KI :: Volume #23

#2272: World fusion

Why will present the Big Brother Zu appearance, I had such close relations with Elder Brother Chu obviously. 为什么就会出现祖大哥的样子呢,明明我都和楚哥哥有这么亲密的关系了。 Murong Qinghe cheeks is ruddy, in the heart is very puzzled. 慕容清河脸蛋儿红扑扑的,心中十分不解。 don't tell me I really am an undecided female. 难道我真的是个三心二意的女子么。 At this time Chu Youzhao is the expression is also strange, no wonder brother-in-law side so many women like him attractively, Younger Sister Qinghe passed for night with him, usually in proud she is docile a cat to be common at this time likely. 此时楚幼昭也是表情古怪,难怪姐夫身边那么多漂亮地女人喜欢他,清河妹妹才和他度过了一夜,平日里骄傲的她此时却温顺得像个小猫儿一般。 Her not too custom has been hugging like this, quickly sets out saying: We must get out of bed earlier, but must give the parents to serve tea.” 她不太习惯一直这样抱着,急忙起身道:“我们得早点起床了,还得去给爹娘敬茶呢。” Aiya, I almost forgot.” Murong Qinghe complexion one red, quickly sets out, then, is covering the lower abdomen under position aiyu, the elated eyebrow actually closely twisted at this time in the same place. “哎呀,我差点忘了。”慕容清河脸色一红,急忙起身,然后哎呦一声,捂着小腹下方位置,原本欢畅的眉毛此时却紧紧拧在一起。 How to see her pain appearance, Chu Youzhao was also worried. “怎么了”看到她痛楚的模样,楚幼昭也十分担心。 Murong Qinghe bites the lip, looked at her one eyes charmingly angry: Elder Brother Chu, you also feel all right to ask, was also not you last night......” 慕容清河咬了咬嘴唇,娇嗔地瞄了她一眼:“楚哥哥,你还好意思问,还不是你昨晚……” The whole person by him was made quickly rapid setting opened...... 整个人都快被他弄得快裂开了…… Naturally this saying she was embarrassed says with Elder Brother Chu. 当然这话她是不好意思和楚哥哥说的。 Chu Youzhao smiles embarrasedly, thought that was a scapegoat for the brother-in-law. 楚幼昭讪讪笑了笑,心想又替姐夫背锅了。 Murong Qinghe after all is in the troops the person, after a while not after that pretty Eldest Young Lady, after adapts, quickly wears the clothes, was cautious from the bed sheet took down a white kerchief, above as if split open one group of bright plum blossoms. 慕容清河毕竟是军旅中人,并非那种娇滴滴的大小姐,经过一会儿适应过后,很快穿好了衣裳,然后小心翼翼从床单上取下了一块白色帕子,上面仿佛绽开了一团鲜艳的梅花。 This was anything Chu Youzhao collected, last night this cotton clothing Murong Qinghe pad under the body, she had not really seen. “这是什么”楚幼昭凑了过来,昨晚这块布被慕容清河垫在身下,她还真没看到。 „The thing of girl family/home, you leave alone.” Murong Qinghe will receive instantaneously white/in vain behind, surface red like blood. “女孩子家的东西,你别管。”慕容清河瞬间将白帕收入身后,面红如血。 Chu Youzhao also thinks suddenly that is anything, after all in the family/home the woman has taught her some related knowledge, this proves the wife pure thing. 楚幼昭忽然也想到了那是什么,毕竟家里婆子教过她一些相关的知识,这是证明妻子清白的东西。 Her present also somewhat has mixed feelings, she and Murong Qinghe relate have been better, good, even if were clear that the status also wants to get married that type with her. 她现在心情也有些复杂,她和慕容清河关系一直非常要好,好到哪怕清楚自己身份也想和她成亲那种。 If were other men bullied Younger Sister Qinghe, perhaps she must envy angrily sad for a long time is very very long, but the opposite party was the brother-in-law, she actually could not live similar psychology completely. 如果是其他男人欺负了清河妹妹,她恐怕要嫉妒愤怒伤心很久很久,可对方是姐夫的话,她竟然完全生不起类似心理。 Elder Brother Chu, gets out of bed quickly.” Sees her is still in a daze there, Murong Qinghe charmingly angry, if makes the parents-in-law think that is the lazy bed is not good, today first day naturally must make the impression. 楚哥哥,快起床啦。”见她还在那里发呆,慕容清河娇嗔不已,要是让公婆以为是自己懒床就不好了,今天第一天当然要留下好印象。 Chu Youzhao is ridiculing, wore the clothes quickly: Walks.” 