KI :: Volume #15

#1424: Day demon charm dance

Yun Jianyue looks so wants, has not actually revealed anything, reveals only possibly was that fine collar bone. 云间月看着如此欲,却偏偏没有露什么,唯一露出来的可能是那精致的锁骨了。 Zu An remembers beforehand Qiu Honglei to him the popular science, the frank chest reveal meat is law of the most preliminary seduction, is wise Charming Technique, seems pure, the makings have the dust to be refined. 祖安想起以前秋红泪给他科普过,坦胸露肉是是最低级的诱惑之法,越是高明的媚术,越显得纯洁,气质出尘脱俗。 Actually according to their standards, Yan Xuehen this type obviously was also Seduction Art highest realm, when just Yun Jianyue entered the stage, making several people have one type to be mistaken that saw the Yan Xuehen misconception. 其实按照她们的标准,燕雪痕这种显然也是媚功的最高境界了,所以刚刚云间月出场时,让几人都有一种误以为看到了燕雪痕的错觉。 Naturally the Yan Xuehen makings were also too chilly, therefore Yun Jianyue body will reveal that arousing heart and soul unknowingly flattering intent, don't said the man, even if a Yan Xuehen and Yan Xuehen liangs woman saw still the heartbeat accelerates. 当然燕雪痕气质又太清冷了些,所以云间月身上不经意间会流露出那种撩人心魄的媚意,莫说男子,就算是燕雪痕个女人看到了也心跳加速。 What look your is, can't I a feminine charm point?” A Yun Jianyue phoenix vertical stroke. “你们那是什么眼神,我就不能女人味一点么?”云间月凤目一竖。 Zu An relaxes: Familiar Yun Elder Sister came back, to be honest, a little had not just been familiar with.” 祖安松了一口气:“熟悉的云姐姐又回来了,说实话,刚刚还有点不习惯呢。” What's wrong, you thought that I now this is unattractive?” The Yun Jianyue eyebrow concentrates, the tone is somewhat intense. “怎么,你觉得我现在这样不好看?”云间月眉毛微凝,语气有些紧张。 Zu An cannot help laughing: How possibly, no matter present you, are beforehand you, is outstandingly beautiful of lovely enough to cause the fall of a city, if who dares saying that you are unattractive, he was the eye is mostly blind.” 祖安哑然失笑:“怎么可能,不管是现在的你,还是以前的你,都是倾国倾城的绝色,要是谁敢说你不好看,他多半是眼睛瞎了。” Yun Jianyue then transfer sorrow to happily: Brat, no wonder can deceive so many women runs around in circles, this small mouth wiped the honey to be the same simply. However this move may be useless to me.” 云间月这才转忧为喜:“臭小子,难怪能将那么多女人骗得团团转,这小嘴儿简直抹了蜜一样。不过这招对我可没用。” Yes, how I noticed that some people of corners of the mouth as rapid setting went as the root of the ear.” Yan Xuehen brutally sees through an affair to say. “是么,我怎么看到有人嘴角都快裂到耳根去了呢。”燕雪痕无情地拆穿道。 Snort, I can understand that you are the envy, this Throne does not lower oneself to the same level with you.” Yun Jianyue was happy at this time, rare has not been angry. “哼,我可以理解你这是嫉妒么,本座不跟你一般见识。”云间月此时心情高兴,难得没有生气。 „Do I envy you?” Yan Xuehen was instead angry, why did not know, just saw Zu An like that flattering the commendation opposite party, she was angry. “我嫉妒你?”燕雪痕反而恼了,不知道为何,刚刚看到祖安那般“谄媚”地称赞对方,她心里就有气。 Actually she is also clear, Zu An commendation not too major problem, but she feels to flatter. 其实她也清楚,祖安的称赞并没有太大的问题,但她就是觉得谄媚。 You are envy me also to have your makings similarly, usually in this Throne disdains to play your wrap/sets.” Yun Jianyue contemptuously said. “你是嫉妒我同样也能有你那种气质呗,平日里本座只是不屑玩你那套而已。”云间月轻蔑地说道。 Yan Xuehen was instead happy: Good, after going out, you try with this set, when the time comes I look like various whole world factions to introduce the Demonic Cult Cult Master other aspect.” 燕雪痕反而乐了:“好呀,等出去后你就用这一套去试试,到时候我重新像天下各门各派介绍魔教教主的另一面。” Bah, I do not want to collaborate with your Righteous Sect hypocrites.” Yun Jianyue is also clear, she must stay this condition, must display Charming Technique. “呸,我可不想和你那些名门正派的伪君子同流合污。”