KI :: Volume #8

#755: Before dying, at the last minute

Eyes of Heavenly Demon!” Zhuxie Chixin is stern-faced, everyone do not think her eye!” 天魔之瞳!”朱邪赤心一脸凝重,“大家不要看她的眼睛!” What a pity, the eyes of many Embroidered Garment Envoy had also caught purple intent late, then transfers the muzzle, strikes off toward the companion. 可惜已经晚了,不少绣衣使者的眼睛也染上了紫意,然后调转枪口,纷纷朝同伴砍去。 Where these Embroidered Garment Envoy expect the ally who shares life and death to have the blade to them suddenly, is almost the flash casualty is then serious. 那些绣衣使者哪料到生死与共的战友会突然对他们出刀,几乎是一瞬间便死伤惨重。 In these braves the purple light Embroidered Garment Envoy to call to rush over toward Zhuxie Chixin. 紧接着那些眼中冒紫光的绣衣使者纷纷嗷嗷叫着往朱邪赤心冲了过去。 Zhuxie Chixin startled and anger, quickly dodges the standard to keep off, because these are the Embroidered Garment Envoy elites, he does not think that these people have anything to damage, therefore take action has restrained very much. 朱邪赤心又惊又怒,急忙闪躲格挡,因为这些都是绣衣使者的精英,他也不想这些人有什么损伤,所以出手一直都很克制。 What a pity was actually relentless by Embroidered Garment Envoy of Eyes of Heavenly Demon control, each and everyone greeted toward his critical doom. 可惜被天魔之瞳控制的绣衣使者却毫不留情,一个个都往他要害死命招呼。 These people this are skilled to coordinate formation, the bonus is Zhuxie Chixin cultivation base is profound, but timid and hesitant , was also compelled to be surrounded by perils. 这些人本来就精通配合阵法,饶是朱邪赤心修为高深,但是束手束脚之下,也被逼得险象环生。 Separated a while he to roar angrily, knows that this way must explain here, take action no longer was also forgiving again. 隔了一会儿他愤怒的咆哮一声,知道这样下去自己也要交待这里,出手再也不再留情。 His whole person changes to a red shadow, is shuttling back and forth in a Embroidered Garment Envoy team fast. 他整个人化作一道红影,快速在一种绣衣使者队伍中穿梭着。 His speed quickly is too too fast, others cannot follow, quick each and everyone called out pitifully to fly. 他的速度太快太快,其他人根本跟不上,很快一个个惨叫着飞了出去。 Every other how long, Embroidered Garment Envoy in field dropped down, holds the leg to cover to begin on the ground to wail. 每隔多久,场中的绣衣使者都倒下了,纷纷在地上抱着腿捂着手哀嚎着。 Zhuxie Chixin has not taken their lives, but discounted their hands and feet to make their short time have no way to act again. 朱邪赤心没有取他们的性命,而是打折了他们的手脚让他们短时间没法再行动了。 Although injures heavily, but at least retained the effective strength, after several months they restore, can go on duty. 虽然伤得重,但至少保留了有生力量,等几个月他们恢复后又可以重新上岗。 But the Embroidered Garment Envoy strength will therefore present several months of vacuum periods, he is staring at Yun Yuqing angrily: Cheap person, you courts death!” 可因此绣衣使者的力量会出现几个月的真空期,他愤怒地盯着云雨晴:“贱人,你找死!” Begins to shake, terrifying Soul Reaping Rope keeps elongating from his sleeves, the Soul Reaping Rope terminal is a jet black sickle, is away from be able to feel the above the hate of bloody air/Qi as well as dead spirit far away, obviously this sickle does not know that harvested many expert lives. 紧接着手一抖,一条恐怖的勾魂索从他衣袖中不停地伸长出来,勾魂索末端是一柄漆黑的镰刀,隔着老远都能感受到上面的血腥气以及亡灵的怨恨,显然这把镰刀不知道收割了多少高手的性命。 Yun Yuqing is stern-faced, in the eye purple glow hold, in the Zhuxie Chixin eye also had some purple intent greatly faintly. 云雨晴一脸凝重,眼中紫芒大盛,朱邪赤心眼中也隐隐有了一些紫意。 However the moment his look will then restore the pure brightness from now on, snort/hum: If your cultivation base is higher, I also really may be made by your Eyes of Heavenly Demon, what a pity you also fall far short now!” 不过片刻过后他眼神便恢复了清明,哼了一声:“若是你的修为再高一些,我可能还真会被你的天魔之瞳所制,可惜你现在还差得远!” Finishes speaking, then the jet black sickle does not know when has appeared in Yun Yuqing behind. 