KI :: Volume #24

#2345: Irresistible

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How not to have walked the subordinates in Latin America to stimulate the entire grand formation surrounding, bright blue marks shine, sending out is looking is the high rank formation ray. “怎么还不走”萨拉美的手下已经激发了整座大阵的外围,一条条明亮的蓝色阵纹亮起,散发着一看就是高阶阵法的光芒。 But this grand formation key grasps in Donal's hands, if he is motionless, this formation is unable to open thoroughly. 只不过这大阵的关键还是掌握在多纳尔手中,他若是不动,这阵法始终无法彻底开启。 Waits again.” Zu An is looking at the direction of palace, somewhat is also nervous. “再等等。”祖安望着宫殿的方向,神色也有几分紧张。 What in Saraz Maxim are quite uncomfortable, this fellow displays today is not too obedient, if not for also needs help from him, perhaps has gotten angry. “等什么”萨拉美心中相当不爽,这家伙今天表现得太不听话了,若不是还有求于他,恐怕早就翻脸了。 Et al.!” Zu An replied calmly. “等人!”祖安平静地答道。 The Latin America complexion changes, will ask again, suddenly the surroundings transmit an intermittent space to fluctuate, the air as if becomes starts fuzzy like the water generally- ripples. 萨拉美脸色一变,正要再问,忽然周围传来一阵阵空间波动,空气仿佛变得如同水一般开始模糊荡-漾。 The subordinates in Latin America pressed firmly between the fingers the weapon, the whole body fine hair set upright, what they most were worried to catch up before was the palace envoy, even was the marriage go-between of evil spirit originally. 萨拉美一方的手下纷纷捏住兵器,浑身汗毛都竖了起来,他们最担心赶来的是殿前使者,甚至是妖魔之主亲自来了。 Next second of Pei Mianman and the others walked from the void ripple slowly. 下一秒裴绵曼等人从虚空的波纹中缓缓走了出来。 Jiang Luofu each and everyone looks anxiously, until after Ji Xiaoxi also comes out safely, she relaxes thoroughly. 姜罗敷紧张地一个个看着,直到纪小希也平安出来后,她才彻底松了一口气。 Pei Mianman and the others comes out after void, saw that Latin America so many also somewhat are under surprised, but saw that Zu An stands there stabilizes immediately. 裴绵曼等人从虚空中出来后,看到萨拉美那么多手下也有些吃惊,不过看到祖安站在那里顿时安定下来。 Arrives at side Zu An time, blinks to Zu An, gives the look that he a good fortune did not fail in one's mission. 来到祖安身边的时候,冲祖安眨了眨眼睛,给了他一个幸不辱命的眼神。 Zu An various Nvhu after behind, this smiles to Latin America: Since must go to the new world, I did not feel relieved keeps in them the palace.” 祖安将诸女护在身后,这才对萨拉美笑了笑:“既然要去新世界,我还是不放心将她们留在宫殿中。” Latin America quickly hints receives to dispatch troops into battle, then she was really surprised: How you accomplish 萨拉美急忙示意手下收起兵器,这下她是真吃惊了:“你是如何办到的” Must know in the palace expert like clouds, even if the lord of evil spirit leaves now, is still dragon pool tiger's den, how these women can run from the deep palace 要知道宫殿中高手如云,就算如今妖魔之主离开了,依然是龙潭虎穴,这几个弱女子如何能从深宫中跑出来 Manufactured the small thing of several space transmissions.” Zu An did not explain in detail, at this time has pulled out a plate, starts to control entire to transmit grand formation to operate. “制作了几个空间传送的小玩意。”祖安也不详细解释,此时已经掏出了一个阵盘,开始控制整座传送大阵运行。 Latin America feels relaxed suddenly, right, this fellow can make large-scale formation that this world shuttles back and forth, how also unable to make the short distance transmission formation 萨拉美忽然释然,对啊,这家伙都能制造这种世界穿梭的大型阵法了,又岂会做不出短距离的传送阵法 But in palace similarly many formation masters, established various restriction, the common space transmission definitely has no way to have an effect. 只不过宫中同样不少阵法师,也设置了各种禁制,一般的空间传送肯定是没法起作用的。 But he achieved! 可他偏偏做到了! Showed that he attainments on formation even also wants high these palace chief formation masters, moreover wise many. 证明他在阵法上的造诣甚至还要高过那些宫廷首席阵法师,而且还高明了不少。 Before although knows that Donal excelled at formation, but has not expected him to excel at this situation unexpectedly. 以前虽然知道多纳尔擅长阵法,但没料到他竟然擅长到这个地步啊。 don't tell me is I gives his «Correlation in space Mystery» causes 难道是我给他的那本《空间变换奥秘》导致的 That ancient book was she a secret conceals treasure trove found in the father in the past, thinks was very fierce ancient book. 那本典籍是她在父亲当年一个秘密藏宝地找到的,原本以为是很厉害的典籍。 Finally the formation master hand/subordinate also studied was very long, actually without whom could understand, thinks that was in mysterious, nonsense. 