KI :: Volume #24

#2336: Misunderstood in a big way

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Zu An hears word is pleasantly surprised: How master Big Sister knows 祖安闻言又惊又喜:“师父姐姐如何知道” Mi Li turned an attractive supercilious look: „It is not you have to have a premonition that you will have a reunion quickly 芈骊翻了个好看的白眼:“不是你有预感你们很快就会重逢么” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Do not visit me with that look,” Mi Li said ill-humoredly, „, even if being prompted by a sudden impulse of average person dark agreed without consultation some destiny enlightenment, idle talk powerful cultivator said again, you compare common high rank cultivator to be fiercer, because you also excel at the say/way of divination simultaneously, your being prompted by a sudden impulse cannot the rumor.” “别用那种眼神看我,”芈骊没好气地说道,“就算是普通人的心血来潮都冥冥中暗合了一些命运启示,更遑论强大的修士再说了,你比一般的高阶修士更厉害,因为你还同时擅长占卜之道,你的心血来潮绝不会空穴来风。” In the Zu An heart moves, sometimes previous life play games is prompted by a sudden impulse, felt own luck at games of chance will be very definitely good, immediately pulls out the role pond, even can send out the gold/metal...... similar example to have, don't tell me dark really has the strength of destiny. 祖安心中一动,前世玩游戏有时候心血来潮,觉得自己手气肯定会很好,马上抽角色池,甚至都能一发出金……类似的例子有很多,难道冥冥中真的有命运的力量。 He took out the carapace compass of telling fortunes, oneself study «Held Plain Daoist scripture», has thoroughly understood Bo regard as to predict the say/way, although he is worried to become the slave of destiny, rarely uses this technique, but this skill had truly integrated in his bone, sometimes will have some premonitions unknowingly. 他取出了算命的龟甲罗盘,自己学了《抱朴真经》过后,已然通晓卜算预言之道,虽然他担心成为命运的奴隶,很少动用此术,但这技能确实已经融入了他骨子里,有时候不知不觉就会产生一些预感。 It seems like will not be long with the time of Xie Daoyun reunion, thinks that here he somewhat dispirited mood instantaneous was spirited. 看来和谢道韫重逢的时间不会太久了,想到这里他原本有些颓废的情绪瞬间昂扬起来。 Said goodbye with Mi Li, divine soul returned in the cave mansion, Zu An medical book and poison after giving Ji Xiaoxi, luckily this small Divine Physician, otherwise these precious ancient books wasted. 芈骊告别,神魂重新回到洞府中,祖安将医书与毒经交给了纪小希,幸好还有她这个小神医在,不然这些珍贵的典籍就浪费了。 Ah Zu, before feeling you, was different.” Pei Mianman detected keenly his state of mind, somewhat asked with amazement. 阿祖,感觉你和之前不一样了。”裴绵曼敏锐地察觉到了他的精神状态,有些惊讶问道。 Made younger sister's something features, somewhat was naturally happy.” Zu An is not good to explain in detail, then draws the people to tell a plan, hearing people astonished, but the respective lead(er) the duty is completing the own part. “令儿妹妹的事情有些眉目了,自然有些高兴。”祖安也不好详细解释,便拉着众人讲述一个计划,听得一众人惊异无比,不过还是各自领着任务去完成自己的部分了。 Zu An finds time to arrive at the Jiang Luofu room: Principal Big Sister, now how feels 祖安抽空来到姜罗敷的房间:“校长姐姐,现在感觉如何” Jiang Luofu is sitting in meditation on the bed, hears word opens the eye, reorganized a skirt swayed, pair- leg moved from the bed: Just Xiaoxi helped me treat, the clothing/taking next several therapy medicines, has been much better.” 姜罗敷原本正在床上打坐,闻言睁开眼睛,整理了一下裙摆,将双-腿从床上挪了下来:“刚刚小希帮我治疗了一番,服下几颗疗伤之药,已经好多了。” Needs me to help you therapy Zu An to think that she was separated the vacuole wound by the lord of evil spirit after all, somewhat worried. “需不需要我助你疗伤”祖安想到她毕竟是被妖魔之主隔空所伤,还是不禁有些担忧。 Jiang Luofu hesitant, shakes the head saying: Does not need, you currently to have a more important matter, I therapy on the line.” 姜罗敷犹豫了一下,还是摇头道:“不必了,你现在有更重要的事情,我自己疗伤就行。” Guaranteed that your safe and secure is I most important matter,” Zu An is smiling the past, might as well, now they are preparing various formation materials, I do not have the matter temporarily, happen to helps you therapy, before helped you reduce and solve the evil spirit outside the treasure house sketchily the Lord strength, should also some not clean, if not clean up, will be very easy to affect your future cultivation.” “保证你们的平安是我最重要的事,”祖安笑着走了过去,“无妨,现在她们在准备各种阵法材料,我暂时没有事,正好帮你疗伤,之前在宝库外只是粗略帮你化解了妖魔之主的力量,应该还有些没弄干净,若是不清理掉,很容易影响你日后的修行的。” Saw him to say so sincerely, Jiang Luofu also no longer declined: I am not artificial, now divine soul truly by an evil strength contamination, no matter I try to find what solution, is unable to eliminate it.” 