KI :: Volume #23

#2273: Life experience

Good!” Yun Yuqing immediately at present one bright, before she has been very puzzled, in Jiang Residence, why in oneself clan expert will abandon her. “好啊!”云雨晴顿时眼前一亮,她一直很不解之前在姜府中,自己族中高手为何会背弃她。 At that time these clansman expert each and everyone ended the life afterward resolutely, making her want to ask that had no way to ask. 当时那些族人高手后来一个个毅然决然结束了生命,让她想问都没法问。 She these days has somewhat restlessed, always thought that side Demon Race definitely presented the enormous accident. 她这些日子一直有些心神不宁,总觉得魔族那边肯定出现了极大变故。 Yun Jianyue actually frowns slightly, finally shakes the head saying: Demon Race matter I did not care, does not want with that side involves slightly, this time.” 云间月却是微微蹙眉,最终摇头道:“魔族的事情我不关心,也不想和那边有丝毫牵扯,这次就不去了。” Zu An is somewhat surprised, this thinks that she has the Demon Race bloodlines, to this being interested, never expected that she will reject, even not in the same place. 祖安有些惊讶,本以为她有魔族血脉,会对这个感兴趣,没想到她会拒绝,甚至都不和自己在一起了。 Then you have anything to plan that” Zu An is not willing to force her. “接下来你有什么打算”祖安也不愿意勉强她。 Naturally must return to a Qiuchi, it is estimated that few days ago I had passed on the news that Capital presented that how long today will appear at the matter of deliberation hall cannot want is also well-known, when the time comes entire Sacred Cult will definitely have the panic, perhaps some people will also stir up trouble.” Yun Jianyue replied, after all Demonic Cult was the counter- thief who becomes famous, finally now and Royal Court legitimate in the same place, how the whole world person thinks “当然要回一趟仇池,估计前些日子我在京城出现的消息已经传了回去,今天出现在朝堂的事情要不了多久也会人人皆知,到时候整个圣教肯定会有恐慌,说不定还有人会兴风作浪。”云间月答道,毕竟魔教乃是出了名的反贼,结果如今和朝廷正统在一起,天下人会怎么想 Demonic Cult lacked this common goal, accidentally will cause to be split up. 魔教内部缺了这个共同目标,一个不小心就会导致四分五裂。 Zu An said with a smile: In my opinion, you might as well pass to others the Cult Master seat early, then comes me.” 祖安不禁笑道:“依我看,你不如早早将教主位子传给别人,然后来我这边来。” Comes you to work as a flower...... cough cough,” Yun Jianyue realized suddenly the younger sister still in the one side, quickly changed a statement, my solemn Sacred Cult Cult Master, coming you to offer amnesty, passes on not to be smiled.” “来你这边当个花……,”云间月忽然意识到妹妹还在一旁,急忙改口道,“我堂堂圣教教主,来你这边被招安,传出去还不得被人笑死。” Nearby Yun Yuqing look strange, how these two chats sound completely not like the elder and younger generation, pours more like pair of a lover of flirt to be the same. 一旁的云雨晴神色诡异,这两人的聊天怎么听起来完全不像长辈与晚辈,倒更像是一对打情骂俏的情侣一般。 Feels the suggestion that her doubts as well as Yun Jianyue go all out, Zu An has to help her look to make up said: „The Demonic Cult platform was too small, this world is primarily the correct path eventually here, comes to be easier to display by your talent the heart the aspiration.” 感受到她的疑惑以及云间月拼命的暗示,祖安只好帮她找补道:“魔教的平台太小了,这个世界终究是以正道为主,以你的才华来这边更容易施展心中抱负。” Yun Jianyue shakes the head slightly: Person is ambitious respectively, you do not need to urge again.” 云间月微微摇头:“人各有志,你不必再劝。” She was clear that now because or Demonic Cult Cult Master, Royal Court will not encircle Demonic Cult vigorously. 她清楚如今是因为自己还是魔教教主,朝廷才不会大力围剿魔教 Resources and national strength that far ultra initial Zhao Hao now no matter Zu An cultivation base or the prestige and even can utilize, if Royal Court really eradicates Demonic Cult, perhaps then entire Demonic Cult really has the destruction danger. 如今祖安不管是修为还是声望乃至能动用的资源、国力都远超当初的赵昊,若是朝廷真铲除魔教,那么整个魔教恐怕真的有覆灭的危险。 She cannot become the Demonic Cult for ten thousand years biggest criminal. 