KI :: Volume #23

#2278: Four likely stone

Saintess?” Zu An stares, has not listened to Demon Race to have this title. 圣女?”祖安一愣,没听过魔族有这种称号。 Yun Yuqing somewhat is also vacant, obviously knows nothing. 云雨晴也有些茫然,显然对此毫不知情。 Human Race!” At this time these Demon Race expert have recognized their Human Race identity, each and everyone has exuded the sharp howl, soon had many Demon Race to fly the space, the flying boat will encircle. 人族!”这时那些魔族高手已经认出了他们人族的身份,一个个发出尖锐的啸声,很快有更多的魔族飞到天上,将飞舟团团围住。 This ship landing ground, accepts our examinations quickly!” Takes the lead expert to shout. “快将这艘船降落地面,接受我们的审查!”领头一个高手喝道。 Looks on the boat the people, in the numerous Demon Race eye reveals the shocking color, even if by delicate and pretty well-known Demon Race, very few saw that so many beautiful females huddle together. 看着舟上众人,众魔族眼中都流露出惊艳之色,哪怕是以俊美闻名的魔族,也很少见到如此多美丽的女子扎堆。 Felt that their come with ill-intent, Jiang Luofu and Xie Daoyun press firmly between the fingers the respective weapon, prepares for action at any time. 感觉到他们来者不善,姜罗敷谢道韫纷纷捏住各自武器,随时准备作战。 Zu An arrives at the bow, protects them behind: I am Monster Race Regent, making Patriarch of Rong see me.” 祖安走到船头,将她们护在身后:“我乃妖族摄政王,让荣家的家主来见我。” What Regent has not listened, come, takes these human.” cold snort/hum that leads, ordered subordinate expert attack. “什么摄政王没听过,来呀,将这些人类拿下。”那领头的冷哼一声,下令麾下的高手攻击。 This ship looks at extraordinary, if can make to be developed. 这艘船一看就非凡品,要是能弄下来就发达了。 Moreover these human female looks were too beautiful, when the time comes seizes to want why them to do? 而且这几个人类女子长得太美了,到时候将她们擒下来岂不是想干什么就干什么? Looks at the attire of this group of people, tone that this man boasting roars, is a human son of the rich or influential leads the female family members to come out to travel mostly anything, what a pity they arrive at Demon Race unexpectedly, brings about own destruction simply. 看这群人的装束,还有这个男人牛皮哄哄的语气,多半是人类一个王孙公子带女眷出来旅游什么的,可惜他们竟然来到魔族,简直是自寻死路。 Surroundings these Demon Race heard the order to launch the attack in abundance, various purple rays attacked toward the flying boat. 周围那些魔族听到命令纷纷发动了攻击,各种紫色的光芒朝飞舟攻了过来。 The Xie Daoyun ten fingers of fluttering, the hurried exercise line ahead plate, around the quick flying boat appears a transparent defense cover, kept off these purple light beams outside. 谢道韫十指翻飞,急忙操纵阵盘,很快飞舟周围浮现出一个透明的防护罩,将那些紫色光束挡在了外面。 Demon Race takes the lead that person of complexion changes, quickly gave a hand signal to under. 魔族领头那人脸色一变,急忙冲下面做了个手势。 Saw only in the following mountain peaks to raise up several crossbow artillery to aim at the flying boat suddenly. 只见下面山峰间忽然竖起了好几台弩炮对准了飞舟。 In Xie Daoyun heart anxious, formation of this flying boat can also support facing the attacks of these individual expert but actually, but once in crossbow bombing by the powerful army, will perhaps be disintegrated at the scene. 谢道韫心中焦急,这飞舟的阵法面对这些个人高手的攻击倒也还能支撑,可一旦被威力巨大的军中弩炮击中,恐怕会当场解体。 At this time suddenly heard cold snort/hum, saw only Zu An to wield conveniently, these were gathering the energy the crossbow artillery to be destroyed by an inexplicable strength directly, the surrounding Demon Race soldier was shocked by this sudden accident. 这时忽然听到一声冷哼,只见祖安随手一挥,那些原本正在聚集能量的弩炮直接被一股莫名的力量摧毁,周围的魔族士兵被这突然的变故惊呆了。 don't said them, in the air these Demon Race expert similarly very stupefied, even take action of opposite party has not seen clearly. 莫说他们,空中那些魔族高手同样很懵逼,甚至连对方的出手都没看清楚。 Enemy raids, starts quickly high......” takes the lead that Demon Race expert in great surprise, is shouting, the sound stops suddenly suddenly. “敌袭,快启动最高……”领头那魔族高手大惊,正在呼喊间,声音忽然戛然而止。 Surroundings these Demon Race companions stare, person? 周围那些魔族同伴一愣,人呢? The next second saw clearly that human man just as if to lift the hand, then before he an inexplicable strength attracted the body, then the whole person instantaneously turns into a dry corpse to be common. 下一秒才看清那个人类男子刚刚似乎抬起了手,然后他就被一股莫名的力量吸到了身前,然后整个人瞬间变成一具干尸一般。 Zu An throws that Demon Race corpse one side: Where now can some people tell my Rong Patriarch?” 