KI :: Volume #15

#1425: Presently original form

Really is one good- color big wild boar! 果然是一头好-色的大野猪! Sees that to seal/confer Xiwang above the top of the tree the Yun Jianyue crazy appearance, Yan Xuehen and Yu Yanluo criticizes. 看到那封豨望着树顶之上云间月疯狂的模样,燕雪痕玉烟萝纷纷暗骂。 Relatively speaking, the performance of Ah Zu may be better too much were too many. 相比而言,阿祖的表现可要好了太多太多。 At this time that to seal/confer Xi the turning circle circle under the tree, raised the head is looking at Yun Jianyue of space dull, saw the middle of the month beautiful woman, its whole person was quite anxious, as if remembered what past events. 这时那封豨在树下转圈圈,抬头呆呆地望着天上的云间月,看到月中的美人,它整个人相当焦躁不安,似乎想起了什么往事。 Separated a while it not to satisfy looking, four small short legs toward a ground tread, actually called in the to the sky to fly. 隔了一会儿它已经不满足于看了,四条小短腿往地上一蹬,竟然嗷嗷叫着往天上飞了过去。 The posture is quite laughably funny, but is joined to its huge body, this stance as if giant shell, if were hit, let alone moon/month that slender and delicate body, is this big mulberry tree not necessarily shoulders in the clouds. 姿势极为滑稽可笑,不过配上它那庞大的身躯,这架势仿佛一颗巨大的炮弹,如果被撞实了,别说云中月那纤柔的身子,就是这颗大桑树都未必扛得住啊。 At this time Zu An also recovered, launched the spiritual attack of Bai Ming to that to seal/confer Xi directly. 这时祖安也回过神来,直接对那封豨发动了百鸣的精神攻击。 That flash, seals the xi whole body to tremble, figure obviously was stiff. 那一瞬间,封豨浑身一颤,身形明显僵了一下。 Zu An also feels in the mind a stabbing pain, Bai Ming this spirit attack copes with divine soul already expert that becomes, often is kills the enemy 1000 to damage 800. 祖安也感觉到脑海中一阵刺痛,百鸣这种精神攻击对付神魂已成的强者,往往是杀敌一千自损八百。 However Zu An depends resiliency, was duty-bound not to turn back with. 不过祖安仗着恢复力强,还是义无反顾用了。 In his eye flashes through doubts, because of just the flash of spiritual attack, is not a big wild boar that he as if saw, but was one by the robust man who the black air/Qi wound around. 他眼中闪过一丝疑惑,因为刚刚精神攻击的一瞬间,他似乎看到的不是一头大野猪,而是一个被黑气缭绕的壮汉。 However again next second, heaving in sight is still that big wild boar. 不过再下一秒,映入眼帘的依然是那头大野猪。 Because don't tell me the spirit did make a false counter- accusation against cause the vertigo? 难道因为精神反噬导致眼花了么? At this time while the flash that to seal/confer Xi from the sky was in a daze, a thick rope stretched the straight appearance from the crowded branch suddenly, just like the wire rope to block the river, blocked directly before to seal/confer Xishen. 这时趁封豨在空中发呆的一瞬间,一条粗大的绳索忽然从密集的树枝中绷直出现,犹如铁索拦江,直接拦在了封豨身前。 to seal/confer Xi recovers finally, in the eye flashes through one to disdain, its strength is greatly infinite, before these human were also fantasizing trips oneself with the rope, finally made to jump casually. 封豨终于回过神来,眼中闪过一丝不屑,它力大无穷,以前那些人类也幻想着用绳索绊倒自己,结果自己随便一挣就蹦断了。 Whatever he that rope blocks in body, is thinking jumps it with the impulse. 他任由那绳索拦在身上,想着借着冲击力将其蹦断。 However its pupil contracts suddenly fiercely, because it discovered that this rope had been attacked the limit by its castration obviously, even had elongated several times, the thick string became resulted in thin cannot be thin, as if must break momentarily general. 