她不能成为魔教万年来的最大罪人。 Relax, I will certainly find the way to lead Sacred Cult to find the new outlet.” During the Yun Jianyue speeches, on the face is brimming with an inexplicable faith. “放心吧,我一定会想办法带领圣教找到新的出路的。”云间月说话间,脸上洋溢着一种莫名的信念。 Good.” Zu An is clear about her to be supercilious, pours also somewhat admires. “那好吧。”祖安清楚她心高气傲,倒也有些佩服。 You go to the Demon Race words, or makes me look after Honglei.” Yun Jianyue remembered the apprentice, quickly said. “你去魔族的话,要不让我来照顾红泪吧。”云间月想起了徒弟,急忙说道。 Zu An shakes the head slightly: No need, she is very safe in my side, moreover after I thinks her to wake up, first can see me.” 祖安微微摇头:“不必,她在我身边很安全,而且我想她醒来后第一眼就能看到我。” Yun Jianyue hears word somewhat looked at his one eyes sourly, but changes mind quickly thinks why oneself eats the flying vinegar of apprentice, the mentality is gradually gentle: Also right, now takes a broad view at whole world, perhaps not compared with your side safest place.” 云间月闻言不禁有些酸溜溜地看了他一眼,不过很快转念一想,自己干嘛吃徒弟的飞醋,心态渐渐平和起来:“也对,现在放眼天下,恐怕没有比你身边最安全的地方了。” Such being the case, I should also say goodbye.” “既然如此,我也该告辞了。” Zu An is somewhat surprised: No longer plays suddenly for several days 祖安有些吃惊:“这么突然不再玩几天么” By you, when horse play Yun Jianyue almost blurted out, thinks this fellow must make her form double ponytail a long hair at that time, then pulls to treat as the reins from various behind types the appearance, the flesh of body somewhat feels hot. “被你当马玩么”云间月差点脱口而出,想到这家伙当时非要让她将一头长发编成双马尾,然后从后面各种拉扯当做缰绳的模样,身上的肌肤都有些发烫起来。 She quickly restrains the mind, is maintaining Demonic Cult Cult Master usually in arrogance: Does not need, the in the Cult matter to be many, moreover I must go back to prepare to greet the realm breakthrough after world fusion.” 她急忙收敛心神,保持着魔教教主平日里的高傲:“不必了,教中事情不少,而且我也要回去准备迎接天地融合后的境界突破。” Actually these days and Zu An in the same place, she enough has broken through. 其实这些日子和祖安在一起,她已经足够突破了。 But that realm and sensibility are really vast mysterious, her hasty choice has not broken through, but needs to spend the time to realize carefully, then waits for the world to fuse, after essence qi recovery, breaks through by the best condition. 但那种境界和感悟实在是太浩瀚玄奥,她并没有仓促选择突破,而是需要花时间仔细体会,然后等着天地融合,元气复苏后,以最好的状态去突破。 When the time comes can achieve a better effect inevitably. 到时候必然能达到更好的效果。 Un, after the breakthrough, had the frank and upright reason to look for Ah Zu that again...... anything. 嗯,突破后就有正大光明的理由再找阿祖那……啥了。 I am not like, pure to promote cultivation base. 我才不是喜欢呢,单纯就是为了提升修为 Thinks of here, her chin raises, figure has vanished in the distant place, indistinct can only see long beautiful hair flutters in the wind. 想到这里,她下巴一扬,身形已经消失在了远处,隐约只能见到长长的秀发在风中飘荡。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” This woman also walks is really natural, turn head does not look at my one eyes. 这女人走得还真是潇洒,都不回头看我一眼。 This is Yun Yuqing arrives at side him, looks beautiful figure that is going far away: Big Sister actually hates Demon Race very much, therefore is not naturally willing to go.” 这是云雨晴走到他身旁,望着那远去的倩影:“姐姐其实很恨魔族的,所以自然不愿意去。” „” Zu An is somewhat surprised, he had really not known about the Demon Race matter. “哦”祖安有些惊讶,对魔族的事他还真不了解。 „When her mother is the past my father swam Human Race idly meets, two people fell in love over time, then cherished Big Sister, her mother's status was just doomed unable to obtain the approval in family, she had no way to find roots, therefore not by Demon Race many kindness, because actually Demon Race received many misery.” Yun Yuqing answered. “她娘是当年我爹闲游人族时遇到的,两人日久生情,然后怀了姐姐,只不过她娘的身份注定得不到家族中的认可,她也没法认祖归宗,所以没受过魔族多少恩惠,倒是因为魔族受了不少苦难。”