见他说得如此诚恳,姜罗敷也不再推辞:“那我就不矫情了,如今神魂确实被一股邪恶的力量沾染,不管我想什么办法,始终无法将之清除。” previous life fusion essence qi erupts, her strength promoted the Great Grandmaster boundary, just cultivated/repaired divine soul, if by evil spirit Lord strength influence, will leave behind the mind disappointment, in the future don't will say the little advance, perhaps the sorrow of life. 前世界融合元气爆发,她的实力提升到了大宗师境,刚好将神魂修了出来,若是被妖魔之主的力量影响,会留下心灵缺憾,日后莫说寸进,恐怕还有性命之忧。 Zu An hears word does not dare to neglect, sincere say/way: You emit divine soul, I think the means to clean out that evil strength.” 祖安闻言也不敢怠慢,正色道:“你将神魂放出,我想办法将那邪恶力量除尽。” If the wound of body treats, but the divine soul wound raises except for the spirit temperature of powder, the most convenient means treat with divine soul. 若是身体的伤好治疗,但神魂的伤除了灵药温养,最方便的办法就是用神魂治疗。 Jiang Luofu opens mouth: This fears some is not inappropriate 姜罗敷张了张嘴:“这恐怕有些不合适吧” Zu An is startled: This has anything is not inappropriate, must cure you as soon as possible, can be better to deal with various following dangers. Now the evil remainder of your within the body should the unconsciousness, if allows to develop to expand, after a period of time can perhaps be induced by the lord of evil spirit, that was really the danger.” 祖安一怔:“这有什么不合适的,现在必须尽快将你治好,才能更好应对接下来的各种危险。如今你体内的邪恶余量应该都还是无意识的,若是任其发展壮大,过一段时间恐怕就能被妖魔之主感应到,那才真是危险了。” Jiang Luofu sees the opposite party look to be limpid, knows that he does not have the evil thought that in addition places the dangerous situation now, because if the own reason wasted his time, or harmed the important matter, creates the danger to other companions, that was ten thousand dies redeems not. 姜罗敷见对方眼神清澈,知道他并没有邪念,再加上如今身处险境,若是因为自己的缘故浪费了他的时间,或者误了大事,给其他同伴造成危险,那就是万死莫赎了。 Is the rivers and lakes children, truly does not need that womanishly fussily. 都是江湖儿女,确实没必要那么婆婆妈妈的。 Thinks that here she then bites the lip: Good...... good.” 想到这里她便咬了咬嘴唇:“好……好吧。” At once sits down to sit in meditation on the bed, sits in meditation quickly, the divine soul empty shadow rose from the head together gradually. 旋即在床上坐下打坐,很快入定,一道神魂虚影渐渐从脑袋上升了起来。 The Yin god who Great Grandmaster just cultivation had/left most fears the sunlight, cannot leave the body is too far, but in this cave mansion, in addition Zu An various types under the around the body arrange/cloth defends formation now simultaneously, does not need to be worried that actually the Yin god is damaged. 大宗师修炼出的阴神最怕阳光,也不能离开身体太远,不过如今在这洞府中,再加上祖安同时在周身布下各种防御阵法,倒是不必担心阴神受损。 The Jiang Luofu divine soul empty shadow is quite pale, as if wisp of cool breeze can blow off common, but even so, could have seen clearly her appearance build and main body is exactly the same. 姜罗敷神魂虚影比较淡,仿佛一缕清风就能吹散一般,只不过即使如此,已然看得清她的样貌体型和本体一模一样。 At this time she opened the mouth to look forward to opposite Zu An just to have the hole divine soul, his how divine soul and main body have not distinguished completely 此时她张大着嘴巴望着对面祖安刚刚出窍的神魂,他怎么神魂和本体完全没区别 If not for sees with one's own eyes opposite party divine soul to have the hole, she even suspected that this is the main body stands before oneself. 若不是亲眼看到对方神魂出窍,她甚至怀疑这就是本体站在自己面前。 However what is more essential, how he wears the clothes 不过更关键的是,他怎么穿着衣服 At this time a Zu An eye is also staring the eldest child, his similarly full question mark, how she has not worn the clothes 此时祖安一双眼睛也是瞪着老大,他同样满头问号,她怎么没穿衣服 Naturally the piece wisp is inaccurate, Jiang Luofu on the divine soul body puts on the stockings style at this time, but in addition, body truly did not have other clothing. 当然不着片缕也不准确,姜罗敷此时神魂体上还是穿着丝袜的样式的,但除此之外,身上确实没有其他衣物了。 Sees only her one horizontally in bosom, but her stature is so good, where can cover 只见她一手横在胸前,可她身材那么好,哪里遮挡得住 Pair- leg gathers, is covering lower abdomen single-handedly-, usually in elegantly beautiful she stands there at this time obviously is helpless. 双-腿并拢,一手捂着小腹-下方,平日里冷艳的她此时站在那里却明显手足无措。 