KI :: Volume #8

#756: The fantasy has presently

„!” Yun Yuqing calls out in alarm, the mouth spits the blood to fall one side, a face incredible appearance visits him, Ah Zu, do you do?” “啊!”**晴一声惊呼,口吐鲜血摔到一旁,一脸不可置信的模样看着他,“阿祖,你干什么?” Zu An had not replied, but is staring on the roof that form that wears the imperial robe. 祖安没有回答,而是盯着屋顶上那个身着龙袍的身影。 Sovereign laughs: Couple is with the forest bird, is faced with imminent disaster flies respectively, what a pity at this time you killed her to show to Us loyally already late, suffers to death!” 皇帝哈哈一笑:“夫妻本是同林鸟,大难临头各自飞,可惜这个时候你杀了她向朕表忠心已经晚了,受死吧!” Was saying that giant palm has left Zu An top of the head one zhang (3.33 m) distance, the pressure that transmits from afar made the ground of Zu An under foot be pressed out a hand to be in charge forcefully, but the Zu An whole person still stood proudly on the spot. 说着那巨大的手掌已经离祖安头顶不过一丈的距离,远远传来的威压让祖安脚下的地面都硬生生被压出了一个手掌印,可祖安整个人依然傲然站在原地。 Zu An lowers the head, thought aloud with a low and deep tone: This pressure, this constriction indeed looks like Sovereign very much, it seems like his great strength indeed made the indelible impression in my heart.” 祖安低着头,用一种低沉的语气自言自语:“这种威压,这种压迫感的确很像皇帝,看来他的强大在我心中的确留下了难以磨灭的印象。” „......” He raised the head suddenly, the vision brilliant is looking at the imperial robe man in roof, experienced that late matter, you before me forever is a loser.” “不过……”他霍然抬头,目光灼灼望着楼顶的龙袍男子,“经历了那晚的事情,你在我面前永远是个失败者。” Was saying he puts out a hand to proceed to lift: God said, must have up!” 说着他伸手往前一抬:“神说,要有光!” At this time the sky as if heard his response, somewhat gloomy cloud Qi dispersed, wisp of golden light sprinkled from the cloud layer, dispersed all around haze. 这时天空仿佛听到了他的回应,原本有些阴沉的云气散开,一缕金光从云层洒落下来,驱散了四周的阴霾。 Then covered in Sovereign body, the Sovereign whole person started to belch smoke suddenly, then on the imperial robe the visible flame raised, was quick his whole person to be swallowed by the flame, exuded the intermittent sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 然后笼罩在了皇帝身上,皇帝整个人忽然开始冒烟,然后龙袍上肉眼可见的火苗升起,很快他整个人都被火焰吞噬,发出了阵阵凄厉的惨叫声。 Before the midair the giant palm of that terrifying also vanished into thin air, the terrifying pressure is without a trace. 之前半空中那恐怖的巨大手掌也烟消云散,恐怖的威压更是无影无踪。 In the intermittent pitiful yell sound, Sovereign was fired one group of ashes finally. 阵阵惨叫声中,皇帝最终被烧成一团灰烬。 On the Zu An face appears the smile that mocked: In my own consciousness world, I naturally is a god, who can be more powerful than me?” 祖安脸上浮现出了一丝讥诮的笑容:“在我自己的意识世界中,我自然就是神,谁又能比我强大?” Nearby Yun Yuqing panic-stricken desire is staring the eyes certainly: This not possible......” 一旁的**晴惊骇欲绝地瞪着双眼:“这不可能……” With her finishing speaking, a surrounding scenery distortion, where has what Sovereign, where has what Zhuxie Chixin, lay down Embroidered Garment Envoy everywhere is without a trace. 随着她的话音刚落,周围的景色一阵扭曲,哪有什么皇帝,哪有什么朱邪赤心,躺了满地的绣衣使者更是无影无踪。 Only then just these deathsworn corpses, un, they are fighting with Yun Yuqing. 只有刚刚那些死士的尸体,嗯,它们正在和**晴搏斗。 But was just patted Yun Yuqing that” spits blood to side by a palm a facial features also distortion, the mysterious cape, the golden hair, who is not Jia Sili is! 