话音刚落,那把漆黑的镰刀不知道什么时候已经出现在了云雨晴身后了。 The Yun Yuqing foot, the under foot rune twinkle quickly dodges sharp, simultaneously finger starts to draw rune to try to counter-attack. 云雨晴足尖一点,脚下符文闪烁急忙闪避,同时手指开始画着符文试图反击。 What a pity his opponent is Zhuxie Chixin, how half-step Great Grandmaster will give her the opportunity. 可惜他的对手是朱邪赤心,半步大宗师怎么会给她机会。 That sickle just like the maggot of tarsal bone to appear in various inconceivable angles generally several times, Yun Yuqing has to interrupt rune to write quickly dodges. 那镰刀犹如跗骨之蛆一般数次出现在各种不可思议的角度,以至于云雨晴不得不中断符文书写急忙闪避。 Yun Yuqing tried to be broken more than ten times, even rune did not have the picture to come out. 云雨晴尝试了十几次皆被打断,甚至连一个符文都没有画出来。 Nearby Zu An brow wrinkle is deeper, he space that noticed Yun Yuqing to dodge is compelled getting smaller, unable to require burning a joss stick time, she will be compelled to evade not to have by that god of death sickle to evade. 一旁的祖安眉头越皱越深,他注意到了云雨晴闪避的空间正被逼得越来越小,想必要不了一炷香时间,她就会被那死神镰刀逼得避无可避。 He sighs secretly, the generation of oneself finally non- having a heart of stone. 他暗暗叹了一口气,自己终非铁石心肠之辈。 figure flashes, he has appeared side Yun Yuqing, wielded a sword to keep off the god of death sickle for her fatally struck, then said fast: I help you block him, your quick magic figure.” 身形一闪,他已经出现在了云雨晴身旁,挥剑替她挡下了死神镰刀致命的一击,然后快速说道:“我帮你挡住他,你快画符。” This brittle skin master, needs such a meat shield to withstand/top in front. 这种脆皮法师,就需要自己这样一个肉盾在前面顶着啊。 Yun Yuqing opens mouth, in the beautiful eye pupil has the tears to flash faintly, but she has not spoken what smalltalk words now again, but is rapid picture its rune. 云雨晴张了张嘴,美丽的眼眸中隐隐有泪花闪动,不过她现在没有再说什么客套的话,而是迅速画其符文来。 Her clear Zhuxie Chixin cultivation base far exceeds two people, two people wrestle furiously just now have a slim chance of survival. 她清楚朱邪赤心修为远超两人,两人奋力一搏方才有一线生机。 Sees this Zhuxie Chixin startled and anger: Zu An, do you know that you are making anything!” 见到这一幕朱邪赤心又惊又怒:“祖安,你知不知道你在做什么!” Zu An sighs: many thanks Great Commander cared, what a pity she has saved my twice lives, I cannot visit her to bring death helplessly.” 祖安叹了一口气:“多谢大统领关心,可惜她救过我两次性命,我不能眼睁睁看着她送死的。” You are the treason!” Zhuxie Chixin said sternly, from now on you in Great Zhou, even the entire human society does not have the place of taking shelter, is worth?” “你这是叛国!”朱邪赤心厉声说道,“今后你在大周,甚至整个人类社会都没有容身之地,值得么?” Even Yun Yuqing also looks subconsciously to him, how wants to listen to him to reply. 云雨晴也下意识望向他,想听听他会怎么回答。 Zu An sighs: In this world many things cannot with being worth weighing, I only know that I do not save her today, will live for a lifetime in the compunction and pain.” 祖安叹了一口气:“这世上很多事不能用值不值得来衡量的,我只知道我今天不救她,会一辈子活在内疚与痛苦之中。” The Zhuxie Chixin facial expression was cold immediately: Since you, for a woman from the bad future, that...... suffers to death with her!” 朱邪赤心神情顿时冷了下来:“既然你为了一个女人自坏前程,那就和她一起……受死吧!” His whole person imposing manner rises suddenly, in the hand Soul Reaping Rope turned into the innumerable strip immediately, attacked toward his body the god of death sickle innumerably. 他整个人气势暴涨,手中勾魂索顿时化成了无数条,无数把死神镰刀往他身上攻了过去。 Zu An hits 12 spirit to resist, what a pity he cannot dodge, otherwise Yun Yuqing was ripped the fragment immediately. 祖安打起十二分精神抵挡着,可惜他不能闪躲,不然身后的云雨晴立马被撕成碎片。 His surface sinks like the water, the display always studies the sickle that the defense is attacking in all directions, is quick his body to hang out colored streamers everywhere, the innumerable blood crack. 