云间月也清楚,她要保持这种状态,必须一直施展媚术 Thinks that displays Charming Technique to the person who in these ordinary days cannot have a liking, her then whole body chill. 想到对那些平日里看不上的人施展媚术,她便浑身恶寒。 cough cough, how we prepare to direct that to seal/confer Xijin trap.” Zu An quickly hits to block the way. ,我们还是准备好如何引那封豨进陷阱吧。”祖安急忙打断道。 Gives me.” Yun Jianyue smiled proudly, passed by the Zu An side time, sound transmission said in secret, do not forget just your words.” “交给我吧。”云间月傲然一笑,路过祖安身边地时候顿了顿,暗中传音道,“别忘了刚刚你的话。” Zu An said with a smile slightly: Relax, I ensure the eye does not wink.” 祖安微微笑道:“放心,我保证眼睛都不眨一下。” Blushing on Yun Jianyue cheeks flashes past, the hurried foot, the whole person jumped sharp above the top of the tree. 云间月脸颊上的红晕一闪而过,急忙足尖一点,整个人跳跃到了树顶之上。 Although this mulberry tree is high, but Yun Jianyue figure is lithe, steps on goes easily and freely general on above leaf. 这桑树虽高,但云间月身形轻盈,踩在上面叶子上如履平地一般。 At nightfall , the cold wind of top of the tree is very big, may not have to affect the Yun Jianyue half a point. 入夜过后,树顶的寒风很大,可没有影响到云间月半分。 Makes the fine gauze on her women's clothing dance in the breeze on the contrary, the whole person fairyism is even more floating. 反倒让她衣裙上的轻纱飘舞,整个人越发仙气飘飘。 Saw only her deeply to look at Zu An one, then the wrist/skill lifted lightly, a tip of the toe point, tender willow tree of figure in like breeze, as if dancing lightly and gracefully in the bright moonlight got up. 只见她深深看了祖安一眼,然后手腕轻抬,脚尖一点,身形如同微风中的嫩柳,仿佛在明月中翩翩起舞起来。 The moonlight came from the behind photo, her women's clothing as if translucent general, even more serves as contrast inside body to be slender. 月光从后面照来,她的衣裙仿佛半透明一般,越发衬托出里面的身躯窈窕动人。 Seeming like as if no putting on clothes clothes to be the same, but cannot see anything specifically, such a inexplicable dim beauty, flexure your heart is itchy, anything does not need to do, enough has made one think. 看起来仿佛没穿衣裳一般,可具体又看不到什么东西,这样有一种莫名的朦胧之美,挠得你的心痒痒的,什么都不需要做,就已经足够让人浮想联翩了。 Quick delightful graceful- the revolutions hum/snort spread over the trim mulberry grove from the tree summit. 很快一阵悦耳婉-转的哼声从树巅之上传遍了整片桑林。 No lines, as if instinct summon, seems the heavenly music of come from soul. 没有任何台词,仿佛本能地呼唤,又好似来自灵魂的仙乐。 Zu An only thought that the hair soon set upright, that absorbed the hum/snort that the person heart and soul the dancer's posture was joined to this to think, as if innumerable demoness windings side him, to his ear twittering the greasy language, in his mind are reappearing immediately the pictures of many being red in the face. 祖安只觉得头发都快要竖起来了,那摄人心魄的舞姿配上这浮想联翩的哼声,仿佛无数魔女缠绕在他身边,对着他的耳朵呢喃腻语,他脑海里顿时浮现出很多面红耳赤的画面。 He only thought that the whole body blood as if must boil, bends the waist unknowingly slightly, builds both hands before the body, covers up awkwardly taking advantage of the sleeve. 他只觉得浑身的血液仿佛都要沸腾起来,不经意间稍稍弯腰,将双手搭在身前,借袖子遮掩尴尬。 Bad, must lose face!” A Zu An heart bang bang jumps as if beats a drum general, bountiful by his present strength in meditation, as if must fall into enemy hands on all fronts, the key is side also has Yan Xuehen and Yu Yanluo, if in front of their to lose face, later the own glorious image did crash thoroughly? “糟了糟了,要出丑!”祖安一颗心砰砰直跳仿佛打鼓一般,饶是以他如今的定力,似乎也要全线失守,关键是旁边还有燕雪痕玉烟萝,要是当着她们的面出丑,以后自己的光辉形象岂不是彻底崩塌了? But at present the situation completely by his brain control, purely is not the response of body instinct. 可是眼前情形完全不受他大脑控制,纯粹是身体本能的反应。 