结果手下的阵法师也研究了很久,却没谁看得懂,都认为那是在故弄玄虚,胡说八道而已。 She the worry was hand/subordinate level was not in the past good, but also caught the palace formation master specially, the opposite party still did not look clearly. 她当年还担心是自己手下水平不行,还特意去抓了个宫廷阵法师来看,对方依然看不明白。 She then loses heart thoroughly, only works as that is a scary false book, otherwise previous time so will not easily give to Donal. 她这才彻底死心,只当那是本唬人的假书,不然上次也不会这般轻易送给多纳尔。 Now looked like him really to understand the above secret. 如今看来他是真的参透了上面的秘密啊。 Donal became famous on by formation talent, now can comprehend like that the heavenly book, seriously is the talent in talent. 多纳尔原本就以阵法天才出名,如今又能参悟那般天书,当真是天才中的天才。 It seems like before oneself, contains errors to his value judgment. 看来自己之前对他的价值判断有误。 Like this dismantled the bridge after crossing to massacre was a pity, if he helped my father work truly, in the future will really marry him to work as the emperor's son-in-law also no reason why not...... 就这样过河拆桥杀掉太可惜了,若是他真正帮我爹做事,日后真的娶他当驸马也未尝不可…… Not far away Pei Mianman looked at her one eyes vigilantly, this woman looked that the Ah Zu look is not right. 不远处裴绵曼警惕地看了她一眼,这个女人看阿祖的眼神不对。 Actually far more than is she, even if Xie Daoyun, Xiaoxi, Solon poem looked that the Ah Zu look is also when right. 其实何止是她,就算谢道韫小希、索伦诗看阿祖的眼神什么时候又对劲过。 A day does not see, she even thought that Jiang Luofu looks the Ah Zu look somewhat is also strange. 一天不见,她甚至觉得姜罗敷看着阿祖的眼神也有些怪怪的。 However an evening, two people are insufficient to develop that quickly 不过一晚上而已,两人不至于发展得那么快吧 Is insufficient, Ah Zu and Jiang Luofu must be busy constructing space transmission, where has that time. 不至于不至于,阿祖姜罗敷还要忙着建造空间传送阵呢,哪有那个时间。 Let alone Jiang Luofu is Xiaoxi is small- Aunt, Ah Zu is also insufficient such bird- beast. 更何况姜罗敷乃是小希的小-姨,阿祖还不至于这么禽-兽。 At this time is patching grand formation the lord of evil spirit as if to detect that in various vault places the unusuality of space element, he angrily roared, could not attend to the patching vault, a direction of direct sitting in Daoist meditation demon clan flew. 此时正在穹顶各处修补大阵的妖魔之主似乎察觉到了空间元素的异常,他怒吼一声,也不顾不得修补穹顶了,直接朝真魔一族的方向飞了过去。 Feels the evil spirit the Lord roar, the Latin America and his party complexion is pale incomparable, quickly urged Zu An: Quick!” 感受到妖魔之主的吼声,萨拉美一行脸色都是苍白无比,急忙催促祖安:“快啊!” Although they each can be called expert in the evil spirit world, but compares really to miss too with the lord of evil spirit, even if joins up, possibly is not the evil spirit the Lord opponent, after the only prospect is to rescue the lord of slaughtering, making him go to and principal of evil spirit. 他们虽然每一个在妖魔世界都称得上强者,但和妖魔之主比起来实在差得太远,哪怕联合起来,也不可能是妖魔之主的对手,唯一的指望就是救出杀戮之主后,让他去和妖魔之主打。 Even in many hearts had the vacillation occasionally, the lord of slaughtering is suppressed so many years, the cultivation getting up speed was definitely inferior that the outside world had world resources the lord of evil spirit to be quick, is in inverse proportion, the lord of his also really being victorious evil spirit 甚至不少人心中偶尔都有动摇,杀戮之主被镇压了这么多年,修炼起来速度肯定不如外界拥有一个世界资源的妖魔之主快,此消彼长,他还真的打得过妖魔之主么 The Zu An look is solemn and respectful, simply does not have the least bit to divert attention, finger was quick the remnant shadow on the plate, the a stream of transparent flag flew grand formation all around each node from the plate, a flag inserted every time- entered a node, surroundings ray hold, clear light will scatter in all directions greatly. 祖安神色肃穆,根本没有半点分心,手指在阵盘上快出了残影,一道道透明的阵旗从阵盘中飞到大阵四周各个节点,阵旗每插-进一个节点,周围就会光芒大盛,一圈圈清光四散开来。 Entire grand formation takes Zu An as the center of circle, just like the innumerable circle sets in the same place, with his operation, formation rings shines in turn, so long as obviously formation of center shone, entire transmits grand formation is the radical start. 整座大阵祖安为圆心,犹如无数个圆套在一起,随着他的操作,一圈圈阵法圆环依次亮起,显然只要最中心的阵法亮了起来,整座传送大阵才算彻底启动。 The Latin America clear Zu An speed is fast enough, she has not seen has had such quick formation master. 