不过它瞳孔忽然剧烈收缩,因为它发现这绳索明明已经被它的去势冲击到了极限,甚至已经拉长了好几倍,原本粗粗的绳子变得细得不能再细了,仿佛随时要断裂一般。 But has not broken, but the spiritual attack that because it just incurred suddenly, the movement was broken, impulse weak many, wants to change again temporarily also without enough time. 可偏偏就没有断,而它自己因为刚刚突然招致的精神攻击,动作被打断了一下,以至于冲击力弱了好多,再想临时改变也来不及了。 That tight rope just like draws the full bow, when it castrates already certainly, shot toward the ground it fiercely again, the speed compared it came the time also wants the quick several points. 那绷紧的绳索犹如拉满的弓,在它去势已绝的时候,猛地将它重新往地上弹了上去,速度比它来的时候还要快几分。 This naturally is not the ordinary rope, but is the quantity day bluish green Yuejiao muscle. 这自然不是普通绳索,而是量天碧月蛟的筋。 Initially when West dog Hill Secret Realm helped Crown Prince complete the inspection, this muscle takes the spoils of war, was given to him by Crown Princess Bi Linglong. 当初在西犬丘秘境帮助太子完成考核的时候,这筋作为战利品,被太子妃碧玲珑送给他了。 Never expected that played the role at this time. 没想到这时候发挥了作用。 Naturally the depending quantity day bluish green Yuejiao muscle also not necessarily can stand up to strength greatly infinite to seal/confer Xi merely, Yan Xuehen held some rune to assist above in addition luckily, this will seal xi to trip successfully. 当然仅仅靠量天碧月蛟的筋也未必经得住力大无穷的封豨,幸好还有燕雪痕在上面加持了一些符文辅助,这才成功将封豨绊倒。 At this time that xi lost the center of gravity, the bang falls on the ground, the ground collapsed instantaneously. 这时那封豨失去重心,轰地摔在了地上,地面瞬间塌了下去。 This was just Yan Xuehen their prepare trap. 这是刚刚燕雪痕她们布置好的陷坑。 In the pit transmitted to seal/confer Xi repetitive angry roaring, it came for the beauty, the result has not tasted slightly the benefit, makes on the contrary dirtily, this dropping variance also was too rather big. 坑里传来了封豨的连连怒吼,它本是为了美色而来,结果没有尝到丝毫甜头,反倒弄得灰头土脸,这落差未免也太大了。 Looks that pit bottom these were pressed the fragment by it the splinter and sharp stone, does it think wants with these wounds to defending invincible unexpectedly? 看着坑底那些被它压成碎片的木刺、尖锐的石头,它心想竟然想用这些伤到防御无敌的自己? Roared is going out just to teach outside these experience short shallow fellows to cultivate the behavior, at this time periphery shone some blue lines suddenly, combined a design that densely and numerously let the person palpitation. 咆哮着出去正想教外面那些见识短浅的家伙作人,这时周围忽然亮起了一些蓝色的线条,密密麻麻地组合成一种让人心悸的图案。 Also saw in indistinctly the woods also some flags sway to shine. 隐隐约约还看到树林间还有些旗帜飘摇发亮着。 The big monster as Ancient Times time, it responded immediately, formation! 身为上古时代的大妖,它立马反应过来,阵法 At this time a picture scroll extended in the top of the head, blocked the sky, it only thought that at present the scene changes, no longer was the beforehand mulberry grove, but was a strange world. 这时一幅画卷在头顶伸展开来,遮天蔽日,它只觉得眼前景象一变,不再是之前的桑林,而是一片陌生的世界。 That picture scroll naturally is Yu Yanluo «Senriyama Nautical chart», but its rank is also not enough to surround to seal/confer Xi such Ancient Times big monster now. 那副画卷自然是玉烟萝的《千里山海图》,但如今它的品阶还不足以困住封豨这样的上古大妖。 Yan Xuehen, she got down grand formation in the surroundings arrange/cloth luckily ahead of time, however, then taking advantage of «Senriyama Nautical chart» as the eye, grand formation and «Senriyama Nautical chart» coordinates, immediately the might multiplies. 