KI :: Volume #15

#1436: The Ze of azure mound

One side three female dumbstruck, have not expected will have such accident, this terrifying monster unexpectedly by Zu An with mixing a day of damask silk tossing about such miserably. 一旁三女目瞪口呆,万万没料到会有这样的变故,这头恐怖的怪兽竟然被祖安用混天绫给折腾得这么惨。 The however several people are expert, without the half a point hesitates, while these nine infant weak times, launched the attack in abundance. 不过几人都是高手,没有半分犹豫,趁这九婴虚弱的时候,纷纷发动了攻击。 That nine infants obviously are startled and anger, nine roared to several people of angers, but the whole obviously compared with the former dispirited many. 那九婴显然是又惊又怒,九个头冲几人愤怒地咆哮,不过整体显然要比之前萎靡得多。 Just it could not win several people, now was not the opponent, then retreated in defeat again and again quickly, heads ruptured. 刚刚它都打不赢几人,如今更不是对手了,很快便节节败退,一颗颗头颅爆裂开来。 Breaks the neck place to sprinkle the blood, does not have to be long again. 断颈处洒着鲜血,再也没有重新长出来。 Sees the appearance that it creakies, Zu An direct flickers to move to arrive at its body side, grasps in the dagger poisonous, prepares to give it fatally to strike. 看到它摇摇欲坠的模样,祖安直接一个瞬移来到它身侧,手持匕里有毒,准备给予它致命一击。 However when he is just about to puncture that sword, in mind «Records Books» appears suddenly a caution picture. 不过他正要刺出那一剑之时,脑海中的《录图书》忽然浮现出一个警示画面。 Had previous time by Monster Sovereign sneak attack, this time he does not dare to have the half a point to hesitate, the hurried midway changed, displays to flicker to transfer to beyond nearby one zhang (3.33 m). 有了上次被妖皇偷袭一事,这次他不敢有半分犹豫,急忙中途变招,施展瞬移到了旁边一丈之外。 Almost is instantaneous, nine infant small abdomens stretch out an ugly head suddenly, wants to be smaller than another nine snake heads, but the fierce ugly that several snake heads add also to compare. 几乎是瞬间,九婴小腹部忽然伸出一个丑陋的头,比另外九个蛇头要小很多,但是狰狞丑陋那几个蛇头加起来也比不过。 This extends suddenly these is quickly like the lightning, sinister and ruthless incomparable, is almost every shot hits the target. 这突然伸出来这一下可谓是快如闪电,阴毒无比,几乎是百发百中。 That nine infants have not expected Zu An as if to have foresight to hide unexpectedly generally ahead of time! 那九婴万万没料到祖安竟然仿佛未卜先知一般提前躲了开去! Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue scratched cold sweat secretly, has not thought that these nine infants are so slyly sinister, just also played the incoming letter enemy unexpectedly by the weak program, tempts them to attack. 燕雪痕云间月暗暗擦了一把冷汗,没想到这九婴如此阴险狡猾,刚刚竟然还玩起来示敌以弱的戏码,引诱她们攻过去。 Even if by their cultivation base, under this move of sneak attack, may also suffer a loss, even causes the situation to reverse. 哪怕是以她们的修为,在这一招偷袭之下,可能也会吃大亏,甚至导致形势逆转。 Sure enough, at this time that nine infants saw the conspiracy failure, nine snake head vice ministers, are coordinating lower abdomen place that fierce head again, is demonstrating to several people, as to make them give way before difficulties. 果不其然,这时那九婴见阴谋失败,九颗蛇头再次长了出来,配合着小腹处那狰狞的头,正冲着几人示威,似乎想让他们知难而退。 It seems like lower abdomen that is its genuine brain.” Yu Yanluo said fast, with is the snake clan, has a natural sensitivity in this aspect. “看来小腹那个头才是它真正的大脑。”玉烟萝快速说道,同为蛇族,在这方面有一种天然的敏感。 Several people suddenly, no wonder just these nine had crushed at least one, but is unable to create the mortal wound. 几人恍然,难怪刚刚这九个头都击碎过至少一遍,但始终无法对其造成致命伤。 Originally the genuine head hides in the lower abdomen. 原来真正的头藏在小腹之中。 