KI :: Volume #24

#2337: Knocks the scientist anxious

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The Zu An nosebleed almost spurts, the opposite party really underestimated his realm, the mortal body cannot block his divine soul sensation, let alone is her divine soul body, is in the corner soft body hair on the mosquito leg he looks clearly. 祖安鼻血都差点喷出来,对方实在低估了他的境界,肉身根本挡不住他的神魂感知,别说是她的神魂体,就是角落里一只蚊虫腿上的毫毛他都看得清清楚楚。 The mortal body of opposite party sits cross-legged at this time on the bed, was short a section, she wants to hide in the back, needs partly to squat inevitably, although both hands are covering keen- feeling spot, but this wisdom- hidden, if the present character and style tempts on the contrary- person. 对方的肉身此时盘坐在床上,本就矮了一截,她想要躲在背后,必然需要半蹲着,尽管双手遮挡着敏-感部位,可这般若-隐若现的风情反倒更加诱-人。 Moreover he a little could not bear want to complain, her body clothes did not have concise coming out, came out Lane stockings on the contrary, it seems like she really loved about stockings. 另外他都有点忍不住想吐槽了,她身上一件衣裳都没凝练出来,反倒把丝袜出来了,看来她对丝袜才是真爱啊。 He restrains the mind: cough cough, ok, I like this on line.” 他收敛心神:“,算了吧,我就这样就行了。” Although transfers to be the same, but in this surface is not at least awkward. 虽然转不转过去都一样,但这样至少表面上没那么尴尬。 Jiang Luofu is intelligent, saw that he is never willing to turn around, responded immediately his really anything can see, don't said that at this time her the main body before body, shaming soul body quickly red was warm. 姜罗敷何等聪明,看到他始终不愿意转过身来,立马反应过来他果然什么都看得见,莫说此时她身前的本体,羞得就连灵魂体都快红温了。 But this matter both sides have not exposed very much tacitly, she deeply inspires, quickly said: I can feel to have chill/yin cold evil aura always to entangle my divine soul, is actually not from the beginning obvious, before should be, you helped I reduced and solved suction most this evil strengths when outside the treasure house, but over time, remaining a small number of evil aura, started to draw support from my divine soul to start to multiply, I tried various means is unable to dispel it.” 只不过这种事双方都很默契地没有揭破,她深吸一口气,急忙说道:“我能感受到有一股阴寒邪恶的气息始终缠着我的神魂,其实一开始还不明显,应该是之前在宝库外你帮我化解时吸走了大部分这种邪恶力量,只不过随着时间流逝,残余的少数邪恶气息,又开始借助我的神魂开始滋生,我试了各种办法,都无法将之祛除出去。” Zu An hears word gradually is also quiet, before the entire body fluttered the Jiang Luofu mortal body, has been turning away from the opposite party: That is because the evil spirit lord realm is too high, even if had been eliminated 99% evil aura, so long as still has one wisp, can grow...... you handing over to me.” 祖安闻言也渐渐平静下来,整个身子飘到了姜罗敷肉身之前,已然背对着对方:“那是因为妖魔之主境界太高,哪怕是已经被消除了90%九的邪恶气息,只要还存在一缕,就能重新生长……你把手递给我。” Feels the opposite party to perform in close, the Jiang Luofu heartbeat accelerated several points. 感受着对方尽在咫尺,姜罗敷心跳都加速了几分。 His whole body as if round of scorching sun stands erect generally there, properly speaking the newborn soul, is afraid the hot sun, but this round of scorching sun does not have slightly the meaning of violent danger, instead whether there is completely warm, lets her body gloomy and cold reduced several points, wants the intimate opposite party subconsciously. 