楚幼昭讪笑着起来,很快也穿好了衣服:“走吧。” Murong Qinghe just walked one step, suddenly un, bent the waist slightly, delicate eyebrows slightly pressed. 慕容清河刚走了一步,忽然嗯了一声,微微弯腰,秀眉微蹙。 Chu Youzhao quickly holds her: You are all right.” 楚幼昭急忙扶着她:“你没事吧。” Blames you!” Murong Qinghe snort/hum, was blushing to break free from her hand, a person escapes walking that outward also resembles. “都怪你!”慕容清河哼了一声,红着脸甩开了她的手,一个人逃也似的往外走去。 Chu Youzhao: „......” 楚幼昭:“……” The brother-in-law the brother-in-law, you do not know that light, I a little love dearly. 姐夫啊姐夫,你就不知道轻点么,我还是有点心疼的。 Murong Qinghe has the wound to walk after all not quickly in the body, quick is then caught up by Chu Youzhao. 慕容清河毕竟有伤在身走不快,很快便被楚幼昭追上。 Seemed like the matter of extremely to feel ashamed last night, now in broad daylight Murong Qinghe embarrassed and she is extremely intimate, making him take the lead, did not follow him shoulder to shoulder. 似乎是昨晚发生的事太过羞人,如今大白天慕容清河不好意思和她太过亲密,让他走在前面,不跟他并肩走。 Chu Youzhao also has the concern, then has not forced. 楚幼昭也有心事,便没有勉强。 Murong Qinghe follows on the heels, in the mind kept reappearing yesterday's scene, the heartbeat was getting quicker and quicker. 慕容清河跟在后面,脑海中不停浮现昨天的情景,心跳越来越快。 But looks at the Chu Youzhao somewhat thin back, in her eye flashes through one to confuse suddenly. 只不过看着楚幼昭有些瘦削地背影,她眼中忽然闪过一丝迷惑。 Last night Elder Brother Chu obviously very strong, why now seems somewhat different 昨晚楚哥哥明明很强壮的啊,为什么现在看起来似乎有些不一样 However this doubts flash past, the young girl disposition makes her ponder radically embarrassed. 不过这个疑惑只是一闪而过,少女心性让她根本不好意思细想。 Quick two people went to the Lord hall, Chu Zhongtian and Qin Wanru have sat well on head, seems waiting for their arrival. 很快两人来到了主厅,楚中天秦晚如早已端坐在上首,似乎正等着他们的到来。 The Qin Wanru whole person is somewhat scared witless, she worried that last night matter pounded dry/does. 秦晚如整个人有些魂不守舍,她担心昨晚的事干砸了。 Especially midnight knew that Zu An departs in a hurry, she was almost absent-minded bakes the gruel in pot. 特别是半夜得知祖安匆匆离去,她恍惚得差点把锅里的粥都烧干了。 But that side the nuptial chamber seems to be uneventful, has not heard the quarrel sound, has not seen Murong Qinghe to cry to run back the maternal home, should...... be all right 只不过洞房那边似乎风平浪静,并没有传来争吵声,也没见慕容清河哭哭啼啼跑回娘家,应该……没事吧 Is disturbed, saw that a Murong Qinghe face tender- shamed to walk with Chu Youzhao, respectfully toward two people good a ritual, then presented the tea to two people in front of: Parents, please drink tea.” 正忐忑间,看到慕容清河一脸娇-羞和楚幼昭走了进来,恭恭敬敬地朝两人行了一礼,然后将茶奉到二人面前:“爹、娘,请喝茶。” Good, good, good.” Chu Zhongtian is happy laughs, more looked this stature- wife more likes. “好,好,好。”楚中天开心得大笑不已,越看这个儿-媳妇越喜欢。 Qin Wanru sees in the charming meaning heart on Murong Qinghe face then to feel relieved thoroughly. 秦晚如则是一看到慕容清河脸上的娇羞之意心中便彻底放下心来。 As the woman, she to this expression was really familiar. 身为女人,她对这种表情实在是太熟悉了。 Last night nuptial chamber satisfied her, now looked at the Youzhao look quick wiredrawing. 想必昨晚的洞房让她特别满意,如今看幼昭的眼神都快拉丝了。 Zu An that boy also really somewhat skill, no wonder in Brightmoon City, wanted anything to have nothing initially at that time, Chuyan actually cannot leave him. 祖安那小子还真有几分本事,难怪当初在明月城中,那时要啥没啥,初颜却始终离不开他。 Yeah, Chuyan may be mother is happier. 哎,初颜可比为娘幸福多了。 She stared nearby husband one eyes ill-humoredly, smiles, only knows that laughs foolishly there. 她没好气地瞪了旁边的丈夫一眼,笑笑笑,只知道在那里傻笑。 Chu Zhongtian only thought that behind some inexplicable round of cool, quickly sat straight the body, simultaneously the expression also enforced. 楚中天只觉得背后莫名有些发凉,急忙坐直了身体,同时表情也严肃起来。 