KI :: Volume #23

#2277: Arrives in Demon Race

Setting sun in the western sky, multi-colored sunlight everywhere. 夕阳西下,霞光漫天。 Outside the wind hot city, on the green cloud peak, the stone table, by the table, there is stone Deng, youngster men and women snuggle mutually. 风火城外,翠云峰上,有一张石桌,桌旁,有石凳,一对少年男女相互依偎。 The youngster figure is slim, the complexion is slightly pale, the face is delicate. 少年身材偏瘦,脸色略显苍白,面庞清秀。 A young girl snow white long skirt, the flesh like the jade, the appearance is beautiful. 少女一席雪白长裙,肌肤如玉,容貌绝美。 Young girl head by the shoulder of youngster, under the illumination of setting sun, just like pair of immortal couple. 少女脑袋靠在少年的肩膀上,在夕阳的照射下,宛如一对神仙眷侣 Yao, really the hope can for a lifetime so!” On the youngster face full is the happy smile, said gently. “瑶儿,真希望能一辈子如此!”少年脸上满是幸福的笑容,轻轻说道。 Called the Elder Brother, naturally was OK, we had said wanted the entire life in the same place.” “鸣哥哥,当然可以了,我们可是说过要一生一世在一起的。” On the young girl face shows the happy smile. 少女脸上露出幸福的笑容。 Young named land Ming, young girl named land Yao. 少年名为陆鸣,少女名为陆瑶。 Looks at the smile on landing Yao face, land called the look is gentle, gripped the white hands of land Yao delicate boneless, said: Yao, I, although the veins jamming, cannot concise be really mad, so long as I can the awakening bloodlines, the elder institute purchase the efficacious medicine at the appointed time, dredges the meridians for me, I can cultivation.” 看着陆瑶脸上的笑容,陆鸣眼神更是温柔,握住陆瑶柔弱无骨的玉手,道:“瑶儿,我虽然筋脉堵塞,不能凝练真气,但只要我能觉醒血脉,到时长老院就会购买灵药,为我疏通经脉,那我就可以修炼了。” I will certainly become martial arts expert, protects your entire life.” “我一定会成为一个武道强者,守护你一生一世的。” Thanks to call the Elder Brother.” “谢谢鸣哥哥。” In land Yaoyan reveals the color of move, said: Called the Elder Brother, really had to measure lineage/vein to measure, did you inherit your father's bloodlines?” 陆瑶眼中露出感动之色,又道:“鸣哥哥,曾经真的有测脉者测过,你遗传了你父亲的血脉吗?” Yes, Yao, therefore the man, can be expert in the future.” On land Ming the face shows the self-confident smile. “是啊,瑶儿,所以将来你的男人,一定会是一个强者。”陆鸣脸上露出自信的笑容。 land Yao shows a faint smile, carries the wine glass on stone table, in the wine glass, is the famous blood tongue orchid drinking party, sends out the light delicate fragrance. 陆瑶微微一笑,端起石桌上的酒杯,酒杯中,是着名的血舌兰花酒,散发出淡淡的清香。 land Yao like lightning kisses/intimate one on the face that land called, the complexion blushed, carries the wine glass say/way: Called the Elder Brother, come, Yao enjoyed your.” 陆瑶闪电般的在陆鸣的脸上亲了一口,脸色羞红,端起酒杯道:“鸣哥哥,来,瑶儿赏你的。” land called received the wine glass, said: Yao, you asked me to drink one glass of blood tongue orchid drinking parties every day, I really thanked very much have you to accompany side me.” 陆鸣接过酒杯,道:“瑶儿,你每天都请我喝一杯血舌兰花酒,我真的很感谢有你陪在我身边。” The word, carries the wine glass, tosses down. 言罢,端起酒杯,一饮而尽。 The wine winds around in the tip of tongue, land Ming the heart looks like the wine to be equally happy, but the next quarter, he felt somewhat dizzy. 酒香在舌尖缭绕的,陆鸣的心就像是酒香一样甜蜜,但下一刻,他感觉有些天旋地转起来。 Yao, am I a little dizzy? Your this liquor...” “瑶儿,我怎么有点晕?你这酒...” land Mingfu the stone table, is looking to land Yao, but at this time, he discovered that land Yao the complexion is a little cold. 陆鸣扶着石桌,看向陆瑶,但此时,他发现陆瑶的脸色有点冷。 