KI :: Volume #15

#1435: Nine infants

Heard that this nine infants do have nine heads?” Yan Xuehen recalls the information that beforehand Shun mentioned. “听说这个九婴有九个脑袋?”燕雪痕回忆之前舜提到的情报。 One hear is not good to cope.” Although Yun Jianyue said like this, the meaning of but slightly not having been afraid. “一听就不好对付。”云间月虽然这样说,但丝毫没有害怕的意思。 She and Yan Xuehen the strength restores most probably, in addition Zu An and Yu Yanluo now, the character who so long as does not bump into Monster Sovereign such Earth Immortal level, can definitely walk sideways. 她和燕雪痕如今实力恢复了大半,再加上祖安玉烟萝,只要不碰上妖皇这样地仙级的人物,完全可以横着走了。 What I am more curious is why these monster so many snake bodies.” Zu An is deliberately considering, the beforehand ya yu two lost/carrying main bodies are the person of first snake bodies, cultivating the snake is the snake, now these nine infants as if have the body of snake. “我更好奇的是为什么这些怪物这么多蛇身的。”祖安寻思着,之前的猰貐贰负本体都是人首蛇身,修蛇是蛇,如今这九婴似乎也有着蛇的身体。 You look at me to do, how I know.” The Yu Yanluo double cheek slightly red, stared his one eyes ill-humoredly. “你看我干什么,我怎么知道。”玉烟萝双颊微红,没好气地瞪了他一眼。 Sees her embarrassed appearance, several people could not bear smile. 看到她窘迫的样子,几人都忍不住笑了起来。 The group lead the way in such happy atmosphere, went out of the wildness of Shouhua quickly, arrived in front of a mighty waves turbulent river. 一行人就在这样欢乐的气氛中前行,很快走出了寿华之野,来到了一处波涛汹涌的大河面前。 Several people look at each other in blank dismay: How to see looks familiar?” 几人面面相觑:“怎么看着这么眼熟?” Also does not blame them to feel like this, because at present this river and beforehand Ruoshui look like very much, the mighty waves turbulent degree even must surpass the beforehand Ruoshui. 也不怪他们这样觉得,因为眼前这条大河和之前的弱水很像,波涛汹涌程度甚至还要超过之前的弱水。 Zu An squats in the shore, extended in the hand the river water, after feeling one, stood: This river water is actually very normal, anything like Ruoshui will not sink downward. However this river has the strangeness, just I nosed, felt too deep to see the bottom.” 祖安蹲在岸边,将手伸到了河水之中,感受了一阵后重新站了起来:“这河水倒是很正常,不像弱水那样什么东西都会往下沉。不过这条河有古怪,刚刚我查探了一下,感觉深不见底。” He used the Lan Fu ability sensation, this river water 1000 zhang (3.33 m) also several hundred zhang (333 m) depth, really have not been too odd, must know the previous life Yangtze River most deep place also more than 100 meters, because had the reason that the Three Gorges Dam will store water. 他用蓝凫的能力感知了一下,这河水没有一千丈也有几百丈深,实在是太离谱了,要知道前世长江最深处也就一百多米,还是因为有三峡大坝将蓄水的缘故。 This river unexpectedly comparing favorably with sea equally deeply! 这一条河竟然比得上海一样深了! That nine infants on conceals in inside?” Several people hear the water is so deep, somewhat was big, experienced front several passes/tests, they really do not want to touch the water again. “那个九婴就藏在里面么?”几人一听到水这么深,头都有些大了,经历了前面几关,她们实在不想再碰水了。 Several people could not find any good way to look for nine infants suddenly, when cannot be finding way out, weeping sound that suddenly hears a weak baby. 几人一时间也找不到什么好办法找九婴,正一筹莫展之时,忽然听到一阵微弱的婴儿的哭声。 How will this place have the baby to appear?” Yun Jianyue frowns. “这种地方怎么会有婴儿出现?”云间月眉头一蹙。 Yan Xuehen is calm, forgets kindnesses cultivation technique by her cultivation remote antiquity, so long as does not involve Zu An and her matter, is very difficult to promote what sentiment to fluctuate. 燕雪痕则是一脸平静,以她修行的太上忘情功法,只要不是涉及到祖安和她的事情,很难引起什么情绪波动的。 Yu Yanluo looks around everywhere: Has a look, if local common people accidentally loses the child here, we can also rescue to give back to others.” 玉烟萝则四处张望:“还是去看看吧,万一是本地百姓不小心将孩子遗落在这里,我们也可以救下来还给人家。” Passed through the front important pass, they also notice this world actually to have the indigenous common people to exist. 经过了前面的关口,她们也注意到这个世界其实是有土着的百姓存在的。 Is careful to cheat, this wilderness has the baby to appear, how to see that is not normal.” The Yun Jianyue reminder said. “小心有诈,这荒郊野外的有婴儿出现,怎么看都不正常。”云间月提醒道。 The Yu Yanluo slight nod, searches for carefully in all around. 