云雨晴解释道。 Zu An cold snort/hum: What at sixes and sevens bloodline-ism.” 祖安冷哼一声:“什么乱七八糟的血统论。” Thinks that Yun Jianyue mother- female put in great inconvenience like this, he follows is not feeling well. 想到云间月母-女受到这样的委屈,他都跟着不爽起来。 No wonder Yun Jianyue does not like Demon Race so much, relates with this younger sister is not good. 难怪云间月这么不喜欢魔族,跟这个妹妹关系也不好。 Actually such bloodline-ism everywhere is, Human Race similarly also many similar examples.” Yun Yuqing argued cautiously for the family. “其实这样的血统论到处都是,人族这边同样也有很多类似的例子。”云雨晴小心翼翼替家族辩解起来。 Zu An one wants also to be, initially Yu Yanluo after the Human Race status exposed also everywhere was not discriminated, is suppressed everywhere. 祖安一想也是,当初玉烟萝人族身份暴露后不也同样处处受歧视,到处受到打压么。 However the beforehand person does not have the means that he the strengths of planners, monsters and sea three clans, will actually reverse hatred and discrimination between these not same clan now with every effort. 不过以前的人没办法,他现在却统筹人、妖、海三族的力量,会尽力扭转这些不同族之间的仇恨与歧视。 Right, I have not known that the Demon Race situation, you told carefully me.” Before Zu An, when Monster Race Regent, knows some Demon Race information actually, but also had at that time with the Demon Race race of the same class, too many things need to process, therefore is not clear to Demon Race many details. “对了,我还不知道魔族的情况呢,你仔细跟我说说。”祖安以前当妖族摄政王的时候,倒是知道一些魔族的信息,但当时还有很多跟魔族同级别的种族,太多的事情需要处理,所以对魔族很多细节并不清楚。 Demon Race has four big royal families, the cloud, Solon, glory and black, wants to come Big Brother Zu to be clear about these.” Yun Yuqing also thought of his Monster Race Regent status. 魔族有四大王族,云、索伦、荣、乌,想来祖大哥应该清楚这些。”云雨晴同样想到了他妖族摄政王的身份。 Zu An nods slightly, Solon poem is the princess of Solon family/home. 祖安微微颔首,索伦诗就是索伦家的郡主。 Right, that Euler and Monster Race Imperial Family black was one “对了,那个乌氏和妖族皇室的乌是一个么” „It is not one,” Yun Yuqing shakes the head slightly, also some relations, some rumors said that the Wu ancestor and Imperial Family have married, has the Imperial Family bloodlines, many people think that this is Wu from lifting the move of worth, even if the past years has married, is still only some Imperial Family remote bloodlines, otherwise in the history book should have the record early.” “不是一个,”云雨晴微微摇头,“不过也有些关系,有传言说乌家先祖和皇室联姻过,有皇室血脉,不少人都认为这是乌家自抬身价的招数,而且就算当年联姻过,也只是一些皇室偏远血脉,否则史书上应该早有记载。” Heard that your Yun Family is most powerful the Zu An curious say/way. “听说你们云家最强盛”祖安好奇道。 In four respected families Yun Family is truly strongest.” Yun Yuqing mentioned this to throw out the chest proudly- dried meat, at once look one gloomy, said that my father or previous generation Yun Family Patriarch, finally he untimely death, Yun Family falls into Second Uncle that lineage/vein hand now.” “四大家族中云家确实最强。”云雨晴说起这个不禁骄傲地挺起了胸-脯,旋即神色一黯,“说起来我爹还是上一代云家家主,结果他英年早逝,云家如今落入了二叔那一脉手中了。” Zu An somewhat loved dearly to grip her hand to comfort, thought that no wonder she female as the Demon Race royal family Patriarch, the unexpectedly small age must be sent the King Wu mansion, when planted agent. 祖安有些心疼地握住了她的手安慰了起来,心想难怪她身为魔族王室族长之女,竟然小小年纪就要被派到吴王府当卧底 Yun Yuqing pastes cheeks in his chest, only feels suffering with sad dissipation completely, if can forever such this/should good. 云雨晴脸蛋儿贴在他胸膛,只觉得心中的委屈与忧愁消散殆尽,要是能永远这样该多好。 At this moment, Bi Linglong happen to lifts one to believe: Ah Zu, Blue Sky Palace that side......” 就在这时,碧玲珑正好举着一封信走进来:“阿祖,碧落宫那边……”
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