Ha, land Ming, Yao accompanies your three years, nothing but raises the lineage/vein, now does the period has arrived, contribute your bloodlines?” “哈哈哈,陆鸣,瑶儿陪你三年,无非就是养脉,现在时期已到,把你的血脉贡献出来吧?” At this time, a middle-aged man appears from the one side, is land Yao the father. 此时,一个中年男子从一旁出现,是陆瑶的父亲。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Just like bolt from the blue, in land called in the mind crack. 宛如晴天霹雳,在陆鸣脑海中炸响。 Yao!” “瑶儿!” land called incredible looks to land Yao, but in land Yaoyan is completely indifferent. 陆鸣不可置信的看向陆瑶,但陆瑶眼中尽是冷漠。 Why? I love you!” “为什么?我那么爱你!” land Yao the indifferent look, one dagger, jabs into land Ming the heart probably, he bellows, throws to landing Yao. 陆瑶冷漠的眼神,像是一把把尖刀,刺进陆鸣的心中,他大吼一声,向着陆瑶扑去。 But land Yao draws back slightly, he then throws to the ground. 但陆瑶只是微微一退,他便扑到在地上。 Profound Yuan sword sends Duanmu Lin, six years old cultivation, a half year makes a connection with two god lineage/vein, strides in the warrior boundary, nine -year-old stride in the master of martial arts boundary, now 16 years old, the profound Yuan sword sends one of the four big talents, but you, weak, the meridians jamming, to put it bluntly, you are the waste, even if you awakened the bloodlines, still the waste, you can compare with Duanmu Lin?” “玄元剑派端木麟,六岁修炼,半年打通两条神脉,跨入武士境,九岁跨入武师境,如今十六岁,玄元剑派四大天才之一,而你呢,体弱多病,经脉堵塞,说白了,你就是废物而已,就算你觉醒了血脉,也还是废物,你能和端木麟比吗?” Such talent, is my land Yao good matches, wants with it marrying, to awaken the powerful bloodlines, since you love me, might as well help me, by your bloodlines, helping me awaken more powerful bloodlines.” “这样的天才,才是我陆瑶的良配,想与之联姻,必须要觉醒强大的血脉,你既然那么爱我,不如成全我,以你的血脉,帮助我觉醒更强大的血脉。” The indifferent sound sends out from land Yao mouth. 冷漠的声音从陆瑶口中发出。 Bump! 碰! At this time, the middle-aged man steps on conducting the back that land called, in the hand presents a dagger, called: land called, offered your bloodlines!” 此时,中年男子一脚踩在陆鸣的背上,手中出现一柄尖刀,叫到:“陆鸣,献出你的血脉吧!” ! 啊! The vertebra place, the pain of heartrending hurt submerges land Ming instantaneously, land called shouts, in the sound full was lonely no use as well as despairs. 脊椎处,钻心的痛疼瞬间淹没了陆鸣,陆鸣嘶吼,声音中满是孤独无助以及绝望。 Gradually, land Ming fell into the boundless darkness. 渐渐,陆鸣陷入了无边的黑暗之中。 land Yao, land Yunxiong, why you must seize my bloodlines!” “陆瑶,陆云雄,你们为何要夺我血脉!” land Ming bellows, sat from the bed suddenly, bed of pressed phoebe zhennan manufacture creaking sound. 陆鸣大吼一声,猛然从床上坐了起来,压的楠木制作的床一声‘嘎吱’响。 land Ming is sweating profusely, is pale, from the beginning, he also thinks that has a nightmare, but responded quickly, this was not the dream, but was the fact. 陆鸣满头大汗,脸色苍白,一开始,他还以为做一场噩梦,但很快反应过来,这不是梦,而是已经发生的事实。 The several days ago situation appears in the mind. 数日之前的情形又在脑海中浮现。 land Ming, the wind fire becomes the land Patriarch lineage/vein successor, his father is Lu Patriarch. But land Yao, the daughter of Lu first branch vein big elder. 陆鸣,风火成陆家主脉传人,他父亲是陆家家主。而陆瑶,陆家第一支脉大长老的女儿。 Two people different lineage/vein of the same clan, grow up together, friends from childhood, are always it can be said that together, the pledge of eternal love, private has even decided in secret lifelong. 两人同宗不同脉,从小一起长大,青梅竹马,可以说是形影不离,私下里甚至已经山盟海誓,私定终身了。 land Ming cannot think, land Yao can with the big elder to his take action, seize his bloodlines. 陆鸣怎么也想不到,陆瑶会和大长老对他出手,夺他血脉。 