玉烟萝微微点头,小心地在四周搜寻起来。 Arrives at the river bank quickly a piece of reed side, the weeping sound of baby transmits from inside. 很快来到河岸边一片芦苇地旁,婴儿的哭声就是从里面传来的。 „Is don't tell me an abandoned baby?” Yu Yanluo frowns slightly, normal child where will fall in this place, before had heard some people abandon the baby will throw in the reed marsh and so on place. 难道是弃婴?”玉烟萝微微蹙眉,正常小孩哪里会掉在这种地方,以前听说过一些人遗弃婴儿会扔在芦苇荡之类的地方。 The reed that she opens out the cover, carefully where looked for that child, a big mouth extends to come out to nip from the reed marsh suddenly toward her. 她拨开茂密的芦苇,仔细寻找那孩子在哪里,忽然一张血盆大口从芦苇荡中伸了出来一口往她咬来。 Be careful!” Several people of hurried reminders, take action rescues at the same time. “小心!”几人急忙提醒,一边出手相救。 Yu Yanluo not that naive goodness, from just started her to keep several points to guard luckily, when is at a crucial moment the foot, the whole person went far away sharp floating, avoids fatally that struck. 幸好玉烟萝并不是那种天真的善良,从刚刚开始她就留了几分防备,千钧一发之际足尖一点,整个人飘然远去,躲开了那致命一击。 At this time Zu An several people of attacks also arrived, that big mouth avoided vertical the body, several people then saw clearly the appearance of opposite party. 这时祖安几人的攻击也到了,那血盆大口躲避间竖直了身体,几人这才看清了对方的模样。 Not just one big mouth, but is nine, it is growing on the head, but the body is the gigantic snake body. 并不是只有一张血盆大口,而是九张,它长着就个脑袋,而身子是硕大的蛇身。 Although compared with cultivating the snake peak the volume wants to be smaller, but is joined to the head that nine rock at will, looks at extremely the to terrify person. 虽然比起修蛇巅峰时期来说体积要小些,但配上那九个随意晃动的脑袋,看着极为瘆人。 Because the attacked reason, that nine monsters are whooshing toward several people of angers. 因为刚刚被攻击的缘故,那九头怪物朝几人愤怒地嘶吼着。 At this time the people know where finally the beforehand that baby weeping sound came, was the sound that its mouth made! 这时众人终于知道之前那婴儿哭声是哪里来的了,就是它嘴里发出的声音! No wonder its name will be called nine infants! 难怪它的名字会叫九婴! At this time Yun Jianyue actually smiled: Such opponent is happy, does not have any complex background story, only needs to hit and that's the end.” 这时云间月却笑了起来:“还是这样的对手痛快,没有什么复杂的背景故事,只需要打就是了。” Zu An cannot help laughing, knows that she in ominous beast that the complaining first several passes/tests bumped into, each and everyone has the winding past, sometimes coped with instead the embarrassed under cruel methods. 祖安哑然失笑,知道她是在吐槽前几关碰上的凶兽,一个个都有着曲折的过去,有时候对付起来反而不好意思下狠手了。 At this time that nine infant somewhat got angry, these tiny human in the expression that in front of its dignified body actually has not feared, instead a talking and laughing merrily appearance. 这时那九婴有些怒了,这些渺小的人类在它威严的身躯面前竟然没有丝毫惧怕的表情,反而一副谈笑风生的样子。 Really absurd! 真是岂有此理! A its snake head opens mouth suddenly, a water arrow sprays to come toward several people, just like the water torch is ordinary, 它其中一个蛇头忽然张开嘴,一股水箭朝几人喷射而来,犹如高压水枪一般, Several people of hurried shunts, in same place position, was rumbled immediately a endocrater by the powerful water current. 几人急忙闪开,原地的位置,顿时被强大的水流轰出一个巨坑。 Yun Jianyue cold snort/hum, does not stay wields the star moon to start to counter-attack directly, result that nine infant several snake heads also spray water, her star moon/month wheel catch. 云间月冷哼一声,毫不停留直接挥动星月轮开始反击,结果那九婴好几个蛇头同时喷水,将她的星月轮挡了开来。 The waterdrop that these lasings come just like the dense and numerous bullets, left the innumerable deep traces in the river bank. 那些激射开来的水滴犹如密密麻麻的子弹,在河岸边留下了无数深深的痕迹。 At this time these snake heads changed the way of previous thick water column, but spouts the a stream of careful water line. 这时那些蛇头一改之前粗大水柱的方式,而是喷出一道道细细的水线。 Place visited, even if the hard stone, was cut two halves instantaneously silently. 所过之处,哪怕是坚硬的石头,也瞬间被无声无息切割成两半。 This intense attack, Yun Jianyue operates New Moon Wheel to protect before the body, keeps off forcefully is watertight, but did not have the opportunity to counter-attack temporarily. 这种密集的攻击,云间月操纵新月轮护在身前,硬生生挡得滴水不漏,只不过暂时没有机会反击了。 