他浑身仿佛一轮骄阳一般矗立在那里,按理说初生的阴魂,是害怕烈日的,但这一轮骄阳却没有丝毫暴烈危险之意,反而有无尽的温暖,让她身上的阴冷都减轻了几分,让人下意识想要亲近对方。 Good to hug him......” “好想抱着他……” This thought just came out, Jiang Luofu has a scare, quickly restrains the mind. 这个念头刚一出来,姜罗敷不禁吓了一跳,急忙收敛心神。 I am indulging in flights of fancy anything, he obviously is the man who Xiaoxi likes! 我到底在胡思乱想些什么啊,他明明是小希喜欢的男人! Thinks of Xiaoxi, her slightly was calm several points, at once extends the hand. 想到小希,她的心情才稍稍平静了几分,旋即将手伸了过去。 Looks that section of white arms from extended behind, Zu An could not help and thought of the opposite party this time condition. 看着一截皓腕从身后伸了过来,祖安情不自禁又想到了对方此时的状态。 Yeah, Lu Xun really scolded right, everyone noticed that the white arm thinks has not worn the clothes, this was the human nature. 哎,鲁迅果然骂得对,大家看到白胳膊就会想到没穿衣服,这就是人性啊。 However he dispels the distracting thoughts quickly, searched finger above the opposite party wrist/skill, soon detected that various opposite party body places had some vague black air/Qi to linger at this time, compared her divine soul, these black air/Qi seemed to be fuller of vitality, if separated some time again, these sinister and ruthless aura will absorb her divine soul thoroughly are the nourishment, finally displaced. 不过他很快祛除杂念,将手指探在了对方手腕之上,很快察觉到对方身体各处此时却是有一些若有若无的黑气萦绕着,相比她的神魂,这些黑气仿佛更加生机勃勃,若是再隔些时间,那些阴毒的气息会彻底吸收她的神魂为养料,最终取而代之。 The lord of evil spirit seriously is fierce, does not know that separated the far sensation to simulate his official seal to Jiang Luofu in nosing, can counter-attack baseless. 妖魔之主当真是厉害,不知道隔了多远感知到姜罗敷在查探模拟他的印信,就能凭空反击过来。 When Zu An finger contacted the wrist/skill of Jiang Luofu, her whole body trembled, her whole person somewhat was vacant. 祖安手指接触到了姜罗敷的手腕之时,她不禁浑身一颤,她整个人都有些茫然。 Before had by Zu An is contacted the body, initially when Jiang Family was in danger, even also lay down, in he cherished is hugged by him, at that time also some received an electric shock the feeling, felt charming of young girl. 之前不是没被祖安接触过身体,当初姜家遇险时,甚至还躺在他怀中被他抱过,当时也有触电般的感觉,感受到了少女的娇羞。 But at this time is to contact finger merely, her whole person as if by one thick- big lightning passes through the whole body to be the same. 但此时仅仅是接触一个手指,她整个人仿佛被一道粗-大的闪电贯穿全身一般。 That type of intense thorn- moves, enlarged hundred times compared with the beforehand hug, this is what situation 那种强烈的刺-激感,比之前的拥抱放大了百倍,这到底是什么情况 Suddenly she thinks the record of cultivation ancient book, teacher's guidance, after speaking of Great Grandmaster past, can with companion together pair- cultivates. 忽然她想到了修行典籍的记载,还有昔日老师的教导,说到了大宗师之后,可以与道侣一起双-修。 This pair- cultivates is not these at sixes and sevens things that in ordinary people these vulgar story-telling scripts writes, but is the true mortal body, divine soul pair- cultivates. 此双-修并非凡夫俗子那些低俗话本中写的那些乱七八糟的事情,而是真正的肉身、神魂双-修。 To a certain extent, by the divine soul condition pair- cultivates, when mortal body of effect in compared with ordinary day the exercising martial arts efficiency wanted not to know many times mutually high. 某种程度上来说,以神魂的状态双-修,效果比平日里肉身时互相练功效率要高了不知道多少倍。 Perhaps the reaction speed far ultra physical body condition of divine soul condition, divine soul cultivates in January/one month, is equivalent to mortal body cultivation one year. 