Strength, all are because my strength is insufficient, if my innate talent is unusual, is powerful, how do they dare such to me?” “实力,一切都是因为我实力不足,如果我天赋超凡,实力强大,他们怎么敢这么对我?” land Mingshuang the fist grips tightly, the whole body shivers, the eyes full are the capillaries. 陆鸣双拳紧握,浑身颤抖,双眼满是血丝。 Waste! 废物! This is land Yao to his name, land Yao the three days ago words as if still reverberate in the ear. 这是陆瑶对他的称呼,陆瑶三天前的话仿佛还在耳边回响。 ! 吱呀! At this time, the door was shoved open, enters a body delicate middle age / woman / person, looks that land on bed called, concerned asking: Called, did you have the nightmare?” 这时,房门被推开,走进一个身体柔弱的中年/妇/人,看着床上的陆鸣,关切的问:“鸣儿,你又做噩梦了吗?” This beautiful woman, is land Ming mother, Li Ping. 这个美妇人,是陆鸣的母亲,李萍。 Three days ago, is Li Ping was worried that land Ming the safety, goes to seek, saved land Ming, otherwise land Ming has died. 三天前,就是李萍担心陆鸣的安危,出去寻找,才救了陆鸣,不然陆鸣已经死了。 Since six years ago the father who spreads land Ming travels after outside was struck to kill, he with Li Ping is bound by a common destiny. 自从六年前传出陆鸣的父亲在外面游历被人击杀后,他就与李萍相依为命。 land Ming looks at Li Ping, the look changes is gentle, said: Mother, all right, is only a dream.” 陆鸣看着李萍,眼神变的柔和起来,道:“娘,没事,只是一个梦而已。” Looks at the landing to call the pale complexion, Li Ping sits in land calls the bedside, touches forehead that the landing called, grieved say/way: Three days, you had yelled each time land Yaohai you, called, what's the matter? don't tell me is your wound because of land Yao...” 看着陆鸣苍白的脸色,李萍坐在陆鸣床边,摸着陆鸣的额头,心痛的道:“已经三天了,你每次都大叫陆瑶害你,鸣儿,到底是怎么回事?难道是你的伤是因为陆瑶...” land Ming: Mother, no, you misunderstood.” 陆鸣道:“娘,没什么,你听错了。” land Ming has not told Li Ping is land Yao with greatly long simple, because Li Ping has not repaired the martial arts, told Li Ping, instead will harm her. 陆鸣并没有告诉李萍是陆瑶与大长老干的,因为李萍并没有修武道,告诉了李萍,反而会害了她。 Li Ping hesitated, said: Called, later before others, cannot say land Yao the name, two days ago, land Yao awakened five levels of bloodlines, but also made a connection with god level meridians, now had obtained the approval of elder institute, at the two months later clan meetings, will wield Lu, became the lord of Lu, said the name of Patriarch, perhaps will be said to disrespect.” 李萍踟蹰了一下,道:“鸣儿,以后在他人面前,不能直呼陆瑶的名字了,两天前,陆瑶觉醒了五级血脉,还打通了一条神级经脉,现在已经获得了长老院的认可,两个月后的族会上,将执掌陆家,成为陆家之主,直呼家主之名,恐怕会被人说为不敬。” What? Does land Yao want to wield Lu? She gave up any idea.” “什么?陆瑶要执掌陆家?她休想。” land called gives out low and deep angry roaring, the eye hyperemia, giggle makes noise, the tooth that the jaw bit must bite, the blood class/flow came out. 陆鸣发出低沉的怒吼,眼睛充血,牙关咬的咯咯作响,牙齿都要咬碎了,鲜血都流出来。 land Ming father six years ago after the rumor was struck kills, in the six years, Lu by the elder institute has managed, has not set up new Patriarch. 陆鸣的父亲六年前传言被人击杀后,这六年来,陆家一直由长老院管理,并没有立新的家主 Sees land to call this appearance, Li Ping frightens is at a loss, but holds the head that the landing called, the tears flowed off unceasingly, said: Called, do not frighten mother, mother had lost your father, cannot lose you again.” 看到陆鸣这个样子,李萍吓得六神无主,只是抱着陆鸣的头,眼泪不断流下,道:“鸣儿,你不要吓娘啊,娘已经失去了你爹,不能再失去你了。” Where father... you are, called believes that you will not die, now, calls helplessly, even the position of Patriarch must unable to preserve.” “爹...你到底在哪啊,鸣儿相信你不会死的,如今,鸣儿无能为力,连家主之位都要保不住了。” land called closely grasped one on neck to hang to fall, because made an effort, the nail jabbed into the meat, the blood seeped out unceasingly. 