Zu An secret heart startled, said that to is the water softly, but the water might also is also huge, previous life sees in some videos the water blade of popular science, cuts iron like mud seriously, never expected that experiences today with own eyes. 祖安暗暗心惊,都说至柔莫过于水,但是水同样也威力巨大,前世看到一些视频里科普的水刀,当真是削铁如泥,没想到今天亲眼见识到了。 At this time the surrounding air fell instantaneously, had the snowflake of falling gently everywhere, 这时周围空气瞬间降了下来,到处有飘落的雪花, Obviously was Yan Xuehen take action, her Snowflake Divine Sword happen to restrained the Water Attribute attack. 显然是燕雪痕出手了,她的雪花神剑正好克制水系攻击。 The water arrow that nine infants spit was frozen instantaneously, naturally also lost the original might. 九婴吐出来的水箭瞬间被冻成了冰,自然也失去了原本的威力。 But these frost energy even follow the water that nine infants spit to freeze at the visible speed to spitting on the snake head of water. 而那些寒气甚至顺着九婴吐出来的水一路以肉眼可见的速度结冰到吐水的蛇头上。 Zu An admires secretly, before was used to her weak side, now she also only restores more than most likely (80%), when among take action has the peak Great Grandmaster elegant demeanor. 祖安暗暗佩服,之前习惯了她虚弱的一面,如今她也就只恢复了八成多,可出手间已有巅峰时大宗师的风采了。 Saw that two soon iced up, at this time nine infant several other yawns spouted the a stream of flame suddenly, these frost melt immediately. 眼看着那两个头都快要结冰了,这时九婴另外几个头忽然张口喷出一道道火焰,那些寒冰顿时消融起来。 Is spits the fire spits the water?” Several people were somewhat startled, especially three females, they rarely bump into this to shoulder two elemental strength simultaneously. “又是吐火又是吐水?”几人都有些惊了,特别是三女,她们很少碰到这样同时肩负两种元素力量的。 Said that this monster and Zu An somewhat resemble actually. 说起来这怪兽和祖安倒是有些相像。 However these nine infants actually not to the opportunity that they pant for breath, nine found the target respectively, is the water is the fire, non-stop attacking. 不过这九婴却没有给他们喘息的机会,九个头各自找到目标,又是水又是火,不停攻击起来。 The Yu Yanluo double pupil also bloomed the ray, the opposite party was the hydra, she was Medusa, who the rank of bloodlines is high who lowered also perhaps. 玉烟萝双眸也绽放起了光芒,对方是九头蛇,她则是美杜莎,血脉的等级谁高谁低还说不定呢。 Sure enough, to that snake head quick one stiff, the external skin starts to present the petrified the symptom, the quick speed, the entire snake head changed to a stone carving. 果不其然,正对着的那蛇头很快一僵,表皮开始出现石化的症状,很快的速度,整个蛇头都化作了一个石雕。 At this time several other snake heads turned around in abundance, simultaneously attacked to her. 这时另外几个蛇头纷纷转过来,同时向她攻击起来。 Yu Yanluo does not have the means to cope with such multi-thread simultaneously, quickly dodges. 玉烟萝没办法同时对付这么多头,急忙闪避。 At this time a gold brick flew, increased at the visible speed, then patted directly on that petrified head. 这时一块金砖飞了出去,以肉眼可见的速度变大,然后直接拍在那颗被石化的头颅上。 Before this is Shang Liuyu, delivers his one of the sea clan dragon palace several day step weapons, gold brick! 这是商留鱼之前送他的海族龙宫几件天阶兵器之一,金砖! First time uses, really the might is huge, the head of that petrification was patted by the giant gold brick instantaneously crushes. 头一次使用,果然威力巨大,那颗石化的头瞬间被巨大的金砖拍得粉碎。 That nine infants exuded the pitiful yell sound, the whole body shivered painfully, other eight swayed crazily. 那九婴发出了痛苦地惨叫声,浑身颤抖,其他八个头疯狂地摇晃起来。 Several people relax secretly, their several people coordinated to be getting more and more adept, so long as like this came again several times, this monster nine metropolis/can one by one were hit to explode. 几人则是暗暗松了一口气,他们几人配合越来越娴熟了,这样只要再来几次,这怪物九个头都会一一被打爆。 However several people of smile quick stiff on face, because that nine infants keep swaying, its breaks first flesh, starts to present many granulations to wriggle unexpectedly, then grew a snake head to come out at the visible speed, was shallower except for the color, looks at the meat to be tenderer, before that exactly the same! 不过几人的笑容很快僵在了脸上,因为那九婴不停摇晃,它的断首处的血肉,竟然开始出现很多肉芽蠕动,然后以肉眼可见的速度重新生长了一个蛇头出来,除了颜色浅一些,看着肉嫩一些,和之前那颗头一模一样! 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