他面沉如水,发挥平生所学防御着四面八方攻来的镰刀,很快他身上就处处挂彩,无数鲜血崩裂出来。 The both sides cultivation base disparity was too big, no matter how what he deals is also the futile effort. 双方修为差距太大了,任他如何应对也是徒劳。 He has 《Grandmist Primordial Beginning Scripture》 to revolve luckily rapidly, is patching the body injury, otherwise he had been slivered the innumerable blood fog by the god of death sickle of that terrifying at this time. 幸好他有《鸿蒙元始经》急速运转,修补着身上的伤势,否则的话他此时早已被那柄恐怖的死神镰刀切成无数血雾了。 The Zu An secret sigh, in Eastern Palace saw initially Yun Jianyue deals with his sickle to be relaxed natural, finally face personally, knows that the sickle of opposite party is terrifying. 祖安暗暗感叹,当初在东宫看到云间月应对他这镰刀何等轻松潇洒,结果自己亲自面对,才知道对方的镰刀有多么恐怖。 Rain hates cloud worry * to execute evilly!” At this time behind transmitted Yun Yuqing to have the sound of weeping voice, she witnessed this man to protect her withstood many injuries actually never to step back, only hated itself unable the long hand, at unprecedented speed completed rune formation. “雨恨云愁*诛邪!”这时身后传来了云雨晴带着哭腔的声音,她目睹了这个男人为了保护她承受了多少伤害却始终不退后一步,只恨自己不能多长一只手,以前所未有的速度完成了符文阵法 Various grotesque rune glitter in the midair, sends out the innumerable purple lasers, they have the the same goal, that is Zhuxie Chixin in field. 各种奇形怪状的符文在半空中闪烁,紧接着散发出无数紫色的激光,它们都有同一个目标,那就是场中的朱邪赤心 The Zhuxie Chixin complexion changes, the hand shook to receive Soul Reaping Rope, then the extreme twist is forming one to open an umbrella in the top of the head, blocked the attacks of these purple rays forcefully. 朱邪赤心脸色一变,手一抖将勾魂索收了回去,然后急速旋转着在头顶形成了一张打伞,硬生生挡住了那些紫色光线的攻击。 The Yun Yuqing forehead is completely the thin perspiration, is maintaining rune with hardship while said to Zu An: My this move of having no way injures him only to constrain him temporarily, you walk quickly, otherwise we will die here.” 云雨晴额头尽是细汗,一边苦苦维持着符文一边对祖安说道:“我这一招没法伤他只能暂时拖住他,你快走,否则我们都会死在这里。” The Zu An sinking sound said: That may not necessarily!” 祖安沉声说道:“那可未必!” His figure flashes then to rush over toward Zhuxie Chixin, sees him to clash, Zhuxie Chixin sneers: Courts death!” 身形一闪便往朱邪赤心冲了过去,看到他冲过来,朱邪赤心冷笑一声:“找死!” In the hand the sickle just like a meat grinder to block generally in his way, the opposite party has not been close to himself being twisted the hashed meat. 手中镰刀犹如一台绞肉机一般拦在了他的去路上,对方还没接近自己就会被绞成碎肉。 Sees only Zu An to lift Tai'e Sword, said every single word or phrase: Prestige domain!” 只见祖安举着泰阿剑,一字一句说道:“威道领域!” A that flash powerful pressure sends out from Tai'e Sword, Tai'e Sword as Sword of the Prestigious Way, this is its domain. 那一瞬间一股强大的威压从泰阿剑上散发出来,泰阿剑身为威道之剑,这就是它的领域。 But this skill cooling time almost one month, therefore does not compel to have no other choice, Zu An would hardly use it. 只不过这个技能冷却时间差不多有一个月,所以非逼不得已,祖安几乎不会用它。 Where this is......” Zhuxie Chixin guards to have such terrifying pressure, the whole person whole body shivers subconsciously, that is trembling in soul, wanted to submit to the opposite party, Soul Reaping Rope that in the hand controlled presented some stagnations. “这是……”朱邪赤心哪里防备到有这样恐怖的威压,整个人浑身下意识颤抖起来,那是一种灵魂中的颤栗,想要臣服对方,手中操控的勾魂索出现了些许的凝滞。 Zu An is the opportunity of this flash, touches to his body side directly, pulled out the Instant Death Dagger thorn to cut his neck. 祖安等的就是这一瞬间的机会,直接摸到他身侧,掏出必死匕首刺划破了他的脖子。 You......” Zhuxie Chixin are covering the neck, what a pity black rune disperses in the wound place, the quick whole person then drops down loudly, did not have the least bit aura again. “你……”朱邪赤心捂着脖子,可惜黑色的符文在伤口处散开,很快整个人便轰然倒下,再也没了半点气息。 