Perhaps did not look the female who that tree summit can suppress Qi to read reluctantly. 恐怕只有不看那树巅的女子才能勉强压住绮念。 However that picture as if the demonic nature, making you not hate to put aside the vision. 不过那画面似乎又魔性,让你根本舍不得移开目光。 Originally if merely is this, by Zu An now will, but can also force to put aside the vision. 本来如果仅仅是这样,以祖安如今地毅力,还能勉强将目光移开。 But he remembered just complied with the Yun Jianyue matter, how could also to renege on a promise. 可他想起刚刚答应云间月的事情,又岂能出尔反尔。 Therefore braces oneself to continue to look, he saw quickly the beautiful pupil that a pair absorbs the person heart and soul, Yun Jianyue has been visiting him. 于是硬着头皮继续看着,他很快看到了一双摄人心魄的美眸,原来云间月一直在看着他。 As if detected that his embarrassed, the self-satisfied color in Yun Jianyue eye flashes past, therefore among any move is even more supple, if boneless. 似乎察觉到他的窘迫,云间月眼中的得意之色一闪而过,于是举手投足间越发柔若无骨。 This woman is playing with fire, but also remembers that I am the man of your apprentice.” Zu An at this time already full Toure. “这女人在玩火啊,还记不记得我是你徒弟的男人啊。”祖安此时已经满头热汗了。 Yan Xuehen is also red in the face at this time, in the mind non-stop floating off in the Great Snow Mountain hot spring extremely to flog- Cut down, her instinct looked to nearby man, at this time actually discovered that startled the Yu Yanluo same double cheek looked crimson lovingly to Zu An, two people noticed that each other vision was startled. 燕雪痕此时也面红耳赤,脑海中不停浮起大雪山温泉之中自己不堪挞--伐的一幕幕,她本能地望向了一旁的男人,这时却愕然发现玉烟萝同样双颊绯红含情脉脉地望向祖安,两人看到彼此的目光不禁一怔。 The Yan Xuehen heart jumps, immediately sobered three points, quickly said: 燕雪痕心头一跳,马上清醒了三分,急忙说道: Demonic Cult Legendary day demon charm dance and Heavenly Demon Bewitching Sound, are really outstanding.” 魔教传说中的天魔魅舞与天魔魅音,果然不同凡响。” Yu Yanluo just also remembered itself and Zu An boudoir amusing thing, suddenly is also much more afraid: „, This is the Legendary day demon charm dance and Heavenly Demon Bewitching Sound.” 玉烟萝刚刚也想起了自己和祖安的闺房趣事,一时间也心虚得厉害:“啊,这就是传说中的天魔魅舞和天魔魅音啊。” By her status, naturally also listens to these two reputations to be bigger much cultivation technique, hands down not to have the man to resist its seduction, in whom but has not heard the day demon charm dance or Heavenly Demon Bewitching Sound, handing down this is the Demonic Cult most mystical excellence flatters- technique, will not display in common man body. 以她的身份,自然也听过这两门名头大得惊人的功法,相传没有男人能抗拒其诱惑,不过从来没听说过谁中过天魔魅舞或者天魔魅音,相传这是魔教最神秘的无上媚-术,绝不会施展在一般男人身上 Never expected that sees today unexpectedly fortunately, let alone the man, they could not even support as the female. 没想到今天竟然有幸看到,别说男人了,连她们身为女子也支撑不住啊。 Yan Xuehen observes the Zu An facial expression secretly, looks that he is red in the face to be sweating profusely, she does not have the least bit vitality/angry, even she somewhat could not dominate, he did not have the response to be strange. 燕雪痕偷偷观察到祖安的神情,看着他面红耳赤满头大汗,她却没有半点生气,连她都有些把持不住了,他没反应才怪了。 Burns the article 燃文 On the contrary he can insist now, this will has surpassed did not know many men. 相反他能坚持到现在,这份毅力已经超过了不知道多少男人了。 Never expected that he usually in good- color appearance, in fact unexpectedly also so gentleman. 没想到他平日里一副好-色的模样,实际上竟然还如此正人君子 At this moment, a pig recited to make a sound, the woods in not far away rustle made noise, a huge body jumped, is roaring to the middle of the month female, a small eye as if started becomes somewhat red. 就在这时,一阵猪吟响了起来,不远处的树林簌簌作响,紧接着一个庞大的身躯跳了出来,对着月中女子咆哮着,一双小眼睛似乎都开始变得有些红了。
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