祖安将那魔族的尸体扔到一旁:“现在有人能告诉我荣家家主在哪里么?” Just this fellow that obscene- evil look has not escaped his discernment, since wants to do the matter, that delivered him a regulation. 刚刚这个家伙那淫-邪的眼神没有逃过他的法眼,既然想搞事情,那就送他一程咯。 Surroundings these Demon Race only feel a dizziness suddenly, when recovers the discovery to appear above the flying boat, opposite that man coldly is looking at itself. 周围那些魔族忽然只觉得一阵天旋地转,待回过神来发现已经出现在飞舟之上,对面那个男人冷冷地望着自己。 each and everyone swallows the saliva, which now has not known that bumped into the hard stubble. 一个个不禁咽了咽口水,现在哪还不知道碰到了硬茬。 At this time replied cautiously: Patriarch here, he was not invited by Yun Family Patriarch, leading in the clan the army to support.” 这时其中一位小心翼翼地答道:“家主不在这边,他受云家家主所邀,带领族中军队去支援了。” Yun Family Patriarch shouted that he does do?” Yun Yuqing one startled, quickly asked. 云家家主喊他去干什么?”云雨晴一惊,急忙问道。 Shouted us Patriarch incessantly, but also shouted Wu Patriarch, now Yun Family, Wu Jia, Rong Jia unite, attacks Solon family/home together.” Another person rushes to reply, saw just the pitiful condition of companion, oneself were for fear that treated as not to have the waste of value to process conveniently. “不止喊了我们家主,还喊了乌家家主,如今云家、乌家、荣家联合,一起进攻索伦家。”另外一人抢着答道,看到刚刚同伴的惨状,生怕自己被当做没价值的废物随手处理掉。 Zu An knits the brows slightly, he remembered initially in the place of seal, Solon poem, because the Demon Race reinforcements had not come, therefore returned to Demon Race to examine the situation, how to turn into other three to besiege Solon family/home? 祖安微微皱眉,他记得当初在封印之地,索伦诗因为魔族的援军一直没有来,所以回魔族去查看情况,怎么变成了其他三家围攻索伦家了? Also does not know that Solon poem is whether well now. 也不知道索伦诗如今是否安好。 Why will you attack Solon family/home jointly?” Yun Yuqing is quite puzzled, must know the Demon Race four respected families, although is not the relations are intimate, but can also be called brothers reluctantly. “你们为何会联手攻击索伦家?”云雨晴相当不解,要知道魔族四大家族虽然不算关系多亲密,但勉强也称得上同气连枝。 Even also has marries much and so on, has not presented this other three to gather to attack some family's situation. 彼此之间甚至还有不少联姻之类的,从来没出现过这种其他三家合起来攻击某一个家族的情况。 Moreover what in four respected families is strongest is Yun Family, strict should also other three join up to cope is Yun Family. 而且四大家族里最强的是云家,严格来说也应该其他三家联合起来对付是云家才是啊。 Because Solon family/home refuses to offer Saintess, is not willing to hand over four likely stones.” Quick has the expert reply of Rong. “因为索伦家拒绝献出圣女,也不愿意交出四象石。”很快有荣家的高手回答。 Saintess, four likely stones?” The Zu An doubts look to Yun Yuqing, these words he has not listened. 圣女,四象石?”祖安疑惑地望向云雨晴,这些词他从来没听过。 Somewhat was also vacant including usually learned Xie Daoyun and Jiang Luofu, these Demon Race matter bystanders understood very little. 连素来博学的谢道韫姜罗敷也有些茫然,这些魔族的事情外人知之甚少。 At this time Yun Yuqing replied: Four stones I have heard likely actually, it is said four respected families are collecting a special stone, what Yun Family is the Azure Dragon stone, Solon family/home is the white tiger stone, Rong is the vermilion bird stone, Wu is the basalt, but until now I think that this is the legend, past has asked in the clan the elder, they said that has not seen, does don't tell me really have?” 这时云雨晴答道:“四象石我倒是听说过,据说四大家族都收藏着一块特殊的石头,云家的乃是青龙石,索伦家是白虎石,荣家是朱雀石,乌家则是玄武石,只不过一直以来我都以为这是传说,昔日问过族中长老,他们都说没见过,难道真的有么?” Zu An equally has doubts very much, what Demon Race and do four elephants have to be connected? 祖安同样很疑惑,魔族和四象有什么关联? Wait, Wu is Black Tortoise, before also thinks that Wu is Golden Crow black, is as it now seems black of turtle? 等等,乌家是玄武,之前还以为乌家是金乌的乌,现在看来是乌龟的乌么? Well, why does the miss know so many my clan hidden secret?” And Rong expert is somewhat shocking. “咦,姑娘为何知道这么多我族秘辛?”其中一个荣家高手有些震惊。 Yun Yuqing had not replied, but asked back: Listened to you just saying that the don't tell me Rong has come out vermilion bird stone Jiao? Whom gave?” 云雨晴没有回答,而是反问道:“听你们刚刚所说,难道荣家已经将朱雀石交出来了么?