幸好还有燕雪痕,她提前在周围布下了一座大阵,然阵,然后借来《千里山海图》作为阵眼,大阵和《千里山海图》配合,顿时威力倍增。 Zu An several people also take advantage of opportunity to enter, he will display the white lotus ceremonial fire to seal xi to wrap directly. 祖安几人也顺势杀入阵中,他直接施展白莲圣火将封豨包裹起来。 to seal/confer Xi called out pitifully again and again, tried to project the steel needle soft body hair of body, old trick heavy lit the surrounding woods. 封豨惨叫连连,试图将身上的钢针毫毛射出,故技重施点燃周围的树林。 But in this grand formation from, which also has what mulberry grove now all day long? 可如今这大阵之中可谓是自成天地,哪还有什么桑林? As grand formation control, Yan Xuehen helped the people avoid these to just like the steel needle hair of attacking a city crossbow general might very much with ease. 身为大阵掌控者,燕雪痕很轻松地帮众人避开了那些犹如攻城弩一般威力的钢针毛发。 Simultaneously displays Snowflake Divine Sword, everywhere frost energy packages to go toward that xi. 同时施展雪花神剑,漫天的寒气往那封豨包裹而去。 With the aid of the strength of formation, her Snowflake Divine Sword might increases, these frost energy were roasted by the white lotus ceremonial fire, turns into the water vapor to hang in sealed xi body, hurts it to call out pitifully again and again. 借助阵法之力,她雪花神剑的威力大增,那些寒气被白莲圣火一烤,变成水汽挂在了封豨身上,疼得它惨叫连连。 In the Zu An heart moves, never expected that ices and union of fire, might unexpectedly such big. 祖安心中一动,没想到冰与火的结合,威力竟然如此之大。 Un, no wonder previous life so many men like the ice hot twofold day...... 嗯,难怪前世那么多男人喜欢冰火两重天…… He also no longer delays, offered a sacrifice to the universe circle directly, kept pounding toward its head. 他也不再耽搁,直接祭出了乾坤圈,不停地朝它头上砸去。 When it pounds confused, puts out front section to burn the long spear/gun of flame. 趁将其砸得七荤八素之际,拿出了一把前段燃烧着火焰的长枪。 This is also one of dragon palace day step weapons previous Shang Liuyu delivers- fire sharp spear/gun. 这也是上次商留鱼送的龙宫的天阶武器之一-火尖枪。 This to seal/confer Xi defends too strongly, the counter-attack is also very fierce, this type of long weapon is easier to cope with him, remembers that previous life these hunters also cope with the wild boar with the lance. 这封豨防御太强,反击也很凶猛,还是这种长柄武器更容易对付他,记得前世那些猎人也是拿长矛对付野猪的。 Although to seal/confer Xi the defense is strong, but also had Snowflake Divine Sword to injure by the white lotus ceremonial fire alternately, already weak many, let alone it is only the thing anti- is quite higher, where could also stand up to attach the fire sharp spear/gun of demon. 封豨的防御虽强,但被白莲圣火还有雪花神剑交替伤害,早已虚弱了不少,更何况它只是物抗比较高,哪里还经得住附了魔的火尖枪。 Basic every holds one time can leave behind a ignition the blood hole. 基本每一次捅都能留下一个灼烧的血窟窿。 Even if to seal/confer Xipi the coarse meat is thick, cannot stand up to such attack. 哪怕封豨皮糙肉厚,也经不住这样的不停攻击。 Knew for sure this way the danger, it loudly called out suddenly, then the whole person changed to one group of black air/Qi, that group black gasification made the innumerable small-scale wild boars toward to run in all directions. 情知这样下去自己危险了,它突然大叫一声,然后整个人化作一团黑气,紧接着那团黑气化作了无数小型的野猪往四面八方跑去。 Be careful, so long as escaped a young pig, it can escape the birth day, next time wants to make on it so not easy again.” Yun Jianyue is experienced, recognizes this immediately is law of the extremely wise maintaining life. “小心,只要被逃得一头小猪,它就能逃出生天,下次再想让它上就没这么容易了。”