On the bed her the main body has reddened all over the face at this time, although shuts tightly the eyes, but the whole body still trembles lightly, originally cold white the flesh seems drunk at this time common, her skin color never such red. 床上她的本体此时早已满脸通红,尽管紧闭双眼,但浑身依然轻颤,本来冷白的肌肤此时都仿佛喝醉了酒一般,她的肤色从来没有这么红过。 Zu An quickly turns around, somewhat said flurriedly: Excuse me, I do not know that your divine soul is this condition.” 祖安急忙转过身去,有些慌乱地说道:“不好意思,我不知道你的神魂是这种状态。” He somewhat was vacant, no matter oneself are also good, has seen Mi Li or divine soul of others are also good, is the clothes puts on very good, with true person is in no way different, therefore he put forward this treatment. 他都有些茫然了,不管是自己也好,还是见过的芈骊又或者其他人的神魂也好,都是衣服穿得好好的,和真人并无二致所以他才提出这种治疗办法的。 Thinks that just the opposite party somewhat said awkwardly this is not quite perhaps good, oneself said that seriously nothing is not good, he is then awkward to wish one could a crack to worm one's way into. 想到刚刚对方有些尴尬地说这样恐怕不太好,自己却一本正经说没什么不好的,他便尴尬得恨不得有个地缝钻进去。 Some mysterious energetic space, Mi Li lies on the bed almost smiles sways back and forth there, this boy said that he is silly, usually in very must very ; May say that he is astute, will make this mistake. 某片神秘的精神空间,芈骊躺在床上差点笑得在那里打滚,这小子说他傻吧,平日里又贼得很;可说他精明吧,又会犯这种错误。 Said that is he after all is transmigrator, is not clear to a cultivation way many basic common knowledge. 说起来是他毕竟是个穿越者,对修行一途很多基本常识不清楚。 cultivator breaks through Great Grandmaster, just when cultivation had/left divine soul, truly like newborn infant- son is common, body did not have the clothes. 修行者突破到大宗师,刚刚修炼神魂时,确实如同初生婴-儿一般,身上本来就是没衣服的。 As cultivator realm is stabler, in addition the self-torture, just now can make divine soul to the main body same day and night gradually, not only can really concentrate stable, similarly can also simulate the clothes in ordinary day to put on body. 只是随着修行者境界越稳固,再加上日夜苦修,方才能渐渐让神魂与本体一样,不仅能更加凝实稳固,同样还能模拟出平日里的衣服穿在身上 But because when Jiang Luofu the world fused a short time ago promotes to Great Grandmaster realm rapidly, in addition then arrived at the evil spirit world in a while together, she did not have enough time to consolidate realm, polishes divine soul, therefore a piece wisp of shape will appear by this type, created two people now the awkward meeting. 姜罗敷因为是前不久世界融合时快速提升到大宗师境界的,再加上没过多久便一起来到了妖魔世界,她还没有足够的时间来稳固境界,打磨神魂,所以才会以这种不着片缕的形态出现,造成了两人如今尴尬的会面。 Saw that the opposite party turns around to turn away from itself flurriedly, Jiang Luofu said spookily: Under divine soul condition, even if turns around also to see all.” 看到对方慌乱地转过身去背对着自己,姜罗敷幽幽地说道:“神魂状态下,哪怕转过身去也能看到一切吧。” Now she can be clear that the sensation to this room each corner, can see facial expression that the Zu An back passes away, opposite party cultivation base far exceeds itself, how also unable to see her present condition. 如今就连她都能清楚感知到这个房间各个角落,能看到祖安背过身去的神情,对方修为远超自己,又岂会看不到她如今的状态。 Zu An was even more awkward: Is really sorry......” 祖安越发尴尬了:“实在抱歉……” This is anything, oneself that meaning, actually has not appeared as if sexually harasses the opposite party to be the same obviously at this time intentionally, is unjust seriously incomparably. 这都是什么事啊,明明自己没那个意思,此时却显得仿佛是故意调戏对方一样,当真是冤枉无比。 Jiang Luofu also shamed embarrassedly difficult to bear, but sees the opposite party at this time the helpless facial expression, where has the least bit usually in power and prestige, when looks like Brightmoon City saw initially initially that shy youngster on the contrary, the flurried innermost feelings gradually are on the contrary calm. 姜罗敷原本也羞窘难当,只不过看到对方此时手足无措的神情,哪有半点平日里的威风,反倒更像当初明月城初见时的那个青涩少年,慌乱的内心反倒渐渐平静下来。 She squatted oneself main body behind, blocked front of divine soul body using the mortal body, although she was clear the words that such opposite party divine soul wanted to nose can see mostly clearly, but front had the body to keep off, made her feel at ease slightly much: This should be similar, you turn around.” 她蹲到了自己本体身后,利用肉身挡住了神魂体的前面,尽管她清楚这样对方神魂想要查探的话多半能看得清楚,但前面有身体挡着,还是让她稍稍心安不少:“这样应该差不多了,你转过身来吧。”
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