Zu An relaxes, arrives at side Yun Yuqing to catch her who the strength used up: You are all right.” 祖安松了一口气,来到云雨晴身旁接住了力竭的她:“你没事吧。” I am all right,” Yun Yuqing visits him gently, Ah Zu, you are really good to me.” “我没事,”云雨晴温柔地看着他,“阿祖,你对我真好。” Zu An smiles bitterly: We first leave, perhaps here sound has alarmed others.” 祖安苦笑一声:“我们先离开吧,这里的动静恐怕已经惊动了其他人。” Now perhaps without enough time and Chuyan said goodbye, only what rejoices was loner one, Chu Chuyan with him does not have the relations, the own behavior not to implicate her in name. 现在恐怕都来不及和初颜告别了,唯一庆幸的是自己是孤家寡人一个,楚初颜名义上和他已经没有了关系,自己的行为也连累不到她。 At this moment, a more terrifying pressure arrives: „To walk?” 就在这时,一阵更恐怖的威压降临下来:“想走?” The Zu An look shrinks, then looks suddenly, sees only the roof to stand an imperial robe form, who isn't Sovereign is? 祖安眼神一缩,霍然回头望去,只见屋顶站着一个龙袍身影,不是皇帝又是谁? How can be he!” In the Zu An heart an icy coldness, ended ended, all ended, although he unyielding hearts, but he had self-knowledge, he required the time to grow, now left the Sovereign disparity too to be really big. “怎么会是他!”祖安心中一片冰凉,完了完了,一切都完了,他虽然有一颗不屈之心,但他有自知之明,他需要时间成长,现在离皇帝的差距实在太大了。 Sovereign took a fast look around audience one week, saw Embroidered Garment Envoy everywhere, especially the Zhuxie Chixin corpse, the whole person flies into a rage: You dare to betray Us, We must put to death by dismemberment the execution you!” 皇帝扫视了全场一周,看到了满地的绣衣使者,特别是朱邪赤心的尸体,整个人勃然大怒:“你竟敢背叛朕,朕要将你凌迟处死!” Said that lifted the hand directly, at the same time in the air appeared a huge palm empty shadow to press. 说完直接抬起了手,于此同时空中浮现出一个巨大的手掌虚影压了下来。 Zu An and Yun Yuqing feel the scant of breath immediately, wants to flee actually the whole body to be imprisoned, that terrifying pressure made two people thoroughly desperate. 祖安云雨晴顿时觉得呼吸困难,想逃离却浑身被禁锢,那种恐怖的威压让两人彻底绝望了。 Yun Yuqing looks at this him mournfully: Ah Zu, gives up, Sovereign whole world first, how we revolt again also uselessly. Only I rejoice can with you die together, lives the different quilts dead is also buried together, my life not regret, on the road to Hades you must tighten my hand, striving for the next generation can take seriously the couple......” 云雨晴凄然地看这他:“阿祖,放弃吧,皇帝天下第一,我们再怎么反抗也没用的。我唯一庆幸的就能和你死在一起,生不同衾死亦同穴,我此生不悔,黄泉路上你要拉紧我的手,争取下辈子能当真正的夫妻……” Zu An frowns, from just started him to think where has is not right, what a pity has had no free time to ponder, now was being imprisoned by the pressure of this terrifying, at the point of death first at the last minute, his when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, is on the rise suddenly suddenly, completely disregards the great hand that will soon press, looks that imperial robe man to the upper air: You are not Sovereign!” 祖安皱起了眉头,从刚刚开始他就觉得有什么地方不对劲,可惜一直没空思考,如今被这恐怖的威压禁锢着,临死前最后一刻,他忽然福至心灵,霍然抬起头,完全无视即将压下来的巨手,望向高空中那个龙袍男子:“你不是皇帝!” Then his palm patted in closely was holding Yun Yuqing body of his arm. 然后他一掌拍在了紧紧抱着他胳膊的云雨晴身上 --- --- Saw that has the book friend not to know all subscribes is what meaning, here explained that referred to the VIP chapter subscribing completely. 看到有书友不知道全订是什么意思,这里解释一下,就是指全部vip章节都订阅了。 Many readers come according to oneself situation, does not need specially to add the group all subscribes, the reader who usually all subscribes came to in addition conveniently on the line. 很多读者根据自己情况来,没必要特意为了加群来全订,平时全订的读者顺手来加就行了。
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