KI :: Volume #24

#2346: Getting angry

Mogard patted her shoulder in one side gently: Eldest Young Lady, they also calculate dead a worthy death, when we save the old master, must let lord of debt of blood must be paid with blood evil spirit, will also give their descendants and clansmen to enjoy not the glory, splendor, riches and honor.” 莫加德在一旁轻轻拍了拍她的肩头:“大小姐,他们也算死得其所,等我们将老主人救出来,必然要让妖魔之主血债血偿,同时也会给予他们的后代和族人以享不尽的荣华富贵。” Latin America smiles mournfully: They follow east my so many years to hide in the west- conceals, where also has what descendant and clansman.” 萨拉美凄然一笑:“他们跟着我这么多年东躲西--藏,哪里还有什么后代和族人呢。” Surroundings other reveal the mournful color, so many years makes- counter- profession, is in a precarious state including oneself, which also has what family member. 周围其他手下纷纷露出凄然之色,这么多年的造-反生涯,连自己都朝不保夕,哪还有什么家人。 Mogard hears word is also silent. 莫加德闻言也是默然。 At this time Latin America deeply toward numerous hands downward a ritual: These years followed I to be laborious, my Latin America swore here, once rescued to seize the world my father again, when the time comes our father and daughter did not disappoint everyone, all world with sharing!” 这时萨拉美深深地朝众手下行了一礼:“各位这些年跟着我辛苦了,我萨拉美在这里立誓,一旦将我爹救回来重夺世界,到时候我们父女绝不辜负各位,所有世界都与各位共享!” The people of despondency by this big ritual, the each and everyone look were been excited: Pledging to fight to the death is the Eldest Young Lady potency!” 原本士气低落的众人受此大礼,一个个神色激动起来:“誓死为大小姐效力!” Pei Mianman cannot bear said to Zu An on the quiet: This Eldest Young Lady actually governing under the right way.” 裴绵曼忍不住悄悄对祖安说道:“这个大小姐倒是御下有方。” Yun Yuqing cannot bear the feeling: She has certainly the enormous charm and method, how otherwise also to have so many loyal subordinates.” 云雨晴也忍不住感慨:“她一定有极大的魅力和手段,不然又如何有如此多忠心的下属。” Thinks that initially own betrayed hand/subordinate suddenly, in her heart even more admires. 想到当初自己的手下突然背叛,她心中越发佩服。 The Zu An slight nod, he actually wants to understand the evil spirit while this opportunity the Lord strength, what a pity these fellow anything have not tried, is really disappointing. 祖安微微点头,他其实是想趁这个机会了解一下妖魔之主的实力,可惜这些家伙什么都没有试出来,真是让人失望。 He to the evil spirit that just these died, although somewhat the respect, does not have the least bit to sympathize. 他对刚刚那些死去的妖魔虽然有几分敬意,却没有半点同情。 Must know that the entire evil spirit world does not know invaded many world, cruelly harmed many lives, even if all perished still deserved to be damned. 要知道整个妖魔世界不知道入侵了多少世界,残害了多少生灵,就算全灭亡了也是死有余辜。 The lord of this little while skill evil spirit had rushed to nearby grand formation, the lord of complexion evil spirit finally changed: Donal, you dares to betray me!” 这会儿功夫妖魔之主已经赶到了大阵附近,妖魔之主脸色终于变了:“多纳尔,你竟敢背叛我!” Just although these fellows put in an appearance are extinguished, but more or less plays the role of stop. 刚刚那些家伙虽然一个照面就被灭了,但或多或少还是起到了阻拦的作用。 Now the formation last puzzle has shone, entire transmits grand formation to start thoroughly, everyone was covered by a transparent light is one of them. 如今阵法最后一个拼图已经亮起,整座传送大阵已经彻底启动,所有人都被一股透明的光笼罩在其中。 The strength of vast incomparable space is binding them, their figure gradually become pale in this world, will obviously depart momentarily air-splitting. 浩瀚无比的空间之力裹着他们,他们的身形在这个世界都渐渐变淡,显然随时都会破空离去。 The lord of evil spirit strikes conveniently, bang rotten a grand formation corner/horn, but the formation attainments start, he destroys this not to affect. 妖魔之主随手一击,轰烂了大阵的一角,只不过阵法造诣启动,他破坏这个并没有丝毫影响。 Zu An had not answered, a big elder of real demon clan quickly explained: On lord, we were kidnapped by Latin America and his party, this is not our original intention, but also please on Lord forgive!” 祖安还没回话,真魔一族的大长老急忙解释道:“主上,我们是被萨拉美一行劫持的,这并非我们本意,还请主上恕罪啊!” Other these elders also frighten kowtow on the ground, are beyond control they is not flustered, their several can follow to transmit formation actually to leave, but a real demon clan remaining what to do 其他那些长老也纷纷吓得在地上磕头,由不得他们不心慌啊,他们几个倒是可以跟着传送阵法离开,但真魔一族剩下的怎么办 The anger lord under of evil spirit cannot give the extermination of the clan them. 