而刚刚被一掌拍到旁边吐血的“**晴”面容也一阵扭曲,神秘的斗篷,金色的头发,不是嘉丝丽又是谁! Zu An sighs, Jia Sili has not really died, just a oneself sword stabbed her throat is the illusion. 祖安叹了一口气,嘉丝丽果然没有死,刚刚自己一剑刺中她喉咙就已经是幻觉了。 Wait, when was her illusion, was guarding obviously from the beginning, even Bai Ming has not warned. 等等,到底是什么时候中了她的幻境的呢,明明从一开始就在防备了,连百鸣也没有示警。 His vision falls to the opposite party ankle area on that red string bell, un, thinks that two people from fighting to start this bell sound to keep in the sound, should be this unknowingly move. 他目光落到对方脚踝上那个红线铃铛,嗯,想到两人从交手开始这铃铛声就不停地在响,应该就是这样不知不觉中招了。 Jia Sili is looking at Zu An stubbornly: How you discovered that world is false? I think has not shown slightly the flaw.” 嘉丝丽死死望着祖安:“你到底是怎么发现那世界是假的?我自认为没有露出丝毫破绽。” Zu An sighs 祖安叹了一口气 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) : From the beginning I am very strange, always felt the time that Zhuxie Chixin these people have was too skillful, just fired off them to come out in us, as if has ambushed resembles here. Must know here is suburb, even if the fight sound alarmed the person of in the capital, first catches up definitely is still the city defense force, but will not be Embroidered Garment Envoy.” :“从一开始我就很奇怪,总觉得朱邪赤心那些人出现的时机太巧了些,刚好在我们打完他们就出来了,仿佛一直埋伏在这里似的。要知道这里是郊区啊,就算战斗动静惊动了京中之人,首先赶来的肯定也是城防军,而不会是绣衣使者。” Must know that this case is he has been checking, the information that he has is most, even he has not expected the ambushes of these people, Zhuxie Chixin they possibly responded that is quicker? 要知道这件案子是他一直在查,他掌握的情报是最多的,连他都没料到这些人的埋伏,朱邪赤心他们怎么可能反应更快? You analyzed that like this is false?” A Jia Sili face is inconceivable. “就这样你就判断是假的?”嘉丝丽一脸不可思议。 Zu An said lightly: Sovereign, his appearance was also too towering.” 祖安淡淡地说道:“还有皇帝,他的出现也太突兀了。” Theoretically Sovereign needs him to help pit King Qi, such will not meet on below Assassin, only if he knew himself and Empress matter, but what's the big deal possible, he is not the omniscient and omnipotent god. 理论上来说皇帝需要他帮忙来坑齐王,不会这样一见面就下杀手,除非他知道了自己和皇后的事情,可那又怎么可能,他又不是全知全能的神。 Naturally a more important reason makes him determine that was he had not received Rage Points a moment ago from beginning to end. 当然还有个更重要的理由让他确定下来,那就是刚才从头到尾他没有收到愤怒值 Although the opposite party can simulate some illusion of confusing falsehood with the truth, but is unable to simulate the soul fluctuation of everyone. 对方虽然能模拟一些以假乱真的幻境,但是无法模拟每个人的灵魂波动。 Replied your doubts, you can also rest.” Zu An does not think that the villain dies of the words are many, he has been waiting for the opportunity to act, took advantage after the opposite party hears the answer , the absent-minded moment rushes over rapidly. “回答了你的疑惑,你也可以安息了。”祖安并不想反派死于话多,他一直在伺机而动,就趁对方听到答案后失神的片刻迅速冲了过去。 At this time nearby shadow attacked, Zu An saw is deathsworn that before died, obviously was controlled corpse puppet by that hermaphrodite. 这时旁边一道黑影袭击过来,祖安看到了是之前死掉的一个死士,显然是被那个阴阳人控制成了尸傀。 He wields a palm at will, plans to shake this corpse puppet, does not want to be delayed the own proper business by him. 他随意挥出一掌,打算将这尸傀震开,不想被他耽误了自己的正事。 Although knows after starting, he felt that immediately is not right, flickered to move toward side immediately avoided several feet. 虽知道入手后他就立马感觉到不对,立马瞬移往旁边躲开了数丈。 