole body is soaked by cold sweat, exhausted. 阳乾倒在地上,全身冷汗浸透,筋疲力尽。 Lin Tong anything has not done, but looked at Yang Gan a glance, lets the latter instantaneous rout. 林通什么都没做,只是看了阳乾一眼,让后者瞬间溃败。 On the field hears sound of the piece of holding breath cold air/Qi. 场上传来一片倒吸冷气之声。 With for Ao Yuetian and Xu Zixuan of alliance nova, revealed grave and dreads the color. 同为联盟新星的傲月天徐子玄,都露出了凝重和忌惮之色。 Legend is not completely false, Lin Tong «Heavenly Dark Eye», only need look at a glance, can let the rival instantaneous rout.” “传说完全不假,林通的《天幽瞳》,只需看一眼,就能让敌手瞬间溃败。” Really too terrifying, in alliance Four Great Novas, Lin Tong is strangest one.” “实在太恐怖了,联盟四大新星中,林通是最诡异的一个。” On behalf of the disciple, the mind shocks numerously. 众多代表弟子,心神震骇。 After Yang Gan is defeated, Zhao Feng and Lin Fan, overtook to look under. 阳乾落败后,赵峰林凡,赶过去看了下。 In Spiritual Secret Technique together, Zhao Feng has the right to speak. 精神秘术一道,赵峰有发言权。 At this moment, Yang Gan is a still shaken weak appearance. 此刻,阳乾还是一副惊魂未定的虚弱模样。 Senior Brother Yang, your weak and weariness, from the spiritual level. Before I letreturn to Spiritual God pill who you prepared ?” 阳师兄,你的虚弱和疲倦,来自精神层面。之前我让你准备的‘回神灵丹,呢?” The Zhao Feng reminder said. 赵峰提醒道。 Yang Gan swallows returns to Spiritual God pill hastily, the improvement has changed for the better. 阳乾连忙服下一颗回神灵丹,起色有所好转。 Is good because , under that Lin Tong does not have what cruel methods, has not caused the true spiritual damage to Yang Gan. 好在,那林通也没下什么狠手,并没有对阳乾造成真正的精神创伤。 Junior Brother Zhao, in me move of time, discovered oneself were imprisoned in an abyss iron firmly, how regardless to struggle, cannot go out......” 赵师弟,我中招的时候,发现自己被囚禁在一个深渊铁牢中,无论怎么挣扎,都出不去……” A Yang Gan face is startled the say/way that palpitates. 阳乾一脸惊悸的道。 „, It seems like this is Spiritual Illusion Technique.” “哦,看来这是一种精神幻术。” Zhao Feng looking pensive. 赵峰若有所思。 Why have I felt long time?” “为什么我感觉过了很长时间?” Yang Gan puzzled say/way. 阳乾不解的道。 „ The speed of Spiritual Consciousness level, with the Matter level, is different. On being just like, you read passing over gently and swiftly many recollections, but in reality world, crossed flickers 精神意识层面的速度,与物质层面,是不一样的。就好比,你一念间掠过很多回忆,而在现实世界,才过一瞬 Zhao Feng shows a faint smile. 赵峰微微一笑。 Speaking of Spiritual Illusion Technique, this is also Domain that Zhao Feng excels. 说到精神幻术,这也是赵峰擅长的领域 Lin Tong «Heavenly Dark Eye», the level is without doubt profound, its Spiritual Secret Technique attainments, immeasurably deep. 只是,林通的《天幽瞳》,层次无疑要高深,其精神秘术造诣,深不可测。 When Zhao Feng comforts Yang Gan, Lin Tong of not far away, is looking indifferently. 赵峰安抚阳乾的时候,不远处的林通,冷眼望着。 Zhao Feng has induced, with the Lin Tong profound vision meet, actually does not want to let. 赵峰有所感应,与林通幽深的目光相遇,却丝毫不想让。 In a twinkling, the invisible spiritual prestige energy, on the scene under spreads, the air imitates is imprisoned general. 霎时间,无形的精神威能,在场下蔓延,空气仿似被禁锢一般。 Eye of Lin Tong, dark profound, unpredictable and mysterious. 林通的眼睛,幽暗深邃,神鬼莫测 The Zhao Feng's one-eyed, is also profound, actually also contain one type pierces the strength inexplicably. 赵峰的独眼,同样深邃,却还蕴含一种莫名洞穿力。 Suddenly. 一时间。 Number sub-field, completely silent. 号分场这边,鸦雀无声。 Except Zhao Feng and Lin Tong, everyone has a suffocating feeling. 除去赵峰林通,所有人有一种窒息之感。 Under stage does not permit to compare notes “台下不准切磋” True Spirit Prestige, out of thin air arrives, like ten significant mountains, oppression. 一股真灵之威,凭空降临,如同十重大山,压迫而来。 Zhao Feng is unemotional, turns around to leave, returns to No. 3 sub-field. 赵峰面无表情,转身离开,返回三号分场。 This fellow, interesting, why my ‚ is Heavenly Dark Eye, shivering excitedly? Moreover his eyepatch......” “这家伙,有意思,为什么我的‘天幽瞳,在颤抖兴奋?