神魂状态的反应速度远超肉体状态,神魂修上一月,恐怕相当于肉身修炼一年。 At that time young Junior Sister also young, hears word was much happier, but also proposed when the time comes can among the fellow apprentices Senior Brother younger sisters together pair- cultivated/repaired, because she was youngest, cultivation base was lowest, therefore needed the catching up with schedule, even is thinking teacher personally with her pair- cultivated/repaired the direction. 当时小师妹还年幼,闻言高兴得不得了,还提议到时候可以师兄弟师兄妹之间一起双-修,因为她年纪最小,修为最低,所以更需要赶进度,甚至想着老师亲自和她双-修指点。 At that time several Senior Brother or the teacher facial expressions especially were splendid, finally the teacher told young Junior Sister this is not good sincerely, pair- cultivates the say/way companion who must find to be perfectly suited to each other to be good, cannot find the person to cultivate/repair at will randomly. 当时几个师兄还是老师神情都格外精彩,最终还是老师语重心长告诉小师妹这样不行,双-修必须找到情投意合的道侣才行,绝不能随意乱找人修。 The divine soul condition is frailest, if not person of the absolute trust, cannot exercise martial arts with it by the divine soul condition together. 神魂状态最为脆弱,若非绝对信任之人,是决不能以神魂状态与之一起练功的。 Moreover is perfectly suited to each other often means the intention to be interlinked, is twice the result with half the effort by the divine soul condition cultivation getting up nature. 而且情投意合往往意味着心意相通,以神魂状态修炼起来自然事半功倍。 Although Jiang Luofu at that time like that was not ignorant like the young Junior Sister, but various details did not understand why now bright Teacher Bai will say finally in the past. 姜罗敷当时虽然不像小师妹那般懵懂,但各种细节也不怎么理解,现在才终于明白老师当年为何会这么说。 divine soul and body are different, that is the person soul has the present body, any touching can enter the soul, no wonder in many ancient books records spirit- the meat unites this word, she cannot solve, now finally responds is what meaning. 神魂与身体不同,那是人灵魂的具现体,任何的触碰都能直入灵魂,难怪很多典籍上记载着“灵-肉合一”这个词,她一直不得甚解,如今终于反应过来是什么意思。 No wonder the teacher has stressed can only among the couples by the divine soul pair- cultivates, originally...... 难怪老师一直强调只能夫妻间以神魂双-修,原来…… Thinks of here, she somewhat regretted, just really neglected, how such later ends. 想到这里,她不禁有些后悔,刚刚实在是疏忽了,这样之后如何收场。 But she also understands, if not remove lord of that evil aura evil spirit through this law as soon as possible, oneself will be corroded finally, died but actually, if by the master control of evil spirit, that were really lived to might as well die. 但她同时也明白,若不通过此法尽快除掉妖魔之主那邪恶的气息,自己终将被侵蚀,死了倒也罢了,若是被妖魔之主控制,那真是生不如死。 Suddenly she was vacant, does not know that should should do. 一时间她都茫然了,根本不知道该如何是好。 At this time the Zu An sound resounded: Principal Big Sister, I help you reduce and solve the evil spirit the Lord aura, in the process somewhat will be sore, you endure patiently.” 这时祖安的声音响起:“校长姐姐,我帮你化解妖魔之主的气息,过程中可能会有些疼,你忍耐些。” Jiang Luofu recovers, un: Good!” 姜罗敷回过神来,嗯了一声:“好!” By her disposition, how also to fear to hurt 以她的心性,又岂会怕疼 Zu An then pours into the opposite party within the body essence qi, compels all evil strengths to one, comes to catch the whole lot in a dragnet again. 祖安这才将元气注入对方体内,将所有的邪恶力量逼到一处,再来个一网打尽。 „” Jiang Luofu called one suddenly. “啊”姜罗敷忽然叫了一声。 Zu An has a scare: „Very sore 祖安吓了一跳:“很疼么” Moreover this sound somewhat is how strange. 另外怎么这声音有些奇怪。 Not......, right, is very sore.” Jiang Luofu blushed the face, wishes one could a crack to worm one's way into. “不……啊,对,就是很疼。”姜罗敷羞红了脸,恨不得有个地缝钻进去。 Just that was an unprecedented feeling, as if the opposite party entered- entered- her body, both sides integrated a body, junction in a soul- friendly, although she was the mental maturity woman, but this aspect pure was the Chrysanthemum eldest daughter, came such intense thorn all of a sudden- violent, where she unexpected under could bear, therefore the subconsciousness called- left- sound. 刚刚那是一种前所未有的感觉,仿佛对方进-入-了她的身体,双方融入一体,有一种灵魂上的交-融,她虽然是个心智成熟的女人,但这方面单纯的就是个黄花大闺女,一下子来这么强烈的刺-激,她猝不及防之下哪里受得了,所以下意识叫-出-了声来。 However she responded immediately, was really ashamed, others helped her therapy, how oneself can so unable to withstand 不过她马上反应过来,实在是太羞耻了,人家只是帮她疗伤,自己怎能如此不堪 If its were known, perhaps also thinks oneself are the fickle and lascivious woman, how he will see me 若是被其知晓,恐怕还以为自己是个水性杨花的女人,那他会怎么看我 Therefore although then in her heart holding back rivers and overturning seas, the whole body has shivered fiercely, she has clenched teeth to endure with the enormous will painstakingly, but the tip of the nose has suppression once for a while greasy- sound transgresses. 于是接下来尽管她心中早已翻江倒海,浑身颤抖得厉害,她还是一直以极大的毅力咬牙苦忍,只是时不时鼻尖有抑制不住的腻-声逸出来。 At this time in the mysterious space, Mi Li binds the quilt to roll on the bed, at this time she knocks is not knowing melon seed where comes, while lifts a mirror to look outside all these, eats the melon somewhat to eat gets angry him not to struggle. 此时神秘空间中,芈骊裹着被子在床上滚来滚去,此时她一边磕着不知道哪里来的瓜子,一边举着一个镜子看着外面这一切,吃瓜吃得有些怒其不争。 These two people what's the matter, Ah Zu this boy usually in this aspect is not very smart, had not detected that a point is unusual his don't tell me not to know the contact of this divine soul, with broke others bodies not to distinguish directly is not right, that feeling also wanted not to know many times intensely.” “这两个人是怎么回事,阿祖这小子平日里这方面不是挺机灵的么,就没有察觉出一点异常么他难道不知道这种神魂的接触,和直接破了人家身子都没有区别么不对,那种感觉还要强烈不知道多少倍。” Also does not know to think of anything, Mi Li cheeks somewhat blushes. 也不知道想到什么,芈骊脸蛋儿都有些发红。 This boy, although cultivation base is high, but many cultivation general knowledge he also is really not that clear, in addition anxiously therapy to the opposite party, suddenly cannot think is not but actually strange.” “不过这小子虽然修为高,但很多修行的常识他还真不是那么清楚,再加上急着给对方疗伤,一时间想不起来倒也不奇怪。” Actually Jiang Luofu this fellow good and evil is the Academy family background, was usually learned, how she can not know that the exchange of this divine soul condition means anything “倒是姜罗敷这家伙好歹是学院出身,又素来博学,她又怎会不知道这种神魂状态的交流意味着什么” don't tell me she actually knows, all these are or want to borrow this opportunity seduce Ah Zu that wants 难道她其实知道,这一切都是愿意的又或者是想借这个机会勾引阿祖 Looked that this pain- response that endures, as if not like.” “不过看她这苦-忍的反应,似乎又不像啊。” This to silly male Nuzhen looked to be anxious I.” “这对傻男女真的看得急死我了。” ...... ……
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