Bang, that corpse puppet suddenly violent, the innumerable dark green corpse water sprinkle everywhere is, a flavor of stench scatters in all directions. 砰的一声,那尸傀陡然暴烈开来,无数墨绿色的尸水洒得到处都是,一股腥臭的味道四散开来。 Zu An only thought that gets fed up with wants to vomit, mother egg, is smellier than the previous life pacific herring canned food. 祖安只觉得一阵烦厌欲呕,妈蛋,比前世的鲱鱼罐头还要臭啊。 The ground green grass was moistened by these corpse water, withers to grow dark instantaneously, even the land also incited to make noise, emitted the intermittent white smoke, obviously each drop was violently poisonous. 地上青草被那些尸水沾到,瞬间枯萎变黑,连土地也滋滋作响,冒出了阵阵白烟,显然每一滴都是剧毒。 „Can your fellow each time do not do such disgustingly.” At this time side also broadcast the sound of Jia Sili dislike, just the opposite party strove for a time she to seize the chance to flash before to hide immediately one side, had not been stained by the corpse water of that everywhere, but she closely covered the nose, obviously that flavor flushed makes her unable to bear. “你这家伙能不能每次不要搞得这么恶心。”这时旁边也传来了嘉丝丽厌恶的声音,刚刚对方争取了一点时机她马上趁机闪现躲到一旁,也没有被那漫天的尸水沾上,不过她紧紧捂住鼻子,显然那味道冲得让她也受不了了。 Snort, I saved your life.” The stretch/leisurely book good Yin sad voice conveys, his whole person just like the zombie to jump the Jia Sili body side generally, became the potential of attacking from a pincer-like position with her line mutually. “哼,我可是救了你的性命。”舒书好阴恻恻的声音传来,他整个人犹如僵尸一般跳到了嘉丝丽身侧,和她相互行成掎角之势。 Corpse puppet that under his hand controls is also distributed in the surroundings, Yun Yuqing also the opportunity of panting for breath, quickly arrives at side Zu An, her face thin perspiration, the double cheek pink, just fight was very not obviously relaxed. 他手底下控制的尸傀也分布在周围,**晴也得到喘息之机,急忙来到祖安身旁,她一脸细汗,双颊桃红,显然刚刚的战斗很不轻松。 Although she cultivation base is good, but previously coped with gold and silver double ring these expert consumptions is too big, now this stretch/leisurely book good cultivation base is not under her . Moreover the method of using is disgusting squish corpse puppet, as the female 她虽然一身修为不俗,但之前对付金银双环那些高手消耗太大,如今这个舒书好修为不在她之下,而且用的手段都是恶心吧唧的尸傀,身为女子 ( This chapter has not ended, please turn page) (本章未完,请翻页) , She somewhat is afraid this type of thing naturally, therefore the battle efficiency weakened several tenths. ,她天然有些害怕这种东西,所以战斗力又削弱了几成。 Zu An protects her faintly in the body side, then the horizontal sword before, the whole body muscle tightens, just like a being ready lion to be the same. 祖安隐隐将她护在身侧,然后横剑在前,浑身肌肉绷紧,犹如一头蓄势待发的雄狮一般。 At this time the Jia Sili sweet and delicate voice said with a smile: Aiyu Elder Brother, we do not hit, became reconciled good?” 这时嘉丝丽娇声笑道:“哎呦哥哥,我们不打了,就此握手言和了好不好?” Just returned the Little Brother, now on Elder Brother?” Zu An sneers, why do I want to become reconciled with you?” “刚刚还小弟弟,现在就哥哥了?”祖安冷笑一声,“我为什么要和你握手言和?” Just Big Sister tasted fierce of younger brother, naturally does not dare saying that you were young,” the Jia Sili sound bone to inter the body, caused nearby Yun Yuqing delicate eyebrows to be tight coquettishly, why as for must become reconciled, that was because we had the common enemy, why fight to life or death.” “刚刚姐姐尝到了弟弟的厉害,自然不敢说你小了啊,”嘉丝丽的声音风骚入骨,引得一旁的**晴秀眉紧蹙,“至于为什么要握手言和,那是因为我们都有共同的敌人,何必打生打死呢。” Common enemy?” Zu An snort/hum, who and you had the common enemy.” “共同的敌人?”