而且他的眼罩……” Lin Tong whispering talked to oneself. 林通呢喃自语。 Nearby people, if actually releases the heavy burden, long heave a sigh of relief. 旁边的众人,却如释重担,一个个长松一口气 Time when Zhao Feng and Lin Tong confront, that strength that constrains to Soul, making them withstand the incomparable suffering. 赵峰林通对峙的时刻,那种压抑至灵魂力量,让他们承受无比的煎熬。 Through this event, on field many people, produced to Zhao Feng dreaded. 经此一役,场上不少人,对赵峰产生了忌惮。 The position of first dark horse, cannot shake. 第一黑马的地位,不可撼动。 Takes a broad view at entire rising star one generation, several people dare to confront with Lin Tong. 放眼整个新秀一代,有几个人敢和林通对峙。 Moreover looks at the situation, short confrontation of Zhao Feng and Lin Tong, the aspect of not knowing one's place. 而且看情形,赵峰林通的短暂对峙,还是不分上下的局面。 No. 3 sub-field. 三号分场。 Zhao Feng stands and waits for a long time place to, the one-eyed and green hair, that towering. 赵峰伫立原地,独眼、青发,是那么的突兀。 Except for Xu Zixuan, others produced to Zhao Feng dreaded, and even alarmed and afraid. 除了徐子玄,其他人都对赵峰产生了忌惮,乃至惊惧。 Including Gu Youyue, a heart anxiety, stemming from the one intuition of woman, she felt that Zhao Feng is an extremely dangerous character. 谷幽月,芳心一阵不安,出于女人的一种直觉,她感觉赵峰是一个极度危险的人物。 Her bright eyes flash, can not help worried, oneself this person, includes the foe, is extremely whether crude. 她明眸闪动,不禁担忧,自己将这个人,列入仇敌,是否太过鲁莽。 Looks at this, Broken Moon Sect Core Disciple, the performance is very good. 看这一届,晓月宗真传弟子们,表现都很不错。 Zhao Feng and Bei Mo, are the big dark horse, Yang Gan Worthy/Deserve to be called chief disciple strength, other representative disciples, for example Lin Fan and Ran Xiaoyuan, have the good performance. 赵峰北墨,都是大黑马,阳乾不愧首席弟子实力,其余的代表弟子,譬如林凡冉小苑,都有不俗的表现。 Observes Taiwan. 观战台一方。 With Broken Moon Sect quite near Pure Moon Sect, Silver Moon Sect and Secluded Jade Palace person, the heart is startled in Broken Moon Sect this generation of beautiful strength. 晓月宗比较近的凌月宗银月宗碧幽宫的人,心惊于晓月宗这一代新秀的实力 Especially Silver Moon Sect and Secluded Jade Palace, the performance in Alliance Grand Meeting, were much stronger than in the past Broken Moon Sect. 特别是银月宗碧幽宫,以往在联盟盛会的表现,比晓月宗强得多。 But this time, Broken Moon Sect these two, casts off by far. 而这一次,晓月宗将这二宗,远远甩开。 Pure Moon Sect high level, quite good. 凌月宗的高层,尚算好一点。 Broken Moon Sect this rising star, although is good, the character but who has not lifted a tripod truly, at least no one, can include the alliance nova.” 晓月宗这一届的新秀,尽管不错,但没有真正扛鼎的人物,至少没有谁,能列入联盟新星。” Pure Moon Sect Grand Elder, smiles pale freely. 凌月宗大长老,淡笑自如。 Reviews Pure Moon Sect, besides alliance nova Ao Yuetian, Zhao Yufei this dark horse. 反观凌月宗,除了联盟新星傲月天,还有赵雨菲这个黑马。 at the same time. 与此同时 An observing stage common corner. 在观战台一个不起眼的角落。 From Iron Dragon Powerful Country this group of people, has been silent, watches Thirteen Sects Alliance Grand Meeting indifferently, or taunt, either disdains. 来自铁龙强国这批人,一直缄默不语,冷眼观看十三宗联盟大会,或嘲讽,或不屑。 Thirteen Countries, this very tiny area, without many nice genius, except for alliance 4-Star, but can also look.” 十三国,这个弹丸之地,也没有多少像样的天才,除了联盟四星,还看得过去。” And a chilly sound conveys, speech, is whole body by the mysterious person who the bamboo hat mourning band covers, cannot see clearly the facial features. 其中一个清冷声音传来,发话者,是一个全身被斗笠黑纱遮盖的神秘人,看不清面容。 Broken Moon Sect. 晓月宗这边。 Iron Dragon Powerful Country recently and didn't Sky Rich Powerful Country, at the war, the free time come to see Alliance Grand Meeting?” 铁龙强国最近和天丰强国,不是在大战吗,还有空闲来看联盟盛会?” Grand Elder slightly has doubts obviously. 大长老略显疑惑。 At this moment. 就在这时。 No. 3 sub-field, broadcasts a sound: Zhao Feng to Xu Zixuan.” 三号分场,传来一个声音:“赵峰徐子玄。”
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