陆鸣紧紧的握着脖子上的一个挂坠,由于太用力,指甲都刺进了肉里,鲜血不断渗出。 This hangs to fall, the bronze casts, the broad bean size, before is land Ming the father has an accident, asks somebody from outside to deliver, in the six years, land Ming has brought in the side. 这个挂坠,青铜所铸,蚕豆大小,是陆鸣的父亲出事之前,托人从外面送回来的,这六年,陆鸣一直带在身边。 The blood of palm seeped out, flows to the bronze to hang to fall. 手掌的鲜血渗出,流向了青铜挂坠。 Buzz! 嗡! Suddenly, the bronze hangs to fall the slight vibration, and boiling hot that changes. 忽然,青铜挂坠轻微的抖动起来,并且变的滚烫。 land Ming has not responded, under the bronze hangs to fall shakes, unexpectedly changes into a powder, called a palm drill toward land, entered vanishes to the palm in does not see. 陆鸣还没反应过来,青铜挂坠一震之下,居然化为点点粉末,往陆鸣手心一钻,进入到手心中消失不见。 Then, land Ming then felt, the boiling hot energies, from his palm, following the arm, upward, meets, then stays in the center of the forehead hole of forehead. 接着,陆鸣便感觉,有一股滚烫的能量,从他的手心,顺着手臂,一只往上,一会之后,便停留在眉心的印堂穴中。 nine dragons does not die, bloodlines rebirth!” “九龙不死,血脉重生!” Suddenly, a giant roar resounds, land who shook in the mind that land called calls the mind to buzz. 突然,一声巨大的吼声在陆鸣的脑海中响起,震的陆鸣脑海嗡嗡作响。 nine dragons does not die, bloodlines rebirth!” “九龙不死,血脉重生!” nine dragons does not die, bloodlines rebirth!” “九龙不死,血脉重生!” ...... ...... Continual roar, unceasing, in land called in the mind to resound, later, aura of burning hot, embarked from the forehead, rushes to land Ming the spine. 连续的吼声,不断的在陆鸣脑海中响起,随后,一股炙热的气息,从眉心中出发,涌向陆鸣的脊椎骨。 The next quarter, the roar vanishes, but on the spine, actually the intermittent hemp spread itchy, boiling hot that the whole body changes. 下一刻,吼声消失,但脊椎骨上,却有一阵阵麻痒传出,全身变的滚烫。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” land Ming cannot feel the mind completely. 陆鸣完全摸不着头脑。 At this time, the hemp on spine was itchy fiercer, as if has anything in growth slowly. 此时,脊椎骨上的麻痒更加剧烈了,似乎有什么东西在慢慢的生长。 Called, how, do not frighten mother.” “鸣儿,你怎么了,不要吓娘啊。” Feels land to call the unusuality of body, Li Ping feared, is somewhat helpless. 感受到陆鸣身上的异常,李萍更怕,有些手足无措。 Bloodlines rebirth? don't tell me can I really the bloodlines rebirth?” land Ming has doubts. “血脉重生?难道我真的能血脉重生?”陆鸣心里疑惑。 The old book has the record, only then very few people, after the bloodlines were eliminated, because after other reasons damage, can the bloodlines rebirth, grow together the bloodlines. 古籍有记载,只有非常少的人,血脉被剥夺后,或者因为其他原因损坏后,能够血脉重生,重新生长出一道血脉。 However the bloodlines of rebirth, most ranks are very low, has not used greatly. 但是重生的血脉,大部分等级都很低,没有大用。 But also has some extremely few extremely few people, can break then stands, the broken cocoon rebirth, rose in the destruction, is aloof the past, awakened to the strong bloodlines. 但也有极少极少的一些人,能够破而后立,破茧重生,于毁灭中崛起,超脱过去,觉醒至强血脉。 But this probability small enough to can ignore, old book record, since ancient times few cases. 但这几率小到可以忽略不计,古籍记载,古来都没有几例。 Was aloof the past, awakened to the strong bloodlines, land Ming has not gone to think that probability was too after all small, so long as he can awaken the bloodlines, was happy. 超脱过去,觉醒至强血脉,陆鸣没有去想,那毕竟几率太小了,他只要能觉醒出血脉,就非常高兴了。 Had the bloodlines, he can the cultivation martial arts, change the own destiny. 有了血脉,他就能修炼武道了,改变自己的命运。 At this time, the body difference vanished slowly, on land Ming the face showed the smile, said: Mother, I am all right!” 