Before this secret, fears no one to know, knows had been harmed by its sneak attack, Zu An responded fortunately quickly, this made these nine infants expose. Had the goal, several people then approached lower abdomen that taper tap in abundance in the past. 这个秘密之前恐怕无人得知,知道的时候已经被其偷袭所害,也亏得祖安反应得快,这才让这九婴暴露了。有了目标,几人接下来纷纷向小腹那头攻了过去。 That nine infants use nine snake heads to go all out to protect the position of lower abdomen, these people that what a pity it faces fierce, so many time coordinates to be getting more and more adept, quick Zu An found an opportunity, depending on the advantage of getting a light sharp length of rifle , a spear/gun enters the soul! 那九婴动用九颗蛇头拼命护着小腹的位置,可惜它面对的这几人何等厉害,这么多次配合下来越来越娴熟,很快祖安找到一个机会,凭借火尖枪长柄的优势,一枪入魂! That ugly head was nailed tight on its own lower abdomen, as this was poked explodes, nine of bad people running wild hung instantaneously, that huge body also rumbled throws down on the ground. 那颗丑陋的头被钉死在了它自己的小腹上,随着这颗头被戳爆,原本还群魔乱舞的九颗头瞬间垂了下来,那庞大的身躯也轰地摔倒在了地上。 „Should this monster die?” Yu Yanluo somewhat worried, after all before this monster, intentionally Yin their one time. “这怪物应该死了吧?”玉烟萝有些担忧,毕竟这怪物之前也故意阴了他们一次。 Had died, its body does not have the least bit life aura.” The Yun Jianyue assured say/way, at her eyesight, naturally cannot misread. “已经死了,它身上已经没有半点生命气息。”云间月笃定道,以她的眼力,自然不会看错。 Several people then relax, will say anything, suddenly notices nine Yin corpses to start to wriggle. 几人这才松了一口气,正要说什么,忽然注意到九阴的尸体开始蠕动起来。 Yun Jianyue has a scare, oneself just said that this fellow did die hit the face? 云间月吓了一跳,自己刚说这家伙死了就被打脸? Where the face of solemn Demonic Cult Cult Master toward puts. 堂堂魔教教主的脸往哪里搁啊。 Several people quickly hide one side, so as to avoid this fellow has what mutation or counter-attack. 几人急忙躲到一旁,免得这家伙有什么异变或反扑。 nbssp ; The however nine infants have not reactivated, but is the whole body starts to melt, the huge body reduces gradually, finally changed to meat of one group of fist sizes, is wriggling slowly, as if there is life to be the same. nbssp;不过九婴并没有复活,而是浑身开始消融,巨大的身躯渐渐缩小,最后化作了一团拳头大小的肉,缓缓地蠕动着,似乎有生命一般。 Yan Xuehen spoke of: Nine infants can in a short time the cutting off limb rebirth, perhaps be this meat merit.” 燕雪痕说到:“九婴能短时间内断肢重生,说不定就是这肉的功劳。” Zu An took up that meat in the past, said that it has the vitality, is actually the dying thing ; Said that it is the dying thing, as if also has the vitality. 祖安过去拿起那肉,说它有生命力吧,却是个死物;说它是死物,却似乎又有生命力。 Such being the case, that one person comes one, even if cannot become Longevity, how many minute/share of healing abilities are still at least many, do you like steaming red-roast? Also or bakes directly?” “既然如此,那就一人来一口,就算不能变得长生,至少也多几分愈合能力,你们喜欢清蒸还是红烧?又或者直接烧烤?” Yu Yanluo reveals the color of face exclusion: Well ~ such disgusting thing, I do not eat.” 玉烟萝露出一脸嫌弃之色:“咦~这么恶心的东西,我才不吃。” Yan Xuehen also coldly said: I do not want.” 燕雪痕也冷冷说道:“我也不要。” I do not want also to turn into the nine infant such monsters,” Yun Jianyue deeply frowned, Little An, do not blame me not to remind you, if you ate the demon to melt, do not blame us to pay no attention to you.” “我可不想也变成九婴那样的怪物,”云间月眉头紧锁,“小安子,别怪我没提醒你,你要是吃了魔化了,别怪我们不理你了。” Zu An smiles embarrasedly: Relax, my resilience originally on, does not need to eat this.” 祖安讪讪一笑:“放心吧,我恢复能力本来就强,又不需要吃这个。” However has not hated to throw eventually, always thought that this thing perhaps in the future is constantly the precious medicinal herb, which Martial Goddess breakthrough need also or is, therefore its income in Glazed Treasure Bead. As nine infants were executed, the mighty waves turbulent ominous water is at present tranquiler. 