萨拉美清楚祖安的速度已经足够快了,她从来没有见过有这么快的阵法师。 But looks at the lord of evil spirit approaches rapidly, she was clear the time without enough time. 可是看着迅速逼近的妖魔之主,她还是清楚时间来不及了。 By evil spirit Lord speed, before the last circle shines, he has rushed to here, when the time comes all rest. 以妖魔之主的速度,最后一个圆圈亮起之前,他已经赶到这里了,到时候一切皆休。 Latin America clenches teeth, lifts the hand to send out together the luminous signal directly. 萨拉美一咬牙,直接抬起手发出一道光亮的信号。 In the quick distant place mountain valley has some forms to soar, the lord of direct impact evil spirit goes. 很快远处山谷中有一些身影腾空而起,直冲妖魔之主而去。 Zu An could not bear looked at one, these were expert, even they were weaker than the bloodthirsty alligator ancestor, but was still much weaker. 祖安忍不住多看了一眼,这些都是强者,就算比嗜血鳄祖他们弱一些,但也弱得有限。 This Latin America foundation is actually solid, unexpectedly under hand also some so many expert. 这个萨拉美倒是底蕴深厚啊,竟然手底下还有这么多高手 Courts death!” The horizon transmits cold snort/hum, the lord of evil spirit does not even have take action, three strange bird under place grasp conveniently, two to were then grasped one group of blood fog in the forefront form directly, left spouts chlorine, expert avoids, was covered by that black air/Qi, sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, suddenly turned into white bones. “找死!”天际传来一阵冷哼,妖魔之主甚至没有出手,座下的三头怪鸟随手一抓,两道冲在最前面的身影便直接被抓成一团血雾,紧接着左边一个头喷出一股绿气,一个强者躲避不及,被那黑气笼罩,发出一声凄厉的惨叫,眨眼间变成了一具白骨。 Right spouts black air/Qi expert that comes to stop to bind another, a that expert pitiful yell stops suddenly, the entire body changed to beach bloody water directly. 右边一个头则喷出一股黑气将另外一个前来阻拦的强者裹住,那强者一声惨叫戛然而止,整个身体直接化作了一滩血水。 Remaining these expert collapsed thoroughly, although they hold the determination that must die to come to stop, but without thinking of a putting in an appearance companion then dies so pitifully, that also hits. 剩下的那些强者彻底崩溃了,虽然他们抱着必死的决心前来阻拦,但没想到一个照面同伴便死得如此凄惨,那还打个屁啊。 One inexplicable fear is flooding their bodies, they do not have the least bit fighting will again, turns the head to run in abundance. 一种莫名的恐惧充斥着他们的身体,他们再也没有半点战斗意志,纷纷转头就跑。 At this time that strange bird middle head big mouth, the mouth instantaneously became very greatly, a terrifying suction from his mouth production, expert that these escaped flew one quite a while, discovered oneself were entirely still unexpectedly, even is still keeping drawing back in the future, called panic-stricken: No!” 这时那怪鸟中间的头大口一张,嘴巴瞬间变得很大,一股恐怖的吸力从他嘴里产生,那些逃跑的强者飞了一半天,发现自己竟然纹丝不动,甚至还在不停往后退,惊恐地叫了出来:“不!” Quick each and everyone figure is not steady, was inhaled among that strange bird directly front, saw only that strange bird to open mouth, sends out one to let the person of tooth acid intermittently the chewing sound, raised head, swallowed the flesh of mouth directly. 很快一个个身形不稳,直接被吸入了那怪鸟中间的头里,只见那怪鸟张了张嘴,发出了一阵阵让人牙酸的嘴嚼声音,紧接着一仰头,直接将嘴里的血肉吞咽了下去。 Everyone in distant place looks looks pale, they know that the lord of evil spirit is powerful, but has not thought to so the situation powerful. 远处的所有人看得面色苍白,他们知道妖魔之主强大,但没想到强大到了如此地步。 These expert do not need him to begin unexpectedly personally, is not his mount enemy of the gathering. 这些强者竟然都不需要他亲自动手,还不是他坐骑的一合之敌。 Many people were even deliberately considering the present gets out not to come with enough time, opposes with the lord of evil spirit simply is the dead end. 不少人甚至寻思着现在下车还来不来得及,和妖魔之主作对简直是死路一条啊。 Latin America looks shakes all over, is the fear is angry, these follow he many years of loyal and devoted subordinate. 萨拉美看得全身发抖,又是恐惧又是愤怒,那些都是追随他多年忠心耿耿的下属啊。 Except for present side these, their these were the residual influences that the lord of father slaughtering sharpest also only saved finally, without thinking just like by the lord of slaughtering butchers the chicken to massacre like this generally, moreover died such pitifully. 除了如今身边这几个,他们那些就是父亲杀戮之主最精锐也是最后仅存的残留势力了,没想到就这样被杀戮之主犹如宰鸡一般杀掉了,而且还死得这么凄惨。 It is not right, butchers the chicken to compare this difficulty. 不对,宰鸡都比这个困难一点。
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