这时,身上异样慢慢消失,陆鸣脸上露出了笑容,道:“娘,我没事!” Young master, you were all right were good, you these, you may scare to death us on the!” “少爷,你没事太好了,你这几日,你可把我们吓死了!” At this time, a young girl walked to say. 这时,一个少女走了过来道。 The young girl age and land called almost, looks was quite beautiful. 少女年纪和陆鸣差不多,长得极为美丽。 land called naturally recognizes, the young girl named harvest moon, was Li Ping's maid, grew up from small and him together. 陆鸣自然认得,少女名为秋月,乃是李萍的贴身丫鬟,从小和他一起长大。 Harvest moon, I am all right, relax!” “秋月,我没事,放心!” land Ming smiles to say. 陆鸣微笑道。 Then, land called the vision to sweep all around, the complexion fiercely changed, said: Mother, where this is, here is not the land Patriarch mansion!” 然后,陆鸣目光一扫四周,脸色猛地一变,道:“娘,这是哪里,这里不是陆家主府!” land Ming the father, before was Lu Patriarch, they have lived in the land Patriarch mansion before, but here was not. 陆鸣的爹,以前乃是陆家家主,他们以前一直住在陆家主府的,但是这里不是。 Called, your properly healed from a wound, should not be oversensitive!” Li Ping dao, but in her eye that flashes the sadness and tears that passes, was called to catch by land. “鸣儿,你好好养伤,不要多心!”李萍道,但是她眼中那一闪而逝的哀伤和泪光,还是被陆鸣捕捉到了。 Mother, what's the matter?” land Ming asked. “娘,到底怎么回事?”陆鸣问道。 Young master, me, we were caught up, land Yao said that she must become Patriarch immediately, should move in the Lord mansion, but we do not have the qualifications to continue in the Lord mansion, making us move.” “少爷,我来说吧,我们是被赶出来了,陆瑶说她马上要成为家主了,理应入住主府,而我们没有资格继续住在主府,让我们搬出来了。” Nearby, the harvest moon silver tooth bites tightly, said the matter, on attractive small face, angry. 一旁,秋月银牙紧咬,将事情说了出来,漂亮的小脸上,怒气冲冲。 What? land Yao, you goes too far!” land called angrily roars. “什么?陆瑶,你欺人太甚!”陆鸣怒吼。 Your waste, what calling to be? Has the place to make you live, is to your gracious gift, hasn't been grateful?” “你个废物,叫什么叫?有地方让你住,已经是对你的恩赐了,还不感恩戴德?” At this moment, out of the door resounded a sound, then the door was opened, went out of a youth. 就在这时,门外响起了一道声音,然后房门被打开,走出了一个青年。 Luchuan, is you!” “陆川,是你!” land Ming shouted angrily, this personal name was Luchuan, was land Yao the blood elder brother, the age also calls compared with land greatly. 陆鸣怒喝一声,此人名为陆川,是陆瑶的亲哥哥,年纪也比陆鸣大一点。 Luchuan, we left the Lord mansion, did you also come to here to do?” “陆川,我们都离开主府了,你还来这里干什么?” Li Ping dao, body subconscious keeping off before land called the body, seemed afraid Luchuan to harm land Ming. 李萍道,身体下意识的挡在陆鸣身前,似乎害怕陆川伤害陆鸣。 I am take the sword!” “我是来取剑的!” Then, a Luchuan eye takes a fast look around, after seeing bed nearby treasure sword, eye one bright, walked immediately, puts out a hand to grasp treasure sword in the hand. 说完,陆川一双眼睛四下扫视起来,当看到床榻边上一把宝剑后,眼睛一亮,立马走了过去,伸手将宝剑抓在手里。 Luchuan, this calls the only faith token that his father leaves behind the sword, in the future will leave calls uses, you cannot take away.” “陆川,这把剑是鸣儿他父亲留下的唯一信物,将来留给鸣儿用的,你不能拿走啊。” Li Ping extends to snatch hastily. 李萍连忙伸出去抢。 Go away!” “滚开!” Luchuan makes an effort, the scabbard shakes, a strength bursts out, Li Ping is not the person of cultivation, living where resists, body retreat staggering, almost throws down on the ground. 陆川一用劲,剑鞘一抖,一股力量迸发而出,李萍并非修炼之人,哪里抵挡的住,身体踉踉跄跄的后退,差点摔倒在地上。 Mother!” land Ming bellows. “娘!”陆鸣大吼。 dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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