When the Murong Qinghe tea respects the Qin Wanru front, some of she of vitality/angry turned into the smile instantaneously: Qinghe is clever, here has pot more sons , the more blessings gruel, you drank quickly.” 慕容清河的茶敬到秦晚如面前时,原本有些生气的她瞬间变成了笑脸:“清河乖,这里有一锅多子多福粥,你们快来喝了吧。” Nearby maidservant said: Last night Madame boiled an evening with various types of precious medicinal herbs.” 一旁的丫鬟说道:“昨夜夫人可是用各种珍贵药材熬了一晚上呢。” Wants you to talk too much!” Qin Wanru stared maidservant one eyes, but quite satisfies having tact of maidservant. “要你多嘴!”秦晚如瞪了丫鬟一眼,不过还是相当满意丫鬟的知情识趣。 many thanks mother.” The Murong Qinghe cheeks burn, especially thinks that last night was filled- full situation, thought that this gruel does drink no influence. 多谢娘。”慕容清河脸颊微烫,特别是想到昨晚被灌-满的情形,心想这粥喝不喝都没啥影响。 ...... …… When Chu Family here harmony happiness, Zu An called many high-ranking court officials in the palace, the fellow gentlemen in Academy discussed the important matter. 楚家这边其乐融融时,祖安则在宫中召集了诸多重臣,还有学院里的各位先生商议大事。 Many people notice jade auspicious and other Eight Dukes to stand under the stage respectfully, in the heart all has endless emotion. 不少人注意到玉瑞等八公都恭恭敬敬站在台下,心中皆是感慨不已。 The past Eight Dukes each and everyone nose child long/grows in the top of the head, besides several national significant ceremonies, will not come to the deliberation hall. 当年的八公一个个鼻子长在头顶上,除了几次国家重大典礼之外,根本不会来朝堂的。 Moreover even came to the deliberation hall, still has Sovereign to bestow the place, Zhao Hao especially is polite to them. 而且就算来了朝堂,也都有皇帝赐座,赵昊对他们都格外客气。 Which finally now also has the past arrogance, each and everyone with standing of quail there. 结果如今哪还有以往的傲气,一个个跟鹌鹑似的站在那里。 Academy that side mister is also, in the past each and everyone was aloof from worldly affairs, listens to that adjusted does not listen to proclaim, now each and everyone stands like the clever student above the deliberation hall. 还有学院那边的先生也是,以往一个个清高无比,听调不听宣的那种,如今一个个像乖学生一样站在朝堂之上。 Said, although this period of time died many ministers, but overall, instead is for dozens years deliberation hall neatest one time. 说起来虽然这段时间死了不少大臣,但整体而言,反而是数十年来朝堂最为齐整的一次。 The one who makes many looks strange is, a beautiful female of previous that black robe, probably Demonic Cult Cult Master Yun Jianyue. 更让不少人神色古怪的是,上首那个一身黑袍的美艳女子,好像是魔教教主云间月吧。 Her that and long hair of buttocks really had the symbolic, wants unable to recognize difficultly. 她那及臀的长发实在太有标志性了,想认不出来都难。 The renowned most wanted terrorist stands above the deliberation hall, actually no one dares saying that catches her, because who knows that she and Regent as if relate great. 着名的通缉犯站在朝堂之上,却没有人敢说去抓她,因为谁都知道她和摄政王似乎关系不浅。 Then, now Regent can control Demonic Cult, may compared with past Zhao Hao awesome. 说起来,如今摄政王魔教都能控制,可比当年赵昊牛逼了。 bead curtain following Bi Linglong and Liu Ning clear throat: Today calls everyone to come, is some Regent important matters announced.” 珠帘后面的碧玲珑柳凝清了清嗓子:“今日召集各位前来,是摄政王有大事宣布。” The people look to are getting up Zu An of head, can call it the important matter by him, does not know that is anything 众人纷纷望向正上首的祖安,能被他称之为大事的,不知道到底是什么 I will soon let another world and this world fuse.” The Zu An first few words then made the audience blast out the pot. “我即将让另一个世界和本世界融合。”祖安的第一句话便让全场炸开了锅。 He actually has another world 他竟然拥有另一个世界 The world fusion is what meaning 还有世界融合是什么意思 On the scene is entire whole world elite expert, no matter but which information makes them be startled. 在场的都是全天下的精英高手,但不管是哪一条信息都让他们吃惊不已。 