愤怒之下的妖魔之主还不得将他们给灭族啊。 They are depressed, anything do not know at this time today then arrived here by Donal, was bewildered colludes with Latin America. 他们此时也是郁闷不已,今天啥也不知道便被多纳尔拉到这里,然后莫名其妙又和萨拉美勾结了。 Really the person sits in home, pot from space. 真是人在家中坐,锅从天上来啊。 The big elder these days was very gratified, thought that Donal grew, a future of it seems like real demon clan must depend on him. 大长老这些日子原本还十分欣慰,觉得多纳尔成长了许多,看来真魔一族的未来就要靠他了。 Now actually cannot bear scold the nonsense, this muddy boy must an entire real demon clan belt/bring to perishing simply. 现在却忍不住骂狗屁,这浑小子简直是要把整个真魔一族带向灭亡啊。 If not the situation does not permit at this time, he even thinks that the direct stick executed this evil creature to apologize to the lord of evil spirit. 若非此时局势不允许,他甚至想直接杖毙了这孽障向妖魔之主请罪。 Rage Points from real demon big elder + 666 + 666 + 666...... 来自真魔大长老的愤怒值…… Zu An has not responded him from the start, but smiles to look at the lord of evil spirit: On lord sees off personally, really makes me somewhat feel extremely flattered.” 祖安压根没搭理他,而是笑眯眯望着妖魔之主:“主上亲自来相送,实在让我有些受宠若惊。” The evil spirit the Lord complexion is gloomy, especially saw that Pei Mianman various woman appears after his side unexpectedly, the complexion was uglier: Originally defense formation of underground city has problems the ghost who is you do.” 妖魔之主面色阴沉,特别是看到裴绵曼诸女竟然出现在他身边过后,脸色更难看了:“原来地下城的防御法阵出问题是你搞的鬼。” Is saying while does not lose heart to wield a destruction light ball toward the people, but that light ball just contacted the people around the body light screen, then still dead drunk sinking sea. 一边说着一边不死心朝众人挥出一个毁灭光球,只不过那光球刚接触到众人周身的光幕,便犹如泥沉大海。 The lord of complexion evil spirit changes, he detected that just attack seemed to be directed in a nihility. 妖魔之主脸色一变,他察觉到刚刚的攻击似乎被引到了一片虚无之中。 Zu An smiles: On lord favored me, where I also had this skill.” 祖安笑了笑:“主上抬举我了,我又哪里有这个本事呢。” He designs formation time had expected to definitely alarm the lord of evil spirit, therefore has completed the prevention. 他设计阵法的时候早就预料到了肯定会惊动妖魔之主,所以早就做好了预防。 Actually even if just Latin America did not let stop , here the lord of evil spirit still affected radically without enough time, he wants to probe the evil spirit while this opportunity the Lord strength, simultaneously made Latin America expose some cards in a hand. 其实刚刚就算萨拉美不让手下去阻拦,妖魔之主也根本来不及影响这边,他只是想趁这个机会试探一下妖魔之主的实力,同时让萨拉美暴露一些底牌罢了。 Pitifully the subordinates in Latin America were too only useless, had not compelled lord of take action evil spirit unexpectedly. 只可惜萨拉美的手下太没用了些,竟然没有逼得妖魔之主出手 What is lucky was his another plan as if must succeed, looks that in the lord of background evil spirit has started to have the hot rain to fall, obviously the vault has broken open a big slit. 万幸的是他另一个计划似乎要成功了,看着妖魔之主背景之中已经开始有火雨落下,显然穹顶已经破开了一个大缝隙。 He protected grand formation of underground city successfully to be destroyed an corner/horn clearly, then shattered will be partially getting more and more, stopped operating until entire grand formation thoroughly. 他清楚保护地下城的大阵已经成功被破坏了一角,接下来坏掉的部分会越来越多,直到整座大阵彻底停止运行。 When the time comes is not only the magma of bottom deep place, the hurricane of outside destruction, the end beast can but to. 到时候不仅是地底深处的岩浆,还有外面毁灭的飓风,末日兽都会悉数而至。 This doing all kinds of evil evil spirit world, ended thoroughly! 这个作恶多端的妖魔世界,彻底完了! Before truly looked down on you.” The lord of evil spirit looks at the underground city that the present called out in alarm everywhere makes a mess, the complexion is similar to ten thousand years of frost to be the same. “之前确实小瞧你了。”妖魔之主看了看如今到处惊叫乱作一团的地下城,脸色如同万年寒冰一般。 He deeply looked at Zu An one, suddenly opens the mouth saying: Remembers that I give your duty, completed my not realistic demon clan, but also lets you under an demon, above ten thousand demons.” 他深深地看了祖安一眼,忽然又开口道:“记得我交给你的任务,完成了我就不动真魔一族,还让你在一魔之下,万魔之上。” Said that three strange bird kick the wing to lead him to depart, obviously was the camp rescues city grand formation. 说完三头怪鸟扑腾着翅膀带着他离去,显然是营救护城大阵去了。 