云间月见多识广,立马认出这是一种极为高明的保命之法。 Zu An is unhurriedly, if this xi maintains the shape of big wild boar, oneself cope somewhat to be troublesome, like this breaks up the whole into parts, perhaps is very thorny to others, but never lack AOE AoE Skill. 祖安却不慌不忙,如果这封豨保持大野猪的形态,自己对付起来还有些麻烦,这样化整为零,也许对其他人很棘手,可自己从来不缺AOE群攻技能啊。 He started the roar that snatches from lion clan there directly, terrifying roaring is flooding the trim world. 他直接发动了从狮族那里抢来的狮子吼,恐怖的咆哮充斥着整片天地。 Effect of this AoE Skill regarding the cultivation base high goal is limited, but seals xi to turn into the innumerable small wild boars, each strength considerably is weaken, immediately was shaken confused by the roar. 这种群攻技能对于修为高的目标来说效果有限,但封豨化成无数小野猪,每个的实力都大为减弱,顿时被狮子吼震得七荤八素 When these small wild boars are unbending, Zu An started Blue Luan sword, innumerable sword qi drop from the clouds, small wild boar all over will all nail tight on the ground. 趁那些小野猪僵直之际,祖安发动了青鸾剑阵,无数剑气从天而降,将漫山遍野的小野猪全都钉死在了地上。 Finally these small wild boars change to bunch of black air/Qi to dissipate, gathered to seal xi that huge body. 最后那些小野猪化作一团团黑气消散,重新聚集成了封豨那庞大的身体。 However at this time its whole body is tattered and torn, suffocates. 不过此时它浑身已经千疮百孔,奄奄一息了。 Zu An grasps the fire sharp spear/gun, when result its life, that xi huge body turned into a human form suddenly: Real man forgives, the real man forgives!” 祖安手持火尖枪,正要结果其性命之时,那封豨庞大的身躯忽然变成了一个人形:“好汉饶命,好汉饶命!” Several people see that in great surprise, has not thought that this to seal/confer Xi unexpectedly is a person. 几人见状大惊,万万没想到这封豨竟然是一个人。 Must know the beforehand ya yu person surface snake body, body many inhuman special characteristics. 要知道之前猰貐都还是人面蛇身,身上很多非人特质。 But at present this fellow, from head to foot, is typical human. 可眼前这家伙,从头到脚,就是典型的人类。 Zu An is more surprised, when this person of looks and he just launched the Bai Ming spirit attack, the person's shadow that in the mind feeds back is exactly the same, is don't tell me this to seal/confer Xi the true body? 祖安更加吃惊,因为这人长得和他刚刚发动百鸣精神攻击时,脑海中反馈出来的人影一模一样,难道这才是封豨的真身? Who are you?” Yun Jianyue drinks to ask. “你是谁?”云间月喝问道。 The robust man looked at Yun Jianyue one, obviously recognized her is the female who just in the moonlight danced, in the eye revealed one infatuated and complex look of hate. 那壮汉看了云间月一眼,显然认出了她就是刚刚月光中跳舞的女子,眼中露出了一丝痴迷与怨恨的复杂神色。 He quickly lowers the head to reply: I called to meet ignorant/veiled, before was a hunter, initially rid the people of an evil to cope with to seal/confer Xi, although successfully killed it, but by the black air/Qi attack of its body, was actually changed to its appearance unknowingly, saved me to get out of misery thanks to several people.” 他急忙低头答道:“我叫逢蒙,以前是一位猎人,当初为民除害来对付封豨,虽然成功杀了它,但是却被它身上的黑气侵袭,不知不觉化作了它的模样,多亏几人救我脱离苦海。” Zu An how many people look at each other in blank dismay, the look is quite strange, how to look like with ya yu, is difficult to be inadequate is a cruel fate person? 祖安几人面面相觑,神色都极为古怪,怎么和猰貐那么像,难不成又是一个苦命人?
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