不过终究没舍得扔,总觉得这东西说不定将来是一味珍贵的药材,又或者是哪个女武神突破需要,于是将其收入了琉璃宝珠之中。随着九婴被诛,眼前波涛汹涌的凶水都平静了很多。 The group crossed the ominous water, Yu Yanluo asks curiously: What then should cope with?” 一行人渡过凶水,玉烟萝好奇地问道:“接下来该对付什么?” The Zu An facial expression is somewhat strange: Gale!” 祖安神情有些古怪:“大风!” Reason that this , because he studies 《Phoenix Nirvana Scripture》 most to start the ability of learned is gale, depends on skill that this flickers to move, does not know that many time maintains life, therefore in Phoenix Nirvana Scripture all skills, to the sentiment of gale is deepest. 之所以这样,是因为他学《凤凰涅槃经》最开始学会的能力就是“大风”,靠着这瞬移的技能,不知道多少次保命,所以在凤凰涅槃经所有的技能中,对大风的感情是最深的。 Result time goal is to cope with the gale unexpectedly! 结果这次的目标竟然就是要对付大风! Although does not know the gale in gale and Phoenix Nirvana Scripture that will soon face has what relations, but always felt like that is pressing a stone. 虽然不知道即将面对的大风和凤凰涅槃经里的大风有什么关系,但是心里总觉得压着一块石头。 At this time Yun Jianyue looked to Yan Xuehen: Ices the barren woman, you still remember how just that Shun described the gale?” 这时云间月望向燕雪痕:“冰石女,你还记得刚刚那个舜是如何描述大风的么?” Yan Xuehen was used to her name obviously, the rebuttal was disinclined to refute, replied directly: Shape such as dog, but the person surface, sees the person to smile, its line like wind. It for the trillion of big wind-caused disaster, Yi executes the gale in Qingqiu Ze of presently.” 燕雪痕显然习惯了她的称呼,反驳都懒得反驳一下,直接答道:“状如犬而人面,见人则笑,其行如风。其现为大风灾之兆,羿诛大风于青丘之泽。” In the Zu An heart moves, at this time realized the issue, to the appearance description of gale, that gale that and do know very well as if is not quite how same? 祖安心中一动,这时才意识到了问题,怎么对大风的外貌描写,和自己所熟知的那个大风似乎不太一样呢? However Yun Jianyue emphasis on other matter: Well, can the Ze of azure mound, what relations have with Tushan rain that woman?” 不过云间月的关注点则在另外的的事情上面:“咦,青丘之泽,会不会和涂山雨那娘们有什么关系?” In the Zu An heart, could not help think charming of that night Tushan rain, right, at that time also with mixing a day of damask silk tied up her...... 祖安心中一荡,情不自禁想到了那一夜涂山雨的妩媚,对了,当时还用混天绫将她绑起来了…… His vision could not help fall on the Yan Xuehen waistband. 他的目光情不自禁落在了燕雪痕的腰带上。 In the Yan Xuehen heart jumps, this fellow was getting more and more dissolute, what if really looked by others, we also did see the person? 燕雪痕心中一跳,这家伙越来越放肆了,要是真被其他人瞧出什么了,我们还见不见人了? Yu Yanluo does not know that in two people have at this moment are so oversensitive move, ponder while said: Azure mound, is difficult to be inadequate here to contact with Tushan younger sister's azure mound state-owned what, is don't tell me remote ages the country of Fox Race?” 玉烟萝并不知道两人此刻有如此多心里活动,一边沉思一边说道:“青丘,难不成这里和涂山妹妹的青丘国有什么联系么,难道上古时期狐族之国?” This doubts soon obtained the explanation, as because one group of continue to proceed, saw all kinds of foxes in the open country gradually, these foxes are not completely shy, will stop to take a look at them, entered the Tushan rain when with them initially the azure mound country is very similar. 这个疑惑很快得到了解答,因为随着一行人继续往前,渐渐在野外见到了各种各样的狐狸,那些狐狸完全不怕人,甚至会停下来打量他们,和当初他们进入涂山雨的青丘国时十分相似。 Looks at these to stop in the roadside sizes up the own fox, Yun Jianyue has doubts to say suddenly: Shape such as dog, but the person surface, sees the person to smile, then described wasn't the fox?” 望着那些停在路边打量自己的狐狸,云间月忽然疑惑道:“状如犬而人面,见人则笑,则形容的不就是狐狸么?”
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