交给了谁?” Yes, Rong, Wu also handed over incessantly the basalt.” “是的,不止荣家,还有乌家也将玄武石交出来了。” Naturally gives Yun Family.” “当然是交给云家。” ...... …… These people replied chaotically. 那些人七嘴八舌地答道。 Yun Family?” The Yun Yuqing complexion changes, „do they let hand over you to be obedient?” 云家?”云雨晴脸色微变,“他们让交你们就听话?” Must know four respected families, although has the division of strong and weak, but the position is also on the whole equal, which order so many years have not seen also to manage to other three. 要知道四大家族虽然有强弱之分,但大体上地位也是相等的,这么多年从来没见哪家的命令还能管到其他三家。 „The Yun Family potential has what means greatly.” Can fly the space is expert that Rong Jia remains behind, known are also more than average person, „, and has the real demon to support for it, our where dares to revolt, otherwise is like the Solon family/home present fate?” 云家势大有什么办法。”能飞到天上的都是荣家留守的强者,知道的也比一般人多,“而且有真魔为其撑腰,我们哪里敢反抗,不然就和索伦家如今的下场一样?” From the beginning Yun Family actually demanded some cultivation resources, although other respected families were uncomfortable, but was gives economically in everyday spending.” “一开始云家其实只是索要一些修行资源,其他各大家族虽然不爽,但还是都省吃俭用给了。” Yun Family was just getting more and more excessive afterward, must make various hand over unexpectedly likely four stones.” “只不过后来云家越来越过分,竟然要让各家将四象石交出来。” Everyone did not agree from the beginning, but after fears the real demon, only cares for Yun Family, in addition was worried that the family was attacked, therefore Patriarch then compromised, Wu mostly with our Rong same ideas.” “大家一开始也不同意,但都怕真魔以后只眷顾云家,再加上担心家族被攻击,所以家主便妥协了,乌家多半和我们荣家一样的想法。” Real demon?” Yun Yuqing delicate eyebrows one pressed, is somewhat puzzled to this name. “真魔?”云雨晴秀眉一蹙,对这个称呼有些不解。 „The envoy who is our Demon Race ancestor lives the world that comes, their bloodlines are purer, the strength is also stronger, does not mix to occupy in this world like our Demon Race, the bloodlines become no longer purely, strength generations of also become more and more weak, was not only bullied by Human Race, but must occupy under the monster courtyard.” The people mentioned the real demon time, in the each and everyone eye has several frantic meanings. “就是我们魔族先祖生活的世界来的使者,他们的血脉更纯粹,力量也更强大,不像我们魔族在这个世界混居,血脉变得不再纯粹,力量一代代也变得越来越弱,不仅被人族欺负,还要屈居妖庭之下。”众人说起真魔的时候,一个个眼中都带着几丝狂热之意。 Jiang Luofu holds Ji Xiaoxi in the bosom, at the same time worried looked at Zu An one, essence qi sound transmission said: Ah Zu, sounds like the Beyond the Heavens evil spirit.” 姜罗敷纪小希抱在怀中,一边担忧地望了祖安一眼,元气传音道:“阿祖,听起来似乎是天外妖魔。” Zu An nods slightly, opens the mouth to ask: How many does real demon in your mouth have?” 祖安微微颔首,开口问道:“你们口中的真魔有多少?” Only then, the real demon bloodlines are honored, where will have.” “只有一个,真魔血脉尊贵,又哪里会有很多。” Hears their replies, Zu An is somewhat surprised: „? Makes you so believe that even is willing to hand over the family most important thing?” 听到他们的回答,祖安有些意外:“一个?一个就让你们如此信服,甚至甘愿交出家族最重要的东西?” Because the real demon proved bloodlines of our Demon Race noble fierce, they even can activate our within the body quiet innumerable year of bloodlines, can make Demon Race expert promote several realm overnight, becomes powerful incomparable.” “因为真魔证明了我们魔族高贵的血脉有多厉害,他们甚至能激活我们体内沉寂无数年的血脉,能让魔族高手一夜之间提升好几个境界,变得强大无比。” Pitifully we miss to obtain changing magically of real demon, otherwise......” “可惜我们无缘得到真魔的点化,不然……” The implication is very clear, if they obtained changing magically, so to be how easy to degenerate into the captive. 言外之意很清楚,要是他们得到了点化,又岂会这么容易沦为阶下囚。 The Zu An complexion sinks, is really these Beyond the Heavens evil spirit, initially place of that side gold/metal wing Xiaopeng king seal also had Monster Race two Prince, seemed also changed magically by an evil spirit secret technique, the strength rises suddenly. 祖安脸色微沉,果然是那些天外妖魔,当初封印之地那边金翅小鹏王还有妖族皇子,似乎也被妖魔一种秘术点化,实力暴涨。 Saintess that you just said what's the matter? As far as I know, in four respected family and does not have any Saintess?” “你们刚刚说的圣女又是怎么回事?据我所知,四大家族中并没有什么圣女?” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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