Zu An lifts the hand slightly, in the main hall is quickly peaceful: „The world fusion can make the world source of this/Ben world more powerful, can make world essence qi more abundant, like this everyone cultivation got up before be much easier, realm that cannot break through for a very long time will also take very much smoothly that step, even realm above Earth Immortal is not no longer able to attain......” 祖安微微抬手,大殿中很快安静下来:“世界融合能让本世界的世界本源更加强大,能让天地元气更加充沛,这样大家修炼起来要比以前容易得多,久久不能突破的境界也会很顺利地迈出那一步,甚至地仙之上的境界也不再是无法企及……” Hears here, everyone burst with joy immediately. 听到这里,所有人顿时沸腾了。 This is what kind of mighty force, must know that cultivation to high-level realm, goes forward every time difficultly one step incomparable, even several years and even dozens years are unable the little advance. 这是何等的伟力,要知道修炼到高级境界,每前进一步都困难无比,甚至几年乃至几十年都无法寸进。 Many people have similar worry, now really has the means to be promoted 不少人都有类似的苦恼,如今竟然有办法得到提升 Especially the Eight Dukes remaining that several old men, each and everyone is almost excited to cry, must know that their life were not many, if the real world source has been strengthened, making them be able to break through, that baseless were many dozens years of life span 特别是八公剩下的那几个老者,一个个都激动得差点哭出来,要知道他们寿元本就不多,如果真的世界本源得到加强,让他们得以突破,那岂不是凭空多了几十年寿命 Some Imperial Court many people were discontented with the Zu An beforehand behavior, but is awed by his military force not to dare to display. 原本朝中还是有不少人对祖安之前的行为不满的,只是慑于他的武力不敢表现出来而已。 But now knows after this news, each and everyone wishes one could to hold his leg to shout the biological father. 但如今得知这个消息后,一个个恨不得抱着他的腿喊亲爹。 The Zu An sinking sound said: „After world fusion, world can has many mutations, everyone arranges, completes the protective measures of common people, does not want, because some terrain mountain sea changes produce some disasters to affect them to live.” 祖安沉声说道:“世界融合后,天地会有不少异变,各位安排下去,做好普通百姓的保护措施,不要因为一些地形山海的变化产生一些灾难影响他们生活。” Yes, Regent loves the people such as, seriously is the luck of common people......” “是,摄政王爱民如子,当真是百姓之福……” Minister full towards/dynasty now in heart happy, various rainbow fart bomb in waves. 满朝大臣现在心中高兴,各种彩虹屁轮番轰炸。 Zu An then said: Moreover you must complete the propaganda ahead of time, making whole world cultivator have a psychology to prepare, so as to avoid meets the great change suddenly, has what turbulence.” 祖安接着说道:“另外你们也要提前做好宣传,让天下修行者有个心理准备,免得骤逢巨变,产生什么动荡。” Naturally you also arrange family juniors cultivation, do not waste this promotion chance of a lifetime.” “当然你们自己也安排好家族子弟修炼,别浪费这千载难逢的提升机会。” Many ministers said with a smile: Is far more than once in a thousand years, ten thousand years, 100,000 years of such opportunity, we had not all escaped the Regent luck!” 不少大臣纷纷笑道:“何止是千载难逢啊,万年,十万年都没有这样的机会啊,我们全脱了摄政王的福啊!” Looks that deliberation hall these people kneel- licked the Zu An appearance, Bi Linglong and on the Liu Ning face also appeared the happy expression, before somewhat was also worried, as it now seems, gave Zu An to bring the unsurpassed prestige depending on this, later who dares to oppose him, perhaps will become will be the target of public criticism. 看着朝堂那些人“跪-舔”祖安的模样,碧玲珑柳凝脸上也浮现了笑意,之前还有些担心,现在看来,光凭这条就给祖安带来了无上威望,以后谁敢反对他,恐怕会成为众矢之的。 Disperses toward later, Zu An looks for Yun Jianyue and Yun Yuqing sisters: I planned that took advantage this period of setup time goes to Demon Race, nosed Demon Race exactly to have anything, you with me together.” 散朝之后,祖安找来云间月云雨晴姐妹:“我打算趁这段准备时间去魔族一趟,查探一下魔族到底发生了什么,你们跟我一起吧。”
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