祖安哼了一声,“谁和你有共同的敌人。” Jia Sili giggle smiled: Elder Brother do not deceive oneself and others, just in illusion how your hostility to the Sovereign unable to hide, moreover you as if also made one to be unfair to his matter very much. Although Big Sister does not know that matter is anything, but that matter will definitely make Sovereign kill you.” 嘉丝丽咯咯地笑了起来:“哥哥别自欺欺人了,刚刚幻境中你对皇帝的敌意可是怎么都掩藏不住的,而且你似乎还做了一件很对不起他的事。虽然姐姐不知道那件事是什么,但那件事肯定会让皇帝杀了你。” The Zu An complexion changes, this woman is really troublesome. 祖安脸色微变,这女人真是个麻烦啊。 Feels his murderous intention, Jia Sili does not care at all, is pointing at the bodies of nearby gold and silver double ring these people: Elder Brother is not anxious, and listens to a younger sister word, just I and these people's dialogues you think that also has listened, in the past Great Zhou Sovereign invaded our southern border, harmed our countless clansmen dead a violent death, this intense and deep-seated hatred we had not forgotten certainly. But Sovereign is extremely powerful now, we who cannot cope alone, the enemy of enemy is a friend, we do not want to waste any possibly to revolt against the Sovereign strength.” 感受到他的杀机,嘉丝丽毫不在意,指着一旁金银双环那些人的尸体:“哥哥莫要急,且听妹子一言,刚刚我和那些人的对话你想必也听过了,当年大周皇帝入侵我们南疆,害得我们无数族人死于非命,这个血海深仇我们绝没有忘记。可如今皇帝太过强大,非我们谁能单独对付得了的,正所谓敌人的敌人就是朋友,我们也不想浪费任何一丝可能反抗皇帝的力量。” Zu An said lightly: That is the idea that you one-sided wish, I do not need to form an alliance with others, counter kill your I will be more relieved.” 祖安淡淡地说道:“那是你一厢情愿的想法,我不需要和别人结盟,相反杀了你们我会更安心。” That being in sharp contrast stretch/leisurely book good cold snort/hum: Brat, the tone is actually big.” 那个黑白分明的舒书好冷哼一声:“臭小子,口气倒是不小。” Jia Sili also smiles the flowering branch to shiver all over: Elder Brother you possibly misunderstood anything, I am the sincerity want to cooperate with you, rather than the dead end wants to beg for mercy to you.” 嘉丝丽也笑得花枝乱颤:“哥哥你可能是误会了什么,我是真心想与你合作,而不是穷途末路想借此向你求饶。” She put out a hand to hit a sound to refer, in the back air sparking light halos appeared suddenly, one extended to aim at two people the translucent weapon from inside. 她伸手打了个响指,背后空气中忽然一圈圈闪亮的光圈出现,紧接着一把把半透明的武器从里面伸出来对准了两人。 Falls the master spirit, besides just coped with your mind ghost, I have another ability, that is fantasizes has presently, can have the thing that in my mind thinks of appears, really hits, who will be the winner also cannot know.” “身为灵降师,除了刚刚对付你的心灵幻像之外,我还有另外一个能力,那就是幻想具现,可以将我脑海中想到的东西具现出来,真的打起来,鹿死谁手还未可知呢。” --- --- Saw that commentary area many readers are not clear the concept of all subscribing, simply speaking is your one chapter of one chapter looks, subscribed every chapters all subscribes. 看到评论区很多读者还是不清楚全订的概念,简单来说就是你一章一章看下来,每一章就订阅了的就是全订。 All subscribes the reader to complain in private, a group of that side news are too many are too chaotic, moreover word some people will not quarrel at earliest convenience mutually......, therefore established such a group alone, I cannot think that also has anything to return these really gold/metal silver to support my reader Master...... 很多全订读者私下抱怨过,大群那边消息太多太乱,而且一言不合就有人会互相吵起来……所以单独建立了这样一个群,我也想不到还有啥能回报这些一直真金白银支持我的读者老爷……
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