Heard this saying Latin America and his party complexion thoroughly changed, at the same time transmitted the grand formation center to flash through a dazzling ray, Zu An one line has vanished in same place. 听到这话萨拉美一行脸色则是彻底变了,与此同时传送大阵中心闪过一丝耀眼的光芒,祖安一行已经消失在了原地。 They were being wrapped by a mysterious space force, shuttles back and forth in a nihility. 他们被一股神秘的空间力量包裹着,在一片虚无中穿梭。 Periphery Latin America even can ignore these colorful rays that looks at void flashes through, but was encircled Zu An hand/subordinate thoroughly, each and everyone was ready, prepared the thunder to strike at any time. 萨拉美甚至顾不得去看周围虚空中闪过的那些五颜六色的光芒,而是和手下彻底将祖安围了起来,一个个都蓄势待发,随时准备雷霆一击。 The real demon big elder sees that hurried and several other elders stands on the side of Zu An, although his in the heart had scolded half dead Donal at this time, but a safety of real demon clan by him. 真魔大长老见状急忙和其他几个长老站到祖安一边,虽然此时他心中早已将多纳尔骂了个半死,但真魔一族的安危还是得靠他。 Also, joined a gang of evildoers now does not help Donal don't tell me and other Latin America and his party defeat in detail 再说了,如今上了贼船不帮多纳尔难道等萨拉美一行各个击破么 Donal, you really betrayed me!” The Latin America tooth bites closely, the whole body somewhat shivers. “多纳尔,你果然出卖了我!”萨拉美牙齿咬得紧紧的,浑身都有些颤抖。 Just oneself so many trusted subordinate tragic deaths, present she anger to the extreme, urgently needed had vented. 刚刚自己那么多亲信惨死,如今的她已经愤怒到了极点,急需一个发泄点。 Rage Points from Latin America + 888 + 888 + 888...... 来自萨拉美的愤怒值…… Zu An deeply frowned, seems thinking deeply about anything, simply has not responded her. 祖安眉头紧锁,似乎在思索着什么,根本没有搭理她。 Latin America saw that even more was angry, owed I also to move contests this fellow for son-in-law's thought that finally he is deceiving me from beginning to end. 萨拉美见状越发生气了,亏我还动过招这家伙为婿的念头,结果从头到尾他就是在骗我。 Now even explaining disdained in explains to me! 现在甚至连解释都不屑于跟我解释了! Rage Points from Latin America + 999 + 999 + 999...... 来自萨拉美的愤怒值…… Pei Mianman sees that cold snort/hum: „The idea of so obvious sowing dissension, you were so easy to be swindled 裴绵曼见状不禁冷哼一声:“如此明显的挑拨离间之计,你们就这么容易上当么” Latin America looked at her one eyes, thought that this woman looks is really attractive, when the key is angry also like that surging forward, no wonder Donal likes her so much, rather braves such big danger to her rescue from the palace. 萨拉美看了她一眼,心想这个女人长得真漂亮,关键是生气时还那般汹涌澎湃,难怪多纳尔这么喜欢她,宁愿冒这么大险都要把她从宫中救回来。 Sows dissension not necessarily.” The Latin America restraining mind, sneers, actually I have felt somewhat strangely, always felt that the beforehand all plans rather were somewhat excessive smooth, all sorts of things that especially Donal handled, no matter he went to the palace by being responsible for of evil spirit from the beginning, the green crown lizard king and others are killed in him at present, his least bit matter did not have.” “挑拨离间未必吧。”萨拉美收敛心神,冷笑一声,“其实我一直都觉得有些奇怪,总感觉之前的一切计划都未免顺利得有些过分了,特别是多纳尔做的种种事情,不管是他一开始被妖魔之主抓去宫中,绿冠蜥王等都在他眼前被杀了,他却半点事都没有。” Afterward he on suspicion of killing skin manager, although showed afterward he is unjust, but from the beginning all sorts of sign proof were the homicide the skin manager, but the skin manager was the lord of evil spirit...... the subordinate of love, traded to be others, first had been torn into shreds by the lord of angry evil spirit.” “后来他涉嫌杀害皮总管,虽然后来证明他是冤枉的,但一开始种种迹象都证明是他杀了皮总管,而皮总管又是妖魔之主最……宠爱的手下,换作其他人,早就第一时间被愤怒的妖魔之主撕碎了。” Behind we enter the palace to rescue Uncle Mo, needs him to walk the main tuning of evil spirit, thinks this is very difficult, finally he completed this matter with ease, the lord of proof evil spirit trusts it sufficiently very much.” “还有后面我们进宫营救莫叔,需要他将妖魔之主调走,原本以为这很困难,结果他又轻松完成了这件事,足以证明妖魔之主对其很信任。” Thinks was he replaced the position of skin manager, became the new male of lord of evil spirit to favor accomplished all these, but from just their two dialogues, they obviously was not such relations, how then he accomplished all these, was worth suspecting very much.” “原本以为是他取代了皮总管的位置,成了妖魔之主的新男宠才办到了这一切,但从刚刚他们俩的对话中来看,他们显然不是那样的关系,那么他是如何办到这一切的,就很值得怀疑了。”
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